Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

017 [Bearer]! The meeting between the fallen princess and the sloppy mage!

017 [Bearer]! The meeting between the princess of the fallen country and the sloppy mage!

【Other World】Visitors!

When brought back to the Guardian City, after a simple research, the Guardian City discovered the true identities of these survivors!

Whether it's their appearance, their service, or their accents, they're all the same as the evil spirits gushing out from [Other World]!

The only difference is that.

Those evil spirits are like zombies, like evil spirits; and these four survivors... are still alive-!

The final result of that incident was to build the three strongest kingdoms that guarded the city and to divide the three survivors.

The Taixia Kingdom chose Ophelia, who was obviously the highest in status, the White Eagle Kingdom chose Annan in a caster costume, and the White Bear Kingdom, the weakest among the three kingdoms, was forced to choose the injured survivor.


[Other World] The news of the visitor has become the top secret of the guardian city, and it is also the biggest secret among the official extraordinary organizations in the three kingdoms of Taixia, Baiying and Baixiong!

Blue Star humans cannot understand, parse, and even learn the language of [Other World], but there is no problem in letting these three survivors learn the language of Blue Star.


When a language expert was transferred to train the three survivors for a month, the three [Other World] visitors were finally able to communicate in a simple manner with the people in the guardian city.

It is precisely because of the ability to communicate that the Guardian City once again discovered the great significance they represent!

They come from [Other World] and have enough understanding of [Other World].

Ophelia is even the princess of a kingdom in [Another World] - the Kingdom of Taran!

They themselves have a systematic knowledge system related to magic, elements, spells, runes, etc., and they can more easily analyze the knowledge that originally belonged to them!


Ophelia and the others were taken away from the guardian city and brought to the most secret place by the three kingdoms for strict protection.

Except for the annual meeting time.

They are not even allowed to leave their residence!

A person, no matter whether she is a visitor from [Another World] or a princess of a subjugated country, is difficult to fight against a real kingdom; after learning the language of Blue Star and understanding their own situation, the three survivors all accepted their fate.

an east.

a west.

a north.

Except for the meeting time once a year, at other times, they have to stay in the residence prepared by this country for themselves, and make their own contributions to cracking the magic and element system.


They are very useful!

It not only brought Blue Star's understanding of [Other World], but also brought the names of evil spirits, evil spirits, resuscitators, and returnees, which are quite suitable for evil spirits. By!

Even now.

By constantly analyzing the spell books seized by investigators on the battlefield, they can still make great contributions to the establishment and development of the psionic technology system!


The survivor taken away by the White Bear Kingdom only had the symptoms of [Evil Spirit Transformation] because of the injury in the second year, and finally turned into a real evil spirit and was killed.

Even Ophelia and Annan have gradually started the process of [Evil Spirit Transformation] in the past two years.

According to Ophelia, their world has become a cursed world, and they are the last survivors of that world.

After they die, or complete the transformation to evil spirits... that world, even if it is truly wiped out.

Evil spirits, evil spirits.

A resuscitator, someone who dies but is revived.

Returners, those who have returned from hell.

These origins from Ophelia and others' names for evil spirits have already pointed out the essence of those evil spirits gushing out from the cracks in space.

"Go back."

"Look at her more and comfort her more."

"Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up again. 35

Walking to the vicinity of the alloy gate, Cao Zhenxia said to Ying Ziyin who was following along.


Ying Ziyin thought for a while and said, "If there is no other hope...consider the favored ones. Maybe, the favored ones have the means to suppress Ophelia's evil spirit, or... simply think of a way, Let her also become a goddess!"

"God's favored one..."

Cao Zhenxia smiled bitterly.

Not to mention that they are completely unable to affect the Lord of the Mist, all the gods are selected by the Lord of the Mist according to their own preferences, and they are descended from the gods.

Even if they can get a place to become a favored one...

Even the biggest secrets of the Discord Bureau are exposed to the vision of the Lord of the Mist. What is the point of their previous vigilance against the Lord of the Mist and the decision to be transferred from their posts when they become God's favored ones?

"It's still a while.

Cao Zhenxia thought about it: "Let's do our best!"


Cao Zhenxia left.

Ying Ziyin also returned to the underground manor.

Early the next morning.

Cao Zhenxia came again.

He personally took a team of guards, together with Ying Ziyin, took Ophelia out of the underground base, took a specially modified gunship, and rushed towards the western meeting point.

