Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 232 Volume B: Parting and lingering, standing in the wind

When Tong Tong woke up, he realized that it was completely dark and he was sitting on his senior brother's lap in such a shameful position, snuggled into his arms and fell asleep.

A bonfire nearby has been lit, bringing some warmth in the chilly spring.

When did senior brother light the bonfire? Why was he sitting on senior brother's lap and in his arms?

Bits and pieces seemed to slowly emerge in Tong Tong's mind.

The sky is getting dark, but I don't seem to want to go back, and I miss this short-term tenderness that is about to be separated.

The senior brother had to let go and built a bonfire.

They were sitting together talking, but unknowingly, he leaned on his senior brother's shoulder. The sleepiness caused by tossing and turning for two days made him fall asleep while talking to his senior brother, which made Tong Tong feel shy. Difficult.

But what about sitting on senior brother's lap and curling up in senior brother's arms? Maybe it was a cold and windy night, and the senior brother wanted to protect himself from the cold and wind?

Tong Tong will never admit that he "thrown himself into someone's arms", although the remaining memories seem a bit...

The girl's thoughts are confusing.

You may be shy one moment and passionate the next.

At least when Chen Huaisheng saw the girl under the firelight, her eyes were like stars, her pink cheeks were like fire, and the affection between her brows was enough to make anyone's heart flutter.

Especially the strong stimulation caused by twisting his body in his arms made the sword in his sheath vibrate and ready to be fired.

Tong Tong is also a nineteen-year-old girl. She has never experienced anything in the world, but she is as affectionate as her ears and temples rubbing together in the arms of her senior brother. However, she suddenly felt something strange between her buttocks and subconsciously touched her with her hand. She was suddenly frightened and almost died. Voice.

At this time, Chen Huaisheng could not hold back anymore. He turned over the girl's face and looked at the frightened and somewhat shy Jiao Jiao. She was panting and the bud on her chest was even more ups and downs.

Seeing the face in front of him getting closer and closer to him, Tong Tong's breathing became more and more rapid, and his hands subconsciously clenched his fists.

I want to struggle and escape, but I can't bear to leave. Maybe if we say goodbye tomorrow, I don't know when we can see each other again, go out and travel, where to travel, and when can we go to Hebei?

All this is uncertain.

Thinking of this, my heart felt soft and warm, my eyes became more fiery and caring, and I couldn't help but raise my head.

The hot and sweet lilac lips were vomiting secretly. Chen Huaisheng, who had had sex with Fang Baoqi, could not hold back. The two figures hugged each other tightly.

The girl was like a frightened deer struggling and entangled in Chen Huaisheng's arms, and finally turned into catering, snorting and loving.

Chen Huaisheng's clutches finally opened the skirt of the girl's embroidered jacket and penetrated into her waist and ribs. The touch of warmth and hotness was smooth and soft, making people want to go further.

The flickering flames of the bonfire swayed, reflecting the two men and women in lustful love. It wasn't until Tong Tong suddenly felt a chill in his chest that he suddenly realized that he was almost naked in front of his senior brother. He was shocked, scared and confused. The shy girl hurriedly pushed Chen Huaisheng back, who was still trying to push forward, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, no, we can't..."

Chen Huaisheng ignored her, buried his head in her ear and kissed her softly. The hot breath from his breath rushed into the girl's ears, and a wave of moisture rose from her body. The girl couldn't help but shiver, and almost gave up resistance.

While gasping for breath, Chen Huaisheng showed his affection and love freely, but Tong Tong struggled in confusion and happiness, letting his senior brother's clutches caress and ravage his chest, but when the sweat scarf around his waist was touched, he refused again.

Besides, Tong Tong also knew that he was definitely not suitable for the other party now.

Regardless of the time, location, or the level of cultivation of the two of them, she was not mentally prepared for this.

Although dual cultivation is not uncommon in sects, it is rare for people of their age and stage.

Of course, Chen Huaisheng also knew that now was definitely not the right time. Not to mention whether the girl was physically and mentally prepared for this, even he himself needed to consider what might happen once he broke through the final hurdle.

There is still Senior Sister Fang waiting for him in Bianjing City. He is currently messing around here. It is best not to cross the border easily without considering how to settle Senior Sister Fang, or find a more secure way to deal with it. This level.

It's just that when love comes, sometimes it's hard to control it. In a situation like today, you can't help it.

"When you go to the land of Hebei, I'm afraid you will have to go through many difficulties and dangers. I heard that monsters and beasts are rampant in the land of Hebei. Even the strong men of the Zi Mansion must act with caution. Senior brother must be careful himself..."

Nestling in Chen Huaisheng's arms, Tong Tong whispered softly.

Reluctantly withdrawing his hand from the other party's arms, Chen Huaisheng's mind gradually returned to business.

"Actually, it is not necessarily a bad thing that the Chonghua Sect is avoiding the turbulent place of Yinan now. With the support of the Wanxiang Sect and the Huaxi Sword Sect, the Baishi Sect must be heading towards the title of the largest sect in the entire Yi County. It's ridiculous that the Zhu family and the Lian family are still dancing with other people's swords, or they will become their vassals in a few years..."

