Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

012 The Witch of Ice!! The seventh apostle under the lord of mist! [For the fourth edition, please c

012 The Witch of Ice!! The Seventh Apostle under the Lord of the Mist!

Level 5 battlefield.

White Eagle Camp.

When Wang Yan gave the template light beads representing the "Excellent Monster Template - Frost Demon Spirit" in the spiritual space, Annie, the little girl who had been sitting on her cot, finally had a reaction.

Her pair of extremely beautiful but lifeless blues lifted slightly, as if she was about to look through the tent's ceiling to look at the clouds.


Soul soars.

The scenery in the field of vision changes.

The original small tent was replaced by the clouds and rolling gray mists in front of him; surrounded by the clouds and mists, the stalwart figure of the "Mist Lord" over a thousand meters was even more visible in the clouds. He Mi~ looming in the fog!


Maybe it was too shocking, or maybe it was the awe and nostalgia for the concept of God in his heart.

At this time, Annie's eyes finally showed a little more - angry.

Her soul body just floated in the sky, surrounded by clouds and mists, and prayed silently at the feet of the "Lord of the Mist".


next moment!

The template light beads representing the "Excellent Monster Template - Frost Demon Spirit" turned into a soft light, popped out from the fingers of "Lord of the Mist", and merged into her body!

It is naturally not that easy to integrate the monster template with the human body and soul.

Even if Annie—actually her second personality, the Ice Witch—has already reached the middle and upper third rank in Bai Ying's assessment!

When the template light beads of the Frost Demon Spirit were integrated, the clusters of ice crystals growing on Annie's body began to vibrate violently, or continued to grow, or shattered!


Compared with the extreme pain that came from the depths of the soul, as if every inch of the soul was torn apart, the pain caused by the violent growth and shattering of ice crystals was nothing.

Standing on the cloud and praying silently.

The severe pain that came from her body and soul made this little girl who was a little autistic, wrinkled her extremely delicate face in pain.

She raised her head blankly, looked at the stalwart figure in the distance, and shouted timidly: "..."

A whisper!

Mind and body change!

At this moment, the blankness and helplessness in Annie's eyes were quickly replaced by a sharpness; the aura emanating from her body suddenly changed drastically!

The original Annie was weak, helpless, and autistic, like a weak animal. If it weren't for the clusters of ice crystals growing on her body, anyone who saw it would want to bully and tease her.

The current "Annie", with sharp eyes and indifferent expression, still has the same appearance and body, but this transformation instantly made her from a weak little girl... as if she had become an ice princess!

at this time.

The clusters of ice crystals growing on her body disappeared, and all the power derived from the frost turned into tiny snowflakes, circling around her body constantly and falling.

Wang Yan's guess was right.

When encountering danger or being wronged, Annie's first personality will hide, replaced by the second personality, the Ice Witch.

And all the frost power in her body is completely controlled by the ice witch.

Annie hides.

The Ice Witch appeared.

Even in the body, the severe pain that seems to tear his soul and body to pieces is still more violent... The Ice Witch just frowned, as if she could not feel the pain.


She raised her head and looked at the stalwart figure surrounded by clouds and mists, and also saw the indistinct face of this stalwart figure in the thick fog.

"Lord of the Mist...


"Is this the process of obtaining the favor of the gods in those rumors?"

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Ice Witch murmured.

She didn't know that other gods favored people actually did not experience any pain when they merged into the occupation template; nor did she know that the process of other god favored people integrating into the occupation template was actually only a short moment.

She thought this pain was natural.

It is only reasonable to receive the grace of God, to be bestowed with the favor of the gods, and to pass certain tests; otherwise, one can easily obtain the gifts from the gods. What is the majesty of the gods? Isn't it contrary to the phrase "the power of the gods is like a prison" that has been passed down for thousands of years ancient language?


The Ice Witch didn't care either.

When Annie's personality switched from the first personality to the second personality, the Ice Witch already knew how to bear this divine favor and integrate this power.

Unlike Annie, she subconsciously rejects everything around her.

Quite the opposite.

