Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 385 Volume C Encounter, Disaster

"Tongtian koi live around the center of the lake, and there are no traces of them on the shore." Long Tianjiao put his hands on his hips and looked far into the distance.

Well, Long Tianjiao is the name that Bijiao Yuanjun gave himself.

He asked Chen Huaisheng to come up with several good names for him, and Chen Huaisheng took great pains to recommend a few for him. In the end, he chose this extremely vulgar name, which made Chen Huaisheng feel extremely embarrassed.

However, people felt that this name was powerful and domineering, and it sounded a bit like competing to outdo all the others, so Chen Huaisheng could only pinch his nose and praise it.

Who knows that he came up with this name out of necessity after the other party was dissatisfied with several names.

"Senior Long, if we want to capture this koi, what preparations should we make, and how should we start?"

Originally, Teng Dingyuan and the others planned to go to the lakeside and look for the local monks, promising huge profits and working together to capture them, but now it seems that there is no need.

With this "Senior Dragon" here, everything seems to be omitted.

They all felt that this senior was a good teacher, so everyone understood and admired him. Every word he said was flattering, making "Senior Long" feel like the leader of their group.

"The first is to prepare their favorite bait. Koi likes to eat sandworm pupae, which can be dug in the sand on the shore..."

"The second is to prepare a hunting hook. This kind of hunting hook needs to be made from the curved beak of a black heron. Otherwise, once the koi is nailed, its blood will solidify quickly and it will be worthless..."

"You should have a clean bottle to hold the fish blood, right? As long as you have it, immediately cut open the belly of the fish and let the fish blood pour into the clean bottle..."

Seeing the expressions of surprise and admiration on everyone's faces, Long Tianjiao became more and more proud and felt extremely comfortable.

Being able to show off in front of these human monks is truly an unprecedented feeling.

However, Chen Huaisheng and others were indeed surprised. He said this one after another. It is not an expert who would definitely not know the secrets here. At least it proves that this guy really knows his stuff.

"I didn't pay much attention to the precautions before. I just scattered the sandworm larvae directly. When the koi came out, I would eat them directly. These koi would not even think about running away. Tsk tsk, the taste is really delicious, but That’s all it will be if you eat too much,..."

Feeling that he had let something slip, Long Tianjiao scratched his head and quickly came back, "You need fresh fish blood, so this is different, so you have to capture it first before you can perform a laparotomy to collect blood..."

"Senior Long, I remember you once said that this koi carp has a symbiotic monster..." Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but remind him.

"Well, there is. The monster is called water monkey. In fact, it should be found in lakes and swamps everywhere, but it is different here in Tongtianbo. You should know that the center of Tongtianbo lake leads directly to the big river. The underground river is called Tongtianbo. Tianhe, countless people have drowned in the river for thousands of years, and many of them have flowed back from the underground river into the Tongtian Lake. Some water monkeys have had ghosts for thousands of years and have become evil spirits..."

When he talked about the water monkey, Bijiao Yuanjun's face became a lot more serious, and it was obvious that he was still a little taboo about this thing.

Yin things become essence, water and fire become mandrills, and earth and wood become mandrills.

There are specific conditions for a ghost to become a spirit. Not just any ghost or monster can become a spirit.

"Why does this koi coexist with the Yin Demon?" Chen Huaisheng asked puzzledly.

"Koi are loved by spiritual energy, and Yinha likes to coexist with them. It can't be completely regarded as symbiosis, but they are just often in the same area."

Bijiao Yuanjun didn't say that he was exaggerating on purpose, so he could only forcefully use these words to save his respect.

"Senior Long, is this shadow condensed by thousands of years of souls?" Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but ask, what's the difference between this and the demon corpse?

"It's not just as simple as a thousand-year-old ghost, it's also simple as an ordinary water monkey. Aren't you cultivators good at talismans and spells to ward off evil and suppress evil? You can destroy it casually, but this ghost is more important than the thousand-year-old corpse. What's more, it was cultivated by swallowing up the spiritual things and monsters in the water during the process of condensing the ghosts, and absorbing the spiritual power of the ghosts and monsters in the water. It can no longer be completely regarded as a pure ghost corpse, but a mixture of spirits and monster corpses. body is more accurate.”

Bijiao Yuanjun doesn't care about this. No matter how powerful Yin Yan is, it's not a problem for him, but it's hard to say for the group of people in front of him.

The group of people catching koi cannot be limited to one place, they need to spread out, and it is best to form a larger encirclement.

Once the koi enters the circle, you can use magic to force it to the surface of the water, and then pin it with a beak hook to complete the capture and then bleed it.

Of course, this koi meat is also excellent spiritual fish meat. After bleeding, the fish meat can also be stored.

