Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 447: Volume 1: Lobbying is too common

It was a long journey from Bianjing to Sui County, but Chen Huaisheng still insisted on going and arrived in five days.

Bailing Mountain is in Suiyang Prefecture, Sui County, and Guipeng Sect is also quite famous in Suiyang.

However, when Jiulian Sect collapsed, Guipeng Sect finally chose to submit to Taihua Dao, otherwise the Qianji Sect, which is adjacent to Yudu Prefecture and is also the number one sect in Sui County, would have taken action against Guipeng Sect.

Qianji Sect is the number one sect in Sui County, ranking ninth in the entire sect list, and has close relations with Wanxiang Sect, but is at odds with Yunlong Sect in Qiao County, and the two sides have been fighting endlessly.

After a brief inquiry in Suiyang, Chen Huaisheng knew that he might be a little late, and Taihua Dao's methods were more sophisticated than he imagined.

Guipeng Sect's surrender seemed to be a bit natural. Among nearly two hundred disciples, only less than thirty people asked to leave the sect, and Taihua Dao also generously agreed.

Chen Huaisheng came at a good time, as thirty disciples were planning to leave the sect one after another.

Whether it was Taihua Dao or the disciples of Gui Peng Zong who stayed behind, the whole situation was still a little chaotic, but it was normal.

One thing was clear, that is, Taihua Dao did not stop the disciples of Gui Peng Zong, and even welcomed them to leave the sect in a friendly and generous manner, so after getting this promise, the disciples who left the sect seemed careless and even hesitated.

It was under such circumstances that Chen Huaisheng met the haggard Tang Jingtian.

Tang Jingtian had lost a lot of weight. Compared with his previous high spirits, Tang Jingtian at this time seemed to have aged more than ten years.

This was not a sign of maturity, but more like the depression caused by a big blow.

Chen Huaisheng and Tang Jingtian met in a teahouse in Suiyang City, about eighty miles away from Bailing Mountain.

"Not really? Brother Jingtian, are you so shocked?" Chen Huaisheng couldn't help asking, "Haven't you already considered the Jiulian Sect's decline to this point? The leader of the Guipeng Sect has made his own decision, and you can't stop it. What else can you do?"

Tang Jingtian glanced at Chen Huaisheng with a complicated look, "You said it lightly. I grew up in the sect since I was a child. Suddenly the sect collapsed and the sect branch became a vassal of another sect. Who can accept it? I'm afraid that many people can't adapt to this kind of shock."

"If you can't adapt, leave. This is the case with Yuanhe Sect, Jingfu Sect, and Yuhan Sect. It's all the same. It's that simple."

Chen Huaisheng was not polite. He didn't have the energy to comfort Tang Jingtian now.

"Reality is so cruel. Jiulian Sect is finished. When the nest is destroyed, no egg is left unbroken. Your Guipeng Sect was originally relatively independent, but it was targeted by the super sect. If you want to avoid being slaughtered and dismembered, you can only choose to join. Of course, from an individual perspective, you can also choose to leave and wander. Taihua Dao will not target individuals. The reputation has been damaged. If you go too far, it will be even more unbearable." "It can only be like this, but many people find it difficult to turn around." Tang Jingtian's face was more bitter. "Where can we go if we leave Bailing Mountain? If we stay, we will feel uncomfortable. You can't understand this feeling..." "When we were expelled from Langling and left our homes to go to the remote and unfamiliar place in Hebei, who can understand that feeling? Didn't we just get through it like this?" Chen Huaisheng asked back: "It must be Faced with it, you must always adapt. There is always a way out, not to mention..."

Tang Jingtian's mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help but snorted coldly, "I'm here to lobby for your Chonghua Sect again?"

"Oh, you saw through it?" Chen Huaisheng didn't hide it, "Once you thirty or fifty people leave Bailing Mountain, you will immediately fall apart and disappear. The two purple mansions feel that they can't leave Bailing Mountain. They all want to stay in Taihua Road to see if there is a future. Without a strong leader and a clear goal, once you leave the mountain, you will definitely disappear like water pushing sand..., Chonghua Sect is a good choice. There are about thirty people in Yuanhe Sect, and almost all of Yuhan Sect have joined Chonghua Sect, which shows the mindset of Chonghua Sect..."

"From what you said, it seems that Chonghua Sect is not very willing?" Tang Jingtian sneered and squinted.

"It depends on how you say it." Chen Huaisheng did not hide it: "You should know the situation of the Chonghua Sect in the past few years. After entering Hebei, we began to recruit and absorb Hebei children. According to the original idea of ​​the sect, we had to endure hardships for 20 years and keep a low profile in Hebei to accumulate strength, but the situation was stronger than people. It was okay to absorb the Ding family, but Lingyun Sect was oppressed by Yuelu Sect and even faced a situation where it could not survive. We had to bite the bullet and accept it..." "You may say that this is a bargain, but have you considered whether we are stepping on the old path of Jiulian Sect step by step without us, and we are even far inferior to Jiulian Sect? But the fact is that we are not as strong as Jiulian Sect, but the expansion and centrifugal situation may have surpassed Jiulian Sect. If we don't come up with a solution, it is normal for Jiulian Sect to be destroyed again." Chen Huaisheng's blunt words shocked Tang Jingtian. He couldn't help asking: "Don't your leaders know this?"

