Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 204 Volume B Bad Premonition

Chen Huaisheng did not move.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move.

In just a few breaths, the demon cat's soul devoured most of the spiritual power in his body. In addition, he had to support the impact of the Yitian Sword, and he almost couldn't resist it.

At this moment, although the resentful spirit swallowed up the soul of the demon cat instantly, its digestion would also take a while.

He needed to adjust his breathing to stabilize his body, but he couldn't expose his weakness.

He also knew that several Taoist masters must have questions about the strange situation of this battle, but they couldn't ask deeply because of their face.

It wasn't until he calmed down after a few breaths and his spiritual power began to operate again that he pretended to be calm and cupped his hands: "I accept."

After getting off the platform, Chen Huaisheng still felt a little weak.

The devouring of hundreds of demon cat souls is not empty. If the resentful spirits hadn't suddenly erupted, this would have been a lose-lose situation.

He was even sure that if another spiritual cultivator at the same fourth level of Qi Refining, whether from the Tianyun Sect or the Taihua Taoist cultivator, would never be able to withstand this guy's Thousand Souls Devour.

This Mao Kefeng's level may be average, but his combat power at the fourth level of Qi Refining is definitely at the peak.

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng's expression was still abnormal after he stepped down, and his movements were a little slow, everyone realized that Chen Huaisheng might have suffered a lot in this battle, and might even have been injured secretly.

In fact, when they saw the Baishimen spiritual cultivator launching the demon cat soul attack, their hearts tightened.

Whether it was Xu Tianfeng, Yao Liwei or Zhao Sitian, they were all thinking about how they would respond if they faced such a sudden demon attack.

There is no good way to deal with it.

The shield formation is okay, it can be defeated by ten levels with one force, and both swordsmanship and spells can be used to break it. However, the fire-based magic spells may be able to deal with the kind of demon spirits that are swallowed up, but hundreds of demon cat souls suddenly possess and bite, and the fire How do sex spells burn and destroy them?

Could it be that by burning yourself, both sides will lose?

This is not to mention that the opponent still has a shield attack.

"Huaisheng, you did a great job." Wang Yao came over and patted Chen Huaisheng's body. A burst of spiritual power came out of his body, and Chen Huaisheng recovered more than half of his body in an instant.

"More senior brothers." Chen Huaisheng smiled gratefully, "It's a bit of a fluke. This guy is probably the strongest opponent I have ever encountered. Among the fourth levels of Qi refining, I'm afraid no one can get away from him, unless There are magic weapons specifically designed to restrain demon spirits, and even spells can hardly suppress them."

"Well, it's really rare for such a deviant demon cultivator to master a very powerful golden spell. Most people, even those at the fifth level of Qi refining, would find it difficult to get along well with him."

Wang Yao has a much higher vision than others.

He also realized that Chen Huaisheng should have mastered the magic to restrain this kind of demon spirit.

But he also couldn't figure it out. Apart from fire spells, what other spells could kill such demonic spirits?

And Chen Huaisheng quietly burst out from his spirit body a powerful spell that could swallow hundreds of demon cat souls. However, it was not like a fire spell. Could it be that Yin Fire burned internally and was released externally?

But the art of internal combustion and external release of Yin Fire requires at least foundation building to be practiced. How could he, who is at the fourth level of Qi Refining, be able to do it?

Or is Chen Huaisheng himself a demon cultivator?

It's not quite like it. When he entered a spiritual power just now, Wang Yao sensed that although the spiritual power in Chen Huaisheng's body was weak, it was positive. He was not cultivating ghost energy, but it also had some cold attributes, which made him really unable to see. Understand.

After taking three Zuoyuan Pills, slowly adjusting his breath with luck, and with Wang Yao's strength, Chen Huaisheng recovered quickly.

Over the past few years, Chen Huaisheng's meridian bones have become stronger and stronger.

From half a pill of Zuoyuan Dan, I now take two pills under normal circumstances, and three pills when my deficiency is too severe, and I can easily withstand the impact of the medicine.

Wang Yao also felt that although Chen Huaisheng had only broken through to the second level a few months ago, his Qi activity was rare. This state usually only occurs before he is faced with breaking through. Is this guy really going to be in this state for a few months? Will he break through and enter the fifth level of Qi refining in a few months?

There were no Chonghua sect disciples in the second battle, and the third battle did not begin until half an hour later.

Xu Tianfeng and Yao Liwei both competed against the two Qi Refining Peaks and the Eighth Level Qi Refining of Baishimen. These two battles were also battles between dragons and tigers.

Chen Huaisheng did not watch the battle between Xu and Yao, but watched Channel 8's Xuan Chimei versus a spiritual cultivator from the Wanxiang sect.

In two rounds, Xuan Chimei used a golden lotus to cover her head, resisting the opponent's sword cultivator's attack, and then backhand an unprecedented Frozen World, freezing the opponent in the air and causing him to fall down. land.

This was the first time that Chen Huaisheng saw Xuan Chimei's domineering and invincible nature.

This is the real genius, Chen Huaisheng was amazed to see it.

"Perhaps I really can't even catch Xuan Chimei's move?" Chen Huaisheng sighed while thinking about it carefully.

"The Yinming ghost arrows sneak attack, but looking at the golden lotus that Chi Mei can sprout from all over the body and her sensing speed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve the goal..."

"I'm afraid the Aiki combo attack will be even more useless..."

