Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 123 A Scroll Activate, Destroy

Xiong Zhuang came alone.

Chen Huaisheng had no intention of letting Xiong Zhuang, Gou Yiwei and the others meet, and he would avoid unnecessary risks if possible.

Gou Yiwei and himself have not yet been able to confide in each other to the point where they can hand over everything. Xiong Zhuang will not hand over the great secret aid, or trump card, to anyone in the future.

Many practitioners have quirks, so Gou Yiwei understands them very well.

As long as the task can be completed and the goal achieved, everything is acceptable.

The Mulan Mountain Spiritual Sand Mine needs to send the excavated spiritual sand to the Hanzhou Taoist Temple on the eighth day of every month, and the Hanzhou Taoist Temple will also regularly and reliably send the spiritual sand back to the mountain gate of the Zijin Sect in Yunmeng Prefecture.

The excavation of spiritual sand is actually a very complicated and boring job. It requires a large number of workers to excavate the ore containing spiritual sand in the mine, then crush it one by one, and finally carry out fine grinding and screening to extract the spiritual sand.

Most of the spiritual sand ore is hidden in the mountains and requires pits to enter. Sometimes the pits inevitably collapse and death is inevitable.

The Lingsha Mine involves huge interests and is related to the prosperity of a sect. It can only be controlled by a large sect, and ordinary people cannot get involved at all.

After Chen Huaisheng and Gou Yiwei went through several visits, they discovered that this guy was definitely a professional. He even suspected that this guy had been engaged in this kind of business many times before, and his sophistication and proficiency far exceeded his initial imagination.

I thought this guy was originally a member of a single gang, but now it seems that this guy must have had a large team, or a relatively fixed group of accomplices.

Seemingly aware of Chen Huaisheng's suspicion, Gou Yiwei just said that it was an old story from decades ago and took him over.

It seems that the world of cultivation is also full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and it is also "harboring filth and evil". It is no different from the secular society.

"Brother Xiong, have you memorized this topographic map of Hanzhou Taoist Temple? I tried it twice. I think Brother Xiong should be fine." Seeing Xiong Zhuang nod, Chen Huaisheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hanzhou Taoist Temple is not big. It is just a branch of the Zijin Sect. If it were not for the existence of the Mulan Mountain Spiritual Sand Mine, it might be at most a foundation guard. But now there are two. But after these ten days of observation , the two of them did not spend much time in the Taoist Academy at the same time. They spent a considerable amount of time in the Taoist Academy separately..."

Chen Huaisheng began to introduce the plan to Xiong Zhuang and plan the attack route and evacuation route.

"..., every day at 3:00 noon, a Foundation Builder goes out to his private home on Huoshen Street, Hanzhou. He has to wait until Shenchu ​​to return to the Taoist Temple. There is an hour in between for us to move. …”

"Except for the one who stayed behind to build the foundation, what are the other disciples in the Taoist Academy doing at this time?" Xiong Zhuang asked, tilting his big head.

"The lunch break should be the time when Hanzhou Taoist Temple is at its most relaxed. A disciple at the peak of Qi Refining has been in retreat this month. If nothing happens, a disciple at the eighth level of Qi Refining will go to Jiangling General Altar today, probably We set out at this time, and a disciple of the seventh level of Qi refining was resting in the Taoist courtyard. There were also several disciples of the fifth, fourth and second levels of Qi refining. They should all be resting in the house..."

Xiong Zhuang nodded silently, "In other words, my main enemy is the foundation builder. In addition, there may be some trouble for me, including the seventh-level Qi Refining disciple?"

"That should be the case, but I have to remind you that although the monk at the peak of Qi refining is in seclusion, he may break through the seclusion in advance in an emergency. Brother Xiong should not ignore it..."

What Chen Huaisheng is most worried about is that Xiong Zhuang is unable to cope with some sudden unexpected situations. Although Xiong Zhuang is super powerful and can crush two monks in the early stage of foundation building in the Taoist temple, there are some accidents that Xiong Zhuang has never experienced, and some even Chen Huaisheng has never experienced. It's impossible to predict, it all depends on Xiong Zhuang's own response.

The Taoist Academy has a magic circle, but this problem is left to Gou Yiwei. The magic circle usually only activates primary protection at noon, so there are loopholes to exploit, but if it is at night, it will be much more difficult.

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng was still worried, Xiong Zhuang grinned, "Brother Xian, don't worry too much. It's okay for us to plan thoroughly in advance, but to actually implement it, we have to rely on our strength. Brother Yu has to face these things after all. , I will be born independently in the future, but I still don’t have to meet him? This can be regarded as a practice, don’t worry, Brother Xiong is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, hey, we are not bragging, even if there is a foundation-building peak hidden inside, we just need to do whatever it takes You can escape even if you run away.”

Chen Huaisheng sighed lightly. The other party was right. No matter how he planned for the other party, he could not always do so. He had to face all kinds of dangers and accidents in the world independently. This could be considered an attempt.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll arrange for people to stop the attack at the door of Zhu Ji's house when he returns home to rest. I think we can buy him half an hour. Brother Xiong, you have to remember that we can't ask for money. Please be patient, just grab the spiritual sand, you already know the location where the spiritual sand is stored, but if anyone wants to stop us from getting more spiritual sand, then we must be merciless and kill them decisively!"

