Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 129 When Can I Have My Own Car?

Zheng Tan squatted on the toy car. Although the car started to run, the speed was too different from the "no-load" time. Zheng Tan was not afraid of being thrown off.

According to Zheng Tan's inner thoughts, he certainly hoped that the toy car could run faster, that would be fun and exciting. However, you can't ask too much now, it's good to have fun.

Just as Zheng Tan thought, Liu Yao didn't really mean to hit him with a toy car, he was probably just curious. Moreover, this child is definitely not the naive kind, at least mentally he is a little precocious than children of the same age, which should have something to do with his previous experience.

Zheng Tan sat firmly on the toy car, and drew his tail to his side so as not to be caught by the toy car or caught by the branches protruding from the flower bed. The backyard was fairly clean, except for some blown leaves, etc., and the branches were pulled by Liu Yao or pulled out by "Mantou" from the flower bed next to it. Generally speaking, there were not too many obstacles, and the toy car was running fairly smoothly. Liu Yao was also proficient in handling the toy car. After running for two laps, he didn't touch the flower pot that was placed on the ground for decoration, and there was no accidental collision.

The "steamed bun" who was still gnawing on the branch just now looked at the branch for a while, then spit out the branch, and ran towards Zheng Tan happily, running and jumping, following the toy car. He ran a few steps, stopped and bent forward, pouted his buttocks, and barked at the toy car twice, even if he didn't bark, he would stretch out his paws and pull it in the air a few times, grinning, playing with the toy car.

Tong Qing took a closer look at Liu Yao. Compared with before, the gloom in the child's eyes was much less, just like the gloomy sky suddenly turned cloudy.

Good sign. No wonder the boss wanted the cat to come over. Tong Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Between people, it is easy to be psychologically guarded, especially a child like Liu Yao who has experienced some things with his mother before, has a strong sense of defense against people, rejects strangers, and finds it difficult to get close to people he knows , This is also one of the reasons why Liu Yao didn't go to the front lawn and play with the other children at the buffet table.

Not only Liu Yao, but if Fang Shaokang sent a child of the same age to contact Liu Yao, the people on Lao Liu's side would be more or less suspicious and wary. Everyone knew that Lao Liu regarded Liu Yao as a treasure, and it was not good from Lao Liu. Start with the small ones.

But animals are different. Even Lao Liu and his subordinates probably would not have thought that this cat came here with some small thoughts. What can a cat do? Even if it can fight, it has great strength. After all, isn't it just a cat?

The toy car carried Zheng Tan around the yard. There was a section of plastic track erected artificially in the yard. The toy car could run on it, and Zheng Tan could barely run on it, but it was a little harder when climbing the slope. But adding a "steamed bun" in addition to the two...

"Mantou" looked at the toy car carrying Zheng Tan on the plastic runway, wagged its tail, followed behind and took two tentative steps on the runway. With its size, it was a bit crowded on the plastic runway. , but there was nothing abnormal after walking two steps. He immediately became more courageous, speeded up, and chased the toy car and black cat in front of him.

Zheng Tan sat on the toy car, turned his head to look behind when driving on the plastic runway, and saw that "Mantou" was following up, and worried about whether the runway would be overloaded, but saw that the runway didn't shake much. It didn't collapse, so don't worry. But as soon as Zheng Tan was relieved, he saw "Mantou" running towards him, even if he ran, it still jumped and stomped a few times while running.


A section of the "runway" collapsed, and the "steamed buns" fell to the ground. The plastic runway was only about ten centimeters high, so there was no injury. When it fell, "Mantou" knocked his chin on the uncollapsed runway in front of him. After falling to the ground, he shook his head, raised his paw to poke his mouth, and then continued to run with the toy car as if nothing had happened, except this time Instead of jumping on the track, it followed on the ground, or ran ahead and rested its chin on the edge of the track to look at the toy car.

Because the plastic collapsed in the middle, Lao Liu's subordinates looked at it and couldn't put it together for a while. They didn't bring spare parts when they came here this time, and they couldn't build another one on the runway. Fortunately, Liu Yao didn't intend to continue to let the toy car go on the track, but just controlled the toy car and drove the black cat around the yard.

Zheng Tan squatted on the toy car, thinking about it again.

A car is indeed a good tool. When I was a human, I liked to drive around when I was depressed. Just like many people run to vent their emotions, Zheng Tan always liked to drive. But, now that he has become a cat, can he still have his own car?


Even if there is a toy car like this that belongs to him as a driver, even if the car is bigger, as long as the control is in the hands of others, Zheng Tan always feels uncomfortable, as if his own destiny is in the hands of others. However, even if Zheng Tan is given a control handle, Zheng Tan may not be able to control it flexibly. The cat's palm is only a little bit big, and its sharp claws and meat balls are still not as flexible as human fingers.


Zheng Tan raised his head forty-five degrees in a distressed gesture.

It's a pity that the "Mantou" next to him couldn't understand Zheng Tan's mood at all, this guy was having fun.

The ignorant are fearless and carefree. In layman's terms, the second forced dog is so much fun!

Seeing "Mantou" making a fuss beside him, Zheng Tan stretched out his paw and slapped the cat. Of course, this force will definitely not be as strong as when he slapped the cat before. The cats and dogs in the compound are playing around vigorously.

When the paw went down, a few dog hairs were hooked off. However, the "steamed buns" have thick and many hairs, so I don't care at all if they are missing, and they don't seem to feel much pain, but they play more happily.