Not just themselves.

Around this specially modified helicopter, there are two other helicopters; just sitting on it, in addition to the guards who are responsible for the escort, are several senior researchers of the Institute of Disorder Bureau.


The helicopter arrived in a small country in central Asia and landed on a manor near the capital of the small country.

This is the meeting place.

Bai Ying did not agree to allow Ophelia and Annan to meet in Taixia; Taixia also did not agree to arrange the meeting place for the two within the territory of Baiying Country, which became the best choice.

After Cao Zhenxia and others arrived.

It didn't take long.

The team belonging to the White Eagle Kingdom also arrived.

A shabby uncle in a robe, with a face full of vicissitudes, got off the helicopter under the protection of heavy guards, and after he entered the manor,

Those guards scattered, and guarded the surrounding of this manor together with the guards from Taixia.

On Taixia's side, there is Ying Ziyin, a legendary seventh-order guard.

On Bai Ying's side, there is also a middle-aged seventh-order guard with an aquiline nose.


Whether it was Ying Ziyin or the seventh-order legend from Bai Ying's side, after entering the manor, they found a place to sit down tacitly, and guarded their respective goals with a distance of ten meters.

This manor is where Ophelia and Annan meet.

Those more than ten meters are the last space left by the two countries... In fact, with the strength of the seventh-order legend, they can hear all the conversations clearly even if they are separated by hundreds of meters and thousands of meters. content.

These more than ten meters... are just a form of respect and a form.

Ophelia and Annan don't think so.

In a situation that is called protection, but is actually imprisoned, this form of respect... For them, it is already very precious!



in the manor.

When she finally met again and saw her only compatriot in this world, Ophelia, who had been unhappy for a long time, showed a smile.

Sitting in the center of the manor, next to the table that the two kingdoms had already set up, she took out a food box from her space ring, and said with a bit of enthusiasm: "Uncle Annan, I knew yesterday that I was going to meet today, so I was busy with my work. Made these desserts overnight."

"Although the raw materials are not from there, the taste is already very similar."5

"Would you like to try it?

"That's a must try!""

The sloppy uncle heard Ophelia's words, and his eyes lit up. He hurriedly walked a few steps to get to the table, carefully picked up a piece of dessert and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing and tasting it slowly.

"That's what it tastes like!"

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I can still eat this taste."

"Princess Ophelia...Thank you!"

The sloppy uncle's eyes were a little wet, and his emotions were a little out of control.

"I told you, don't call me a princess." Ophelia laughed at herself: "The kingdom of Taran has been destroyed, and even our world has died... What's the point of these identities? 35

Open the food box layer by layer, take out the snacks that you have prepared little by little according to the taste in your memory, put them on this table, and the two start chatting.

Talk about the past.

Talk about the current state.

Talk about a future that may not exist.

Even under the siege of hundreds of guards, even under the supervision of two seventh-order legends, even the once-a-year meeting and the once-a-year chat, they can only use the language of Blue Star... They still talk very well. I am very happy.

after all.

They are each other's only compatriots in this world.

They have a common language, common culture, common memory and common experience, and only they can have this kind of resonance.

The two [Alien World] guests chatted.

Enjoy their annual vacation.

Ten meters away, Ying Ziyin and Ying-nosed man were also whispering.

"You say, every time they meet, what do they mean by the [other world] language they speak?

"Researchers over there in Taixia have no research on this phenomenon?""

"There is, but I'm not interested in knowing.

"Well, beautiful Oriental lady, let me explain it to you. According to our research, that otherworldly language should be an interjection.

"Although we have forbidden them to communicate in otherworldly language (because Blue Star humans cannot parse it), but according to Annan, this is a subconscious behavior."

"Even he didn't know why he couldn't help saying this when he met Ophelia. 55

"Even... even he himself doesn't know what this string of meaningless characters he spit out means.

"He just said this subconsciously when he saw Ophelia.

"If you want to come to Ophelia's side, it should be the same."

"Subconscious behavior?"

"You don't understand what it means?

Ying Ziyin frowned, preparing to go back to the base and ask the people in the research institute about the research results of this phenomenon.

·For flowers·


The top leaders of the superhuman organizations of the two countries are all here, and there are hundreds of powerful guards around them. The only thing I need to keep an eye on is the eagle-nosed man beside me.

