Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 344 Volume C: The origin is a mystery, prepare for the aftermath

"You mean the demon corpse is missing?!" Looking at Wu Tianen who still had a look of disappointment, anxiety and confusion on his face, Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but asked in a voice: "How is this possible?"

Wu Tianen pursed his lips with a sullen face. He seemed to feel that his lips were a little dry. He picked up the tea and took a big sip, and then said: "I don't think it is possible, so I stayed there for so long. Feng Yi Sect is here." We hired a True Lord of the Purple Mansion and brought four foundation builders with him, which shows that we attach great importance to it. Ding Zongshou of the Ding family also came in person. Hehe, it was really a large-scale dispatch. We divided into several groups to investigate the suspicious places one by one in a radius of hundreds of miles. We conducted an investigation and found nothing..."

"That is to say, after that night, these demon corpses disappeared completely. For more than a month, well, it's almost two months now, there has been no movement?"

Chen Huaisheng murmured to himself: "This is not a good sign."

Wu Tianen's face was uncertain, "I also reported it to the head brother after I came back. The head brother also felt that misfortunes are unpredictable, especially the demon corpse general. If I am not mistaken, he died in Tianmayuan that year. The Great Wei God of War Bai Mu!"

Bai Mu? ! Chen Huaisheng was also shocked, "Uncle, did you read that correctly?"

"Eight and nine are close to each other, and the Great Zhao continues the lineage of the Great Wei. Although it is a long time ago, there are many records in the history books, and Bai Mu has a high-spirited appearance. There are many pictures of him in ancient books. I have seen a lot of them, but I didn't contact him at that time. stand up,……"

Wu Tianen sighed: "Speaking of it, this three-hundred-mile long plain corridor from Fuyang to Zhaigu is really a place filled with innocent souls. Since the Middle Ages alone, there have been dozens of wars. Moreover, there were many generals who died unjustly and committed suicide. Bai Mu who died in Tianmayuan, Cheng Wenchang who died in Jinling City, and Yinhou Yanxin who was cooked to death all died on the ground three hundred miles away. …”

Chen Huaisheng shuddered and said, "Uncle, you can't say that, right? According to what you said, there have been so many unjust ghosts in the world over the thousands of years of history, and they all have to turn into evil spirits, how can that be done? A place where people live?”

Wu Tianen sneered and said: "It also depends on the place, the time, and the changes in the world's luck. A few hundred miles from Fuyang to Zhaigu is exactly the middle line between Jidu and Wuxing Mountain. It is said that the world's luck The line just passes along this line. If it's normal, that's fine. But I always feel that something is wrong in this world. The weather is getting colder and colder, monsters are appearing more and more frequently, and monsters that I haven't seen before are also coming out. Yes, there are such hordes of demons and ghosts, have you ever heard of them before?"

Wu Tianen's words made it difficult for Chen Huaisheng to answer.

The weather is wrong, it's more like the Ice Age in the past life. Maybe the emergence of the monster tide is related to this?

But what do you say about the evil spirit?

It has been sleeping underground for hundreds or even thousands of years, and it's okay for one to pop up occasionally, but now it suddenly comes out in groups and wants to be resurrected. Is it necessary to create an era of Yin soldiers and an empire of the underworld?

This world is getting more and more absurd and crazy. Even though Chen Huaisheng has long accepted this world that subverts his cognition, after he finally let himself in, how come there are still more bizarre stories slowly unfolding?

"Then what should we do now? Let's just forget it?" Chen Huaisheng didn't bother to think that far, "Here in Fuyang, Huluji and Baita City are the first to bear the brunt, and the Fengyi Sect in Zhai Valley won't be able to sit still. "

"We have to wait." Wu Tianen sighed, "The Fengyi Sect is still the main force over there, but the line from Baitapu to Bajiao Village is the territory of Fuyang Road, and the Fengyi Sect will not take it too seriously. So the Ding family is also under a lot of pressure. Ding Runyao probably told Ding Zongshou when he went back. Ding Zongshou felt a little powerless. There are only ten or twenty people in the Ding family, but we are too far away..."

Chen Huaisheng's heart moved slightly, "Master, actually I have an idea..."

Wu Tianen was surprised and glanced at Chen Huaisheng, "What's your idea?"

"What do you think about inviting Ding Zongshou to join our Chonghua Sect?" Chen Huaisheng said slowly.

"Invite Ding Zongshou to join our Chonghua Sect?!" Wu Tianen was shocked and almost scolded Chen Huaisheng for being fanciful, but when he thought about it carefully, what's wrong with this?

Isn't Ding Zongshou just a casual cultivator of Zifu?

Zhang Taiquan was invited to enter the Baishimen, and only then did he close the last door in the face of the Chonghua faction's counterattack.

Now there are only two Zifu in the Chonghua Sect. Whether Li Yu can survive the tribulation and ascend to the Zifu is still unknown. Even if he can, the time cannot be determined.

And now that the Chonghua Sect is under increasing pressure from all parties, it is definitely a good deal to invite an entry into the Zifu.

"Guest?" Wu Tianen said hesitantly: "I don't know what the opinions of the head senior brother and the first senior brother are..."

Wu Tianen already recognized this suggestion in his heart, and felt that it was a stroke of genius.

Once Ding Zongshou entered, not only did he consolidate the position of the Chonghua Sect in Fuyang Road, but his strength also increased greatly.

