Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

081 The world opens up, the four seasons are reincarnated! The lord space is born!

081 The world opens up, the four seasons are reincarnated! The lord space is born!

"Two years?"

Ding Zhenchang was stunned and said, "If it is two years... 800,000 years! 39

"What about three years?

"Sixty thousand a year!"

"Five years?"

"Forty thousand! 35

Wang Yan can see it, the Mayor Ding has an expected price in his heart.

Whether it's a one-time sale that only rents for one year, or a long-term lease that lasts for several years, as long as it reaches the expected price in his heart... The rest is quite arbitrary.

Think about it.

Wang Yan pleaded guilty to Mayor Ding, and then walked out with Liu Yemei.

After walking into a small room next to him, he asked, "This Mayor Ding is very short of money?

"Who lives here who is not short of money?"

Liu Yemei smiled bitterly and said, "Like me, anyone who can find a way out is basically unwilling to come back."

"Mayor Ding..."

"If you are short of money, you should want to build a road, right?

"Tell me carefully." Wang Yan nodded.

"Mayor Ding is the first group of people on our side to come out of the mountains." Liu Yemei organized the language, "It's just that he didn't stay outside like the others.

"But after seeing the prosperity and convenience outside, I returned to this mountain, and I wanted to take the villagers in the mountain to get rid of poverty and live a life that people really should live.


"It's too closed here. 35

"Even if Mayor Ding has all kinds of abilities, there is nothing he can do.

"A few years ago, the government allocated funds to build the road. He finally saw a little hope, but later, half of the road was repaired, and the money was swallowed up."

"Even if the person who swallowed the money was caught afterwards, the money would not be recovered. What used to be a spacious road that led directly to the outside became a rugged and difficult mountain road."

"This matter has also become a knot in Mayor Ding's heart.

"In recent years, he has been going to the county and even the city to apply for the restoration of the road again. But the budget of the county and city is also limited, and even if he occasionally approves a small amount, it is a drop in the bucket."5

"That's why Mayor Ding started his own idea of ​​raising funds to build roads. Over the years, he has called on people who have walked out of the mountains to donate money to their hometown, and I have also donated more than 100,000 yuan one after another..."

"Everyone's donations, coupled with Mayor Ding taking advantage of the slack season, organized everyone to build the road together. After a few years, it has become what it is now."

"The road is clear, and I can barely walk a small car. But it is still a long way to reach the standard enough to develop a big mountain.

"So, the money for renting the mountain is also used to build roads?

Wang Yan understands.


Liu Yemei was a little embarrassed: "Because of knowing these things, Mr. Wang, when you proposed to rent the mountain, but didn't ask for the location, I became selfish and told Mayor Ding about it.

"The originally negotiated price was 200,000 a year, which is nearly double that of other places... I didn't expect that things would turn out like this..."

Liu Yemei felt a little guilty and a little remorseful.

Wang Yan made no accusations.

While meeting the requirements of customers, it is a good quality to be able to think about your poor hometown and draw lists for your hometown.

Say it again.

Wang Yan really took a fancy to the hills here.

The remote location, inaccessible, surrounded by rivers, beautiful scenery, coupled with dense forest vegetation and rich animal resources... Really meets all his requirements for his own territory!

Since it was to build a road and benefit one party, Wang Yan's little grudge against Mayor Ding naturally disappeared.

He is not a benevolent man.


His money came easily.

There is no shortage of funds.

On the premise that his own interests are not damaged and the mountain perfectly meets his requirements, he will pay a little more money to him and change the living conditions of tens of thousands of people in these mountains...

Isn't it also a beautiful thing?


Wang Yan returned to the conference room again.

at this time.

Mayor Ding was a little disappointed and regretful.

It seems that he regretted that his price was too harsh, and scared away Wang Yan, the big (injustice) rich (big) (big) (big) (head) who was so hard to come by, and also let the funds that Liu Yemei finally won disappear.

I saw Wang Yan walk in.

Mayor Ding hurriedly put away his loss and annoyance, and said eagerly: "Mr. Wang, I have thought about it, this price... we can talk about it again"!"

"Don't talk about it.""

Wang Yan said with a smile: "400,000 years for a ten-year lease. As long as Mayor Ding agrees, I can sign the contract at any time, and I can pay all the money in one lump sum!

