Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 471: Volume Ding: Drinking and Talking About Mulberry and Hemp (asking for monthly votes!)

The group of people who returned to the mountain gate said goodbye to each other. After Ling Fan walked dozens of steps, he heard footsteps behind him and caught up.

He expected that the other party would come to him and stop.

"Senior Brother Ling, let's talk?"

"Okay." Ling Fan nodded without being polite, "Peach Blossom Wine Shop?"

"Okay." Xu Huaihuai hesitated, "Just the two of us? Where is Wu Yang?"

"Wu Yang is different from us, well, or he won't pass by in the same way, so we don't have to worry about him. His relationship with Senior Brother Chen is much closer than ours. Of course, I didn't think about relying on him. This kind of relationship goes to Bailu Taoist Temple.”

Ling Fan's words greatly interested Xu Beihuai. As he walked, he asked, "How does Senior Brother Ling think we should go to Bailu Taoist Temple?"

"Junior Brother Sadhuai, why do you ask questions knowingly?" Ling Fan shrugged coolly, "I went to Bailu Taoist Temple today. Actually, you and I both know it. Well, Senior Brother Chen and Sister Xuan should also know it. I don't know what Junior Brother Sadhuai saw. Are there Senior Sister Min and Junior Sister Ren?"

Xu Beihuai nodded, "I see, those two talents should be pretty good. Although they are not as good as Senior Sister Xuan, they are not weaker than us."

"Senior Sister Min is probably Senior Brother Chen's escort. Her qualifications are not inferior to ours, but how can we be worse than her?..." A smile appeared on Ling Fan's lips, "You are at the fifth level of Qi Refining. As far as I know, It has only been five years since she joined the Chonghua Sect. It is said that she was not too young when she entered. She came from a Sanxiu family and was at the second level of Qi Refining. Her foundation was not very good. However, in just five years, she was promoted to the fifth level of Qi Refining. This is probably It’s not because of Senior Sister Min’s own qualifications or hard work,..."

"You mean it's still the credit of Senior Brother Chen?" Xu Beihuai said thoughtfully.

"A casual cultivator with good qualifications, but a mixed foundation of practice. He might have been able to live in obscurity in the countryside for a lifetime. It might be good to reach the middle stage of Qi refining, but he can shine in the hands of Senior Brother Chen. You see that person Junior sister?" Ling Fan became more and more calm, "If what I expected is correct, with dual spiritual roots, although the spiritual realm is only at the third level of Qi refining, my combat strength is probably no worse than you and me..."

Xu Beihuai nodded, "I noticed that Junior Sister Ren has a strong aura of spiritual power, but I don't know how Senior Brother Chen can teach students according to their aptitude..."

"Also, there are several senior brothers in Bailu Taoist Academy. I have met two of them. Their qualifications and talents are very average, probably similar to Wu Yang, but their Taoist bones are thick. It can be seen that they spend a lot of money on spiritual material supplements. After some effort,..."

Ling Fan's words made Xu Huaihuai laugh, "What senior brother Ling wants to say is that Bailu Taoist Academy has strong financial resources and treats its disciples favorably?"

"The two people's family background is very poor, but what else could be the reason for receiving such preferential treatment?" Ling Fan said calmly.

"Senior Brother Ling means that not only is Bailu Taoist Academy rich in resources, but Senior Brother Chen is also very interested in people who join his Taoist Academy?"

Xu Sadai chuckled lightly, Xuan Chimei borrowed two thousand spirit stones from him. Although it was just a temporary emergency, it also showed that Bailu Taoist Temple did not seem to be as wealthy as imagined.

Ling Fan glanced at the other party. He could feel that there was something strange in Xu Sadai's smile, but he didn't care: "I don't know if you have noticed, Sadai, that Yunzhong Mountain is not small. It is much larger than other caves. Moreover, the address chosen is relatively far from Longlinyuan. You must know that when Senior Brother Chen founded the mountain, there were not many, but Senior Brother Chen still chose such a far place..."

Xu Beihuai nodded: "This shows that Senior Brother Chen has foresight and courage, right? Yunzhongshan is indeed rich in spiritual energy, far better than the places around Longlinyuan, but being so far away means that the possibility of monsters appearing is much greater , Senior Brother Chen doesn’t seem to be worried about this.”

"As far as I know, Senior Brother Chen hadn't even established the foundation at that time, and he hadn't even reached the ninth level of Qi Refining." Ling Fan's eyes showed a bit more admiration and determination, "This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have. Maybe Senior Brother Chen has that At that time, I was already confident that I could build a foundation in a short period of time.”

Xu Beihuai's whole body was shaken, and he carefully savored the meaning of Ling Fan's words.

From high-level Qi refining to foundation building, this threshold is not something that just anyone can cross, and even if it can be crossed, it will be a very uncertain time period.

In the long run, twenty or thirty years is normal. In the short run, ten years is considered very fast.

If there was no absolute certainty that he could build a foundation in a very short time, how could Chen Huaisheng dare to open a cave and establish a mansion in Yunzhong Mountain, far away from Longlin Plain?

"Okay, Sadness, you came to me because you probably want to hear my thoughts, right?" Ling Fan stopped beating around the bush and said calmly: "That's right, I plan to apply to join the White Deer Taoist Academy. I asked about it. For a moment, it seems that Senior Brother Chen doesn’t have a strategy yet. Well, that is to say, Senior Brother Chen is not ready for this yet. It seems that except for the little girl named Yun, her parents have an old relationship with Senior Brother Chen, so she will consider it. He is accepted as his apprentice, Junior Sister Min is his companion, Junior Sister Ren’s identity is unknown, and the other three, such as Hu, Sang, and Zhao, are all his senior brothers, so now should be a good opportunity..."

