Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 357 Volume C Ghost Scissors, Fire Snake

Picking up the Taiyin Huanglu, Chen Huaisheng felt a chilly feeling coming from the page on his fingertips.

The yellow paper pages are made by grinding special papyrus, and the ocher-yellow shape with a strange luster is also made by soaking it with special secret magic material abrasives.

As for the various symbols and strange characters on the yellow paper pages, they were written by specialized scribes.

The yellow paper pages alone are quite complicated and exquisite, and then there is the secret technique of ghost scissors.

Chen Huaisheng read it through. It was not difficult and complicated, but he could roughly understand it. There were still some words in it that were not clear about the meaning. Chen Huaisheng called Min Qingyu to ask.

As the legitimate daughter cultivated by the Min family, Min Qingyu's literary talent is far better than that of Chen Huaisheng, and the understanding and definition of these words is a piece of cake.

Seeing Chen Huaisheng reading the booklet carefully and repeatedly, Min Qingyu didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Huaisheng didn't even show her the book, but just pointed at some of the words and asked her to interpret them.

Of course, interpretation also needs to be connected to the context in order to make an accurate interpretation, and Chen Huaisheng did not deliberately cover it up.

After he understood the entire secret technique of ghost cutting and roughly mastered how to cut paper, Chen Huaisheng realized that there was still one crucial thing missing - scissors.

When the Sun family presented these two things as gifts, they also said that when they received these things, they did not have scissors, so they had to make their own.

The so-called ghost scissors, firstly, the scissors require the spiritual power of water and fire and pay attention to the cutting techniques. In addition, there are also special requirements for the scissors themselves.

The brass scissors are the worst, but they are barely usable; the gold wire scissors are also usable, but it is a pity to match them with the Taiyin Yellow Ribbon; and then there are the Shuangling scissors made by mixing alchemy, gold, and mithril. This kind of scissors is pretty good.

Then there are the scissors specially made by each company. Because these items are also niche items, they are all made by themselves and are generally not sold outside, so it is difficult to say who has the stock.

Seeing Chen Huaisheng holding the book and looking at Taiyin Huanglu without saying a word, Min Qingyu asked softly: "Brother Sheng, do you need me for anything?"

Chen Huaisheng was awakened and nodded: "This is the secret technique of Taiyin Huanglu and Ghost Scissors. It can be cut into various paper puppets. It can be used as an attack puppet or a replacement puppet. It's pretty good, but it's very particular... …”

Min Qingyu knew that Chen Huaisheng had been making various preparations intensively during this period, and his retreat practice some time ago was also for this purpose.

Although Chen Huaisheng didn't say anything, this performance was obviously in preparation for war.

She knew very well that her fate depended on Chen Huaisheng, so she was very concerned about it.

"What does Brother Sheng need?" Min Qingyu asked in a low voice.

"Scissors, you need a special pair of scissors, specially used for cutting talismans and spiritual materials." Chen Huaisheng said slowly, leaning his body close to the back of the chair.

If you really can't find better scissors, you can quickly create a pair of double spiritual scissors from Alchemy and Mithril, but they will definitely not be as effective as those specially used for cutting talisman spiritual materials.

Min Qingyu's thoughts suddenly changed: "The Min family has a pair of scissors made of cold sand, dotted iron and keel..."

Chen Huaisheng perked up: "Dian Cang Iron? But Yangbi Mountain Dian Cang Iron, the iron used in Tang Biao Iron Pillars?"

The Western Tang Dynasty once conquered Bashu and went straight to the southern border. At Yangbi Diancang Mountain, they took thousands of years of chaotic thunder iron to make iron pillars to show their glory. This so-called Tang standard iron pillar was erected at Yangbi Diancang Mountain.

The Ten Thousand Years Chaos Thunder Iron used for Tang Biao Iron Pillars is particularly rare. I didn't expect that the Min family actually used scissors made of this iron.

"Exactly." Min Qingyu gritted his teeth: "If Brother Sheng needs it, I will rush home to get it immediately..."

Chen Huaisheng took a deep look at Min Qingyu: "Is it appropriate?"

"The Min family and Brother Sheng are already one, so how can we talk about each other?" Min Qingyu responded immediately.

"Okay, I'll bother Qingyu to make a trip." Chen Huaisheng was not polite.

There is no other way. Since there is no other way to improve his combat effectiveness, Chen Huaisheng has to use all kinds of resources in order to improve his combat effectiveness.

It is always difficult to achieve the important breakthrough from the eleventh level to the twelfth level of the thunder method. There is still a distance to the eighth level of the spiritual realm. These are two of my own limitations, but I have already achieved the ultimate.

Yinming Ghost Arrow, Tianluo Magic Shield and Aiki Combo Slash, these three have also entered the bottleneck stage.

The Yinming Ghost Arrow has reached its peak, and even if his spiritual realm reaches the peak of Qi refining, he will not improve much unless he breaks through the foundation building.

The situation of Tianluo Magic Shield is similar. Every time the spiritual realm increases, the power of Tianluo Magic Shield will increase to a certain extent, but there will no longer be the same rapid improvement as when you just started practicing. It will not be until the foundation is established that there will be an obvious change.

As for the Aiki Combo Slash, there is even less room for improvement in the art of sword cultivation, and the art of sword control has basically replaced and surpassed it.

These situations are also inevitable in the process of spiritual practice.

Some weapon cultivation and spells are quite powerful in the Qi refining stage, but as the spiritual realm improves during the cultivation process, they gradually become outdated and gradually lose their use value.