"The Fire Wheel Thorn can be used once, but I'm afraid that once I send out the Fire Wheel Thorn, I will be directly destroyed by Chi Mei..."

"Can the Tianluo Magic Shield withstand Chi Mei's extremely arrogant attack of Frozen Worlds? I'm afraid it can't be done unless my Tianluo Magic Shield can be trained to the second level, but to reach the second level, You need to reach the sixth level of Qi Refining, and the Tianluo Magic Shield is very strong against sword cultivators, but it may not be able to resist spell attacks..."

Chen Huaisheng just watched quietly from a distance. Xuan Chimei was naturally surrounded by Jiulian Sect disciples and left, so there was no need for him to be sentimental.

Xu Tianfeng had a difficult fight with the peak Qi refining master from Baishimen, but he still won with his exquisite sword cultivation skills. However, Yao Liwei did not have such good luck, and both sides suffered losses. If the penalty is more serious, the penalty shall be determined to be a loss.

In the next few battles, Tong Tong finally showed his power, and the Youhuang Silk Sword was like a heavy rain hitting pear blossoms, defeating a third-level Qi Refining monk from Lingyun Sect in three rounds.

However, Yuan Wenbo encountered a fierce battle and ended in a draw.

However, Zhao Sitian cleanly defeated a casual cultivator who challenged him and defended his reputation as a genius of the Chonghua Sect.

The spiritual food in the evening was rich.

A day's fierce battle is a rare baptism and experience for everyone. In the evening, this meal of millet porridge with fried venison and roast mutton is the best reward.

"I have to say that Baishimen still has some strength. It really shouldn't be underestimated." Wang Yao sat down with Li Yu and Xu Muyang and said while eating: "The opponents that Huai Sheng encountered in the morning and the opponents that Huai Sheng encountered in the afternoon are different. The strength of the battle has exceeded our previous estimates, and the one Li Wei is facing, if nothing happens, will definitely be promoted to the ninth level of Qi Refining within half a year..."

"To be fair, if Sitian's opponent is not restricted in this arena and is not restricted in the field, it is unknown who will win. And the demon cultivator that Huai Sheng met is fully capable of leapfrogging challenges. I I’m thinking that the disciples we sent this time are not at the fifth level of Qi refining, otherwise that guy would probably come to challenge at a higher level..."

Wang Yao's comments gave everyone a different feeling about Chen Huaisheng's strength.

A demon cultivator who had the strength to challenge a higher level was actually defeated by Chen Huaisheng. Doesn't this mean that Chen Huaisheng also had the strength to challenge a higher level?

Zhao Sitian sat next to Chen Huaisheng and said with a slight smile: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. There will be a fierce battle tomorrow, but I believe that after today's battle, both Baishimen and Lingyun Sect will have to carefully consider it. …”

"However, Huaisheng's encounter may be easier tomorrow. Gu Zhentian, who is at the third level of Qi Refining in Baishimen, is said to be extremely talented. He was promoted to the third level of Qi Refining two years ago. He is probably in the process of attacking the fourth level of Qi Refining. He wants to take Huaisheng. As a stepping stone,…”

Li Kunyang, who has not signed up, has been helping Cai Zhengyang to collect various intelligence and exchange various information with the Jiulian Sect and the Luoyi Mi family in the past few days. "In addition, it is Gu Yuelong from the Lingyun Sect this afternoon, and it should be difficult for Huai Sheng to pose a threat. threaten."

Chen Huaisheng was happy, "Senior Brother Li, you mean that I took care of all the most powerful ones on the first day?"

"This can only be said to be our assessment. There is also Qi Wanxia on the third day. Although he is a rogue cultivator, his origin is unknown. We only know that he is a rogue cultivator from Nanchu. He should be a helper invited by Baishi Sect, but he is also a practicing cultivator. It feels a bit like child's play to challenge the Three Qi Masters to a higher level."

"Kou Qing also won, but she only had one competition today..." Tong Tong's face was calm, sitting opposite Chen Huaisheng, his hands were as delicate as jade, and the nails painted with impatiens juice were even more tempting. As long as she is a woman, it seems Mortal cultivation is the same, and they cannot escape the pursuit of beauty. "I didn't expect that the ones challenging the Kou family would be the Han family and the Fan family. Is there also a dark wave surging in the capital city?"

"The Zhao family has been a country for thousands of years, and the powerful families have become too solid. In the past hundred years, in the battles with the Tang Dynasty and Beirong, let alone the Zhao family, how many performances of the Kou family, Shi family, and Sima family are worth mentioning? Mediocre Wuwei is still entrenched at the top of aristocratic families, and on the contrary, he is still trying every means to squeeze out and suppress those emerging aristocratic families. Who is convinced?"

Tong Tong frowned, "Then the officials just watch like this, and the Taoist palace doesn't care?"

"The thoughts of the official family are not something that outsiders can figure out. As for the Taoist palace, how do you manage it? They are all members of the vested interest group of the Taoist palace. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. As long as they can be wiped with the mud, it will be fine. Anyway, this Taoism Isn’t it just used to balance and prove something? Don’t we also need to use these performances to prove our value to avoid being abandoned as outcasts?”

Tong Tong didn't like hearing these conspiracy theories from Chen Huaisheng and glared at him, "You can't say anything nice. I hear your words every day and feel panicked, as if our Chonghua sect may be destroyed at any time. The leader But I just entered Dengzi Mansion."

Chen Huaisheng was silent for a long time before saying: "I hope you can prepare for a rainy day."

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