Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 249 Return to base

Are mice afraid of cats?

A small little mouse showing off in front of a cat?

This little mouse is no bigger than an egg when it's rolled up, so why should it pull it?

To be honest, this was the first time Zheng Tan encountered this situation.

Therefore, the original decision to throw away the troublesome mouse after the lead cat left was changed.

The vines on this little mouse were still tied and had not been completely bitten open. What was even more arrogant was that after glaring at Zheng Tan, the red-haired mouse continued to bite Zheng Tan at all. It means to take it seriously.

It's really unscrupulous.

Zheng Tan raised his hand and planned to teach this rampant red-haired rat a lesson.

The red-haired rat was tied with vines before. After walking for so long, the red-haired rat has squeezed its head out of the "cocoon". At the same time, the small tail is also exposed under the "cocoon".

Zheng Tan bent his palms, lifted the red-haired rat by its tail and twirled it around. After spinning it for more than twenty times, Zheng Tan stopped.

The red-haired rat didn't move for a long time, and seemed to have been stunned. Zheng Tan raised his hand and was about to pull it twice to see if the rat was stunned. Unexpectedly, when his hands were about to touch it, the red-haired rat suddenly He suddenly stretched out his neck and bit him. If Zheng Tan hadn't stopped his hand quickly and the red-haired rat was indeed turned around and his movements were affected a bit, he would have been bitten. Just by watching the red-haired rat bite the vine, you can tell that this guy's teeth and bite force are quite lethal.

Still have the guts and strength to bite?

But at this time, Zheng Tan didn't plan on twirling or twirling anymore, and simply broke its cervical vertebrae. The most important thing now was to get on his way, and he didn't have time to spend time with a mouse here.

However, Zheng Tan had just raised his paw halfway when the red-haired rat that was about to bite off the vine suddenly paused, looked around warily, stretched its neck and looked under the tree, and there was a sense of caution, as if Found something dangerous.

Zheng Tan didn't know if the red-haired rat had really discovered something unusual, or if it was planning something else. Just in case, Zheng Tan still had to be more vigilant. If there was something unusual, he would have to respond early.

So, Zheng Tan quickly held down the red-haired rat to prevent it from moving, and then looked under the tree.

The red-haired mouse that was suddenly held down by Zheng Tan squeaked and struggled, but could not move away from Zheng Tan's palm. Zheng Tan had no intention of pitying it at all, and he could hold it down directly with a little more force. die.

Only then did the red-haired mouse realize that the cat in front of it was also a dangerous object. Perhaps in its memory, it only had a deep fear of the cats in that area, but it was not interested in Zheng Tan, an animal with a very unfamiliar smell. It doesn't have any memory, and probably feels that Zheng Tan has no intention of eating it at all, which is why it was so rampant before. Its experience since birth tells it that being bigger than it does not mean it is dangerous, and being smaller than it is not dangerous. Doesn't mean it's not lethal.

Unfortunately, this time, it miscalculated. This cat really didn't mean to eat it, but it wasn't easy to mess with, and it had enough power to kill it with one slap. So after screaming, he stopped. After struggling for a while, he calmed down again, but his eyes wandered around, probably thinking about how to escape.

Zheng Tan didn't pay attention to the red-haired rat stepping on it. He concentrated on staring down and listened to the surroundings with his ears. Just when he thought the red-haired rat was playing tricks on him again, he suddenly heard a slight noise.

Zheng Tan, who was about to cause trouble for the red-haired rat, immediately concentrated on the noise.

The sound of rustling and rubbing against the ground and surrounding grass gradually came this way. Zheng Tan looked over there with bated breath, feeling nervous. He could already guess what it was.

A snake as thick as a bowl came out of the grass over there. It had no difficulty swallowing a cat of Zheng Tan's size. Zheng Tan had seen such a big snake in the city, but it was specially raised by some people. And Zheng Tan hadn't turned into a cat at that time, so he didn't feel very scared at first, but now, in this jungle full of dangers, the hair on Zheng Tan's body almost exploded.

Fortunately, the direction of the snake was not the tree where Zheng Tan was staying. Moreover, the snake had already eaten, and an obvious protrusion could be seen on the snake's body.

Looking around, Zheng Tan guessed that the snake was planning to go to the wetland not far away.

After the snake left, Zheng Tan waited for a while before getting down from the tree.

This time, Zheng Tan did not intend to let go or execute the red-haired rat directly. He found another vine and tied up the red-haired rat. This time, he spent a little more thought on tying it in two circles and then tied it again. Repeat this several times for the next circle, so that even if you bite off a section of the vine, it won't run away immediately.

Yes, Zheng Tan planned to keep this guy as a warning.

This piece of well-preserved virgin forest is home to many dangerous and inaccessible places. All kinds of creatures thrive in this ancient and magical mountain forest. Countless generations of life have been active here. The primitive vastness makes people feel deeply. Unfathomable. In the past twenty years, domestic and foreign expedition teams have been organized to enter this mountain forest where various legends and stories are spread. Some universities and research institutes have also organized field expedition teams. Once they enter, it takes a month or two or even longer, but they still There are many places that people cannot reach, miracles that cannot be discovered, and it also shows that there are countless unpredictable crises here.

Zheng Tan admitted that he had underestimated this mountain forest. In Zheng Tan's original consciousness, wasn't the forest full of dangers similar to the Amazon jungle? There is nothing to be afraid of in this place in Bishan City. Even if he followed the red striped cat into the woods, Zheng Tan did not encounter any danger or crisis. But now, he suddenly realized that he had thought too simply. There are many wild animals living in this forest that are deliberately hidden, which Zheng Tan may not be able to discover at the first time, and there are also unknown dangers.

