Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 238 Volume C: The Youyan Walks the Dragon and the Snake. When you first come to your land, y

When the boat finally slowly approached the river bank opposite Tianwangdu, the cold wind blowing against his face made Chen Huaisheng shiver.

Although practitioners are not afraid of the cold, this kind of psychological chill can still make people a little uncomfortable.

The weather here is much more variable than south of the river.

For such a large sect, it would be an extremely difficult challenge for anyone to travel thousands of miles to settle down in a completely unfamiliar place.

This is not to mention that this is a world where demonic beasts run amok, where scattered cultivators compete for supremacy, and where aristocratic sects have ulterior motives.

In a word, looking at the whole of Hebei, we can't find anyone who welcomes the arrival of the Chonghua faction.

Hatred, hatred, and hostility are the most normal things.

It's pretty good to be able to get an attitude of watching the joke with a cold eye.

Using his eyesight and looking to the north, Chen Huaisheng took a breath.

A strong river smell roughly broke into his nasal cavity, making it difficult for him to adapt.

Maybe this is the taste of Hebei.

The floodplain on the river bank reveals hideous rocks and mottled mud.

Farther away, the dry and cracked rocks were peeled off into layers of bare rock by the Lord. They showed their teeth and claws, looking so helpless and furious in the face of the raging river heading east.

The ravines that lie horizontally and vertically are probably washed by the rainwater brought by the heavy rains during the flood season. Such gullies are formed along the banks of the river, giving the rough and desolate river bank a somewhat chilly feel.

At this time, I looked back at the other side of the river, which was already somewhat shrouded in mist. The shadows on the other side of the river seemed a bit friendly. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how long it would take to get back there.

A big river separates the two places, making the two places completely different. When the ship passes by the river, Chen Huaisheng can feel the drastic changes in his atmosphere when crossing the river. The closer he gets to the middle line of the river, the more obvious the feeling becomes.

The water flow of the river did not change much, but the spiritual energy cyclone was constantly changing in the air. Chen Huaisheng even saw that due to the drastic changes in the aura, even the color of the sky showed a strange color separation, like a multi-colored light.

No wonder the flying chariot dare not fly across the river. If you are not careful, you will encounter the impact of the spiritual energy cyclone when crossing the river, resulting in the destruction of the chariot.

A shrill cry came from the sky, and several people subconsciously raised their heads to observe.

A big white bird with a wingspan of more than two feet came roaring along the river.


Wang Yao and Chen Huaisheng shouted angrily at the same time and launched attacks at the same time.

The Yitian sword on Chen Huaisheng's waist flew out from the scabbard with a "chirp!" sound, bringing up a half-arc gray-white sword energy, which was a sharp blow.

Wang Yao punched the ground with ferocious force. Suddenly, a giant clay statue burst out from the ground, roaring and crashing head-on into the swooping bird.

Xu Muyang pressed his sword and looked around, his expression serious.

This time he came to the north to play the front line. He was the leader and shouldered a heavy responsibility.

Wang Yao and Chen Huaisheng served as his assistants, as well as six disciples from the Law Enforcement Academy and the Chuan Gong Academy, making a group of nine people.

Big Bird's movements are quite flexible.

As he approached everyone, his figure curled up sharply, and then he fell to the ground.

When it was less than three feet from the ground, it suddenly stood up, flapped its wings fiercely, the wind howled, and huge waves surged up from the river bank, rolling towards everyone.

Under Chen Huaisheng's sword control skills, the Yitian Sword nimbly flashed through the huge waves and arrived in a flash.

The big bird's dark giant claws were like iron anchors, and it grabbed hard, knocking the roaring Yitian Sword straight down, and then flapped its wings fiercely together again, hitting the giant clay statue that rushed up.

The mud and sand were flying, and the clay giant statue turned into a pile of mud and sand under this ferocious blow, and fell to the ground exhausted.

As if he also realized that the group of people in front of him was not easy to mess with, the big bird flapped its wings and flew into the sky. With its high-pitched chirping, the sound wave shock made everyone tinnitus and dizzy.

