Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 445 Volume D: It is difficult to repay favors for a long time

The place where Fantai is located is Pengpiwu, which is originally a land with crisscrossing water and swamps, lush grass and forests, steaming clouds and mist, and a dangerous and complex terrain.

In ancient times, there was drought and little rain here. King Xiao of Liang built a platform to worship the gods, which gave it a mysterious atmosphere. It is said that the dragon god brought rain, so it became a land of marshes.

Later, there was a drought, and there was no rain here for sixty years, leading to the current situation.

In the Middle Ages, the sword fairy Zu Ti and the god of murder Shi Le had a decisive battle here. Zu Ti defeated the god of killing Shi Le with the power of a sword. He chased for three hundred miles and killed eighteen begging horses, which shocked the world.

Later, the heads of more than a thousand beheaded people of the Eighteen Horsemen and other beggar troops were built here to build a Jingguan.

Chen Huaisheng chose this place because it was very close to Chenzhou Gate, so he didn't expect to meet acquaintances.

In addition, Pengpiwu is also a swamp. If Bijiao Yuanjun wants to eat other spiritual materials, he can also get them locally. There are also many monsters around Pengpiwu and in the swamp, which you can hunt and kill.

He didn't expect that the crispy bone carp he made would turn out like this.

At this time, Bijiao Yuanjun was obviously not just enjoying his food and drink, he should have entered a certain state.

As a cultivator, you can tell what the other person is doing at a glance. This is a very special and subtle state. It is only achieved through the pleasure of words, which still makes Chen Huaisheng a little surprised and happy.

At least he did it by himself, which was a great benefit to Bijiao Yuanjun, and it was also beneficial to himself.

Bijiao Yuanjun has indeed entered a certain state, which is difficult to describe and explain in words, but it is the kind of drunkenness that is like drinking at its best.

This description is not accurate, and there is also the feeling that my inner state of mind is rushing to distant places.

At this moment, the surrounding water, woods, grassland, and even everything underground within ten miles, including insects dormant, vegetation ready to bloom, and animals resting, are all reflected in the mind.

It's not that he has never experienced this state before, but he didn't expect that he would be promoted in such a way at this time. But he is already at the peak of Zifu, can he still ascend immediately?

He didn't know what the ascension of a foreign cultivator would be like, but it would definitely not be that simple, but this was more like finding a path for himself.

In the past few years, I had been searching hard, but I still didn't have a clue. It wasn't until an unintentional meal in Tongtianbo that I seemed to find some inspiration, but I still didn't expect this.

At that time, I just felt that a delicious meal that left me with endless aftertaste would put me in a very good mood for a long time, and when I was in a good mood, I seemed to be more likely to have flashes of inspiration.

After Lijie entered the country, Bijiao Yuanjun had this feeling of trance and nothingness twice.

How long was the last time, three years ago? The feeling of ascending to the next level is still in my mind. Yes, it is this kind of numb and trance feeling, but this time it seems to be more obvious, but it still lacks a little rhyme.

After trying hard to recollect the taste, the lingering smell gradually faded away. Bijiao Yuanjun felt a little regretful. He knew that it was still a little short of heat.

But what brought him more was a surprise, because he felt that he had found a way to ascend in the future.

The desire for words, a hobby that he has always regarded as a burden, can actually bring him opportunities. This is something he simply did not expect, but he still has to contact others to realize it.

The breath gradually became evener, and the faint light under the nose gradually disappeared. Bijiao Yuanjun finally opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

After a long while, he looked at Chen Huaisheng with unfulfilled interest and asked, "Do you know what I went through?"

Chen Huaisheng hesitated for a moment and then said calmly: "But is it destined to achieve enlightenment?"

Bijiao Yuanjun's blue eyes moved slightly, "Did you see it? Feel it?"

"I feel it." Chen Huaisheng nodded, realizing that the other party wanted to hear more of his opinions, and said: "Your Qi is surging, but your roots are strong and stable. Unless you encounter some opportunities for enlightenment, It’s hard to explain it with anything else, not to mention that your biggest hobby seems to be food. Well, it’s like a happy person suddenly hears the sound of nature, a person who likes books, suddenly sees an ancient extinct article, and a person who loves literature, Encountering a popular poem by chance will inspire spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps this was the case for my predecessors..."

Bijiao Yuanjun looked complicated and sighed in his heart.

A foundation builder can actually have such an opinion, but the Chonghua Sect doesn't look like a great sect. If it is Tianyun Sect, Huaxi Sword Sect, Taihua Tao, that's it, but this Chonghua disciple , it can be seen that in human cultivation, we really cannot judge people by their appearance or their sect.

He even had to admit that the person he met was probably his chance. He had calculated his destiny silently, and there was a little life fire in the chaos. Maybe this guy was his chance life fire?

