Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 314 Volume C: Be original and go your own way

Chen Huaisheng knew very well that his words were too shocking, but he had to say it early, at least to let these two people know his ambition.

In his opinion, although the Chonghua faction seems to have established a foothold in Hebei and looks full of vitality, the situation is not as good as it seems.

The joining of a large number of new disciples will not only greatly consume the resources of the Chonghua Sect, which are not abundant, but will also definitely arouse doubts and hostility from some surrounding sects and clans.

Like the Tianhe Sect, Yuelu Sect and Fengyi Sect, I am afraid that they have already felt the impact of the Chonghua Sect's settlement in Fuyang.

There is also the Ning family of the Sanzi Mansion. Although they belong to Youzhou, they are also very close to Fuyang Road. I am afraid they are also displeased with the sudden arrival of the Chonghua Sect in Fuyang Road.

Chen Huaisheng is not convinced whether the China-focused faction will usher in a few years of stability in the next few years, as Shang Jiuling said.

Of course, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the Chonghua sect to be in such an environment.

But as the person in charge of the sect, you have to consider the balanced combination of long-term and short-term strategies.

Putting all your efforts into creating some outstanding talented disciples can achieve immediate results in the short term, and can also serve as a good demonstration effect, and it seems to be inspiring.

But if the resources are skewed towards these people and a large number of new entry-level disciples come in, how should we consider it?

If the feelings of these disciples are ignored and they feel that entering the sect does not have good development prospects, it will not only feed back to the local area and cause dissatisfaction among local clans towards the Chonghua Sect, but will also make the Chonghua Sect less likely to develop in the future. New faults emerged in the process of growth.

So Chen Huaisheng also had some other ideas, but he also knew that he needed to arouse the minds of these two people first.

"Huai Sheng, it took five years to reach the peak of Qi refining to build the foundation, and eight years to successfully build the foundation. Is this what you said? How confident are you?" Shang Jiuling pondered for a long time before saying: "Foundation building can be compared with the first stage to advance to the middle stage, and the middle stage to advance to the middle stage." The higher level is completely different. They are two completely different concepts. You have to understand..."

"Master, I understand, I dare not say more, but I am still 70-80% sure." Chen Huaisheng smiled, "I heard that Senior Brother Sitian's goal is to build the foundation in ten years, and Senior Brother Liu Chun's goal is eight years Foundation building, so I set an eight-year goal..."

Zhu Fengbi sneered: "Do you really want to overwhelm Zhao Sitian?"

"Master, it's not about overpowering, it's about healthy competition. Without competition, how can we inspire everyone's ambition and passion? I think this is a good thing. If Wenbo or Yiyi say they want to catch up with me within ten years, I will too. I feel pressure, but I will work harder and use facts to prove that I am better and more trustworthy!”

Chen Huaisheng knew that Uncle Zhu was probably a little dissatisfied with his "arrogance", and he also knew that the other party had always admired Zhao Sitian. In addition, he also knew that the other party had accepted Zhuo Yixin as a disciple and was carefully cultivating him.

Zhu Fengbi took Zhuo Yixing as his disciples, which was a little different from Shang Jiuling taking himself and Yuan Wenbo as his disciples.

In a sense, Wang Yao, Xu Tianfeng, Liu Chun, and Yao Liwei, as well as himself, Yuan Wenbo, and Tong Tong were all nominally direct disciples of the headmaster, but in fact they only had the same title.

Perhaps Wang Yao, Xu, Liu, and Yao had to receive guidance from Shang Jiuling before, but he and Yuan Wenbo were collected by Li Yu, and when he and Yuan Wenbo met Shang Jiuling, it can be said that basically The practice techniques have basically been finalized.

Therefore, the advantage that the head disciple can take advantage of is probably the privileges that this status brings. Of course, privileges also mean that you have to perform better than other disciples.

Zhuo Yixing became Zhu Fengbi's personal disciple. Zhu Fengbi was really cultivating and teaching carefully, and he was dedicated to making Zhuo Yixing a rising star of the Chonghua Sect.

It's hard to say whether there is also the intention to prove that he is no less powerful than Shang Jiuling, whether it is in the realm of cultivation or in teaching disciples.

Zhu Fengbi snorted lightly and said nothing.

Shang Jiuling, on the other hand, didn't care too much, "Huaisheng, it's certainly a good thing that you have such a wish, but how do you plan to realize it specifically? What kind of support do you need from the sect?"

You can't just talk about it, you have to have practical actions.

"Master, I have thought about it. In addition to regular practice, I still plan to work hard on the thunder method. After breaking through the seventh level of Qi refining, the thunder method has reached the eighth level of hearing thunder in the palm. I hope to break through the palm within next year. Wearing the tenth level of thunder, the improvement of the thunder method can also feed back the spiritual realm cultivation, and strive to advance to the eighth level of Qi refining within the next year..."

This is Chen Huaisheng's short-term goal. "To achieve this goal, in addition to practicing in seclusion, the disciple also plans to travel and try to find some opportunities in the practice of thunder. In addition, the disciple also plans to raise spiritual beasts..."

