Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 191 Volume B All-round competition (big update, please vote for me!)

Chen Huaisheng nodded and asked: "Where, at any level, it's all fine? But what if we find out that it's false?"

"This little brother, it's impossible to falsify the truth. It's possible for you to say that we are not that precise and accurate. After all, there are many secrets in the sect family that the outside world cannot know. It is not easy for us to find out some things. , if we are not sure, we will also indicate that we are professionals."

"Professional?" Chen Huaisheng found it even more interesting, "You are also professional in this line of work?"

"Aren't you looking down on us?" The rat-bearded man became more and more enthusiastic, "There are twenty or thirty aristocratic sects in Bianjing City, large and small, with thousands of disciples, which can account for 30% of our Da Zhao cultivation world, not to mention every year People from other places come to our capital to travel, discuss and do various transactions. If they are not familiar with the situation and do not understand the market, how can they do it? Naturally, they have to rely on us. If you don’t believe me, let’s give it a try..."

Tong Tong couldn't help but asked curiously: "What kind of trial method?"

"It's just you guys. Although I'm meeting you all for the first time, I can roughly judge your origin and situation." The rat-bearded man looked at the group of people up and down, and said quite confidently.

"Oh?" Tong Tong, Yuan Wenbo, Hu Delu and Zhao Wuyou all seemed to be unconvinced, "Tell me."

"Okay, judging from your accents, you should be from Nansan County, and your accent is closer to Wu Yue, so you are probably from Yi County..."

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng and the others looked unmoved, the bearded man did not care and continued: "There are only a few sects and aristocratic families in Yi County that can be called famous. The sects include Huanzhen Dao, Baishi Sect, Lingyun Sect, and Zhongsect." In the Hua sect, the only aristocratic families are the Kou family, the Zhu family, and the Lian family. Not counting the Kou family, they can only be regarded as from the Bianliang side, so they are the Zhu family and the Lian family. But you guys are the same in terms of your clothes and titles. It doesn’t look like they belong to the same family, so it can only be a sect.”

He has some skills and can tell the basic situation of Yi County in one sentence and directly exclude the aristocratic families. It is reliable, but it is not enough.

"As for these four sects, we can first rule out Huazhen Dao." The rat-bearded man said with certainty.

Tong Tong couldn't help but ask again: "Why?"

"Almost all Huazhen Taoists wear Taoist attire, especially female cultivators who are required to wear Miaochang scarves. This girl does not dress like a Taoist, so we can be sure that she is not a Huazhen Taoist." The rat-bearded man said with a smile. .

Chen Huaisheng and others exchanged glances. They were quite capable, and at least they were very familiar with some situations in each sect.

"Well, that's not Huazhen Tao, so which one should we belong to?" Chen Huaisheng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, this is a little hard to say. Baishi Sect, Lingyun Sect and Chonghua Sect, all three belong to Yinan Sect, and their accents are similar..." The rat-bearded man touched his chin, looked at a few people and said in a deep voice: "You are more likely to be from the Chonghua Sect or the Lingyun Sect. The Baishi Sect's cultivation mainly focuses on other artifacts, and there are very few swordsmen. But I think almost all of you are swordsmen,..."

It's good to be able to rule it out from this point.

Several people had some admiration for the guy who didn't look amazing. After all, it was not easy to be so familiar with the conditions of hundreds of sects and families in Zhao Dynasty.

"Okay, even if what you said is similar, are we the Lingyun Sect or the Chonghua Sect?" Tong Tong asked curiously.

"It's really difficult to judge, but as long as I give you a day, I can get a rough idea of ​​your situation." The rat-bearded man said confidently.

Chen Huaisheng and Yuan Wenbo exchanged glances, and Chen Huaisheng said: "That's not necessary, let's do this. Since you are so sure, let's just believe it. Well, we want to know about the sects and sects in the entire Yi County. The status of the aristocratic family and its monk registration is required tomorrow, can it be done?"

"If you are in such a hurry, it will be difficult to be too detailed, but one can probably do it." The rat-bearded man thought for a moment and said: "But what about the price? The more detailed the more expensive it is. If you have special information clues, you have to ask for it." Plus, of course, we can negotiate the price on the spot, and you can also estimate whether it’s worth the price.”

Seeing that the rat-bearded man was so sure, Chen Huaisheng, who was originally just thinking about asking, was really tempted.

