Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 383 Volume C is spread out

Seeing that the other person was stunned and confused when he asked, the visitor became more and more proud, and the venison in his mouth became more and more fragrant.

"Let me tell you, Tongtian koi is not that easy to catch. It does not live on the edge of the lake, but in the middle of Tongtianbo lake. Tongtianbo is covered with clouds and fog all year round. Do you know how to get to the middle of the lake?"

The visitor's eyes were full of mockery: "Do you know that this season in the lake is when the golden-whiskered tuna comes out to hunt. I'm afraid you guys are not enough to fill their stomachs. There are also black ghost blood locusts. You guys know How to deal with it?”

Teng Dingyuan really didn't know about these situations. He only stayed briefly and learned about the Babel Koi, but he had never heard of what the Golden-Bearded Turtle and the Black Ghost Blood Locust were.

At that time, I also thought about going to the lake, then looking for the fishermen living around, just to find some spiritual stones, and then planning how to catch them.

Several people were still a little confused as to what the words of the person in front of them meant. After all, they had basically never dealt with foreign cultivators, but Chen Huaisheng felt that this guy's temperament was a bit out of touch.

Having dealt with Xiong Zhuang, he knew that although the characters of the foreign cultivators tried to imitate others, they were still somewhat different.

Their most unusual performance is often particularly outstanding in a certain aspect, or particularly obvious in their personality. This is not only their shortcomings and weaknesses, but also their characteristics.

For example, the guy in front of him has a very loose and frivolous temperament, and he has a strong desire to show off, which is in sharp contrast to Xiong Zhuang's honest, honest and tolerant temperament.

However, this guy's strength is much stronger than Xiong Zhuang. Even if Xiong Zhuang really rises and breaks through in response to the calamity, he can't even compare to this guy.

For people with this kind of temperament, you have to give in to them. In short, you just need to smooth things over. The more you can make him stand out, the happier he will be.

"Senior, we are ignorant and short-sighted, how can we compare with our predecessors who are knowledgeable and knowledgeable?" Chen Huaisheng took over the conversation, "I heard that Tongtianbo is the most holy lake in the North. Ordinary people, even Zifu We will lose our way when we go to Xianqing. We don’t expect to enter the center of the lake. We just hope to try our luck by the lake. If we encounter one or two lost koi, we can just pick it up..."

Teng Dingyuan, Zeng Guolin and others found such nonsense ridiculous.

How could a group of people at the ninth level of Qi Refining, the pinnacle of Qi Refining, do such an outrageous thing?

Traveling thousands of miles away to an unfamiliar place to try your luck at picking up lost fish, is there such a thing?

Do you believe this?

But seeing Chen Huaisheng being so serious, everyone could only shut up and listen to Chen Huaisheng's nonsense.

However, Tang Jingtian, who had spent more time with Chen Huaisheng, knew that there must be a reason for Chen Huaisheng's nonsense.

Especially at this time, facing this alien cultivator that everyone has no clue about, Chen Huaisheng must be targeted.

"Haha, you all know that this Tongtianbo is the most dangerous place in the lake in the north. How dare you try to break into it without your abilities? What's the difference between this and seeking your own death?" The visitor became more and more wanton and wild, "You're still picking things up. , you can’t even get to the center of the lake, how can you pick up the leak?”

"Senior has taught me that we are indeed a little reckless." Chen Huaisheng said with a smile: "I wonder if senior has ever been to the center of Tongtianbo Lake and seen the koi?"

The visitor was very proud, his beard was raised wildly, "Of course I have been there, but the koi thing is useless to me, so naturally I didn't pay attention to it, but there are indeed some good things in the lake, but there are many dangers in the lake, so Even I don’t dare to walk in at will..."

Chen Huaisheng glanced at Tang Jingtian.

The two of them had the same mind, and they could basically tell with one look. Tang Jingtian nodded slightly, and then Chen Huaisheng looked at Teng Dingyuan and Zeng Guolin. Both of them were smart people, and they roughly understood the meaning of Chen Huaisheng's eyes, but They all hesitated.