The hatching and raising of the Winged Fire Snakes has become urgent.

This kind of spiritual beast not only has a long lifespan, but also becomes more spiritual and powerful in the later stages. The premise is that there must be enough fire spiritual plants to feed it.

Neither Shang Jiuling nor Zhu Fengbi agreed with Chen Huaisheng's plan to raise spiritual beasts. However, Shang Jiuling objected, while Zhu Fengbi remained silent.

Chen Huaisheng also explained repeatedly that he would not put too much thought into raising it, and spiritual beasts such as the Winged Fire Snake actually did not require much effort. The key was how to communicate with it and use it like an arm. refer to.

Chen Huaisheng has already had sufficient experience in communicating with Ou Wan'er's spiritual consciousness, and now he is seeking to realize the rapid transmission of spiritual consciousness no longer through Ou Wan'er but through direct communication with the tiger and ape spirits.

In a life-and-death fight, victory or defeat is often determined by a single thought. If you can convey your intentions quickly to the two spirits of the tiger and the ape, and respond in time, you may be able to gain the upper hand.

At the end, Chen Huaisheng also mentioned some of his ideas and wanted to lead some disciples to practice.

It's not about recruiting disciples, but choosing some like-minded disciples who are diligent in their practice to guide them and even practice together.

"This method?" Shang Jiuling was very interested, "Do you think the effect will be good?"

"Master, I'm too young. I feel awkward if I really want to take on a disciple, and I may not be able to guide them in any good way. What I want to think about is that if we discuss with each other, I can be in front and give them some experience to help them." It’s just some detours. In fact, if Senior Brother Yao and Wenbo are interested, they can give it a try."

Zhu Fengbi was not interested in Chen Huaisheng's thoughts. He only felt that Chen Huaisheng was trying to please others. Instead of having such thoughts, it was better to think about his own cultivation to avoid wasting a good talent.

However, Shang Jiuling saw Chen Huaisheng's other thoughts.

If Chen Huaisheng is optimistic about his peers, he can guide and help him in his future practice. This friendship is not light.

In particular, Chen Huaisheng went from enlightenment to the seventh level of Qi Refining in just four years. Many of the intuitive feelings of breaking through and advancing to the next level are still vivid and quite clear in his mind.

Even if there are thousands of people practicing cultivation, some feelings can be traced and communicated with each other. Could Chen Huaisheng give some guidance and maybe achieve different results?

In Shang Jiuling's view, this is not a bad thing.

Being able to help others improve their spiritual realm is only good for the sect. As for what Chen Huaisheng personally gets from it, this is Chen Huaisheng's ability to treat others.

Until Chen Huaisheng left, Zhu Fengbi's face didn't look good.

"Why, Feng Bi doesn't like Huai Sheng?" Shang Jiuling could certainly feel some of Zhu Feng Bi's emotional changes.

"Well, at such a young age, he is just lustful and lustful. He refuses to accept warnings, and he has too many thoughts..." Zhu Fengbi did not hide her attitude: "I admit that this son has a high talent for cultivation and good conduct in life. He is unique, but shouldn't this age be the best time to practice hard? Without enough cultivation foundation, the more thoughts you have, the easier it is to go crazy. Now I don't think highly of him."

Shang Jiuling laughed. He did not agree with Zhu Fengbi's point of view.

Whether Chen Huaisheng is lustful or has too many thoughts, it is not new today. But in fact, according to their understanding, it showed up one or two years ago, even after he started, but did it affect his progress in practice? ?


On the contrary, Chen Huaisheng's interpersonal communication skills are exactly what is necessary for handling general affairs. Both Li Yu and Wu Tianen praised Chen Huaisheng's ability in this area.

Just like this time he traveled to the East China Sea with Tang Jingtian of the Nine Lotus Sect. With such a perfect performance, how could he have been favored by the Holy Fire Sect otherwise?

Shang Jiuling never thought about having anything to do with the Holy Fire Sect, but Chen Huaisheng was able to get so many spiritual plant seeds on Peach Blossom Island, as well as a water-repelling bead. How could it be possible for another person?

If Chen Huaisheng really guided several disciples of the same age to perform well in practice, it would not only further enhance his prestige among disciples of the same age, but also enhance the strength of the sect, why not do it?

However, Zhu Fengbi couldn't stand it, and Shang Jiuling wouldn't argue with him.

It’s best to do it rather than say it.

Chen Huaisheng can just let Chen Huaisheng try things like this on his own, and he is willing to support the other party within his own power.

As a direct disciple of the sect leader, and as a leader among the young and middle-aged disciples of the Chonghua Sect, Chen Huaisheng is also qualified to receive this special treatment.

From the bottom of his heart, Shang Jiuling really hoped that Chen Huaisheng's sudden whims and originality would bring him a surprise.

As a leader, Shang Jiuling knows that a disciple who has his own unique ideas and does not succumb to the will of others may have some twists and turns, but his ultimate achievements will ultimately be far better than those who are obedient and only know how to practice hard.


Do you have any more monthly passes? Impact 2500! Keep up the good work, Lao Rui!

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