When he heard Wang Yan say "don't talk about it", Mayor Ding's heart went cold.

But what Wang Yan said next made his mood rise from hell to heaven in an instant!

Four hundred thousand a year!

Ten years in a row!

Wang Yan will also pay in one lump sum!

That is to say, as long as the contract is signed, four million in cash will soon arrive in the town! This amount is more than double the amount he originally expected!

With these four million, plus the folks do it themselves.

That road should be able to pass, right?

Four million may be just a house in a big city; even the dilapidated factory that Wang Yan rented on the outskirts of Zhonghai City cost almost three million!

And here.

Four million is a knot in the heart of Mayor Ding, the goal he has worked hard for most of his life, and it is also a hope for the thousands of residents in the mountains!

Stiff body.

Lips trembling.

Even his eyes were a little red.

Ding Xiaojie knows that the mountain that Wang Yan chose... really has no value for development at all!


If you want to develop the value of that mountain, you must first invest in billions, or even billions!

Ding Xiaojie can understand that if it is only rented for one year, it is the pleasure of rich children; but rented for ten years... Come to think of it, what did Liu Yemei say to him during the time they left?

The four million is nominally ten years' rent for a mountain, but in fact... I'm afraid it's Wang Yan, a rich kid from a big city, who is kind to this town and this mountain, right?

By wiping his glasses, he inadvertently wiped away a tear from the corner of his eyes. Mayor Ding took a few steps forward, held Wang Yan's hand, and shook it vigorously: "I'm sorry, I'm a little lost."

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, all contracts can be signed immediately!"

"I won't talk about other old men, and I really can't come up with anything that can make President Wang admire."

"I can only say that when the road on our side is open and the transportation is convenient, if President Wang comes to play again... No matter where you go, even if you go to climb your mountain, I will definitely accompany you! 99

Intention achieved.

The next step is simple.

The lease contract Liu Yemei had already brought.

Wang Yan signed on his own behalf.

Ding Xiaojie signed on behalf of the town official.

After the contract was signed, the seal of Mayor Ding was affixed, and Wang Yan transferred the four million funds as soon as possible, and the lease was completed.

Approved by the system.

From now on, and ten years from now, the right to use the mountain that is dozens of miles away belongs to Wang Yan.

The real-world credentials are already in hand.

As long as Wang Yan wants to.

He can return to the castle copy at any time, relying on the beautiful mountain that exists in the real world, to generate and transform his own lord space!


As usual, eat.

It's not a luxurious meal, but the small pheasants, free-range sheep, mountain mushrooms... and many other local specialties carefully cooked in the town hall canteen taste very good.

Full of wine and food.

After thanking Mayor Ding for the idea of ​​sending someone to take him to the county seat, Wang Yan excused himself to walk around, and someone came to pick him up and left the town compound after a while.


When he left the town and entered the range of the mountains, his mind moved, and he disappeared from the spot and appeared in his own castle copy.

in the castle copy.

When Wang Yan's figure appeared, the ethereal system prompt sounded in real time.

"Ding! 99

"You have obtained temporary ownership of an area of ​​the real world."

"Do you use this area as a basis to generate your exclusive lord space?"5


With Wang Yan's words, his vision began to change dramatically!


After Wang Yan appeared in the castle dungeon, by default, he appeared in the magic castle transformed from the villa of his family.


As the exclusive lord space begins to generate.

His vision suddenly widened!

Around the magic castle, the thick fog receded rapidly, revealing large swathes of gray and white barren land.

And after the gray and white earth that seemed to have no vitality was revealed, countless green buds began to quickly drill out and grow from the earth.

Or become a piece of grass, or become a curved vine, or grow into a towering tree.

Zoom out.

The castle space, which originally covered only a few thousand square meters, began to expand wildly at this moment!

From thousands to tens of thousands.

From tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

In just the blink of an eye, this castle space... has expanded to the extent that it occupies a radius of dozens of miles! It is countless times before!

The magic castle still exists.


The ground below it is rising rapidly, and countless plants are cramming out crazily.

When the entire castle space expanded to dozens of miles in radius... the location of this magic castle has changed from the center of the castle space to being located on the mountainside of a big mountain!