"It's true that a mouse's eyes are short-sighted and he doesn't understand the truth of dying lips and cold teeth. Sooner or later, he will suffer the consequences. And the Southern Chu Zijin Sect has entered Yiyang Mansion forcefully. They will definitely not be content with just one manor. They will definitely reach out to Song Dynasty. State, the competition between these three companies is bound to turn into an all-in-one battle...,"

"..., I just don't understand. Could it be that the officials and the Taoist palace couldn't see the ambition of Nanchu and would actually lead the wolf into the house? No matter how tempting the land in Hebei is, it has been a place that has been abandoned for thousands of years. Land, wouldn’t it be possible for us to establish a foothold in Hebei without that dragon-tiger aura and imperial flag?”

Perhaps if a certain taboo line was crossed, the relationship between the two would no longer be the same, and Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but vomit in front of Tong Tong.

"The Jiulian Sect will also pay the price for their weakness and short-sightedness. The Luoyi Mi family has also exposed its weak nature. The Wanxiang Sect, the Huaxi Sword Sect, and the Dacheng Sect will not fail to see this. From now on, Maybe they will no longer only focus on snacks like our Chonghua Sect and Lingyun Sect, but they will think that maybe the Jiulian Sect and the Luoyi Mi Family are more delicious..."

Chen Huaisheng sighed again, and couldn't help but rub his hands on Tong Tong's plump and strong waist.

Hearing Chen Huaisheng venting in front of him, Tong Tong felt intoxicated and sweet for no reason. Maybe the senior brother had never said these words in front of others, and he was so depressed that he was looking for an outlet to vent.

He regarded himself as the closest and most trustworthy person, so he told all these things to himself.

"Perhaps Daogong has a longer-term plan? Or there are some secrets that we don't know about?" Tong Tong said casually.

"Hmph, I hope so, but I always feel that the official family is becoming more and more indecisive, and the Taoist palace is becoming less and less principled. This will encourage the arrogance of many ambitious people. One day, the Taoist palace will be overrun by these large sects. Control, even devour,..."

Being made nervous by Chen Huaisheng's changes, Tong Tong couldn't help but cling to Chen Huaisheng's shoulders. He couldn't even care about Chen Huaisheng's clutches starting to move toward the forbidden area of ​​his chest and abdomen: "Then what will we do in the future?"

"What should we do? The best way is for us to become a member of the ambitious family and participate in the feast of sharing food. Unfortunately, our Chonghua sect's foundation is still too weak. If we could have done it 30 to 50 years earlier, We started planning in the year, maybe we can still catch up, but now..." Chen Huaisheng held the pair of tall and strong meat mounds and sighed.

I don’t know whether it’s because the Chonghua Sect is regretful for missing a good opportunity, or whether it’s because Tong Tong is satisfied because he didn’t stop his evil clutches from wreaking havoc.

"Brother, maybe the situation is not as pessimistic as you think. It has been like this for so many years, and it has always been here..." Tong Tong subconsciously suppressed the clutch that was still raging on his chest, but couldn't bear to push it away, thinking We were going to part ways tomorrow, and she didn't want to go against her senior brother's wishes too much, so she said in a trembling voice, "Is there no hope at all?"

"Who knows? Maybe we can encounter some unexpected adventures in Hebei?" Chen Huaisheng smiled, finally withdrew his hand and stroked the girl's hair.

The girl also breathed a sigh of relief.

The bonfire swayed, flickering on and off, and the two figures nestled together, seemingly turning into permanent silhouettes.


On the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month in the thirty-first year of Jingzhen's reign, 257 disciples of the Chonghua Sect left Langshan, the gate of Panshan Mountain, one after another, and began their journey.

During this period, seven more disciples repented and refused to go to the distant Hebei Province. The Chonghua sect did not force them and allowed them to leave.

Prior to this, the Chonghua Sect also successively escorted away the sect's scriptures, techniques and some important materials.

According to the plan, they will go to Bianjing first, and then pass through Sijun and Weijun from Bianjing, cross the river, and enter Hebei.

This is a long journey. Although using Fei Cha can actually greatly improve the efficiency and speed, before the destination has been chosen or the safety has not been determined, so many disciples, especially a large number of disciples, are suddenly in trouble. It is too risky for first stage disciples to go.

And because it involves a large amount of materials, it even needs to be exchanged for many materials needed to establish a foothold in Hebei in the future through spirit stones in Bianjing, which will take time.

This will probably take more than a month or even two months to complete.

Before that, the Chonghua faction needed to send a team of people to the Hebei Daqian station to familiarize themselves with the situation and determine whether it was really suitable to establish a foothold.

It is a land that is unfamiliar to everyone and is also a land full of dangers and thorns. Such a mission also requires disciples with considerable experience and strength to go there in advance.

Of course Chen Huaisheng was obligated, and he was even full of expectations.

Isn't such a land full of crises and challenges just like the situation when I first entered the Chonghua Sect?

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