Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 266 Volume C: Wise, dead lips and cold teeth

Chen Huaisheng's rhetorical question made Min Yusun a little difficult to answer.

Seeing that the other party was considering his words, Chen Huaisheng did not push him.

He hoped that the other party would think carefully.

After a long time, Min Yusun slowly said: "Master Chen, our Min family feels that with the entry of the Chonghua Sect, Lingyun Sect and other great Zhao sects into Hebei, the situation in Hebei will usher in a big change. One will surpass the three powers, and the monsters will be scattered. The situation in which cultivators, alien cultivators, and local sect families control the entire Hebei cultivation world may undergo great changes."

"Oh? What kind of reform?" Chen Huaisheng was very interested.

"We feel that the sects from Da Zhao will gradually dominate the world of cultivation in Hebei. The monster beasts are powerful and will be subject to some blows and weakening. However, among the casual cultivators, alien cultivators and local sects and aristocratic families, the casual cultivators and alien cultivators may still be able to do their best. Maintain, but it is also a trend towards decline, and the local cultivation sects and families may be the most affected."

Chen Huaisheng was greatly shocked. He did not expect that Min Yusun, who was not very good at cultivation, could have such keen insight.

However, it is not easy to figure this out, but you still have to look at the other party's basis.

"What's the basis? We all know that the entry of the Great Zhao Sect will definitely have an impact on the Hebei cultivation world, but why did it evolve into what you said? Instead of the alien cultivators being suppressed and the scattered cultivators eventually disappearing, and the local sects What if the aristocratic family and the Great Zhao come in and these sects work together to reshape the new situation?"

"The land of Hebei is too big, and it is no less generous than that of Great Zhao. It is just that the population is not as good as that of Great Zhao. However, there are still very few sects from Great Zhao entering Hebei. The dominant ones in Hebei are still casual cultivators and alien cultivators. But they are very scattered, and the interests of casual cultivators and alien cultivators are not consistent with those of the sect. The sect pays more attention to the overall talents and spiritual land, while the casual cultivators and alien cultivators focus on their own individual cultivation, as long as there is no direct conflict. , they don’t care too much about the sect recruiting disciples and developing the treasure land of Lingshan, even if these actions are right under their noses, but this is not the case for local sects and families. The entry of the Great Zhao sect will definitely have an impact on their interests and create competition. Even if we can still maintain peace now, with the growth of these new sects, sooner or later..."

It should be said that this Min Yusun still has some brains. He has carefully analyzed what kind of impact and changes the Great Zhao Sect's entry into Hebei will bring to the entire Hebei cultivation world. These opinions are basically reliable.

"I even think that if a sect like the Chonghua Sect enters Hebei and can show superior cultivation standards and prospects, those casual cultivators may take the initiative to express their goodwill to the Chonghua Sect, and then become guests of the Chonghua Sect. possible."

"Since these casual cultivators have this desire, why can't sects like Tianhe Sect and Fengyi Sect attract these casual cultivators to join?" Chen Huaisheng asked rhetorically.

"Tianhe Sect and Fengyi Sect have not shown an overwhelming advantage over these casual cultivators, and over the years, they have not believed that casual cultivators have much value and significance to them. Although casual cultivators and foreign cultivators are powerful, But they are unable to unite; they are scattered in various places, and the conflicts between the two sides are not serious, and the Tianhe Sect and Fengyi Sect seem to be content with the status quo..."

There is also some uncertainty in Min Yusun's words. In fact, the situation may be more complicated.

Why those casual cultivators are unwilling to become guests of the Tianhe Sect, Fengyi Sect, and others, and why the Tianhe Sect and Fengyi Sect also ignore these casual cultivators, is difficult to explain in one sentence.

Over the past few hundred years, not a single cultivator has entered these sects, but generally speaking, they are quite rare. Compared with those in Da Zhao, they are not the same. Perhaps it is because of habits and traditions, or perhaps they are born to be difficult to reconcile. .

