Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 283 Volume C: Survival from desperate situation, a blessing in disguise

Fortunately, the meridians are still open, and the remaining spiritual power is slowly exploring in the meridians. Chen Huaisheng can feel the three spirits dormant in them, and he feels a little relieved.

As long as the three spirits still exist, there is still hope to reshape the Danhai and rebuild the cauldron.

The three spirits were inspired by their own self-exploding spiritual energy. Most of the spiritual power released by the spiritual energy is concentrated on the three spirits. In the future, the three spirits should feed back and reshape their original nature.

Similarly, the structure of the cauldron is one's own spiritual realm. As long as the three spirits swallow the spiritual power and feed back the spiritual liquid, the cauldron can be rebuilt.

It's just that the process in between cannot be determined.

Feeling the dormant three spirits, Chen Huaisheng felt a little at ease.

Looking at Xuan Chimei: "Chimei, where are you? How long have I been unconscious?"

Xuan Chimei was pleasantly surprised, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but hold Chen Huaisheng's much shriveled hand.

The spiritual power is lost, the essence and energy disappear, the body's energy and blood become sluggish, and the body naturally dries up.

"Thank God, Brother Huaisheng, you finally woke up. If you don't wake up, I will go find the sect master."

Xuanchi Mei's eyes were already a little red, "This is in our Yuanhe Sect Taoist Academy. You have been unconscious for three days."

Three days? Chen Huaisheng wanted to move his body, but every part of his body, from his bones to his meridians to his body, was sore and numb, and he couldn't move at all.

This is the situation when a practitioner loses his spiritual energy.

Fortunately, although the spirit essence is lost, the foundation is still there, but if you want to practice again from scratch, it will be a long process.

"It seems that I have completely lost my practice?" Chen Huaisheng's voice was hoarse and a bitter smile appeared on his face, "Are you okay?"

"It's nothing, little sister." Xuan Chimei shook her head, "It's just Brother Huaisheng..."

She didn't say that she also hurt her own practice because of the consumption of spiritual energy and the blow of the sword.

Fortunately, it was just that one blow, and the mood was much better than previously imagined.

Chen Huaisheng took a deep breath, and now he didn't know what to do.

The foundation is still there, but the practice has been damaged. According to the convention, one can only start the practice again, starting with Qi training.

But for a monk who has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining, this feeling is not pleasant.

Chen Huaisheng does not intend to take this path unless all attempts fail.

But now I still have three spirits hiding.

"I'm fine. I'll have to start over again at worst, but I still have to try other methods." Chen Huaisheng said confidently, not wanting to show his weak side in front of Xuan Chimei.

"The Chonghua sect has a technique to restore spiritual energy?! Does your sect have heavenly materials and earthly treasures?"

Xuan Chimei was shocked. She had never heard that the spirit element could be restored after it was damaged. What else could be done besides rebuilding it? Unless there is a treasure of heaven and earth.

"Well, it's not sure yet," Chen Huaisheng shook his head: "Chi Mei, please find me the Chongyuan Pill and the Dao Zhisheng Powder in my bag. I want to take one first."

Even if Xuan Chimei saved her life, she couldn't tell her about the three spirits. It wasn't that she didn't believe her, but it was something that even her biological parents shouldn't know about, so she could only hide it in her heart forever.

"Brother Huaisheng, I have given you the Bu Yuan Pill from our sect before. I went to ask for it from my master, but you have not woken up. Maybe the pill has entered your throat and the medicine has not been fully effective yet. You should try the effect of our Yuan Bu Dan first, it should be better than your Chong Yuan Dan and Dao Zhi Sheng Powder."

Xuan Chimei is very confident about her sect's Buyuan Dan.

She also took the Bu Yuan Dan. Although the depleted Dan Yuan could not be repaired immediately, if she spent another three months practicing, she should be able to make up for the damage caused by the sword strike.

But Chen Huaisheng's situation was different from hers. It was a complete explosion of spiritual energy to release spiritual power. Everything was gone and it was impossible to recover it again.

Even if there is a Bu Yuan Dan, it can only be said to be some repair of its foundation, so that Brother Huaisheng can practice more smoothly in the future.

Chen Huaisheng did some self-examination and found that there was indeed a pill rolling down his throat, which had not been digested. He nodded: "There are more girls, so Brother Yu will be able to adjust his breath. You can also take my Dao Shengsheng." Leave the powder and the Chongyuan Pill with me, if I need them, I can take them myself."

Xuan Chimei hesitated.

She understood Chen Huaisheng's current eagerness.

The spiritual essence is destroyed, but the Tao foundation is still there. Naturally, I want to practice and recover as soon as possible, but if I rush to achieve such a thing, I am afraid that something will happen instead.