Zheng Tan felt that he didn't know how to get along with bear children anyway, so he squatted on the toy car to pass the time, occasionally thinking about his thoughts, slapping "mantou" a few times when he was upset, while the toy car drove past the flower beds and decorations. When the flower pots are on the other side, I scratch a few paws at the flowers and plants to cause damage. Sometimes I would fish a twig from the flower bed, hold it with my curved claws, and knock on the "steamed bun".

Dogs like "Mantou" can strengthen their neck muscles and build a strong physique in their usual activities such as playing, biting, and fighting. Lao Liu should also train accordingly in the future. It's just that "Mantou" was so active in the first place, and he was a bit erratic, what will happen in the future?

I guess he will be like Ah Huang, looking serious and serious, but actually has the heart of a scumbag.

When Lao Liu came down to see his son halfway, he was overjoyed to see his son's expression. It was rare to see his son in a good mood. Lao Liu figured out the whole story from his subordinates. He was hesitant to send "Mantou" away before, but now he decides to stay. Looking at the current situation, even if "Mantou" is not very smart, there is no other dog. The cub is so flexible, but at least being able to play with his precious son is enough to prove its value. As for other people's opinions or ridicule, Lao Liu sneered in his heart, compared with his son, that was nothing.

The "Mantou" who was having fun with the toy car in the yard had no idea that its behavior would make Lao Liu change his mind. The city's "Dog Raising Management Regulations" is not very restrictive for people like Lao Liu and others. Following Lao Liu will at least make it easier for "Mantou" to live in the reinforced concrete metropolis.

After finally waiting for lunch, the pet's "dining table" is arranged separately, and each family has a special person to take care of it, and the cats and dogs are separated.

Zheng Tan didn't go with those cats, he didn't want to join in the fun, he stayed outside and found a place to eat with Tong Qing, Fang Shaokang sent someone to deliver food, Zheng Tan just waited to eat. When I came here just now, I saw the descendant of the serval cat that I slapped myself. That guy walked away when he saw Zheng Tan from a distance, and Zheng Tan didn't bother to pay attention to it.

One person and one cat were eating slowly outside. When Zheng Tan was almost done eating, he saw two people coming out of the villa. One is Zhao Le, and the other is a young man I met on the second floor, who seems to be called Wang Bin. Judging from the way Zhao Le and Wang Bin got along, they should be quite familiar with each other.

Zheng Tan was thinking about whether to listen to the gossip, Zhao Le had already seen Zheng Tan over there, so he came here.

Finding a wooden stool to sit down, Zhao Le asked Tong Qing about Zheng Tan's food. Fang Shaokang's food was almost enough, and he couldn't tell what he ate.

Tong Qing answered briefly, seeing that the two people probably had something to say, it was not good to stay here all the time, stood up and walked a little further, and it was not good to leave, because Zheng Tan was still staying where he was.

Zheng Tan thought he could hear some gossip, but the two people didn't seem to be what Zheng Tan thought, they were familiar, but they didn't mean anything to each other. The topics they talked about ranged from Zheng Tan's cat, to Wang Bin's sending down to the grassroots to exercise, and then to Wang Bin's brother "Ermao". However, when the two talked about the "ermao", their tone was full of helplessness.

Zheng Tan thought, what kind of person is this "two hairs" who can make both Wang Bin and Zhao Le have such an attitude.

After lunch, many people left. They are all busy people, so they don't have time to stay here all the time. Usually, many people like to set up a dinner party when they have a banquet. Fang Shaokang is a different kind of person. When Zhao Le asked why Chinese food was arranged but not a dinner party, Mr. Fang yawned: "Early to bed and early to rise is good for health!"

Zhao Le wanted to hit the wall.

Of course, not everyone left, and some just had time to stay for a while, such as Lao Liu. They will continue to chat with Fang Shaokang.

Zheng Tan stayed there to play with Liu Yao and "Mantou" for a while before returning home.

I don’t know what Fang Shaokang said to Lao Liu. One day when Zheng Tan was lying on the sofa watching TV at home, he heard Papa Jiao call Yuan Zhiyi and talked about the sudden arrival of a big client, Boss Liu, Zheng Tan. Only then did I know that this matter really happened.

Father Jiao and Yuan Zhiyi also learned some reasons from Fang Shaokang. Yuan Zhiyi specially bought a bunch of food for this purpose, some for the two children, and some for Zheng Tan. Before coming, Yuan Zhiyi burned three sticks of incense in front of the black lucky cat in the office, and he didn't know who taught him this.

In the past, Zheng Tan would still be interested in those foods, but now, Zheng Tan's mind is not on it. It’s okay not to touch the toy car, but after touching it, Zheng Tan kept thinking about it. For a few days, he dreamed that he was driving a small car for a ride, not sitting in someone else’s car, nor squatting in a small electric car or a small grapefruit car. The basket of the bicycle, but drove the car by himself.

So Zheng Tan spent the past few days trying to figure out how to get a car that suits his current cat.

Who should I turn to?

Are you going to find Mr. Fang again?

Even if you look for it, you can't open your mouth to say it, so how can you express yourself? Could it be that he sent an email or a text message to Fang San and said, "Fang San, I am black charcoal, please hurry up and get me a car"?

Thinking about it feels unreliable.

This matter has to be discussed in the long run.

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