That's right.

This area of ​​dozens of miles around... just happens to be the mountain that Wang Yan rented in the real world, and the area of ​​half the river that surrounds it!

Space development.

The earth rises.

Plant generation.

Witnessing the whole process of the exclusive lord space generation, this scene in front of him is like a world-breaking scene, which deeply shocked Wang Yan!

He can't imagine.

What kind of power can it be to open up such a space in the void - even if this space still needs the support from the real world.

He is also infinitely longing.

With my own evolution and my own strength, one day... I can do the same as the scene in front of me, open up a real space with a wave of my hand, and master the power like a creator, right?

A territory of dozens of miles around.

There are mountains.

have water.

There are plants.

There are mushrooms.

The only thing missing is all kinds of animals.


His castle has changed from a small space to such a vast area... Wang Yan is already very satisfied.

do not forget.

He still has the authority as a monster lord!

When he has not yet advanced to the lord boss and has not yet generated an exclusive territory, he can make drastic changes to the castles, not to mention the current exclusive territory?

""〃Let there be light!"

Wang Yan, standing on the terrace of the Magic Castle, said so.


A round of blazing sun emerged from the sky.

Sprinkle thousands of golden lights to illuminate the entire lord space, which is no different from the daytime in the real world!


The blue sky suddenly appeared, blocking the rolling fog at the edge of the castle space at a height of more than ten miles, forming a blue sky that looked like a real thing.

"Have a cloud!

The rising water vapor and the white clouds dotted the azure sky, not only making the entire sky covering the lord's space more real, but also more vivid.

"There must be a day and night shift!"

The blazing sun fell, the silver moon rose, and the twinkling stars dotted the sky, making the blue sky during the day turn into a black night sky at night, sparkling little by little.

"There must be four seasons of reincarnation!"

Spring is blooming, flowers are lush, autumn is full, and winter is snowing... In just one minute, the entire lord space has experienced a complete four seasons, and finally returned to the autumn corresponding to the real world.

What is word of mouth?

This is what you say!


This is not a supernatural power that Wang Yan possesses.

This is the power of the system, the rules of the castle space, and Wang Yan's unique authority in his own exclusive space as the lord boss!

It can be said.

All that happened just now, in essence, was Wang Yan's use of his own authority to mobilize the rules of the castle space and change the background of his lord space!

Even the change of day and night and the reincarnation of the four seasons are nothing more than changing the background from a static image to a moving image!

The operation rules of the lord space have been set.

Wang (Zhao Zhao's) Yan thought a move.

This piece of castle space, which originally occupied dozens of miles, was rapidly expanding at this moment!

Just as he was able to expand the castle tenfold when he first transformed the castle; he can still expand tenfold in the territory that belongs to him in front of him!

Under Wang Yan's will.

The castle space that was originally tens of miles in radius has expanded to hundreds of miles in radius at this moment!

Even the mountain under his feet...

At this time, it has also changed from more than 1,000 meters to more than 10,000 meters! It has nearly doubled the highest peak in the real world!


This giant mountain began to expand frantically toward the surroundings, and it has been expanding to the edge of the castle space.

Immediately after.

The center of the giant mountain collapsed!

From the giant peak of more than 10,000 meters straight into the sky, it collapsed into a basin in an instant! And the mountain that originally expanded to the edge of the castle space was raised again at this moment, like a block of high ... towering city walls, blocking the The mist billowed on the edge of the castle space.

Looking down from the top of the lord space.

This is already a standard round world.

This circular world is only a few hundred miles in diameter (hundreds of miles in diameter), and its edge is surrounded by countless peaks rising from the ground; countless peaks that are more than 10,000 or 20,000 meters in diameter firmly encircle this small world and become a The borders and barriers of this small world.

The center of borders and barriers.

The mountain that originally collapsed into a huge basin has also been transformed again.

Newly generated peaks of different sizes and heights are located in the original basin; the river, which has also swelled many times, has also divided into several tributaries at this moment, winding from the surrounding of the peaks. And passed.

Beautiful mountains and rivers.

Wind and sunshine.

Based on a mountain in the real world, in the end, Wang Yan relied on his own authority to create a brand new exclusive lord space for himself!

A... new world!

PS: The second is for full order~

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