In any case, it is good to know more about the situation of opponents and allies, especially if you have some grasp of these situations, you can also take a look at the similarities and differences in the content these guys come up with. Even if you spend some spiritual stones, he I think it's worth it.

"Seeing that you are so sure, it seems that if we don't do this business with you, we will regret it in the future. Anyway, tell us about the situation of each sect in Yi County. How many spiritual stones are needed and how much deposit is required? Chen Huaisheng asked.

"If you count the sects and aristocratic families that Yijun has come to participate in the Taoist meeting this time, there are four sects plus three aristocratic families. There are also one or two families. It is estimated that they are just here to take a look. All the people participating in the meeting You may not be qualified, or you may not dare to sign up. The basic price for each sect and aristocratic family is 800 spirit stones. If there are special circumstances, the price will be discussed based on the quality. In addition, 500 spirit stones will be packaged for other casual cultivators and small aristocratic families. The total price will be charged You have 6,100 spirit stones. I will erase the fraction and collect 6,000 spirit stones. Do you want a deposit? I will collect 800 spirit stones first..."

"Six thousand spirit stones is the total price, but we are not sure whether it is worth the price, so what should we do?" Chen Huaisheng asked.

"I understand what you mean. You can also do this. When the time comes, you can choose a family to come up for identification. I can provide some information about this family to ensure that it is worth it and you are satisfied. Then six thousand spiritual stones will be paid. I don’t think it’s worth it, so I’ll return the eight hundred spirit stones, and treat the news as a gift. Let’s make a good relationship and talk about it next time, how about that?”

The rat-bearded man has obviously been in this business for a long time. He is used to all kinds of customers and the conditions they propose, and he also has various strategies for dealing with them.

Seeing this man's confident attitude, Chen Huaisheng and the others felt that this capital city was really the capital city, and it was different from other places. There were people who dared to play so smoothly in such a way. Aren't you afraid of revenge from those sect families who feel that the information has been leaked?

Seemingly seeing the doubts of several people, the rat-bearded man smiled: "I know what you are worried about. Since we are in this business, we naturally have our own ways. Could it be that if they kill us, there will be no one to sell these things? ? Aren’t you afraid that more shady things will be sold? People won’t be able to inquire about these things? "

"If you really want to find out, there is nothing that you can't find out. In fact, you also know that what we can find out cannot be something so top-secret. You just don't have the energy and thought to find out and collect it."

"Besides, everyone has a tacit understanding, and we are not incompetent. How about we do this business and not let others dictate it? Because we can also provide them with needs, and they also need us when they need us... …”

"In addition, we sell these things, and of course we will also purchase them. If you have any special information, you can also give it to us. We can also exchange or make an offer. Business cannot be done without mercy,..."

I have to admit that what this guy said is quite reasonable, and it can also be heard that the other party is very confident. It is probably not the first time or two that he has encountered such doubts and worries.

"Okay, but we'll pay a deposit of five hundred spirit stones. After all, this is the first time we've dealt with him, and we're not well off. If we really think it's worth it, we'll give him six thousand spirit stones even if we're trying to sell it." Chen Huaisheng finally made a decision.

The rat-bearded man thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Yuan Wenbo and others felt that Chen Huaisheng was a little hasty in doing so. The five hundred spirit stones were said to be too many or too few. The problem was that if they were handed over to a stranger like this, it would be almost useless.

Whether the other party can't find anyone anymore, or they just use a bunch of well-known or made-up things to deceive you, it's really hard for you to say anything.

By then at least these five hundred spirit stones will be settled.

The transaction time was agreed upon and the other party left.

"Senior Brother Huaisheng, aren't you a little too bold? What if..." After the man left, Tong Tong complained a little: "What if this man can't be found, or he can't come up with anything decent at all?" Where’s the news?”

"It's unlikely." Chen Huaisheng said while reading the copy of the notice given as a gift: "There are two million people inside and outside the capital city. Even Taoist monks number tens of thousands, not counting the people coming and going every day." Those who often enter the capital city and make a living from this have probably become a Taoist a long time ago."

"Are there any liars? There must be some, but this guy should be a professional. A few hundred spirit stones are not enough for him. He really wants to earn our six thousand spirit stones. What's more, one of his words is quite right. , I’m afraid this information is not top-secret, it just requires some effort to explore and collect..."

"We, small sects, and living in other places, may not have put much thought into this aspect, but the big sects and aristocratic families in the capital city probably have people who specialize in collecting this information. These people probably come from various sects. The aristocratic families use various methods to create them, and then fill in each other's gaps. Basically, they can master the information of each family, and then use it for targeted sales. Don't underestimate this industry. After one year, the profits may not be It’s much inferior to a small city.”