Zheng Tan doesn't think he is smarter than those scientific researchers. His life experience in the woods is not as good as this little mouse. Since he doesn't have a high IQ, he can't compare with the original inhabitants of the woods. There is no second red-striped mouse. The cat came to lead the way, and Zheng Tan chose to take this red-haired rat with him. Maybe it could still be used, and even if it wasn't, it could be used as a spare ration. When in danger, it could also be used as a bait to distract dangerous objects.

The speed of returning to the base was much slower than that of entering the forest. During this process, Zheng Tan had to be alert to his surroundings, stopping from time to time to listen to what was going on around him. He also had to take this red-haired rat with him. Once he found this red-haired rat, When the rats were about to chew through all the vines, they tied them up with another vine. Fortunately, there were many plants and vines here. Zheng Tan specifically looked for the ones that were resistant to gnawing and some with burrs for the red-haired rats to chew on. of engineering increases resistance.

I heard that there are many plants here that have long been extinct in other parts of the world, what botanists call "living fossils". Perhaps those botanists would scream when they see them here, but Zheng Tan is not interested at all.

Zheng Tan saw a big tree on the way. Zheng Tan didn't know what kind of tree it was. He had never seen it before. It was probably because it was too old. There was a hole in the trunk, and there were many snakes crawling in and out of the hole. Zheng Tan jumped on a tree to judge the direction of walking and looked around. When he saw it, he glanced over there from a distance and ran away quickly. He didn't dare to die.

Speaking of harvest, Zheng Tan did pick up a piece of amber. He picked it up when he went to the stream to drink water. He had heard that amber was picked up in the mining area or at the beach, but he didn't expect to pick it up here. The piece of amber was about the same size as a quail egg. There was a small flower inside. I don’t know what kind of flower it was. If it was a variety from tens of millions of years ago, it would be worth collecting. Zheng Tan found a piece of vine to wrap around the piece of amber, and then Put it around your neck so it's not easy to lose, and give it to Little Yuzi when you get home.

Zheng Tan didn't feel too bad about carrying a piece of amber. It was light and easy to carry.

While on the way, Zheng Tan ate some fruits and caught a snake. He didn't know which snakes he could eat and which ones he couldn't. Anyway, he happened to see the same species as the snake he ate last time, so he killed it. It was a little smaller than the one the tabby cat caught. Zheng Tan had to bite the bullet again in order to rush on his way. Ate some.

Feed the leftovers to the red-haired rat. Anyway, that's all, it will eat whatever it likes.

The red-haired rat seemed to be starved, and refused to accept anything that came. Many rodents are omnivorous. This red-haired rat can eat both meat and vegetarian food, which saves Zheng Tan a lot of things.

After walking for three days in a row, Zheng Tan sped up his pace at dusk on the third day because he smelled someone's breath. When the sky darkened, Zheng Tan was already running on the mountain where the base was located. However, the light was dim at this time and many people did not notice Zheng Tan.

Although he was very tired, Zheng Tan was very excited when he saw the base. He did not slow down on his feet, but went faster. He even forgot that there was a vine with a red-haired rat tied in his mouth.

In the dormitory at the base, Dad Jiao closed the door, walked out of the dormitory building, walked out, and smoked a cigarette.

They have been in a bad mood these past few days because of the cat incident. The two children have not gone out with the internship team for several days in a row. They said they would wait in the room and the windows were not closed. They just thought about when. The cat is back. Father Jiao searched in the wild and hired some villagers to help search. Mother Jiao asked the residents living on the mountain one by one, and they all only said that they had seen a black cat a few days ago, and then they never saw it again.

In fact, many surrounding residents, as well as some teachers and security personnel at the base, had already concluded that the cat had been dragged away and eaten by some wild beast. This kind of thing has happened here, and some even lost big dogs. After a while, you will hear that the remains are found somewhere in the wild, and the bones are full of the teeth marks of unknown animals.

Several security personnel who came out to patrol the base saw Jiao's father and came to say hello and ask him about finding a cat. In the past few days, they always saw the teacher surnamed Jiao coming out to smoke. I'm almost dying of anxiety. There's a missing cat notice posted outside.

"Teacher Jiao, your cat hasn't been found yet?" a young-looking man asked.

Dad Jiao shook his head.

"Don't worry, maybe it will come back on its own at some point. There used to be a cat in our house that disappeared for a month and came back on its own."

"Yes, don't worry. You can go back and rest after a walk, but don't go out. Yesterday, someone on the mountain went out in the middle of the night and was bitten by a snake. Fortunately, it was not a highly venomous snake."

Several security guards were talking to each other, and suddenly one of them pointed at the wall not far behind Dad Jiao and shouted, "What is that?!"

As soon as Zheng Tan climbed over the wall, he noticed a beam of light coming over him, so he quickly jumped down and planned to run to the building where he lived. When he didn't expect to land, the vine suddenly broke, and the red-haired rat also chewed up the vine. , with the force of the vines pulling away when Zheng Tan landed, he tried to escape, but was held down by Zheng Tan with a slap.

When Father Jiao grabbed the flashlight of one of the guards and ran over, he happened to see Zheng Tan and Zheng Tan slapping the little mouse that was squeaking on the grass.


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