When the power representing the Frost Demon Spirit was raging in the body and soul, the Ice Witch did not reject this power, but let go of her body and mind to accept it, and even took the initiative to control the Frost Power in her body, guiding, taking the initiative, and the Frost Demon as much as possible. The power of the spirit merges into one!

The pain gradually disappeared.

That unusually pure and extremely powerful power slowly merged into her body, and merged with the frost power she originally possessed, perfectly fused, regardless of each other.

at this time.

The fusion is over.

The perfect fusion of the excellent monster template and the power of the frost demon spirit, the Ice Witch has become the fourth retinue under Wang Yan's command, and the only one transformed from a human being.

Her loyalty, of course, is no different from Boob, etc. Even if Wang Yan asks her to die, she will execute it without hesitation.

But her mind was not as simple as the family members transformed from animals, such as cloth, black coal, and iron bones.

Like now.

After integrating the template of the Frost Demon Spirit and becoming the fourth retinue under Wang Yan's command, even if he is full of reverence and loyalty to Wang Yan, it is still difficult to change some of the nature of the Ice Witch.

Standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, she raised her head and stared at the gigantic figure of the "Lord of the Mist".

She wants to get closer, she wants to stand closer to her "God";

She wanted to see through it, and wanted to know more about her own "God".


In this cloud, she couldn't control her movements, so she gave up.


The Ice Witch bowed down to the ground reverently, her delicate face as pure as jade still raised, staring at the stalwart figure in the distance, and said softly, "Your you need your followers to do something for you?"

The enquiry from the Ice Witch received a reply from the Lord of the Mist.

That voice was majestic and vast, with a vastness and etherealness that seemed to come from the beginning of time, and that voice was by no means any language the Ice Witch had ever heard!

But she understood.



"Fighting... evil spirits..."

"... the seventh apostle.

Keep fighting, keep getting stronger; fight against evil spirits and kill evil spirits.

These are nothing to the Ice Witch.

It is precisely because Annie is not good at these things, but she has to face them, that she awakened from Annie's main character and became the ice witch who wields the power of frost.

As for that last sentence...

The fusion ends and the dream dissipates.

At the moment when her soul body was rapidly falling, and this dream like a god's domain was gradually shattering and fading, the Ice Witch's eyes were still fixed on the figure of the ancient stalwart.


"Not the favored one.


"Just the seventh?"

Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Fusion ends.

Dreams are broken.

"Annie" woke up from the daze.

At the same time when she woke up, the clusters of ice crystals on her body that had grown together with her skin melted away, returning to her original fair and delicate skin.

The originally empty and lifeless eyes were replaced by sharpness and indifference.

Even the weak and helpless temperament on his body has become cold and strong in an instant!

It was not Annie who woke up, but the Ice Witch.

Before fusing the template light beads of the Frost Demon Spirit, the two personalities in Annie's body actually had the distinction of master and vice. Anne's own personality occupies an absolute dominant position; the personality of the Ice Witch can only appear at the most critical time.

This state, whether it is for Annie or the Ice Witch, is a kind of torture.

With the strength and fierceness of the Ice Witch, she naturally wants to appear at any time and destroy all evil spirits and everything that threatens Annie; with Annie's weakness and helplessness, she just wants to hide under the protection of "sister", Hidden in the depths of the soul, observe the outside world safely, quietly and silently.

But now, it's different.

As the main body that incorporates the Frost Demon Spirit template, today's Ice Witch occupies an absolute dominant position in this body!

Usually, it is she who dominates this body, and when she withdraws voluntarily, Annie can come out and dominate the body.

The Ice Witch also thought, would this be unfair to Annie?

after all.

She is the main character, she is the original owner and original soul of this body; the birth of the Ice Witch... was just an accident brought about by a tragedy.


When communicating with Annie, the Ice Witch discovered that Annie was even quite happy about this change!

Compared with living in this world, suffering all kinds of malice all the time, she can only call out "sister" when she is most critical. Seeing "sister", Annie is more willing to hide in the depths of her soul and rely on the eyes of "sister" , to look at the world.