Xu Beihuai couldn't bear it any longer.

Although he and Ling Fan never got along well, and even though they were never convinced by each other, they never underestimated each other's vision and knowledge.

"Are you so optimistic about Senior Brother Chen and Bailu Cave Mansion? What if in the future..." Xu Beihuai suddenly stopped.

Ling Fan laughed, "Even if Master Duguo restores the Zi Mansion, it has nothing to do with me. The Demon Lotus Sect has long since ceased to exist, so this will be my best choice."

Xu was sad and silent.

"But I also think that it is not a wise choice for disciples of the Yuanhe Sect to place their hopes on Master Duguo." Ling Fan continued.

"Why do you see it?" Xu Caihuai asked casually. At this time, he seemed to be a little distracted.

He is a disciple of the Yuhan Sect, so logically he shouldn't have such thoughts.

The leader of the Yuhan Sect, Linghu Zui, is a real person in Zifu. He is the backbone of the Yuhan Sect and will also be one of the elders of the Presbyterian Hall in the future. But the problem is that Xu Beihuai cannot squeeze into Linghuzui's inner circle.

Linghu Zui himself has seven direct disciples, including two who are building foundations, and the other four are also in the high and middle stages of Qi refining. There is also one person who is in the early stage of Qi refining. He came from Hebei after Linghu Zui arrived in Hebei. Collected by disciples.

The entire Yuhan Sect has more than 170 disciples who belong to the Chonghua Sect. It is currently the largest sect in the Chonghua Sect after the old Chonghua Sect, and even has more disciples than the Lingyun Sect.

There are six people building the foundation here.

Two of Linghu Zui's direct disciples have not opened a cave and established a mansion independently. Two of the remaining four have already opened a cave and established a mansion alone, but Xu Aihuai is not optimistic about it.

He also wanted to squeeze into Linghu Zui's inner circle, but he also knew that it was very slim. He even tried, but was declined without any suspense.

Unless he is a genius like Xuan Chimei, he might be able to catch Linghuzui's eye. Although Xu Sadai is excellent, he is not enough to make Linghuzui nod.

There are about six or seven disciples in the Yuhan Sect who have similar conditions to him. They all tried hard, but they all came back disappointed.

The latest disciple that Linghu Zui recruited turned out to be a new disciple from Hebei, and it was said that he snatched it from Ding Zongshou. This is enough to show that Linghu Zui is no longer limited to selecting disciples from the original Yuhan Sect. He even focused on the entire Chonghua Sect, which finally made Xu Huaihuai give up completely.

Although Ling Fan's words were superficially talking about people like Yuan He Sect, he was probably reminding himself that Xu Beihuai knew what he was talking about.

"Haha, Sadness, do I need to say this?" Ling Fan shook his head, "In short, I have made up my mind. There are not many people in the Demon Lotus Sect in the first place. They are just a mess, so I don't care. You may have to face various reactions from the Yuhan Sect, but I still think you should think clearly about whether continuing like this will benefit your future. "

Xu Beihuai was silent for a while and then said: "Senior Brother Ling, you also want me to go to Bailu Taoist Academy? Are you so optimistic that we will have better prospects than now?"

The two of them have arrived at Peach Blossom Wine Shop, which is the most prestigious wine shop in the Wolong Valley. The business is usually very good. Young disciples especially like to come here to have a drink after practicing. The price is not too expensive.

Going upstairs and entering the elegant house, Xu Beihuai and Ling Fan's family background is actually not bad. They have a pot of Dongyunchun, two plates of cold salad of exquisite rabbit meat and venison, plus a plate of pickled ice mushrooms, and a plate of fried pineapple. Mix the marrow with rat meat and drink slowly.

"I can only analyze and judge from my own point of view. The Demon Lotus Sect no longer exists. I have no roots in the Chonghua Sect. My family background is not bad. With a monthly salary and family subsidies, I can maintain my own practice. , but this can only be a regular practice. Maybe in ten or eight years I will be able to advance to the advanced level of Qi refining. By then I will be in my thirties, which is not bad. There are a few people who can do it in their thirties. Will you advance to the advanced level of Qi Refining next year?”

A blush appeared on Ling Fan's cheeks, but there was a bit of defiance and unwillingness in his eyes.

I have to say that both Ling Fan and Xu Beihuai are very good-looking. One is aloof and handsome, while the other is calm and outstanding.

"But what happens after you advance to a high level?" Ling Fan continued: "The need for spiritual materials will become greater and greater, and sometimes they can no longer be bought with spiritual stones. I don't know if you have heard of it, Senior Brother Chen When I returned to the mountain two years ago, I brought back some red crucian carp blood, the blood of the Yellow River red crucian carp! It is said that several people in Bailu Taoist Temple shared a spoonful of it. Haha, this is a spiritual treasure that strengthens bones and roots. Only the official Jinmingchi Yes, can you buy it with spiritual stones?"

Ling Fan leaned back in the chair, relaxed his body, picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "I don't know where Senior Brother Chen got the red crucian carp blood, but I know that even if the Nine Lotus Sect is still there, the master of our Demon Lotus Sect Ou Qinglai can’t get it, and Linghu Zui can’t get it either!”


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