Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 229 Volume B Where to go, north of the river

Hearing such a result, Zhao Sitian and Chen Huaisheng were both at a loss.

Is the mountain protection formation broken like this? !

Tong Baichuan, a traitor or a traitor? !

If the gates of Langshan and Panshan are lost, the Chonghua Sect will lose the foundation for its survival. Can it still survive? Does it still have the value and significance of its existence?

Neither Chen Huaisheng nor Zhao Sitian could accept it.

For a while, even Chen Huaisheng felt that it was meaningless to risk his life and death to raid the Kip Shek Bay fishing ground. Apart from making a fortune, it did not play much role in Baishimen's attack on the mountain gate.

The mountain gate was also breached, but the leader and the others were actually ready to give in.

But what lies before us is a cruel reality, and we have to accept it even if we don’t accept it.

"Actually, even if Tong Baichuan and Su Wenling don't rebel, the mountain-protecting formation can't be maintained for long." Wu Tianen couldn't hide the tiredness and haggardness on his face, and his tone was full of desolation.

The two sides reached an agreement, and Baishimen agreed to give the Chonghua faction three days to evacuate.

Of course, this is under the supervision of Baishimen, and Li Yu is responsible for organizing everyone to pack up and prepare to evacuate.

Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi have also been hiding outside the mountain gate to prevent Baishimen from breaking the contract.

Once Baishimen breaks the contract, they will retaliate at all costs, causing a lose-lose situation.

Judging from the current situation, although Baishimen has an absolute advantage, it is not willing to have this situation happen and benefit others in vain.

"The White Stone Sect has accepted Zhang Taiquan, a loose cultivator from Wu Yue. This guy is super strong and is already a middle-level expert in the Purple Mansion Essence Realm. He is on par with the leader of the White Stone Sect, Chang Songjun. The two of them joined forces and added Xia Luoran and Song Yanjiang, we can't stop them from breaking through the eyes of the magic circle..."

"That's all Su Wenling, why did Tong Baichuan rebel?" Chen Huaisheng couldn't understand, "What benefits can he get from joining Baishimen? Can Baishimen give him more than what he got from the Chonghua sect? Such rich people It’s just Mother’s way, who would trust him? Apart from being infamous for eternity, what else can he get? The White Stone Gate can allow him to ascend on the spot and enter the Dengzi Mansion? "

"How is it possible?" Xu Tianfeng on the side also had a face full of anger, "Even the Tianyun Sect does not have such ability, how can it be beyond human power to enter the Zi Mansion? With Tong Baichuan's qualifications, he will be promoted to a high level of foundation building in this life. It’s so difficult and difficult, but you still dare to daydream about the Purple Mansion? Just keep dreaming.”

"Then why did he do this unwise thing?" Chen Huaisheng asked.

Wu Tianen shook his head, "The situation here is more complicated and difficult to explain in one sentence. He did not grow up in our Chonghua Sect since childhood. He entered our sect halfway. It was just that he had good talent at the time. The former head master thought that He had good qualifications and was practical in his work, so I agreed to join him. However, after more than sixty years, who would have thought that he would turn out to be an unfamiliar and white-eyed wolf."

Chen Huaisheng's mood had slowly calmed down at this time, "Uncle Wu, since the headmaster and the headmaster have made such a decision, I'm afraid it was only after careful consideration. But without the blessed land of Shanmen Lingshan, the foundation of the Chonghua Sect will no longer exist. Why? Li Faction?"

This is the most realistic and fundamental question.

Without the spiritual energy nourishing the blessed land of cave heaven, one cannot continue to practice at all.

No matter how small a sect is, it must have a spiritually rich place where all the disciples can rest and practice. Without this, the sect will lose the foundation of its existence.

"The boss and the others only have arrangements." Wu Tianen sighed, "I'm afraid we won't be able to gain a foothold in Langling or even Yijun. We should probably go to the north, where there will be a blessed land that is said to be the Lingshan Mountain..."