In her world, only under the protection of "sister" can she gain a temporary sense of security, instead of being in constant panic like a small beast being watched.


The state of the two was as if a trace of Wang Yan's spiritual power descended, attached to his own God-Blessed One.

See what she sees.

Hear what she hears.

Hear what she hears.

The only difference is that Wang Yan is staying in her own home, while Annie is hiding in the depths of her soul shared with her "sister".

"Is that so?"


"Since you don't want to come out... let my 'sister' protect you!""


"This body, this image, I will always keep it for you."

talking room.

"Annie"'s body is starting to change dramatically!

Originally, he was less than one meter six in height, but in just a few seconds, it soared to more than one meter seven! It rose by nearly twenty centimeters!

Immediately after.

As if being infected by frost, the long golden hair of "Annie" turned into clear ice blue at this moment, and some snowflakes fell from it from time to time.

The big blue eyes that were originally blue turned into pure black at this moment; the dazedness and helplessness in the eyes were completely replaced by sharpness and indifference.

The face has not changed much, but it is more mature and more glamorous than before!

Even her figure...

Originally, the black uniform of the White Eagle Kingdom was worn on Annie's body, and even the smallest size was worn loosely; now, the black uniform of the White Eagle Kingdom was worn on the body of the Ice Witch, and even became extremely popular after she matured. The hot body is tight and tight!

Especially in a certain part, it seems that the button will collapse at any time!

from start to finish.

Only one minute in total.

"Annie" has completely changed her image.

From an ignorant, weak and helpless soft and cute girl, she has transformed into a cold and hot ice queen in a very short period of time!

This is the second form!

The second form exclusively for Wang Yan, and his followers!

Since Annie was unwilling to come out, the Ice Witch kept Annie's original appearance as a regular form for Annie to use when she was willing to come out;

As for herself, she used the second form of her family to prepare a unique image for herself.

"From then on."

"I'm not Annie anymore."

"It was Anne's sister...Anna. 39

While speaking, a faint smile appeared on her cold and fair face, and Anna, the Ice Witch, took her long legs in combat boots and walked outside the tent.


The camp is calling for the God-Blessed who just received God's Blessing?


He has become the seventh apostle of the Lord of the Mist, and his status and ability are far beyond what ordinary people favored by God can compare to.

But it should be a kind of divine favor, right?

Get out of the tent.

Looking around at the surrounding environment, Anna's expression on Leng Yan's face became colder and colder. After identifying the direction a little, she walked towards the direction of the headquarters.

After a few minutes.

White Eagle Camp Area Command.

When the Ice Witch Anna arrived, in addition to the guards on duty here, there were already more than a dozen figures gathered in this huge tent that served as the headquarters.

In addition to the top person in charge of the White Eagle Camp, a seventh-order to powerhouse who has mastered the power of holy light, and a druid who has reached the sixth-order and can transform into various beasts, the rest are all gods. Beloved!

Among them, there is the plant manipulator Tully who is in charge of taking care of Annie!

Anna arrives.

He was stopped by guards at the door.

However, before the two guards at the entrance of the tent said anything, a layer of frost appeared under their feet, and they quickly climbed towards them;

In the blink of an eye, the two fourth-order guards were completely frozen in a layer of frost.


She stepped into command.

"Who are you?"

In the depths of the huge tent, the seventh-order supreme powerhouse and sixth-order druid had already sensed the aura pervading the power of frost, but they didn't take action, they just looked at Anna who walked in, frowned and asked, "You who is it?"


Among the goddesses, the goddess who was in charge of taking care of Annie looked at the glamorous figure who had just walked in, and felt that there was still a bit of familiarity left on her body.

Some unwilling to believe the temptation: "You are... Anne?"

"No. 35

She walked to the center of the tent with a blank expression, looked around the tent with cold eyes, and Anna said, "I'm Annie's sister, Anna.


"I prefer what you call me in another identity."

"Under the lord of the mist, the seventh apostle, the witch of ice... Anna!

PS: The fourth is for full order!


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