But in this situation, they didn't dare to show any impatience or dislike. If they really pissed off the guy in front of them, they would be afraid that he would become angry and it would be a disaster.

Chen Huaisheng kept talking without stopping: "Senior, if this junior's prediction is correct, senior must have been born as a scale saint. No wonder he can walk on the ground like water in holy places like Tongtianbo. It's different for us. We can only look forward to it. Xingtan, let's see if there are any opportunities by the lake..."

Linsheng is also an honorific and elegant title, and it is nothing more than his origins like Jiao Chi, but Chen Huaisheng's posture makes the other party quite comfortable, and Chen Huaisheng becomes more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Boy, you are quite good at talking." The visitor pursed his lips, "I don't dare to tell you everything about Tongtianbo. I have been there a few times. I originally intended to go there, but I never had time. …”

The meaning of these words was too obvious. Chen Huaisheng knew that he could not tolerate hesitation at this time, so he smiled with a smile on his face, and even showed a bit of surprise.

"Senior really intends to go to Tongtianbo? I wonder if we can follow Jiwei and go with senior? We can go to Tongtianbo first, take Tongtianbo here, and then go to Zhiguan Mountain..."

The visitor couldn't help but grin: "Boy, you are lucky, I am indeed going to Tongtianbo with my party. If you want to go, I will reluctantly take you along, but you have to take care of my food and drinks along the way. , By the way, this wine is good, but it doesn’t seem to be sold in Hebei. I have never tasted it,..."

Looking at the wine gourd in this guy's hand, Chen Huaisheng and others realized that it was probably the aroma of the wine that attracted this guy, and now he was thinking about this wine again.

Chen Huaisheng quickly took out two more pots from the storage bag: "This is Shijongchun produced in Bianjing. It is a famous wine in the capital. If seniors are good at wine, there are many good wines in Bianjing..."

"What does good wine mean?" Unexpectedly, when the visitor took the wine, his face darkened, "Is this the kind of person who likes wine and drinks too much?"

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts. This guy would fall out whenever he said he would. Is there anything wrong with what Chen Huaisheng said?

Good wine is good wine, what’s wrong with that?

Just like you, you drank most of a pot of wine in one gulp. Now, when two pots are offered, you took them without saying a word, and now you are still here brazenly saying that you are not a drunkard and a greedy person.

It's just that the situation is stronger than the person. In front of such people, who dares to refute?

But Chen Huaisheng was not afraid.

He noticed that the other party only denied that he was not a drinker, but he did not deny that he was a drinker. Being a drinker and a drinker were two different concepts, and the latter had too strong a derogatory connotation.

"Senior is right, a drunken hero is a hero. Since ancient times, all heroes like good wine, but drinking moderately will make you more husband..." Chen Huaisheng adapts to the situation.

The visitor felt more and more that the young man in front of him was to his liking, and his words and deeds were very pleasant to his eyes.

"Well, since you are going to Tongtianpo, and I happen to be traveling with you, you will go with me. I will not take advantage of others. Since you have provided me with good wine, I will naturally offer you some benefits. I will not keep it safe. That’s what makes you suffer.”

Everyone felt that this man spoke inconsistently, and his temper seemed to be erratic, which made people a little confused.

Only Chen Huaisheng knew that this was the normal behavior of alien cultivators.

After all, after joining the world, they almost had to rely on their own imitation and exploration to understand and learn about the ways of the world. They accepted all the good and bad without hesitation, and the good and bad things they liked gradually became his own character traits.

However, as long as you can carefully figure out this guy's personality and like him, this trip to Tongtianbo may not be a bad thing.

Of course, everyone would not be happy to have such an uncertain factor to stay together. If they accidentally offended this guy, they would die without knowing why.

It's just that at this time, they can't help it anymore.

Having such a thing happen is either a disaster or a blessing. Now they can't refuse and can only follow it.

I only hope that this matter can be settled as soon as possible, and we can go our separate ways and be well.


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