"Why is it unclear?" Chen Huaisheng shook his head: "But how can they turn a blind eye to this situation? The Nine Lotus Sect is also an ally in the past after all, and the friendship still exists. Even if you are unkind, we cannot be unjust, not to mention that it was you at the beginning. Those people above the Jiulian Sect made stupid moves. Besides, the remaining members of the Jiulian Sect joining the Chonghua Sect can indeed improve the strength of the Chonghua Sect in the shortest time. The desire within the Chonghua Sect to return to the land of Zhao as soon as possible has never been Change, in this case, it is reasonable to invite you to join. As for internal issues, perhaps the leaders hope that they can unite and resolve these conflicts and differences in the next few years. ”

Chen Huaisheng's last two sentences also have some self-comfort meaning in them. This is not impossible, but the challenge will definitely be great.

However, Tang Jingtian no longer had the time to think about this issue. He needed to face Chen Huaisheng's suggestion directly.

Although Chen Huaisheng's purpose of coming had been guessed and even considered, it was still very difficult to make this decision.

The Gui Peng Sect was originally the most independent branch of the Nine Lotus Sect. If they had not been targeted by the Qianji Sect supported by the Wanxiang Sect, they would not have chosen to join Taihua Dao.

At first, I didn’t think that the name Jiulian Sect would bring anything to the Ghost Peng Sect, which was independent of the Jiulian brand. However, after Jiulian was destroyed, it was discovered that this brand had indeed protected the Ghost Peng Sect from the wind. How much it rained.

Now I can finally feel that once this sign is lost, the tigers and wolves outside can't help but stretch out their claws.

It is impossible for the entire Gui Peng Sect to belong to the Chonghua Sect. It is already the limit to rely on Taihua Dao. Even this will cause division.

But these people who split and were about to leave had not thought about where to go in the future. They just couldn't accept that Taihua Dao was the second largest sect in Da Zhao. When faced with the crisis of Jiulian Sect, not only did they not provide rescue, but they resorted to such "despicable" methods. "Methods to swallow the Ghost Peng Sect.

Seeing that Tang Jingtian was silent, Chen Huaisheng said leisurely: "Actually, if your Guipeng Sect persists a little longer, or if you have the courage to fight against the Qianji Sect independently, you may not be able to survive..."

"Huaisheng, what do you mean?" Tang Jingtian suddenly raised his head: "Explain clearly."

"The situation of the Wanxiang Sect may not be as good as imagined. Tianyun Sect, Huaxi Sword Sect, and Taihua Tao do not want to see it. Although it has taken over the Pure Land Sect in the Pure Land Kongshan Mountain, it has encountered extremely strong resistance. You have not yet completely surrendered. How much support can you give to the Thousand Machine Sect? Although the Qianji Sect is much stronger than you, if you show a strong and unyielding attitude, the Huaxi Sword Sect and Tianyun Sect will also be happy to see a stronger one. With the existence of the weak but relatively independent Gui Peng Sect, Taihua Dao may not be able to annex your hearts and support you. Can the Qianji Sect still swallow you? "

Tang Jingtian was off guard by Chen Huaisheng's words. Is this still possible?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

If Guipeng Sect insists on not being attached to anyone and has a decisive attitude, and Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect also maintain a posture of being independent, in this case, Taihua Dao may only express support in order to win over Guipeng Sect. Without the support of the Wanxiang Sect, would the Qianji Sect choose to fight this battle forcefully?

It’s really hard to say.

But faced with this situation at that time, who could analyze this possibility with such a clear head?

Seeing the anger mixed with regret in Tang Jingtian's eyes, Chen Huaisheng could only add one more point: "It's useless to say all this now. It only adds to the sadness. Let's consider reality."

Seeing Chen Huaisheng's attitude, Tang Jingtian couldn't calm down despite his luck: "Huaisheng, why didn't you tell me about this possibility earlier?"

"Brother Jingtian, this is just my review after the fact. Who could have thought so carefully at that time? Besides, at that time, the Chonghua Sect was only thinking about preserving the Yuhan Sect and winning a new position in Da Zhao for the Chonghua Sect. At that time, I was following Master Qi to the Yuanhe Sect to recruit the disciples of the Yuanhe Sect who were unwilling to become thieves, so I had no energy to think about anything else. "

Chen Huaisheng spread his hands naturally.

Even if he could think of this, it would be impossible for him to tell Tang Jingtian, what benefit would this have to him and the Chonghua Sect?

Now, in this situation, doesn’t this create an opportunity for the Chonghua faction and our own side?

Tang Jingtian stared at Chen Huaisheng, and Chen Huaisheng responded calmly, without any sense of guilt.

"That's all, that's all, Huaisheng, if anyone wants to go against you, I'm afraid that they will all end up with no bones left in the end." Tang Jingtian shook his head dejectedly: "I know what you are thinking, but these dozens of uncles and uncles It’s up to the brothers whether they want to or not, I won’t interfere.”

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