Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 381 Volume C Bijiao Yuanjun

Starting from Wolong Ridge, we headed southwest for about 380 miles to Ludong Mountain, which borders Weihuai Road.

Ludong Mountain is named after Ludong. There are many caves in the mountain. It is said that there is a cave where immortals attained enlightenment, which is called Ludong.

But among the hundreds of caves, it is not known which one is the Ludong and contains the treasures left by the immortals.

This is also a branch of Wuxing Mountain, but it is more steep and deep than Wolong Ridge.

The ravine burned and crackled.

Six people sat on the ground around the bonfire.

An arrow deer and a rabbit in the clouds were skinned early and placed on the iron rack on the campfire, roasting until they squeaked with oil.

Only Ren Wujia ran back and forth, peeling off the skin, applying green salt, and putting the ingredients on the shelves. He was very busy, but he enjoyed it.

Being able to follow this group can be considered as a member of the core circle of the sect in the future. This experience is enough to make countless people envious.

This is the first time for Chen Huaisheng to travel with so many people in the sect, and everyone's spiritual level is still at the same level, which means that everyone basically has the same vision and topics.

It's rare for the atmosphere to be so relaxed. It's very rare.

In the past, there were times when everyone traveled together, such as the Battle of Tianzhai and the Battle of Xiashi Bay, but those were all direct battles. Everyone was in a different mood, and their levels were also different, and there were not many common topics.

This trip was somewhat similar to Chen Huaisheng and Tang Jingtian's trip to Peach Blossom Island. It was relatively easy, but there were more people and richer topics.

"The Yuelu Sect has deeply penetrated Wei Huaidao for hundreds of years, especially in the area to the west next to the main line of the Five Elements Mountains. Basically, all the small sects and aristocratic clans are attached to the Yuelu Sect, without exception. ,..."

The man with a fair and round face looks to be about fifty years old, very talkative, with a Taoist bun with a wooden hairpin passing through it. He is concise and clear, full of energy, and has a certain charm of immortality and Taoism.

He is Zeng Guolin, the leader of the disciples from the Lingyun Sect who is in the Qi training stage besides foundation building.

Both Yang Husheng and Yang Husheng were from Dingling, but he was a member of a prominent family in Dingling City, unlike Yang Husheng, a country bumpkin like him.

The Zeng family and the Lu family are known as the four prominent families in Yiyang Prefecture. Among them, Zeng Zeng and the Lu family are both in Dingling, and the other two are in Zhugao and Xiyang respectively.

Of course, Zeng Guolin is definitely not a descendant of the main lineage of the Zeng family. To be precise, he is a descendant of a common branch, and they are all distant branches, so he can enter the Lingyun Sect.

But no matter what, a person with this surname is much better than a pure country boy like Yang Husheng, and his starting point is much higher, so Yang Husheng is not close to him.

"We shouldn't have chosen Dahuaishan in the first place. How could we allow others to snore next to the couch? It's a pity that we didn't think so carefully at the beginning, and we didn't expect that the Yuelu Sect would be so domineering..."

Zeng Guolin was still sighing, and Chu Yingqi also joined in: "It's not entirely the sect's responsibility. It can only be said that Tianhe Sect has been misjudged. Carrying the name of the first sect in Yanzhou, it actually attacked other states' sects. There was nothing they could do about the penetration of the door. Even if we were standing in front of them, they didn't dare to make any move against the Yuelu Sect..."

"You can actually guess what the Tianhe Sect is thinking. After all, we are foreigners. If we establish ourselves in Weihuaidao, both the Yuelu Sect and the Tianhe Sect will be blocked from infiltrating into Weihuaidao. Dead." Yang Husheng shook his head to express his opinion.

Not to mention, even though Yang Husheng has a donkey face, he is not stupid.

"But since Yuelu Sect intends to break into Wei Huaidao, but after hundreds of years, there has not been much movement? Do you think it is the Tianhe Sect's constraint?" Chu Yingqi asked in confusion: "But Tianhe Sect The sect has only grown in the past hundred years. It was not as good as the Yuelu Sect, and the Yuelu Sect was already the number one sect in Jinzhou at least three hundred years ago. "

"Maybe it's because of the Beirong people." Zeng Guolin said after being silent for a while: "Although the Beirong people seem to have withdrawn from Hebei on the surface, they have basically disappeared in Yanzhou, and they are still very popular in Youzhou and Yunzhou. A large potential force also has minions in Jinzhou, but the Beirong people do not run the place very well and insist on high-pressure and harsh treatment, so the local clan clans resisted fiercely, which made them unable to sustain themselves. "

What Zeng Guolin meant was that the Beirong people were quite powerful in Hebei in the past. Even if the place was in a mess, they could still suppress these sects with their strength. However, as their strength faded, these large sects slowly began to rise.