In this case, it is natural to salt the fish~

She took out a game console, Ying Ziyin found a more comfortable position to lie down, and got up again.

she does not know.

Or rather, no one knows.

This foreign language actually has its meaning.

It's just that no one can parse it out.

Including Ophelia and Annan herself.

If Wang Yan is here, interpreting the cries of countless evil spirits he has heard in the copy... He can tell that this otherworldly language represents a noun.

A term that no one understands yet.

This noun is——【Bearer】!

Inside the manor.

Ophelia and Annan were enjoying their party, and every now and then there was a laugh, or a few sobbings; outside the manor, there were also exchanges between the White Eagle Strategy Bureau and the Taixia Discord Bureau.

The psionic technology system is a new type of technology that is based on the modern technology of Blue Star, combined with the elements, spells, runes, formations and other forces from [Other World].

In the basic stage of psionic technology, Bai Ying and Tai Xia should be on a par.

Including psionic firearms, psionic equipment, psionic armor, psionic sniper rifles, etc. All of them are the research goals of the two countries, and both have the ability to mass produce.

However, on large-scale equipment, because Ophelia and Annan have different knowledge focuses, the investigators of the two countries have different spell books seized on the battlefield.

In addition, the attitudes of the two countries towards the invasion of evil spirits are also different, which makes the research direction of Taixia and Baiying slightly deviated.

The main direction of Taixia Kingdom's attack is psychic space detectors, that is, large-scale space fluctuation detectors that have been installed and debugged in first-tier cities such as Longdu and Zhonghai.

Gather people to the city, and popularize psionic space detectors in the city.

Find space cracks in advance, guard space cracks in advance, and try to prevent the evil spirits gushing out of space cracks from harming ordinary people as much as possible.

By the way, these discovered space cracks will also become training grounds for investigators.

On this basis, they will study other issues, such as how to reduce the energy intensity of space cracks, or even directly close a space crack.

Protect people first, solve problems later.

This is the tone of the Taixia Abnormality Bureau's handling of the evil spirit invasion incident.

The main attack direction of White Eagle Nation is the psionic space closure device. It is the next main direction of the Research Institute of the Abnormality Bureau. Through the fusion of the magical system of the other world and the modern technology system, it has developed a large-scale psionic device that can reduce the energy intensity of the space crack and even close it directly.


Rather than protect first and solve later, the White Eagle Nation's strategic bureau is more inclined to solve problems directly from the source, and directly enter the study of psionic space closure devices.

As for the large amount of damage that may be caused to ordinary people after the birth of the space cracks before the psionic space closure device is researched... They obviously don't care.

They wouldn't even care about the training effect of the superhumans brought about by the space crack!

after all.

Blue Star is so big, there are always space cracks in other countries that are open.

When you need to train, go to other countries to train.

Two different ways of thinking lead to two different research directions.

And the result...

The psychic space detectors on the Taixia Kingdom's side have been completely successfully researched, and they are gradually becoming popular. It's just because the manufacture and debugging of this large-scale psychic device is extremely troublesome, so it will take a long time to popularize it in all the cities of Taixia Kingdom.

The psionic space closure device on the side of the White Eagle Country... It is said that the preliminary research has been successful!

After several tests.

This kind of large-scale psionic device that is no smaller than a psionic space detector can quickly close temporary space cracks with an energy intensity below level 3.

Even if the temporary space cracks and permanent space cracks above level 3 cannot be closed for the time being, but the energy intensity of containing the permanent space cracks slowly rises... It also has a certain effect!

In general.

A great country is indeed a great country.

As far as the research and expansion of the psionic energy technology system is concerned, all the Blue Star countries, including White Bear, have been left behind by Tai Xia and White Eagle.

Even exchange.

Also a transaction.

Tai Xia will not hold on to the relevant information of the psionic space detector and will not let go, and also wants to obtain the relevant information of the psychic space closure device from Bai Ying, so as to reduce the time and cost of his own research.


Bai Ying wanted the information on the psionic space probe, but was unwilling to give the information on the psionic space closure device.

I just want to sell related equipment to Taixia.

And all the installation, commissioning and follow-up maintenance of the psionic space closure... all need to hire people from the White Eagle Strategic Bureau!

Taixia Discord Bureau, can not be disassembled without permission!

PS: The third is for full order!


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