Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 202 Volume B: Killing in a Moment (Second update please vote!)

This round of battle on the morning of the first day was exciting for the Chonghua faction.

Although everyone was full of momentum and energy before, but from the inside, everyone was still a little uneasy.

If someone dares to challenge, is it because they are unprepared?

I can spend 6,000 spirit stones to learn their details, so why can't others learn about my situation in the same way?

Six thousand spirit stones are nothing to a sect or family, and it is even less important to the performance of a sect or family in a major event such as the Taoist Fair.

Even spending several times more spiritual stones to understand and spy on deeper intelligence is worth it for these sects and families.

According to the judgments of Li Yu, Xu Muyang, Wang Yao and others, the result of half victory or defeat or even four defeats and three wins should be acceptable.

But I didn't expect it to be four wins, one draw and two losses.

This result has exceeded expectations and is gratifying.

In particular, Chen Huaisheng, Yuan Wenbo, and Zhuo's team solved the battle cleanly, which greatly increased everyone's confidence.

But the competition in the afternoon will be more intense.

Xu Tianfeng, Yao Liwei, Zhao Sitian, Chen Huaisheng, Yuan Wenbo, and Tong Tong will continue to play.

The afternoon race starts at two o'clock (2:30).

Chen Huaisheng was the first to appear, while the others were ranked three games later.

Chen Huaisheng believed that his opponent Mao Kefeng of Baishimen should have already known the result of Copper in the morning.

But knowing, knowing, the reason why Copper lost control and fell to power is probably still a mystery to them.

The supervising Taoist master may know something, but he may not be sure, and Baishimen may not be able to find out.

Copper himself understood it, but he would never tell anyone else.

This was the first time Chen Huaisheng faced someone from Baishimen.

The history of Huozhou Baishimen is not short, it is six or seven hundred years old. However, in the past hundred years, Baishimen has grown rapidly in Huozhou. Especially in the past thirty years, its power has grown by leaps and bounds.

The number of disciples increased from less than 200 in the first year of Jingzhen's reign to nearly 500 in the 27th year of Jingzhen's reign.

For a sect, recruiting disciples is very simple. The number of Taoist types born every year in various places is quite large, even innate Taoist types. As long as they are willing to recruit, it is not a problem.

But you have to select enough outstanding disciples, and then provide them with ample skills, spiritual materials, spiritual stones, and training and experience opportunities, so that they can steadily grow into talents, and then enough talents can bloom from them, then it is not A simple thing.

You recruit 300 more disciples, the cost is so huge, but if they fail to produce enough high-level Qi refining and foundation-building disciples, and most of them are reduced to early-level Qi refining disciples, then your expansion and growth is puffy, that is, Failure.

What's more, Baishi Sect is not only very aggressive in recruiting disciples, but also very relaxed in absorbing guests into the sect.

Everyone knows that absorbing guests into the sect is a double-edged sword.

It is not easy to establish a sense of belonging, and you may leave at any time, especially when facing a crisis.

Secondly, the cost is quite huge.

Keqing is basically a character who is above Foundation Establishment. He can live a very prosperous life wherever he goes. He can even be king and dominate in frontier places. If others are willing to come, they will be restrained by others, and they even have to bear the obligation to go out to fight. Then Of course you have to be generous.

The spiritual land, the cave, the spiritual materials, and even the salary need to be paid, which is not a small expense after all.

The Chonghua faction is quite conservative in this regard and is basically unwilling to recruit such guest officials unless there is a real opportunity and the conditions are suitable.

The effects of Baishimen's two very radical strategies are quite intuitive. The number of disciples has skyrocketed, and the high-end combat power (foundation building) has increased significantly. From the first year of Jingzhen, it is on par with the Chonghua sect, but according to the latest Intelligence shows that the number of people building foundations (including guest ministers) has reached twenty-six, twice that of the Chonghua sect.

Of course, this does not mean that having more foundation-building spiritual skills will guarantee victory, but this is the most realistic manifestation of realistic combat power.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, excluding the influence of magic weapons, spiritual talismans, and spiritual beasts that are additional combat power factors, one more foundation can instantly kill ten times the number of junior and middle-level Qi-refining disciples, and it can also kill several times your high-level Qi-refining disciples. Next words.

Doubling the amount of foundation building can almost completely eliminate all possibilities.

It can be said that if there was no news that the leader had entered Dengzi Mansion, and the Jiulian Sect was unwilling to fully intervene, Chen Huaisheng had made up his mind to take Fang Baoqi and Hu Delu to escape if the situation went bad.

It's not because he is ruthless and unrighteous to the sect, but because of reality.