The next step is to find a suitable fishing boat first. In addition, we also need to hire local people who are familiar with the conditions in the lake. Fortunately, there are still some casual cultivators and Taoists around Tongtianbo. As long as you are willing to pay a suitable price, you can hire them. .

As for Senior Long, no one, including Chen Huaisheng, expected him to take the initiative to help everyone. It was already rare for him to be able to introduce the capture method to everyone and remind everyone of things to pay attention to.

From the bottom of their hearts, except for Chen Huaisheng, everyone else would rather take some risks than be with this senior dragon. In their minds, the danger of this senior dragon is even greater than the shadow in the lake. .

As for the Yin Demon, just as Bi Jiao Yuanjun said, most water monkeys pose very limited threats, and the number of Yin Demon is very small. Even Bi Jiao Yuanjun has never encountered it, and more are From what those casual cultivators or Taoists who have been living in the lake for a long time say.

Bijiao Yuanjun left. In his own words, he wanted to handle his own affairs, but he also said that he would come back to them after finishing his affairs.

This left Chen Huaisheng, Zeng Guolin and Teng Dingyuan quite speechless. They didn't know what this foreign cultivator had in mind. Why did he target this group of people?

The mist slowly rose, making the entire water surface blurry in the sunlight.

Chen Huaisheng sat quietly on the boat, holding a few beak hooks in his hands and observing the water surface carefully.

A boatman who was responsible for rocking the oar for him was carefully spreading a rattan net, a local specialty, to prevent the targeted koi from escaping.

It should be said that the effect of spiritual stones is still huge, and several Taoist cultivators and monks were quickly found in the villages by the lake.

They are familiar with the conditions in the lake and know the utility of koi. They have also provided services for others to hunt koi in the past.

Tang Jingtian's figure, ten feet away, was already looming, and there was also a boatman on his boat, laying a net.

In this way, the six people joined forces to form a pocket-shaped encirclement, and the opening of the encirclement was now in the shape of a trumpet, facing the center of the lake about a hundred feet away.

The water potential there is unpredictable. Sometimes it is sucked in like a vortex, forming a huge whirlpool, and sometimes it looks like a huge fountain emerging from the center of the earth, forming a boiling shape.

A boatman pulled out a swim bladder filled with sandworm pupae.

He used a tendon bow spring to eject the fish bladder and threw it about fifty feet away. Then he dropped the fish bladder step by step according to a fixed distance, all the way to the opening of the circle surrounded by the vine net, and finally to the circle. inside.

This is already the second day.

They didn't get anything on the first day. More than ten fish bladders containing sandworm pupae were wasted, but not a single koi appeared.

Today is the second day, but the sun is out and the water surface temperature is slightly higher. This is a good sign. Koi prefers sunny days to come out.

Koi fish are very vigilant and will flee if there is any slight movement. Moreover, although the koi fish is only about three feet in size, it is extremely flexible and powerful.

There are also sharp fin spines on its back, which are extremely poisonous. Once it stings a person, even if it is not certain to die, it will definitely lose a layer of skin.

Once the beak hook is nailed, it must be held tightly, otherwise once it is released, the result will be in vain.

Two hours passed and there was still no movement.

The smell of sandworm larvae wrapped in the swim bladder is very unique. Except for koi, no other fish or shrimp will be interested in it.

Just when everyone was feeling drowsy, a golden light reflected from the water in the distance, and then a piece of golden scale light floated, as fast as thunder, arriving in a flash, and suddenly broke into the already installed Surrounded by a vine net.

"Here we come, everyone, be careful!"

Teng Dingyuan's voice sounded first: "Husheng, quickly seal the net and block the opening. Don't let them escape."

"You're so lucky. There are at least thirty koi in this wave. We've made a fortune!" A Taoist roared with great excitement, "Tie the hole tightly so that none of them can escape!"

"Everyone, please note that once the koi find that they can't get out, they will make all-out moves. They may even collide with the fishing boat. Everyone must stabilize the fishing boat..."

"Oops, what is that?!" Before everyone could get happy, they heard a local monk shouting as if he was seeing a ghost: "It's over, it's over, how can there be a golden-bearded croaker? Hurry up and remove the net!"

"Golden-bearded trout?!" Another local monk also exclaimed, "It's not golden-bearded trout, ah, there are golden-bearded trout, and there's a group of what's behind it? What is that?"

"Black Ghost Blood Locust! Damn, why are you so unlucky?" A Taoist almost cried out, "How did we encounter this ghost? Hurry up and remove the network, otherwise we will all die here!"

Before everyone could recover, a giant loach over five feet long jumped up from the water and slammed into Tang Jingtian's boat.

Tang Jingtian reacted very quickly. The long sword in his bag roared up. The sword waves surged and turned into a fan-shaped curtain of light. He immediately killed the giant loach with a whisker-like fleshy root as thick as a finger around its mouth. Got involved.


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