Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 317 Volume C: Be independent and fearless

The mountains are covered with white snow and the mountains are vast. Looking around, you can't even tell the difference between east, west and north.

After coming out of Longlin Plain, I rushed this way, but I saw thousands of birds flying away, thousands of people disappeared, and I couldn't find my direction at all.

But for Hu Delu, this is not a problem.

During the more than half a year between Chen Huaisheng's retreat and then his travels, Hu Delu's job was basically to plant and take care of spiritual plants.

Although he only needs to take a look every so often and nothing else is needed, Hu Delu still feels uneasy when he thinks of the black and yellow divine soil and red rock essence buried underground. Basically, he has to come here every ten days and a half.

The three of them walked in a hurry, and Hu Delu kept looking for the direction in the wind and snow.

Soon, the traces of the three disappeared in the wind and snow.

"We're here." Hu Delu stood up, stepped on his feet, and looked around, "Look, there is no snow here. The snow has melted. The red rock essence is buried underneath. The place where the snow is thickest is frozen. Yes, that’s where the Yinquan is.”

Chen Huaisheng took a quick look and saw that it was where he and Hu Delu came last time. However, he basically never came again and left everything to Hu Delu.

Bringing Min Qingyu here this time means that she also needs to be familiar with the situation. The next step is from the hatching of the Winged Fire Snake to the planting of various spiritual plants. She has to worry about it, and she can't just rely on Hu Delu.

With a wave of his hand, all the snow within a radius of three feet dispersed. Chen Huaisheng found the location where the Xuanhuang Divine Soil was buried and nodded.

The spiritual power is not bad, this batch of spiritual plants are growing well, but they can already be felt, not as good as the first two years.

"Pick it, leave the seeds, and continue spreading them. The fungus is under the rock pine over there. Qingyu, go and pick it. Be careful to keep the heels. You can harvest another crop in a few months..."

Chen Huaisheng stretched out his hand and started picking ice mushrooms, which have the highest yield, as well as indigo moss and red moss. Hu Delu was assisting.

Soon more than two hundred kilograms of ice mushrooms and indigo moss were harvested. The yield of red moss was lower, and the yield of Taiyin Baizhi and Fusongyuan fungus was even lower. Only thirty or forty kilograms were planted this season.

This type of Yin spiritual plant is full of spiritual power, and is especially useful for replenishing water-type spiritual power.

There is only one type of spiritual plant planted around Chiyan Yuanzhen - White Sun Grass.

This kind of spiritual plant is of low grade, and fire cultivators are not willing to eat this herb, mainly because the taste is too rough and unpalatable.

But for the Winged Fire Snake, it is just right to use it as a staple food. After all, once the Winged Fire Snake hatches, it needs to eat a lot of fire-property grass every day, otherwise it will degenerate.

This high-yielding, slightly low-quality fire spirit grass was Chen Huaisheng's helpless choice when he had no other spiritual plant seeds at the time. It happened to be harvested and used as the future food of the Winged Fire Snake.

However, this time Chen Huaisheng brought back a large amount of fire spirit grass seeds from Peach Blossom Island, and Chiyan Yuanma also brought back a lot of them. In addition to being used to hatch winged fire snakes, they could also expand the planting area to plant these fire spirit plants.

"Let's do it." Seeing that the mature spiritual plants were almost picked, Chen Huaisheng motioned to do it together.

First, the red rock elemental magma was buried, and a ring-shaped closed area was constructed at a certain distance. Then the Winged Fire Snake eggs were taken out and placed in the circle.

The eggs of the Winged Fire Snake will be hatched by the heat of the red rock elemental magma within three to six months, and then they will become young beasts and begin their career as spiritual beasts.

The lifespan of the Winged Fire Snake is also very long, and it can live to be eighty years old. Its adult beast is quite spiritual and has great power.

However, its biggest problem is that it consumes a lot of fire-based spiritual food, and it is very particular. As long as the diet is slightly mixed, its character will be degraded and cannot be compensated.

This is why the Winged Fire Snake is not a particularly precious spiritual beast, but few people are willing to raise it, and there are very few people who raise truly exotic beasts.

Along this enclosed area, several people sprinkled some seeds from Peach Blossom Island.

Edelweiss, Chunyang Zizhi, Jin Yan Bean, and Lihuo Cloud Vine, these four are all seeds specially obtained from Peach Blossom Island.

Among them, Chunyang Zizhi and Jinyan Bean can be eaten by both humans and animals, and are of great benefit to fire spiritual roots or the practice of fire magic.

Edelweiss and Lihuo Cloud Vine are generally eaten by fire spirit beasts, but they have stronger spiritual power than White Sun Grass, but their yield is not as good as White Sun Grass.

Because there was enough red rock essence magma brought back from Taohua Island, Chen Huaisheng also kept some of the red rock essence magma for burial in the future if he could find a more suitable spiritual land.

Although the conditions in this place are acceptable, large-scale planting is not optimal either in terms of safety, concealment or land supply.

It can only be said that it is satisfactory now, but it may not be enough in the future.

There is also a neutral spiritual plant seed obtained on Peach Blossom Island - Yuanshan. This is a perennial spiritual herb that strengthens energy and strengthens energy. It is indispensable for making various elixirs for spiritual improvement.