Of course, he will also remind Tong Tong, Yuan Wenbo and Cai Jinyang, and will also give Wu Tianen suggestions.

But he would never go out of his way to seek death by hitting an egg with a stone on the grounds of loyalty even though he knew that something couldn't be done.

Even now, Chen Huaisheng is still a little worried, so he will try his best to show his strength in this Taoist meeting, and even will not hesitate to provide Longyi support to Zhao Sitian, so that Zhao Sitian can also fight well.

The leader has entered Deng Zi Mansion, but the leader of Baishi Clan has also entered Deng Zi Mansion. Our side also does not have an advantage, but having the Immortal Qing of Zi Mansion on our side will make Baishi Clan a little more scrupulous.

The only hope is to see if they can perform well in this Taoist meeting, so that when the Jiulian Sect is forced to abandon its son, it will give priority to preserving the Chonghua Sect and abandoning the Lingyun Sect.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Chen Huaisheng's mind. When he came on the stage to face his opponent, he felt calm.

Solving the battle in the shortest time is his only belief now.

He could show some mercy to Copper, or even give him a job, but he would not show any mercy to the people of Baishimen.

"In this battle, Baishimen Qi Refining Level 4 Mao Kefeng challenges Chonghua Sect Qi Refining Level 4 Chen Huaisheng..., do you understand the rules clearly?"

Chen Huaisheng nodded, but he saw Mao Kefeng step forward and approach the supervising Taoist master and say a few words.

The supervising Taoist priest frowned and raised his voice: "Let me reiterate, if you two want to drive demons, corpses, puppets, or spiritual beasts, you must inform them in advance before the game, otherwise you will be directly judged as a loser and you must Do you understand the punishment?! Mao Kefeng wants to drive away the demon soul, Chen Huaisheng, what about you?"

Chen Huaisheng was confused, but when he saw the look in Mao Kefeng's direction, he quickly understood.

Does the other party want to drive away demons? Does he suspect that he also drove away demons in the previous battle?

Feeling happy, this was a good way to divert the other party's attention. Chen Huaisheng pretended to hesitate, but finally muttered: "No need."

His behavior also aroused the suspicion of the supervising Taoist master, but since Chen Huaisheng refused to admit it, he only needed to monitor carefully, and quietly found an evil-suppressing talisman in his hand.

It is true that ordinary Taoists don't have much contact with things like monsters and ghosts, but it is really difficult to deal with them with ordinary swordsmanship and spells. Only evil-suppressing and evil-repelling talismans are the most effective.

Mao Kefeng had stated that he wanted to drive away demons and ghosts, but Chen Huaisheng refused to admit it. He obviously wanted to use sneak attacks, but this was against the rules.

But maybe this guy thinks he can use covert means to cover it up?

As the field control Taoist left with a light leap in the middle of the platform, the supervising Taoist shouted: "Start!"

Both sides started immediately.

Chen Huaisheng's spiritual consciousness had already been activated one step ahead.

Since the effect of the nine-color deer antler powder was combined with the changes caused by the three spirits entering the body, Chen Huaisheng felt that his spiritual consciousness had undergone some changes, becoming more acute, profound and meticulous.

That vague and mysterious feeling is difficult to describe in words. If I must say it, it means that my vision, smell, premonition and spiritual awareness have all evolved to a higher level, and they are perfectly combined, and then I can Get a richer, deeper and more intuitive experience.

This feeling often has no more basis to support it. It is just a kind of induction. In other words, this is because your Taishang Sensing Technique has truly integrated with your body. It is no longer a spell, nor is it just for you. A premonition of the future has become a perception of the future, the outside world, the enemy, and everything.

Against his opponent, Chen Huaisheng activated this supreme sensing technique as soon as he came up.

What he reported back was not too beyond his expectation. It was a typical fourth level of Qi refining, golden spiritual roots, and extremely powerful magic cultivation techniques, but there was no mention of the other party being able to exorcise demon souls.

This information obviously failed to understand this guy's true level.

Chen Huaisheng thought it was more than that before.

If such a mediocre spiritual cultivator is regarded as a powerful character that can be challenged by Baishimen, then it would be too underestimated by Baishimen. Now people are shouting that Daoming is going to exorcise the demon souls, which is only reasonable.

Everything can only be known by seeing it.

When the supervising Taoist master shouted out, Chen Huaisheng jumped up from the ground and volleyed into the air. The Heavenly Sword danced wildly in the air like a green dragon, and the combination of combined strikes bloomed instantly.

The mighty Qing Ming Qi formed a tornado, sweeping across the entire earth platform and going away mightily.

The opponent stood erect, facing the roaring mountains of sword energy, and kept pushing him in front of him. Then he smiled proudly and lightly traced his finger in the air.

