Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 150 Good guy or devil

"Chen La's son?"

Several people looked at the fat man pointed out by Ye Hao again and again, but couldn't explain why.

"Chen La's son, Chen Zhe, had just entered university when his family was in trouble. It wasn't Chuhua University, but I remember it was the city's University of Finance and Economics. He got into it based on his real ability. However, in many wealthy families, he was admitted to a good university. There were many students in college. In comparison, Chen Zhe was not too advanced. In addition, with his figure at that time, his appearance was completely inferior to that of his sister and the children of some wealthy families at that time, so he was I don’t know much. But…”

Ye Hao put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and continued: "A person who can disappear so completely is not a simple person unless he has been silenced. In fact, Chen La and his wife are not stupid people, otherwise they would not arrest them. Taking advantage of opportunities to make a fortune, the biggest mistake was to misrecognize people, and was fatally stabbed in the back by Laiji."

"It's also possible that Chen La's friends helped." Long Qi said.

"It's possible, but," Ye Hao paused and then said, "I heard that Chen La has a piece of material in his hand. I don't know what it is exactly. The seventh master said back then that that piece of material could make Lai Er unable to stand up. . But no one found it back then, and Lai Er searched for several years after that, but still to no avail. So I suspect that if Chen Zhe is still alive, the material must be in his hands. Now that Lai Er has folded two pieces, he still has the same In the same way back then, he must have known something and should have taken action early on. However, there are not a few people who want to get that material now. "

"You want to get it too?" Wei Leng asked.

"Of course. Besides, if the materials are obtained by Raiji's people or other people who want to cooperate with Raiji, it will definitely be a big blow to us. That guy Raiji has a big appetite now."

"Hey, tell me about Lai Er, and I'll analyze it." Wei Leng also became somewhat interested.

"Lai Er, I heard from Master Qi that Lai Er was not originally named Lai. One day, Boss Lei laughed and said to Lai Er, 'You are really a scumbag.' So Lai Er replied, 'Since Boss Lei If you say Lai Pi, then we will change our surname to Lai from now on. Lai Er was the second eldest child in his family, so after that, everyone called him Lai Er until now. However, he is not ashamed, but thinks that Lai Er 'This name is a symbol of glory, recording his glorious history of stepping on thunder and turning over..."

Ye Hao told them what happened to Lai Er back then, but Zheng Tan kept looking at the photo of Chen La's family in the open folder. He compared the fat man standing on the left with Uncle Lamei. If you look carefully, you can see that they are slightly similar, but in general, it is really difficult to tell. After all, Chen Zhe in the photo is too fat. At that time, he looked just He is a young boy who has just entered college, but Uncle Lamei has a normal body shape and still has a bit of the weather-beaten feeling of age.

Zheng Tan also compared the beautiful little girl standing on the right. She was the only one of the four with a normal figure. However, according to what Chen La himself said in the materials, the little girl looked like her mother, while Chen Zhe looked like her mother. Like father. Chen Zhe and Chen La in the photo do look very similar, but I don't know if they will look like Uncle Lamei after losing weight.

Photos alone cannot tell whether Uncle Lamei is Chen Zhe, and Zheng Tan has never seen photos or anything like that in Uncle Lamei's room. Moreover, Zheng Tan was just relying on his feelings. He also had doubts in his heart and could not be sure of anything.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zheng Tan caught a glimpse of a line of text at the bottom of the photo. The material on it introduced some information about Chen La and his family. What worried Zheng Tan was that it said that Chen La's wife's surname was Mei.


In terms of connection, this can be regarded as a point of connection.

Zheng Tan thought about it for a while, and decided to go to Uncle Lamei's house to have a look. Now, no matter how much he thinks about it, it is just a suspicion without confirmation.

If that person is really Chen Zhe... As a cat, I don't seem to be able to care about anything, and I am too lazy to care about those things. According to Ye Hao, the extent of the matter has probably escalated. I am still a little kitten. Looks good from the side.

The eyes moved from the photo of four people to another photo. When Ye Hao and the others were talking about Lai Er, they talked about the woman in the photo. She was familiar with Chen La's youngest daughter back then and played well together, but... She brought Chen La's little daughter to the bridge, and maybe she did some manipulation. Otherwise, why would a normal little girl commit suicide by jumping into the river?

Because of Laiji's protection and Chen La's fall, the woman in the photo has been safe and sound for so many years, but this time, the vengeful person has come.

Who gave that woman the psychological suggestion?

Who set up these killings?

People who can do this must have a high IQ.

Over there, Ye Hao and Wei Leng stopped talking about Lai Er and Chen La, and turned to talk about several current projects. Zheng Tan squatted aside and listened to their conversation, and while listening, he scooped up a few peanuts. After putting it in his mouth, the Wei Leng has already been peeled and placed in front of him. All Zheng Tan needs to do is eat.

