Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 452: Ding Juan: Fistful and high-spirited

Back in the cave, Hu Delu, Sanderling and Zhao Liangkui were already waiting.

When Chen Huaisheng reached the foundation building stage, the three of them had actually realized that the huge gap between the two sides might not be caught up in their lifetime.

But the three of them were very calm.

This situation is actually very common in the sect, and it should even be the most normal state.

They entered together, realized the truth together, and advanced together, but everyone has different endowments.

Some people were left behind when they realized the truth, some were a step late when they advanced, and some accumulated a lot and came first, but in the final analysis, in a group, there are some who are in step with each other, but more are uneven and difficult to synchronize.

If you say Sanderling was the first to start, he was ahead of everyone in the second level of Qi Refining, but later Chen Huaisheng jumped up and left everyone behind, needless to say, Hu Delu also slowly caught up, but he was slower, and in the third level of Qi Refining, Zhao Liangkui also caught up.

After entering the third level of Qi Refining, the three slowed down their pace, especially after arriving in Hebei, where the sect recruited outstanding disciples from all the sects in Yanzhou. The outstanding talents from the six sects in Yanzhou, which had been silent for hundreds of years, finally found a better choice besides the Tianhe Sect and other few sects, so they flocked in.

A large number of young disciples emerged, all of them were high-spirited and eager to join, while many old Chonghua disciples quickly declined under this wave, or became dim.

Hu Delu and the other three didn't know if they were one of the dimming people, but they knew that there were many people around them who felt pressure and anxiety.

Now they heard that the Yuhan Sect was merged into the sect as a whole, and a large number of disciples from the Yuanhe Sect were also coming in. This competition would be more intense, and it would be more difficult to stand out.

In sect cultivation, everything is judged by the realm of cultivation. Although cultivation requires talent and effort, it also requires the support of resources.

After the Lingyun Sect was merged, Hu Delu and his team felt the changes. The basic guarantee of spiritual rice and spiritual millet was safe and unchanged, but the monthly regular distribution rules changed.

The monthly regular was changed to one every three months, and the original unified regular was divided into three parts, one is the basic regular, the second is the compliance regular, and the third is the encouragement regular.

Every three months, the Taoist assessment team of the Transmission Academy will examine the disciples' progress in cultivation. If they do not meet the Taoist master's progress standard, they can only get the basic regular.

This part is barely enough, slightly lower than the original regular, but not much lower.

The compliance regular is a part of the regular that meets the Taoist assessment standard, and the encouragement regular is the reward for those who exceed the assessment team's expected progress, and this part is particularly generous, even without a cap.

They also know that this way of encouraging cultivation progress is correct, but they can also feel that this method will make a greater difference in the disciples' progress.

If it is just a regular, it's fine, the key lies in more resource support.

The Transmission Institute will record the performance of the disciples and evaluate them every year, so that they can choose spiritual herbs and materials and pass on the skills and teachings in the future. It will also recommend disciples to Taoist masters who are qualified to teach disciples. This is the most important thing.

There are hundreds of disciples. How can the "big guys" who are really qualified to teach disciples, such as Chen Huaisheng, have so much energy to screen them? The first and even the second round of screening comes from the Transmission Institute, and finally it comes to the big guys to see if they have a liking for the individual selection.

The influence from all aspects is too great.

Those disciples with affluent families will not be affected by this situation, and those who worship under famous teachers will not be affected, because their teachers have plenty of resources to ensure that their practice is not disturbed by the speed of progress in the short term.

But those disciples with average or even poor family conditions, average qualifications, or those who have not got famous teachers and whose practice progress is not satisfactory in a period of time will have a hard time.

Hu Delu's family was not bad, but after coming to Hebei, the Hu family in Langling Yanjiao could no longer help much. Even if they could go back once, the family's support of three to five hundred spirit stones would not be of much significance.

Sanderling and Zhao Liangkui both had poor family conditions, and it was even more impossible for them to get any support. It can be said that they could only rely on themselves to fight for their lives in the sect.

For them, perhaps following Chen Huaisheng was their only chance compared to other people with similar situations. Whether they could go further on the road of cultivation in the future depended on the people they followed.

Chen Huaisheng used his divine sense to explore the spiritual realm cultivation of the three people.

Not satisfactory.

There were many reasons. First, their roots were originally different from Fang Baoliu and Min Qingyu. Second, they did not find the most suitable path in the cultivation path at the right time. Third, they still did not get the most abundant benefits in terms of resources.

The former is objective, but the latter two can actually be compensated in various ways. Chen Huaisheng feels that he also has a responsibility in this regard. At least he can help in some ways.

Hu Delu's situation is slightly better. According to Chen Huaisheng's judgment, under normal circumstances, he may be able to advance to another level within three years, and may be able to break through to the seventh level of Qi Refining within ten years, which is the high stage of Qi Refining.