Although each sect has its own differences in the prescriptions for refining elixirs, they all have the same purpose. In the final analysis, it still depends on whether your choice of several main medicinal materials and the ingredients are sufficient and consistent.

Although some medicinal materials have excellent medicinal properties, their medicinal properties conflict with other medicinal materials and are difficult to reconcile, so they can only be discarded.

Others are combined together, and the medicinal effects cancel each other out, and there are trade-offs, so they cannot be used.

Therefore, once medicinal materials like Yuancuan, which have never been included in the preparation of Chonghua sect elixirs before, enter the range, there are often more matching options, and perhaps the effectiveness of the elixirs can be improved.

It’s been half a month since I returned to the mountains, and the New Year is approaching.

It has been sunny for a few days, the sky is clear, the sun is shining, and the weather is great.

Seeing Min Qing happily putting up window grilles on the window lattice of the Taoist residence, and Ren Wuguo wiping the stone tables and benches with a rag in the small courtyard, Chen Huaisheng suddenly felt that this life was actually not bad.

It's just that he doesn't know whether this kind of quiet life is suitable for him, or how long it can last?

He never believed that a sect that was suddenly thrown into the land of Hebei could expand its power in such a big way without triggering a reaction from the surrounding forces.

Yanzhou dare not say that it is surrounded by wolves, but it is definitely murderous.

Looking at the current situation of Lingyun Sect, which is in trouble, we can know that this peaceful and peaceful life will not last long.

What he can do is step up his efforts to improve his own strength and help those around him and those who follow him to improve their realm and strength.

Compared with Hu Delu, Song Ling and Zhao Liangkui, he found that Min Qingyu and Ren Wugu entered the country much faster.

Chen Huaisheng didn't know if it was because of his talent and talent, but in the past ten days, he had conducted a comprehensive exploration of the five of them.

Although he is only at the seventh level of Qi Refining now, he can feel that as his level increases by one level, his understanding of realm cultivation and root and bone cultivation will be deeper, and there will be some problems that he has not understood or discovered before. Suddenly understood.

He didn't know if this was the case for others, but he really felt this change.

This change will also be fed back into your next step of practice, allowing you to make targeted changes and breakthroughs.

Hu Delu's spiritual roots are of earth nature. After tempering the bones, they are now in the critical stage of impacting the fourth level of Qi refining, but they are still not ready yet.

And the news just received that Zhuo Yixing, who became a disciple of Zhu Fengbi, had broken through and advanced to the fourth level of Qi training, which was a big blow to Hu Delu.

Another one, Zhao Wuyou, who originally competed with Hu Delu, Zhuo and his entourage, became a disciple of You Shaoyou and began to practice in seclusion, which also brought great pressure to Hu Delu.

The three people have always been competitors, but now Zhuo and his party are far ahead, and Zhao Wuyou has also retreated to attack the fourth level of Qi refining, but Hu Delu himself has not yet found a direction.

Sandling is the oldest among the few, already twenty-nine. He has a wooden spiritual root and has a solid foundation, but his understanding is lacking and he is the one who needs guidance the most.

Zhao Liangkui and Hu Delu were of the same age. They had neutral spiritual roots, a flexible mind, and enough understanding, but their background was not enough.

Many people in Chuangongyuan are looking at these few people, and they all vaguely know that the three of them are following their own steps. Everyone needs to see how much change and good fortune these three people can make if they follow them.

The three of them basically came from poor local families, without much background or resources.

Hu Delu is considered the best among them, but his family can only provide him with some spiritual stones and spiritual food from time to time.

The pressure was put on Chen Huaisheng.

Even Yao Liwei and Zhao Sitian had vaguely reminded and admonished themselves that it was not advisable to act in such an unconventional way to gain the limelight. Even if they really wanted to do something, it was best to wait until the foundation was established before considering it.

For example, Yuan Wenbo didn't even mention it in half a sentence, as if he didn't know.

If Tong Tong were here, he would probably be furious and run to stop him, right?

For a moment, Chen Huaisheng missed Tong Tong and Kou Qing very much. These two girls, both of whom were not good-tempered, were far away from him, thousands of miles apart.

Kou Qing is still in Bianjing, but Tong Tong doesn't know where he has traveled. Will he return to the Chonghua sect in the future?

His eyes fell on Ren Wugou's back in the courtyard. It seemed that in just a few months, this girl had grown a lot.

With a slender back, a small round buttocks and a firm upturned body, and a light blue maid outfit, dangling in front of her, were she not afraid of Min Qingyu's irritation?

It seems that this girl is not afraid of Min Qingyu, and she even feels deliberately provocative. It seems that it is not a bad way to win her attention.

But I have to admit that this girl's talent is really good. Her golden spiritual roots are getting clearer and clearer. Moreover, after I chose Vajra Saint Yuan Qi, a somewhat unfamiliar spiritual practice, her progress has been amazing.

"Wugu, come here for a moment." Chen Huaisheng observed the girl for a while before finally saying.

Following Chen Huaisheng to the study, Ren Wugu was a little nervous.

"This is the Golden Scale Armor Thorn Technique, a golden magic that integrates offense and defense. Before Zi Mansion, this spell was enough to remain invincible in close combat..." Chen Huaisheng paused, "But this is based on spirit. Practicing spiritual skills requires hardship..."


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