Looking at the departing wing shadow of the big bird, Wang Yao's face was gloomy: "Moyun White Eagle, this is the most common second-level monster in Hebei, and it is also an extremely fierce man-eating eagle. It especially likes to eat people's hearts, brains and... The internal organs of human beings, especially those with spiritual energy, are more likely to be targeted by it. Even from a height of a hundred feet, it can smell the smell of humans on the ground."

"Damn it, we haven't even landed yet, but a monster bird has come to show off its power to us." Chen Huaisheng cursed: "Is this the best way to welcome us from Hebei?"

Xu Muyang's eyes were a little more worried. It seemed that this trip to Hebei would be more difficult than imagined.

This time, their group acted as a vanguard and came to Hebei to explore, in order to serve as a frontline for the large forces of the Chonghua faction.

Within this month, we must clearly understand the road conditions from Tianwang crossing the river to Wolong Ridge, which is 1,100 miles away, or find the most suitable road.

In addition, we must quickly understand the basic situation along this road, and of course the situation around Wolong Ridge, as well as the situation in Wolong Village, which was the earliest place where Dongxuan Sect originally settled.

It can be seen from the situation before landing that the situation in Hebei and Dazhao in Henan is completely different. Although they are only separated by a river less than a thousand feet wide, the climate and customs of both sides seem to be different. a big change.

You can tell just by the appearance of this monster bird.

Second-level monsters are not only rare in Da Zhao, but they can almost always be found on the edge of the forbidden areas.

In places like Henan and along the river, even first-order monsters are rare, but this Moyun White Eagle actually appeared on the river bank in a big way, and attacked humans directly without restraint.

"Uncle Master, Huai Sheng, this means that this kind of second-level monsters should be very common along the way."

Wang Yao's expression was even worse.

If there were such second-level monsters everywhere, I and Chen Huaisheng could still deal with it, but what about the low-level and middle-level disciples who were coming?

Second-level monster birds like Moyun White Eagle come and go without a trace, and disciples below the fourth level of Qi Refining have no ability to deal with them.

If you are not careful, you will be suddenly attacked.

It is very likely that they will be kidnapped or pecked to death on the spot, and then this journey will become a death march.

But the land of Hebei is more than just Moyun White Eagle?

I'm afraid that all kinds of monsters will appear one after another along the way.

This test may always accompany the entire Chonghua sect to settle down and even survive in Hebei.

Chen Huaisheng squinted his eyes and looked along the river bank.

There are almost no trees and forests, and the entire shore is almost covered with exposed rocks and sand turned into by dried mud. Further back from the shore, there are some sparse weeds.

After a while, we had to retreat fifty steps away from the river bank before we could see some low shrubbery, scattered among the rocks and mud puddles.

"Second-level monsters are so common here in Hebei, so how do the mortals here survive? How can your ordinary village resist a Moyun White Eagle like this? Shouldn't you just let it prey?"

Xu Muyang pondered for a moment and then said: "It is said that the places where the strongholds are built here are all in dangerous places. They must be surrounded by early warning arrays and attack arrays, otherwise they must be protected by monks..."

"Monk asylum?" Chen Huaisheng asked keenly: "Abnormal cultivator?"

"Well, it's not just alien cultivators, but also casual cultivators. These second-level monsters actually have some intelligence. After suffering losses, they won't be easily fooled. Therefore, alien cultivators or casual cultivators can fight against each other in a certain area. The monsters will attack and punish them head-on. If the monsters suffer a big loss, they will avoid them. Of course, if they are first-order monsters and stepless monsters that lack intelligence, then there is no other way. The village has to protect itself, and the monks cannot protect them anytime and anywhere.”

Xu Muyang should have done some research before coming here, and the person responsible for coming here to investigate the situation in advance was also a disciple he had mentored before and was relatively close to, but he later went to Zhikeyuan.

This disciple can be regarded as the first disciple that Xu Muyang will identify for himself in the next step. It is said that he often traveled between the north and south of the river, and he also has some connections with Hebei.