A silver-white shield wall was suddenly established, blocking the mountains of sword waves.

The sword wave roared and struck, and the shield wall clanged.

As the firelight sputtered, the shield wall rushed like a giant tortoise, suddenly breaking into two, and then two turned into four, four turned into eight, eight turned into sixteen,..., it turned into a huge square dense shield. The formations constantly collided and intertwined with each other, firmly surrounding Chen Huaisheng and squeezing towards the middle.

Whisper! Whisper! Whisper! Whisper!

Chen Huaisheng's Yitian Sword was continuously compressed during the impact. The swordsman and the magic sword couldn't break this weird metal shield formation.

Chen Huaisheng realized something was wrong at the first moment. It was incredible that his combo attack could not break through the opponent's magic shield wall.

They were both at the fourth level of Qi Refining, and yet they were trapped to death by the opponent's spell when they unleashed their sword cultivation skills to the extreme. It was obviously impossible, it could only be a magic weapon.

But I didn't see the magic weapon activated before.

But before the opponent waved, Chen Huaisheng saw the strange runes and diamond-shaped arm shields on the wrist guards of the opponent's arms.

I see.

This guy hid the magic treasure in his sleeve and used runes to strengthen it. He thought that the other party would really use golden spells to activate it, but he didn't expect that the other party would use the magic in the magic weapon. This was also an attempt to eliminate him in one fell swoop. .


Apparently aware of the crisis facing Chen Huaisheng, Lingxiu roared suddenly, pointed his hands forward, and looming runes floated out in the air, constantly attaching to the shield. The shield suddenly expanded, and the shield The demon cat pattern on the face began to change.


The phantom of a cat suddenly jumped out from the shield and went straight towards Chen Huaisheng's throat.

Chen Huaisheng's expression remained unchanged, and he had already taken out a evil-fixing talisman in his left hand, "Sick!"

I saw the light and shadow in the evil-fixing talisman in his hand moving, turning into thousands, and rushing out.

Just as the shadows of dozens of demon cats had time to escape from the shield, they were hit by these lights and shadows. They hissed and screamed and suddenly turned into phantoms in the air and disappeared.

Mao Kefeng sneered.

He was not a disciple of Baishi Sect, or rather a disciple who grew up in Baishi Sect. He only entered Baishi Sect when he was thirty years old.

It was precisely because such nine-star spotted cats were abundant near the Yin Pond in the Baishimen Mountain Gate that he was willing to join. The condition was that there must be enough demon cats for him to practice.

He wanted to see how many evil-fixing charms this guy had.

My own art of expelling demon souls was practiced with nine-headed nine-star spotted cats. Each demon cat has ninety-nine and eighty-one souls, and the nine-headed demon cat is seven hundred and twenty-nine demon souls, enough to swallow everything.

Chen Huaisheng also didn't expect that the other party would have so many demon souls available, and even the more than ten evil-fixing talismans he had hidden could not sustain the consumption.

As countless demon souls rushed toward him, the body-protecting spiritual power had no power to stop them.

Although it is just the Yinxu soul shadow, which does no harm to my body, it is consuming the spiritual power in my body.

Are we really going to lose this battle?

Chen Huaisheng couldn't accept it.

He didn't believe that he would actually be defeated by a Baishi disciple who was also at the fourth level of Qi Refining.

He simply threw the evil-fixing talisman together, held the sword in both hands and activated it again. The surging sword energy violently hit the shield array swarming from all sides, making a heart-piercing metal collision sound.

The moment a gap appeared in the shield array, Chen Huaisheng gently touched the bulging bag at his waist with the tip of his elbow, and a miniature version of the fire wheel thorn came out of the bag lightly and flew over the shield. array gap.

Everyone in the audience was attracted by this wonderful battle.

I actually saw a very rare soul-conquering technique, and it was the soul of a monster!

Mao Kefeng discovered the approaching fire wheel thorn immediately.

Although he was not sure what kind of thing it was, it was even more dangerous to sneak out through the shield array quietly, and not to run towards him, but to get into the air, circle and fly, and choose the opportunity to move.

Seeing the Fire Wheel Thorn in place, Chen Huaisheng did not dare to delay.

At this time, his spiritual power was consumed rapidly. Hundreds of demon cat souls were surrounding him, biting and devouring him. In a few breaths, his spiritual power would be completely exhausted. When the shield array was closed, if the Taoist master who controlled the field was a little slower, I'm afraid I will be cut into meatloaf.

Just when he was about to launch the fire wheel stab, he felt a slight movement in the Danhai cauldron, and the resentful spirit roared out.


Big update, please double the votes in the last hour!

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