After Chen Huaisheng was startled, he immediately asked tentatively: "North of the river? The territory of the Beirong people?"

"It shouldn't count now. That area with a radius of thousands of miles can be regarded as a land jointly managed by our Da Zhao and Beirong. The officials and the Beirong people have reached a peace agreement, but the Beirong people actually have no ability to govern at all. For hundreds of years They have never really won the hearts of the people in that land, and it is difficult for the gods they worship to be recognized by the people north of the river, so they have always let it go..."

Wu Tianen said with some difficulty: "The Jiulian Sect is under great pressure from the Wanxiang Sect and the Huaxi Sword Sect. In addition, they also have some internal problems now, so it is difficult for them to give us enough support to win such an opportunity for us. It’s considered my best effort.”

"Where is Lingyun Sect?" Chen Huaisheng asked suddenly.

Wu Tianen's face showed silent embarrassment.

"The Lingyun Sect is also going to the north of the river. The Zijin Sect will enter Yiyang Mansion to preach and host sacred rituals..." A look of contempt and disdain appeared on Xu Tianfeng's face, "The Lingyun Sect is so big in the face of such an arrangement from the Dao Palace. , He didn’t even dare to resist, he actually agreed so quietly, what Jiulian Sect did was very unethical,..."

"A sect that lacks resistance and self-reliance will not last long. Without this spirit, it will not be able to persist in a place like Hebei." Chen Huaisheng asserted.

"The land of Hebei has been wandering for thousands of years. During this time, the situation here has been very different from that of our country in Zhao. The Beirong people took the initiative to hand over this land of thousands of miles to Zhao. I am afraid that in addition to being too busy to take care of the war with the Tang Dynasty and diverting trouble to the east, Unexpectedly, I am afraid that to a large extent they still cannot control this land..."

"The great people of the country must be worshiped in the Rong. The Beirong people were somewhat unable to withstand the attack of the Tang Dynasty, but they could not control the people's hearts in the land of Hebei. Both the Rong and the sacrifice were difficult. For a man who was brave and good at fighting and built the country through war. For our nation, it is self-evident which side to abandon, not to mention that they still retain the appearance of co-management and co-governance with Da Zhao..."

Chen Huaisheng's analysis won the nod of approval from Wu Tianen, Xu Tianfeng and others.

"However, Hebei a thousand years ago was a blessed land with fertile fields and people living and working in peace and contentment. But after the Medieval War, it became a wilderness. Now..." Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but shake when he thought of Xiong Zhuang's impressions of his visit to Hebei. He shook his head and said, "It is a paradise for monsters, rogue cultivators, and strange cultivators. If ordinary sects like us want to gain a foothold, the challenges we face may not be as big as ordinary ones."

"There are still remnants of sect families in Hebei..." Wang Yao's face turned pale. He was also blocked by Baishimen on his way back to the mountain. He was injured several times in a row and has not recovered yet. He added, "But I’m afraid that the sects and aristocratic families like us in Great Zhao may not be welcome if they have established themselves in the past,..."

"It's hard to say now. When Hebei was at its most prosperous a thousand years ago, even though its sects and families were not as prosperous as the Zhao Dynasty today, they were more than enough than Nanchu and Wuyue. There were thirty or fifty sect families, but now How many are left? They are now struggling to survive. Facing the impact of other forces, their power has actually been shrinking. Let's go, there is one more variable, maybe they are competitors, maybe they can help each other, so it depends on the situation. "Chen Huaisheng shook his head.

Xiong Zhuang told him about the situation in Hebei. There were indeed some sect families left, but they no longer had a dominant position in that land.

The two most powerful groups on that land should be the alien cultivators and the casual cultivators. Of course, there is also a stronger group, which is the monster beasts. However, the monster beasts have no intelligence, and human sects and families can only be ranked second. fourth place.