Sanderling is in the worst situation. His cultivation path is too narrow and there are signs of going to a narrow path.

If this situation continues, he may only be able to hover between the fifth and sixth levels of Qi Refining in the next twenty or even thirty years, and even crossing the seventh level of Qi Refining will be quite difficult.

If there is a sudden burst of inspiration or some small chance, then after crossing the seventh level of Qi Refining, he may be fixed at the eighth level of Qi Refining. He may not be able to advance to the ninth level of Qi Refining in his lifetime, let alone build a foundation.

This is actually the most common situation for most ordinary practicing disciples.

After all, those who can build the foundation are very rare. They usually have to reach the peak of their practice between sixty and eighty before they can make a breakthrough. If they can't break through after eighty, they are basically hopeless.

With a talent like Sandeling's, it would be impossible to build a foundation without any accidents.

In fact, it turns out that many people around Chen Huaisheng are like this, such as Qiao Zhun, who he thought was unattainable at the time, Cai Jinyang, with whom he has always had a good relationship, and Yunlei's parents Yunhe and Luo Xiuyue. In fact, they basically have no hope. Build the foundation.

Zhao Liangkui's situation is somewhere between Hu Delu and Sandeling.

Those who are loyal should be rewarded. This is Chen Huaisheng's creed.

Since the three of them followed him without hesitation, he would do his best to help them. Otherwise, what would others like Zhuo Yixing, Peng Youshu and even Yuan Wenbo think?

Chen Huaisheng also knows that what he should focus on most now is himself. Only when he goes higher and faster can he win more for this "small group", but he also understands that if Hu Sang Zhao They have slowed down in the past few years, which will inevitably have a great impact on their future progress in practice, including Baoqi and Qingyu.

He needs to have his cake and eat it too.

Over the past year or so, I have been caught up in all kinds of complicated things, and I basically don’t have much energy to sort out and consider other things. In addition, I suddenly had to build the foundation and welcome the Taoist meeting, so I was very busy, but now everything is over. , he can calm down and do his own thing.

Of course, to do things, you must have resources. The blood of red crucian carp alone is not enough. Even if he has some other things in his storage bag, it is still far from enough.

He needs more resources for himself, for Baoqi, Qingyu, Ren Wugou, Yunlei, and Hu Sangzhao to quickly improve himself.

Maybe he still has to go to Tongtianbo, of course, he has to support Bijiao Yuanjun. Chen Huaisheng knows that with his little strength, the probability of dying in Tongtianbo is too high.

Or maybe Wei Peng's proposal of crossing the Mount should be carefully considered.

We don’t have enough spiritual stones, how can we get them?

Neither chores nor practice should be neglected, but both of them bothered Chen Huaisheng and made him upset.

At this time, the most appropriate thing is to hold Baoqi and have a good time, dragon and tiger are in harmony, yin and yang are harmonious, and the world is unified.

Fingers moved over the soft, smooth and elastic body. After the excitement, the skin showed a light peach blossom red, and there was a faint glow in the blush.

This is Chen Huaisheng's new discovery. When Bao Qi advanced to the advanced level of Qi training, her body changed a lot. For example, her body became more even and firm, her skin became fairer, rosier and even glossier, including some hidden parts that became more beautiful. Firm and charming, even the whole body has a pleasant body fragrance.

Both of them enjoyed the taste of this pleasure, and even more enjoyed the heart-to-heart talk after the pleasure.

"What are you worried about? What do you want?" Fang Baoqifeng's eyes were slender at the corners, half-squinted with pleasure, adding a bit of charming charm to his whole person.

Holding Chen Huaisheng's full palm still lingering on his chest, he gasped slightly, and then pressed his body closer to Lang Jun.

"I can't tell." Chen Huaisheng stretched lazily and asked the beauty to lay her plump body on his chest, put his hands behind his head, and his eyes wandered, "I feel that I have entered the country very quickly. But the higher you go up, the more vast and vast it becomes. At the same time, the longer you stay in the sect, the more you feel that everything around you is like a spider web binding you, making you subconsciously take on many things that you seem to have given up. responsibility."

"Is it because of our existence?" Fang Baoqi knew his lover's character very well, "Do you think you should be free and abandon all worldly thoughts, and then persevere in hard work to enter the realm..."

Chen Huaisheng thought for a while before shaking his head: "It doesn't seem to be the case. I can't have that kind of pure and traceless mentality. I'm not the kind of natural fairy. I just can't find it, or I can't master the Tao and the world. That balance between, or I am still dissatisfied with the status quo, and still feel that I could have done better, both for myself and for you..."


My health has not been very good in May, so the update is very difficult, and I am too embarrassed to ask for votes. However, it seems that my body has basically recovered recently, and I will try my best to update more. At 12 o'clock tonight, Lao Rui will make a wave and strive for monthly votes in June. List, I hope brothers can support me more!

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