Some weapon cultivation spells cannot be practiced at all when the spiritual realm is low, and can only be practiced after the spiritual realm reaches a certain level.

There are also auto repair spells that can be practiced when the spiritual realm is low, but the progress is very slow or even ineffective. They will only gradually become effective when the spiritual realm reaches a certain stage.

Therefore, this requires monks to weigh and consider during the practice process, how to configure it so that they do not have to spend too much energy on some weapon cultivation spells that must be given up, but they must also practice some life-saving techniques, otherwise they will encounter an unexpected event. At that time, he did not have enough ability to take on the challenge, which resulted in his body and soul being destroyed.

For example, the Aiki combo chop was quite effective when Chen Huaisheng was in the early and middle stages of Qi refining, but after reaching the fifth level of Qi refining, it gradually became useless. The Yinming Ghost Arrow and Tianluo Magic Shield are still useful now. , but once you enter the ninth stage of Qi refining or the peak of Qi refining, the effect will be bad.

The Thunder Technique was very powerful until you reached the Zifu, and it can be continued even after you advance to the Zifu. But before the sixth level of Qi Refining, you cannot practice it at all.

This is why many sects and sect disciples simply focus on cultivating the spiritual realm and wait until they reach the middle or even high stage of Qi refining before they consider practicing weapon cultivation and spells.

But this situation is also quite extreme.

After all, the jump to the middle stage of Qi Refining and the high stage of Qi Refining requires experience to make a better breakthrough. And when you go out to experience, you can't be helpless and completely rely on others to protect your safety, then I really put my life on someone else's body.

Once others are in danger, their own life will definitely be considered first, and it will be difficult to protect you first.

For Chen Huaisheng now, the cultivation of magic weapons, talismans, incantations and even spiritual beasts with strong growth potential is his priority. Even if the cultivation speed is slower and the initial effect is less, it is still worth it.

Like the Thunder Method and the Ghost Scissors Secret Technique, the Thunder Method has high growth potential, and the quality of Taiyin Huanglu also has room for improvement in terms of production technology. The same is true for the Ghost Scissors Secret Technique.

What's more important is that when you release this kind of talisman puppet, the higher your spiritual level is, the more powerful the talisman puppet you can release will be. This is a system where a rising tide lifts all boats.

Min Qingyu returned to Minjialou overnight. He was really not sure when the war between the Yuelu Sect and the Lingyun Sect would start, and now the Chonghua Sect was tightening internally and relaxing externally, and began to actively prepare for the war.

When Min Qingyu returned to Wolong Ridge with the heirloom ghost scissors, Chen Huaisheng also held the hatched fire-winged snake and began to tame it and offer sacrifices.

The eyes of the light red baby snake are still closed, but its twisting body brings bursts of warmth, which is enough to prove that it is in good condition.

At this time, the young snakes are still unable to directly eat fire spiritual plants, but can only squeeze the juice from edelweiss, fire cistanche and other spiritual plants into the snake's mouth, feeding them like breast milk.

From the moment they emerge from their shells, the young snakes of the Winged Fire Snake cannot eat any food that is not fire-based spiritual plants or fire-based monster meat. Moreover, their food intake becomes more and more alarming as they grow older. They must eat enough spiritual plants every day. animal meat, otherwise its quality will be affected.

This is also the most difficult thing about the Winged Fire Snake.

Many other spirit beasts can be temporarily replaced with neutral spiritual food or non-spiritual food during the taming process. Some spirit beasts may even starve for a few meals without much impact, but this cannot be done for the Winged Fire Snake.

Once one does not eat for more than one day, his fire power will degrade by 30%, and it is irreversible. If he does not eat for more than three days, he will die.

Feeding other non-fire spiritual plant meat will also cause its fire power to be greatly degraded.

Therefore, it is not without reason that this thing is known as the most difficult and fragile spirit beast in the spirit beast world.

It seems that it can feel the direction in which the juice of the spiritual plant is dripping. Even if it closes its eyes, the snake head of the young Winged Fire Snake can still flexibly chase the dripping juice. When the snake's head moves and the snake spits out, it sucks the juice into the mouth. Quite agile and quick.

Chen Huaisheng carefully observed the young snake in front of him.

The Winged Fire Serpent is not a pure snake, it is more like a dragon.

In addition to scales, its four weak claws are also similar to those of a dragon, except that a pair of flesh wings are hidden behind the front claws on the dragon's waist and ribs, close to the body.

Flesh wings are not only a tool for the Winged Fire Snake to fly, but also an important weapon for unleashing its fire power.

The snake's mouth breathes fire, the snake's claws shoot fire, and its fleshy wings blow wind. The fire borrows the force of the wind, and the wind assists the power of the fire. This is the power of a truly ferocious beast.

What shocked Chen Huaisheng was that the juice squeezed out of seven or eight kilograms of edelweiss and amaranth was squeezed out like a trickle, and was swallowed up without stopping by a young snake less than two feet tall. clean.

Visibly to the naked eye, the belly of the young Winged Fire Snake swelled, and the entire body of the snake became even hotter.

At least a gourd of juice squeezed out of these seven or eight kilograms of spiritual plants was swallowed up completely. This young snake's appetite was too much.

The snake scales seemed to become more brilliantly red, and the eyes under the closed eyelids were also turning around, as if they wanted to open them as hard as they could.

The entire snake body seemed to have grown in size in just a cup of tea, and the heat around it became even stronger.

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