Of course, the Chonghua Faction needs to take on the responsibility to the south of Fuyang, but the Chonghua Faction has already considered this aspect. Even if the Ding family leaves it alone, the Chonghua Faction will eventually take up the responsibility. Isn't it just right now?

"No, it's not the guest ministers, but the entire Ding family is invited to join the Chonghua sect." Chen Huaisheng also had a firm attitude when facing Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi, "The guest ministers system determines that these guest ministers can never be of the same mind as us, and we directly Inviting them to become a member of the Chonghua Sect better reflects our sincerity and allows them to truly integrate in."

Chen Huaisheng's suggestion surprised both Shang and Zhu. They directly invited him to become a member of the sect. There was no precedent for this in the Chonghua sect.

As if aware of the hesitation of Shang and Zhu, Chen Huaisheng was not polite: "Master, head master, first master, today is different from the past. The current situation of Lingyun Sect is before us, whether it is Yuelu Sect or Tianhe Sect. The sects are full of hostility towards us, the Fengyi Sect is now being restrained because of the demon corpse incident, and the Youzhou Ning family may only have one, two, or three years left for us. We must spend these two or three years. To strengthen ourselves over the years, bringing the Ding family into the fold is the direct and fastest way, as it is related to the life and death of our sect!"

Zhu Fengbi thought over and over again: "Even if we have this intention, Ding Zongshou may not be willing. He would rather be the mouth of a chicken than the queen of an ox. How carefree it is to be a grass-headed king. When you join our sect, you must abide by the sect's rules and hand sect." If he intends to join the sect, Yuelu Sect and Fengyi Sect would have had the opportunity long ago."

"Uncle, the sects and casual cultivators here in Hebei have always been incompatible with each other. In addition, the situation has changed. I believe Ding Zongshou is not a fool. He can see that the weather has changed in the past few years, and the tide of monsters has gradually appeared. Now there are even more monsters and ghosts. Is he Are you not worried? Besides, he is from the Zifu, but what about his descendants and disciples? Qin Shouzhong died in the hands of demon corpses at the fourth level of foundation building, so he can protect his whole family by himself? "

Chen Huaisheng analyzed methodically: "As far as I know, their family is not prosperous. If I were him, I would have to consider the future. Although he has only been in Deng Zi Mansion for twenty years, he is still in his prime, but after all He is also over a hundred years old, if something happens to him, wouldn't he consider the options for his descendants and disciples?"

"Besides, the reaction of the Ding family from Baitapu is not good. It's not because of his own cultivation problem, but because there are too few people in his lineage. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Baitapu, and the number of monsters is increasing. The more we ask, the more he will not be able to take care of it. He should already feel that he is unable to do what he wants. Under such circumstances, cooperation will benefit both sides. As long as we sincerely extend the invitation, I believe he will make a wise decision."

Chen Huaisheng's words finally convinced Zhu Fengbi. Although he didn't like Chen Huaisheng very much, he had to admit that Chen Huaisheng's words were indeed considered from the perspective of the sect.

"Senior brother, what do you mean?" Zhu Fengbi glanced at Shang Jiuling.

"Once we accept the Ding family, it means that the entire east side of Fuyang Road will have to be borne by us. It would have been a good thing in the past, but in the current situation where the demon corpse is a mystery, will this be a recipe for disaster?" Shang Jiuling's voice was low, as if he hadn't made up his mind yet.

"Brother, head, no matter what happens to the Ding family, we will eventually be involved. If the demon corpse is not eliminated, how can the people survive?" Wu Tianen said solemnly: "We can't escape."

Shang Jiuling sighed: "It seems that we can't avoid these things even if we hide here and there..."

Finally, the decision was made to invite the Ding family to join the Chonghua Faction.

Since you want to invite, you must show sincerity. If Ding Zongshou agrees, it means that the entire Ding family will come in.

Ding Zongshou is from the Zifu, so he must be given a reasonable arrangement.

In terms of strength, he is qualified to take over the leadership of the courtyard, ranking below Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi. Moreover, he is also in the middle realm of Yunmui. His strength is equal to that of Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi, or even better. After all, he He entered Deng Zi Mansion twenty years ago, earlier than Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi.

Of course, it is impossible for him, a newcomer to the Zifu, to take the position of the headmaster or the first seat, but if the position of headmaster is not held by him but by You Shaoyou, it would be unjustifiable.

You Shaoyou is only at the seventh level of foundation building, and his strength is far behind that of Ding Zongshou. He is even slightly inferior to Ding Zongshou's disciple Li Minghao. To show sincerity, the position of Head of the Academy is the most suitable.

But this is not something Chen Huaisheng has to worry about. Since he accepted his suggestion, he has done his best.

The Ding family's high-end strength is not weak.

In addition to Ding Zongshou's Zifu, his disciple Li Minghao is at the eighth level of foundation building and is also very powerful. His son Ding Yuangao is at the fifth level of foundation building. His grandson-in-law Wang Chi is also at the peak of Qi refining. His grandson Ding Liren is at the eighth level of Qi refining. His granddaughter Ding Runyao is at the seventh level of Qi refining.

Just the addition of these five people can raise the strength of the Chonghua Sect to a higher level.

Of course, the strength of these few people is not enough to dominate the show, but it is still worthy of attention.

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