Seeing Xuan Chimei's hesitation, Chen Huaisheng naturally understood the other person's thoughts and had a calm attitude.

"Don't worry Chi Mei, I understand the importance. In the current situation, Brother Yu also wants to repair the foundation first and check the situation by the way. He must be prepared for future reconstruction."

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng was in a normal mood, Xuan Chimei felt relieved and warned Chen Huaisheng again before taking out the elixir and leaving.

Exhaling a breath of turbid air, he looked at the darkness outside the window and the flickering candlelight in the house. Chen Huaisheng didn't know if Xuan Chimei had gone to inform Guo Chongdao in the city for him. It seemed that he hadn't informed Guo Chongdao yet.

After such a big thing happened, it was necessary to inform Guo Chongdao, but it was meaningless to inform him now. It was better to wait until he woke up and then make sense.

After a moment of mixing the breath, the Buyuan Dan that rolled into the abdomen melted, the medicine began to work, and a stream of hot air penetrated into the meridians and spread out.

Sure enough, this Buyuan Dan is slightly more effective than the Chongyuan Dan of the Chonghua Sect.

The power of the medicine travels through the meridians, causing a wave of heat to rise throughout the body.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Huaisheng activated his spiritual consciousness, wandered along the meridians, and awakened the dormant three spirits.

Victory or defeat depends on this.

Whether he can borrow the power of the three spirits to reshape the elixir and rebuild the cauldron depends on this.

This is also the reason why Chen Huaisheng hurriedly urged Xuan Chimei to leave.

He really couldn't wait to know the result sooner.

The three spirits are revived one after another.

Under the urging of Chen Huaisheng's spiritual consciousness, he slowly started to move around.

After absorbing the power of the Yuan-Building Pill, the three spirits finally began to absorb spiritual power from various meridians, strengthening themselves bit by bit.

When the round of exercise was completed, Chen Huaisheng finally had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

There was finally a looming cauldron structure in the originally blank sea of ​​pills. Although it was extremely thin, it was there!

Under the cauldron, a faint light gradually emerged.

Chen Huaisheng was so excited that he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Lingyuan is reshaped and the cauldron is recast!

It really happened.

The bet was right.

Ordinary people have destroyed the spiritual essence. No matter how many elixirs you take, unless it is restored directly by the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, you can only watch the power of the medicine slowly disappear, and you cannot digest and absorb the power of the medicine for reconstruction. But it can only be rebuilt step by step.

But now the three spirits have replaced all of this. They can replace their own original essence and absorb it on their own, and then feed it back to the spirit body, reshaping it directly on the original Tao foundation.

After three consecutive rounds of luck, the power of the Bu Yuan Dan was exhausted, but the shape of the cauldron in his body was much clearer than in the first round.

The halo under the furnace is even brighter, and a bit of substance in the halo is clearly visible.

After calming down his mind a little, Chen Huaisheng took the Dao Zhi Sheng Powder, and the medicine took effect, restoring the entire Tao body to its optimal state.

Dao Zhi Sheng Powder is a healing medicine. Its medicinal power is different from Bu Yuan Dan and Zhong Yuan Dan. It is beneficial to repairing meridians and bones.

After returning to his best condition, Chen Huaisheng took another Chongyuan Pill.

Although the medicine is not as powerful as the Bu Yuan Pill, three of the Chong Yuan Pills were specially awarded by Shang Jiuling when Chen Huaisheng left the sect.

It comes in handy now.

The Golden Crow rises in the east, the sky is bright, Chen Huaisheng has digested all three Chongyuan Pills.

The spiritual liquid fed back by the three spirits is a steady stream, which has already transformed the original structure of the entire cauldron into a large form.

Although it is far from before the injury, for Chen Huaisheng, the result could not be better.

The halo of the alchemy under the furnace has condensed into essence, the light is shining, and it has returned to 30% of its original value.

What surprised Chen Huaisheng the most was that although the elixir was only restored to 30% of its original value, its majestic and dynamic energy was extremely vibrant, as if it had been injected with more powerful and fresh vitality after rebirth.

This is also reflected in the cauldron.

The cauldron is denser and tighter, the entire furnace body becomes more round and full, and the operation becomes smoother and smoother after the spiritual energy enters.

Intuition told Chen Huaisheng that when the cauldron is recast, it will no longer be the same state as before, but will surpass the original sixth level of Qi training and should have advanced to the seventh level of Qi training!

In other words, his self-destruction of spiritual energy this time turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

If my previous risky moves had more or less some foundation, this time I was really forced to take a dead end. But I didn't expect that I would find a way out of the dead end, not only to survive, but also to find a bright road?

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