"So your Min family is very optimistic about our Chinese-Chonghua sect and are you willing to make a big bet on our Chinese-Chonghua sect's side?" Chen Huaisheng looked at the other party: "Once you make a wrong bet, the price you pay will not be small. If our Chinese-Chonghua sect If we fail to establish a foothold in Hebei, we may return to Da Zhao, but if we leave you Min family behind, your fate will not be good."

"I believe that the Chonghua Sect can gain a foothold in Hebei, because the attitude you have shown is much stronger than that of these sects in Hebei, especially in the selection and recruitment of local children. I believe that many people will involuntarily side with you." Min Yusun He said with certainty: "The Min family has been unable to open up the situation and find a suitable path for so many years, but now everything is in the past. In the future, the Min family can firmly stand on one side on this point..."

Sensing the other party's determination, Chen Huaisheng nodded slightly.

The Min family is a relatively keen clan. Hebei is facing changes. The sooner a decision is made, the greater the benefits may be, but at the same time the greater the risks. However, the other party's decisiveness in focusing on the Hua faction still makes him impressed.

"Senior Min, you just mentioned that Lingyun Sect has entered Jinzhou. It seems that you also know something about Lingyun Sect's situation?" Chen Huaisheng suddenly thought of Lingyun Sect.

More than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. The Chonghua Sect has focused on strengthening its own foothold and has not paid much attention to the Lingyun Sect far away in Jinzhou.

Min Yusun did not hide anything: "Yes, after the Chonghua Sect entered Fuyang, we have been collecting information about you and other Zhao sects who entered Hebei. After a comprehensive understanding, we feel that the Chonghua Sect is more trustworthy and reliable. "

"Oh?" Chen Huaisheng's heart tightened, as if he felt that the Lingyun Sect's situation with Wei Huaidao was not good, "How is the current situation of the Lingyun Sect?"

"Our Min family also has some connections with Wei Huaidao. As far as we know, the Lingyun Sect entered earlier than the Chonghua Sect, but they don't seem to have found a suitable way to get along with each other. There are some conflicts with the neighboring sect in Jinzhou. In addition, it also provoked Wei Huaidao's sect family and encountered resistance from them. What's even more unfortunate is that when they first entered Wei Huaidao, they were continuously attacked by monsters. The losses were considerable and people's hearts were unstable..."

Chen Huaisheng also heard Zhao Sitian mention this situation when he first arrived in Hebei more than half a year ago, but he did not expect that the situation seemed to be worse than that time.

"I know something about these situations, but has it not changed after more than half a year?" Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but ask.

Although the Lingyun Sect was originally at odds with the Chonghua Sect, now the two families are the only Zhao sects that have entered Hebei to survive, and their past feuds can be put aside.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad. If the Lingyun Sect really cannot persist, it will definitely have a negative impact on the Chonghua Sect.

"Change?" Min Yusun was surprised, "It seemed that they could still maintain it at first, but now it seems that the situation is getting more difficult. They are at odds with the Jinzhou Yuelu Sect, and the two sides have been in constant conflict. Although the scale is small, the Yuelu Sect is in Weihuai Dao also has a profound influence. Some small sects are all attached to Yuelu Sect, and they have all joined together to attack it. Now Lingyun Sect feels that it cannot survive..."

Chen Huaisheng was taken aback, couldn't help but stand still, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior Min, please tell me in detail, what is the problem with Lingyun Sect that makes you unable to persist?"

"..., I only know that as soon as the Lingyun Sect arrived at Dahuai Mountain, they were attacked by several waves of monsters. In particular, there was a red dragon that was about to transform into Dahuai Mountain. It was originally the Yuelu Sect that had been watching. As a result, the Lingyun Sect wanted to kill him, but the Yuelu Sect hoped to wait until the red dragon transformed into another form before capturing him. However, the Lingyun Sect moved and could not afford to wait, so the two parties did not reach an agreement, causing the red dragon to be frightened and escape..."


I will update less during the Chinese New Year and try to get back to normal tomorrow.

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