"I heard that third-level monsters often appear in Hebei, and there are even fourth-level monsters. If we really go to Hebei, can we survive?" Lu Wenshen's question made everyone silent.

The third-level monster is an unbearable burden for everyone here. Even the Zifu may not be able to easily solve it. If it is a fourth-level monster, what kind of terrifying existence is it?

What if it takes ten or eight years to finally get a foothold, but then encounters such a terrifying existence coming to the door, wouldn't it really be a mess?

Thinking of such a result, everyone felt desolate and desperate.

Langshan Panshan is so nice, it has everything you want, it is full of spiritual energy, nourished by spiritual springs and blessed land, but now you suddenly have to go to Hebei, thousands of miles away. It is not said to be a poor place, but it is definitely a dangerous journey.

"Uncle, if we really want to go to Hebei, many of our disciples may not be willing to go."

Looking at the people around him, Chen Huaisheng sighed softly.

"Especially those who have just started in the past year or two, have no deep feelings for the sect, and are from Langling and surrounding counties. Are they willing to suddenly leave their hometown and go to Hebei?"

The disciples of the Chonghua Sect are basically from Langling Prefecture and the surrounding areas. To be precise, 80% of the disciples are from Yijun prefectures, about 10% are from the neighboring Huaijun and Nanchu areas, and the rest are from other places, about 10%. Now they are asked to go to the unfamiliar and desolate Hebei, thousands of miles away, will they agree?

The condition offered by Baishimen was that they would not prevent the disciples who opposed Chonghua from going to Hebei, but they could not force them to go if they were unwilling to go.

In fact, there is no need for Baishimen to emphasize this point. If you really don’t want to go to Hebei, who can force it?

The reason why Baishimen emphasizes this point is simply to take advantage of the opportunity and take over all the disciples that Baishimen has worked hard to train for several years.

"There's nothing we can do about it. If we don't want to go, we won't force it." Wu Tianen said solemnly: "The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the rough and turbulent know the honest minister. This kind of situation is also the time to test the cohesion of our Chinese-Chonghua sect. I I think it’s pretty good.”

Chen Huaisheng smiled bitterly. Having said that, if the Chonghua Sect, which originally had more than 300 disciples, ended up with only a few dozen people left in Hebei, and wanted to develop again, then I don't know how much more time it would take.

But now there is no other better way.

"Actually, don't be disheartened. This time our Taoist Association showed that the people in the sect are also very excited. Senior Brother, the leader, and Senior Brother Zhu have also greatly inspired the disciples when they entered the Zifu. The situation may not be the same. It's so bad, Sitian and Huaisheng, you two should take advantage of these two days to have a good exchange with the disciples in the outer hall of the Chuangong Academy..." Wu Tianen warned.

Chen Huaisheng and Zhao Sitian both understood the meaning of Wu Tianen's words.

The number of disciples in the outer hall is now the largest. In the past two years, the Chonghua sect has just opened up its recruitment and has expanded rapidly, accounting for half of the more than 300 disciples in the entire sect.

They have only been in the sect for a short time and have no deep feelings for the sect, but they also do not understand many situations in the world of cultivation.

Although Hebei is thousands of miles away, these teenagers are still full of youthful enthusiasm and high-spirited fighting spirit. If they brag and fool more, they may not be able to get many people excited and follow them to Hebei.

When you get there and experience the hardship and feel the cruel reality, if you want to regret it, you have to consider the sunk costs.

Baishimen may not accept them once they come back. If no one will accept them when they come back, where will they go?

Secondly, the danger during the long journey back is also a problem.

At that time, as long as we try to retain them in a good life, it may not be impossible to keep these people.

On the contrary, whether those disciples in the inner hall who have seen the world and have a deep understanding of the survival of the sect will continue to choose to follow the sect to Hebei is a real big question.

These are the backbone of the sect. Once too many are lost, it will be even more difficult to open up a new situation in Hebei.

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