December twenty-eight, sharp killing.

Hanzhou Taoist Temple.

Gu Wu had been feeling uneasy since he got up, but he couldn't think of anything wrong.

In two days, the last batch of spiritual sand from Mulan Mountain this year will be delivered. The spiritual sand for these two months will no longer be delivered to the mountain gate, but will be sent to Jiangling General Altar.

I went to the storage room and checked, and everything was fine.

The two disciples rested outside, but still remained vigilant.

The ban is open and everything is safe.

Thinking about it, he still felt that he was too sensitive. Who dared to stroke the beard of the Purple Gold Sect tiger?

He couldn't help but yawn.

Lao Peng left early again. His great-grandson was about to get married in the past few days. Unfortunately, he was only an acquired Taoist, but he married an innate Taoist who failed to enter the Tao. I only hope that the next generation will give birth to a better descendant.

Lao Tan is still in seclusion, and there has been no movement for more than a month. It seems that he will have to wait until next spring.

Refining Qi to the peak is a hurdle. It can't be that easy. I guess Lao Tan himself doesn't have much confidence, so he will give it a try first.

If you really want to break through the realm, you have to go to the secret realm of Shanmen to find an opportunity. There is no chance in this Hanzhou Taoist Temple.

"This is the eye of the Taoist array. Huaisheng, remember, if you use the fire hole crossbow I gave you here to fire, it will definitely cause the array to tremble. My friends and I broke through the array at the other end. , my friends and I have to continue to cause nuisance and attract other people in the Taoist temple, but you must remember that your friend must break in as soon as possible, otherwise my friends and I will have to retreat immediately. We have to Make an appointment, and after a stick of incense, we will start at the same time..."

At this time, Gou Yiwei had long lost his usual bohemian appearance, and was replaced by an extremely serious look.

Of course Chen Huaisheng understood that this was no joke. Let alone a foundation builder, even the peak Qi Refining or the Eighth Level Qi Refining in the Taoist Academy could kill him instantly.

Although Gou Yiwei has been at the ninth level of Qi Refining for a long time, according to Chen Huaisheng's estimation, his current combat strength is at most the eighth level of Qi Refining, and even that is not enough.

These old monks have not entered the country for many years, or even neglected to practice, so they have become parallel imports. It is normal for them to fall two or three levels compared to their apparent strength.

However, this guy is rich in experience, has various magical tools and talismans, and has many ways to save his life.

"Uncle Gou, you don't need to tell me this. You already know how to do it, but remember that you must spare no effort to attract the attention of the Zijin Sect disciples in the Taoist Temple, so that my friend can succeed in one fell swoop and succeed as soon as possible." Chen Huaisheng also warned the other party.

After exhorting each other, Gou Yiwei's figure disappeared in a flash. At this time, his lame leg could no longer see anything wrong. Chen Huaisheng then called Xiong Zhuang, who was hiding in the dark, to come out quietly and prepare to start.

Chen Huaisheng took a deep breath and installed the assembled magic weapon.

Strong spiritual power surrounds the entire crossbow, and the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Beads hidden in the crossbow box are actually made of special fire-based flame slurry that is forcibly concentrated and crystallized by ice-based mana.

Use this magic crossbow to hit the formation eye of Hanzhou Taoist Academy with super powerful magic power, and then use seven Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Beads to bombard the formation eye to destroy the formation.

I don't know where Gou Yiwei got these things from, but just from the strong mana he felt when he got close, he knew how threatening this kind of thing was.

Of course, this kind of magic object also has great disadvantages.

First, it requires a very clever spiritual power spring to trigger, and the spiritual power spring also needs to be activated by spiritual power. It is quite delicate and complicated. If you are not careful and are triggered by external forces to self-destruct, it will really be a sacrifice of your life.

Second, the use occasions are too limited. It can be said that apart from being used for formation defense, it has no great use elsewhere. It is really rare for Gou Yiwei to dismantle and reassemble it to bombard the formation.

After giving a signal to Xiong Zhuang, Chen Huaisheng aimed the crossbow and activated his spiritual power fiercely.

The spiritual power machine spring rotated, and then a burst of strong spiritual power impacted the crossbow box, and the crossbow box glowed with a bluish-white light.

After the light passed, the seven Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Beads in the crossbow box spurted out one after another, heading straight for an inconspicuous bamboo forest under the wall of the Taoist courtyard.

This bamboo forest is the eye of the magic circle, but it also has good protection restrictions, depending on the power of the Five Thunder Tianxin Beads.

Seven stars shot straight into the bamboo forest, followed by red flames rising all over the sky.

The sound was not loud, but you could feel a strange light pattern twisting on the entire Taoist wall, as if there was a mirage, colorful and blurred.

Immediately afterwards, a huge burst of spiritual energy spread along the wall in all directions, and a strange light also appeared in the southeast corner of the Taoist temple. It should be Gou Yiwei's side who took action.

"Brother Bear, it's your turn!"

Xiong Zhuang suddenly deformed and expanded in an instant, turning into a super strong man and crashing towards the Taoist Temple with great ferocity.

The side walls of the Taoist temple were like tofu, shattering and collapsing under Xiong Zhuang's crazy collision. Xiong Zhuang did not stop at all, running wildly, turning into a gust of wind, rushing towards the inner courtyard of the Taoist temple.

I have something to do today, so I'm a little late.

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