Yes, the Chonghua faction has already made some decisions and will make changes after taking root in Hebei.

In the past, all disciples of the Chonghua Sect entered the Chuan Gong Academy together after their introduction, and the Taoist masters of the Chuan Gong Academy took turns teaching and guiding the exercises and practice to resolve doubts.

The advantage of this method is that all Taoist masters will be treated equally and will not be partial. Of course, everyone will favor particularly outstanding disciples, but overall it is more fair.

But this method is beneficial to those genius or precocious disciples.

They will soon be able to stand out in the early stage of Qi refining and win more resources.

For those disciples who are late bloomers or have average qualifications, it is a bit difficult.

They will waste a lot of time in the initial stage of cultivation, progressing too slowly, so that by the time they achieve success, they will no longer be old and have lost their vigor, and finally they will slowly become ordinary people in the sect.

In fact, the sect is mainly composed of such disciples, and geniuses are in the minority after all. However, Chen Huaisheng feels that if a Taoist master with considerable strength can freely choose his disciples to personally teach and supervise the practice, perhaps this can achieve the effect of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, which is beneficial to Cultivate outstanding disciples more steadily.

But its negative side will also be highlighted, that is, those disciples who have no characteristics and are mediocre will receive a cold reception.

But for the current Chonghua faction, I am afraid that this change is also necessary.

Entering Hebei, I wonder if I will be able to return to Da Zhao in the future. The situation and challenges I will face will be quite severe, and even increasingly dangerous.

If we cannot maximize the potential of the sect disciples, quickly improve their realm and strength, and live a leisurely life like before in Langling, I am afraid it will be unsustainable.

According to the new rules, the Chuangong Academy will only be responsible for teaching preliminary skills and helping disciples to realize Taoism in the future. Then Taoist masters who are qualified to accept and teach disciples can choose disciples in the Chuangong Academy, and the disciples can also choose their masters, realizing a two-way choice. .

Every year, based on the disciples recruited, the Taoist masters of the sect who are qualified or willing to accept disciples will determine the number of disciples, and then conduct a two-way selection, and finally the head and the head will make a balance.

It is preliminarily determined that Taoist masters above the foundation level are eligible to accept disciples, while Taoist masters below the foundation level need to obtain special approval from the deacons to accept disciples. This will not only avoid misleading disciples, but also avoid affecting their own practice. Influence.

Xu Tianfeng, Yao Liwei and Zhao Sitian have all obtained the permission to accept disciples. As for whether these three people are willing to accept disciples, that is another matter.

In Chen Huaisheng's view, this kind of reform is actually beneficial to the development of the Chonghua School. It can not only mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative between masters and apprentices, but also enhance the centripetal force and cohesion between masters and apprentices.

Of course, this may lead to the emergence of Shantouism within the Chonghua faction, but where does Shantouism not exist?

As long as there are people around, there will be rivers and lakes at the top of the mountain. Personal emotional tendencies, place of origin, preferences, and experiences can easily form this grouping trend. Since it is unavoidable, then the additional one does not matter.

Especially in the face of dangers all over the new land in Hebei, the concerted efforts between masters and apprentices make it easier to face various challenges from everywhere. Chen Huaisheng used this to convince Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi and Li Yu.

As the boat slowly approached the riverside pier, it bumped slightly and the boat swayed slightly. Everyone felt at ease and finally docked.

Before everyone could calm down, they felt the waves suddenly surging in the river, and the boat started to shake. It seemed that the water situation had suddenly changed. Everyone was confused. They were already on the shore, but why were the waves even bigger than when they were in the middle of the river? ?

"Be careful of Aolong!" Urgent shouts came from the river bank.

I saw a black shadow about one foot in size as big as a wide round table suddenly flipped up from the right side of the ship, and a rough giant palm like a shovel clung to the side of the ship, and the ship suddenly sank to the right.

The fishy wind blew against the face and was swept into the cabin. The entire ship shook and almost tipped over. A huge mouth full of white teeth appeared in front of everyone.


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