Men, the topics that can be discussed cannot be separated from these. In addition to one's own cultivation, it is also the development prospects of the sect.

At present, the Chonghua Sect has become the only remaining Miao Miao in Hebei, especially with the precedent of Lingyun Sect. No one wants this kind of story to happen again, so naturally they are very concerned about the future of the sect.

In the past, everyone in Da Zhao thought that these were all matters that the big bosses were concerned about, but now that the survival of the sect is closely related to their own interests, and they have reached the threshold of the core level of the sect, their thoughts are different. .

"The conditions in Dahuai Mountain are indeed better than those in Wolong Ridge, but now the sect does not have the strength to stand alone against Yuelu Sect and Tianhe Sect, so it is appropriate to take a step back." Teng Dingyuan also expressed his opinion, "In time, , or to put it bluntly, when everyone here can hope to attack Zifu, I think let alone Dahuaishan, even the matter of returning to Yiyang Langling can be put on the table. "

The arrow deer and Yunzhong rabbit were finally cooked. Ren Wugu carefully cut the venison and rabbit meat into large pieces and served them to everyone one by one. The conversation stopped and everyone began to enjoy the barbecue feast.

Arrow deer and cloud rabbits were hunted by everyone in the mountains.

There are many monsters in Ludong Mountain. The six ninth-level Qi Refiners and the peak ones attack. If they are chased away a little, the monsters cannot hide. As long as they show their whereabouts, they will only be delivering food.

Chen Huaisheng and Tang Jingtian basically did not participate in the discussion, and acted more as listeners.

It is too early to talk about the future of the sect, and it is not their turn to make the decision yet.

The bonfire slowly dimmed, and from time to time someone added a piece or two of branches and wood to make the bonfire dim and bright again.

Zeng Guolin and Chu Yingqi were observing Chen Huaisheng carefully.

Both of them were very curious about Chen Huaisheng.

From my previous understanding of the Chonghua Sect, this one was probably the Young Strong Sect second only to Zhao Sitian, but judging from the fact that Zhao Sitian has not yet reached his peak and this one has reached it first, this one may have better prospects.

It was an opportunity to have such an opportunity to contact and cooperate with each other, so when Teng Dingyuan came to invite them, they agreed without thinking.

Zeng Guolin felt a little emotional. He only reached the peak of Qi refining when he was fifty, but he was still at the peak of Qi refining when he was twenty-five. His progress was so fast that it was unimaginable.

The bonfire suddenly dimmed, as if it was suppressed by some nightmare. Several people who were talking lively felt it. They subconsciously shrugged and looked to the west.

It was as if a faint coldness came from the west. There was no sound, it was just a kind of induction. It seemed that everyone's minds were caught, and even breathing became difficult.

A figure appeared in the darkness ten feet away to the west. E Guan Bodai walked over casually, "Hey, so many people?"

The six of them tried to put on a defensive posture, but were overwhelmed.

It was Zeng Guolin and Tang Jingtian who gathered their strength and raised their breath at the same time, exchanged glances, and forced themselves to stand up. With his movement, the other four were able to withstand the suffocating pressure and finally be able to move.

"Huh?" The visitor seemed a little surprised. He glanced at Zeng Guolin and Tang Jingtian, but didn't care and walked to the bonfire to get fat. The invisible pressure forced Yang Husheng and Chu Yingqi to get out of the way, exposing a gap.

Under the light of the bonfire, everyone could clearly see this person's appearance. He was wearing a pale green robe, a long Taoist crown standing on his head, wide sleeves, and his hands seemed to be shrunk in the sleeves.

What is shocking is the pair of eyes, which are deep and dark green, slightly bulging, and seem to have no emotion at all. However, if you look carefully, it seems that they are sinking in again and unable to struggle out.

Even when Chen Huaisheng looked into it, he felt that the pupils were like deep pools trying to suck people in.

Chen Huaisheng's heart trembled, and he silently recited the universal heart mantra. He broke away and looked at the pair of hands beside the wide sleeves. They were like chicken claws, with a bit of sparkling ripples of light, but full of power.

Everyone took a breath, took a step back slightly, and prepared to go.

"What's the matter? I have friends coming from far away. Shouldn't I say so?" His deep voice was a bit presumptuous and arrogant. The guy's nostrils were twitching. "I haven't had barbecue for a long time. Try it. Little girl, cut it for me." One plate,..."

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