From the beginning to the end, Sir Alex just lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and relaxed, and occasionally moved his ears, which showed that he was still alert to the movements around him. Compared to Zheng Tan, Sir Alex is too settled.

Two days after returning from the night building, Zheng Tan ran to Uncle Lamei to check on the situation and want to resolve the doubts in his heart.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Zheng Tan went there. Just like last time, there were soft cushions and a glass of cold milk on the balcony. After sniffing it, the milk didn't have any peculiar smell, so it was probably still fresh.

After knocking on the door and entering, Zheng Tan jumped on the desk and squatted there without running around. Looking out of the room from the desk, I saw that the other two rooms were closed. One of the rooms had already been checked in and it was the piano room, while the other was still mysterious.

Uncle Lamei put a glass of warm milk in front of Zheng Tan. Unlike last time, Uncle Lamei did not do his translation work this time, but was busy in front of the large white drawing board.

The sticky notes and small notes with "English cursive" written on them that Zheng Tan saw for the first time have changed. Although there are still many sticky notes with "English cursive" written on them, they are not the ones before. On the white drawing board, there are some lines and symbols next to the sticky notes, and Uncle Lamei took a marker to write and draw between the sticky notes. On the white drawing board background, the lines and "English cursive script" became more and more more.

What makes Zheng Tan depressed is that he can't understand a word.

Although he didn't understand, looking at Uncle Wintersweet's serious expression, Zheng Tan felt that the notes on the drawing board probably explained some secrets. Zheng Tan was the closest to this "secret" besides Uncle Wintersweet... Cat, it's a pity, even if Crouching in front of the drawing board, Zheng Tan couldn't see anything from the drawing board.

Without disturbing Uncle Lamei, Zheng Tan squatted on the desk and looked over there quietly. Different from when he was doing translation work, Zheng Tan felt that in addition to the seriousness on Uncle Lamei's face at this moment, the sense of depression and heaviness around his body appeared again. , and seemed to have a bit of murderous intent. Nowadays, Zheng Tan is quite sensitive to his surroundings, and he is a little restless at this time.

In order to relieve the pressure, Zheng Tan moved his eyes away from the drawing board. There were many books on the desk, and there was an open magazine not far from where he was squatting. Some magazines are selling quite well these days, and many people still have the habit of reading magazines. Unlike in the future when computers and mobile phones are rampant, everyone I even looked at my cell phone.

Walking to the open magazine and squatting down, Zheng Tan looked at the contents of the magazine, trying to divert his attention and get rid of the depression and heaviness just now, but when he saw the open magazine, When I read the content on the page, the feeling of depression and heaviness was not eliminated, but became even stronger.

The overall content of the magazine in front of you covers many aspects and is divided into several parts, including emotions, technology, current affairs, etc. The open page is an article about psychology.

"How do good people become evil?" This is the core question of this article.

The article was very long, and neither of the two pages was finished. It contained a lot of relatively professional terminology, as well as some related experiments and examples. Zheng Tan glanced at it without taking a closer look.

Zheng Tan felt that this article was too profound and he could not understand the deep things. He thought that he was a layman and could only read this article from a layman's perspective to understand some of the superficial meanings. Even so, Zheng Tan still felt uncomfortable.

"The boundaries between good and evil are not fixed, but are changeable and transmissible... The change of situation can bring about the transformation of human nature. In some situations, black and white are reversed, and conscience and sin are also reversed... Human beings have unlimited potential and can make anyone do good or evil, care or be indifferent, create or destroy, and can even fall from Lucifer to Satan..."

When he returned to the Dong family compound, Zheng Tan was still not in a happy mood.

On the flower bed in the community, Ah Huang was lying there, probably basking in the sun all afternoon. He looked very leisurely, which made Zheng Tan envious. Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of luck. If you know too much, you will have more troubles.

When Zheng Tan was unhappy, he saw the carefree Ah Huang, and couldn't help but go up and slap the guy twice. Ah Huang, who was slapped twice, was still a little confused, so he looked at Zheng Tan innocently, and turned his head. After rubbing on the ground for a few times, I suddenly saw a gray magpie. I immediately got excited and walked towards the gray magpie without any sleepiness.

After dinner at the Jiao family in the evening, Jiao's father did not go to the biology building, nor did he immediately go into the room to do his business. Jiao's mother did not go out to dance fitness dance with several other female teachers, but sat down On the sofa in the living room, the couple discussed something.

Little Yuzi’s tenth birthday party? !

Zheng Tan, who was a little tired at first, turned this way with his ears pricked after hearing this.

By this calculation, little Youzi is indeed almost nine years old, and according to the custom of Dad Jiao's hometown, nine years old is ten years old. In terms of birth date, her birthday is actually a few months away. However, Dad Jiao will go abroad soon. , it would not be easy for Mother Jiao to handle it alone, so she simply asked Xiao Youzi for her opinion and decided to do it next week.

Compared with Xiao Youzi's tenth birthday party, Zheng Tan had already kicked aside other things.


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