"Well, I didn't expect that I would actually get a glimpse of the way of heaven through the desire of words. Even I can't believe it." Bijiao Yuanjun smiled at himself and said calmly: "Yes, you are right, I've been wandering around the country before, but it's a pity that it still lacks a little bit of charm. It's a pity..."

Bijiao Yuanjun's words were also full of regret. Indeed, given this opportunity, if the rhyme was more powerful, he might really be able to reach the sky in one step.

Chen Huaisheng thought for a while, "Senior may have already touched the door. This is the most important thing. As long as you follow this door, if you fail the first time, you will have a second time. If you fail the second time, you will have a third time. After all, you will get it once." If you feel emotional about the scenery, you can jump up and touch the gate of heaven."

Bi Jiao Yuan Jun laughed, "Boy, what you said is quite auspicious. I am looking forward to it, but the desire for food and drink is not something that can be satisfied with ordinary food. It is necessary to choose the time, place and opportunity. It is not that simple. Otherwise, I have been in this state for several years, but I have never had such a feeling. I have encountered it twice in you. Maybe you and I are really destined to be together..."

This is a bit of a test. Bi Jiao Yuan Jun did not say it clearly, but Chen Huaisheng could understand it. He said honestly: "As the senior said, choosing the time, place and opportunity is indispensable. Even if the junior can make another delicacy now, the senior's expectation has been somewhat satisfied, so it may be difficult to be touched like this again..."

After Chen Huaisheng's words made Bi Jiao Yuan Jun stunned, he thought deeply. He hadn't seen it for several months. In addition, he accidentally got the Yellow River red crucian carp and was under this prosperous stage. All the opportunities came together to have this feeling.

Chen Huaisheng mentioned that he had not tasted delicious food for several months, and the food in Changqing Tower was not satisfying, so he had such a state of mind after accumulating it. In addition to the red crucian carp he got, he would have to encounter these things again to set off such a state of mind.

The crispy red crucian carp he ate today alone greatly satisfied his appetite. To accumulate this expectation again, he had to have more suitable dishes made of ingredients to have a chance.

This is indispensable and rare.

Putting aside this thought, Bi Jiao Yuanjun also knew that he would not have such an opportunity in the near future, but finding a way made him more satisfied.

"After the Taoist meeting here is over, you are going back to Hebei?" Bi Jiao Yuanjun has not planned to go back to Hebei for the time being.

Since it is determined that this is the most likely path, he will make the most perfect and best preparations.

He plans to find more and better ingredients to prepare so that he can take them out when needed, just in case.

If you want to enjoy a good meal, but you can't cook without rice, it's a pity. In addition, finding more spiritual materials can also arouse your appetite. This is a good thing that complements each other.

"I will stay for a few more days. I also plan to go to Sui County. I originally wanted to go back to my hometown in Yi County, but considering that time is a bit tight, I am still hesitating." Chen Huaisheng has nothing to say.

The people of Luoyi Mi family have not arrived yet, and they haven't seen the method of refining Dan Yuan, so they naturally can't leave.

Going to Sui County is for the Gui Peng Sect, and returning to Yiyang Prefecture is to see if the Xuan Lei Shenmu on Lei Gu Peak in the Tiyun Pit mentioned by Xiong Zhuang can be found.

"Hmm." Bi Jiao Yuanjun suddenly found that he and the other party had no more topics to talk about. Apart from asking the other party to cook for him to enjoy a good meal, the two sides had almost no contact.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

He knew very well that he would not be able to leave this guy for a period of time in the future, maybe three years, maybe five years, or even ten or twenty years, until the opportunity came to make him break through the realm and ascend.

He needed him, but it seemed that what he could give him was very limited.

He didn't even know what stage he was in, what he needed, how to get along in the future, or how to keep in touch.

But he also knew that he should be very attractive or useful to him, and he had the confidence.

Only if they were mutually useful, this relationship, which could not be called friendship or affection, could be maintained. He would rather think of it as cooperation, even if the strength of both parties was very different and difficult to compare.

"In this way, I will also stay in the capital city for some time. This meal is considered as a favor I owe you. If you need anything in the next few days, you can come to me."

He was very reluctant to owe favors.

The last time he had a meal at Tongtianbo, he thought he had given the other party enough and had already repaid the favor.

But this time, it was the greed that got in the way, and he couldn't help but call the other party to cook such a meal.

But every time this guy made dishes that were so suitable for his taste, he couldn't help himself, and now he had some spiritual enlightenment, which made it even more impossible to give up.

He was not shameless enough to give the other party some leftover soup as a reward. Fish blood, fish bones, fish belly and other things were not worth mentioning in his mind. If he wanted to cooperate, or even strengthen the relationship, there had to be give and take.

He even urgently hoped that the other party would use up this favor and return it as soon as possible.

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