Seeing that everyone was a little unconvinced, Chen Huaisheng said again: "Do the math, we can earn six thousand spirit stones with this amount. Similarly, they can also sell this information to Huanzhen Tao, Baishimen and Lingyun Sect. , there are several others, and you can get tens of thousands of spiritual stones, right? This is a hugely profitable business, so don’t think about it with inertial thinking."

The group of people went straight back to their residence, reading the gifted newspaper all the time.

Although several people from the Chonghua Sect have signed up, the registration status of Lingyun Sect and Baishimen can also be seen.

The Lingyun Sect has a lot more applicants than the Chonghua Sect, reaching eighteen, which is relatively even. In addition to the two Foundation Establishers, there are five people in the advanced Qi Refining Stage, eight in the middle Qi Refining Stage, and only three in the initial Qi Refining Stage.

The Baishi Sect is a bit astonishing. There are as many as 30 people who have signed up, four for foundation building, eight for high-level Qi refining, 12 for middle-level Qi refining, and six for first-level Qi refining. Basically, there are corresponding disciples at every level. .

The Nine Lotus Sect has a small number of applicants, only thirty-eight people. Compared to its sixth-ranked status, this number seems a bit small.

Chen Huaisheng also saw Xuan Chimei's name among them, ranking first in the fifth level of Qi refining, and Yu Xianxian's name was also there, but ranked in the fourth level of Qi refining.

In addition to Xuan Chimei, Chen Huaisheng also saw the names of Yi Chuyang and Tang Jingtian. Yi Chuyang was in the foundation building column, and Tang Jingtian was already at the eighth level of Qi Refining, one level higher than before.

Tianyun Sect, which ranks first, has as many as eighty-eight people who have signed up. From the first level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining, there are seven or eight people at almost every level. It is simply a clear battle, and everyone is welcome to challenge.

For example, the Zhao family, which ranks third in the overall list and first in the family list, still has more than 60 applicants, while the Wanxiang sect, which ranks fourth in the overall list and third in the sect list, has more than 70 applicants. six people.

Chen Huaisheng's focus is on Baishimen and Lingyun Sect, especially the fourth level of Qi Refining and the fifth level of Qi Refining.

For myself, the target of the challenge is at these two levels, while the one who may challenge me is at the fourth level of Qi refining of the opponent.

If the third level Qi Refiner of Baishi Sect or Lingyun Sect is crazy about spiritual stones and wants to challenge themselves beyond the level, then I really have to welcome them with open arms.

There are five people who signed up for the fourth level of Qi Refining from Baishi Sect, four people for the fifth level of Qi Refining, and three people for both the fourth and fifth levels of Qi Refining from Lingyun Sect.

Chen Huaisheng paid a special visit to the Kou family, and among the fifty people who signed up, Kou Song and Kou Qing were also among them.

Kou Qing has not rested in the past two years. He has advanced to the third level of Qi Refining and is on par with Yuan Wenbo and Tong Tong.

But Yuan Wenbo and Tong Tong are both on the threshold of breakthrough and may advance to the fourth level of Qi Refining at any time. I wonder if Kou Qing has also reached this state.

The list brought back also shocked Xu Muyang and Xu Tianfeng.

Chen Huaisheng has not told Xu Muyang, Xu Tianfeng and the others that he spent five hundred spirit stones to "subscribe" to the inside information of various sects and families in Yi County. After all, this is still his private behavior for the time being. As for after getting it, he will see if there is any The value will be left to Xu Muyang and the others to judge and see if they can "actually reimburse themselves".

The number of registrations for Baishimen's thirty people made both Xu Muyang and Xu Tianfeng feel tremendous pressure.

Two and a half times the number of people also means that they can easily arrange disciples to challenge themselves, and the pressure on their own side can be imagined.

People on both sides, including Baishimen and the people behind Baishimen, the Chonghua sect and the people behind Chonghua sect, all know that if Baishimen shows the tendency to crush the Chonghua sect in the Taoist meeting, it will undoubtedly strengthen Baishimen. If one side's confidence shakes the Jiulian Sect's confidence behind the other side at the same time, one is ebbing and the other is ebbing, which is really dangerous.

Confidence is sometimes even more important than strength.


There are a lot of things to do, I have been working hard, please give me some monthly tickets!

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