Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 479 Volume D: Desires and Expectations

After reaching an agreement with Song Daoyang, Chen Huaisheng returned to Yunzhong Mountain.

Gou Yiwei was already doing the preliminary intelligence collection work.

Since the Donghe Fishery was determined as the target, Gou Yiwei had already prepared, and all aspects of the Donghe Fishery were included in his sight.

Two Purple Mansion True Immortals, three Foundation Building, and eight Qi Refining Monks, all the situations have been summarized and brought back, and then an accurate analysis will be made.

Not fighting an unprepared battle is not only Chen Huaisheng's creed, but also Gou Yiwei's reliance on quietly acting as a robber in Dazhao for so many years, committing crimes frequently, but neither being exposed nor being killed.

Chen Huaisheng didn't believe that Gou Yiwei had only cooperated with him once in all these years. To support his life, he must have other ways.

But now Gou Yiwei not only advanced to the Foundation Building at the age of over 70, but still got a good life. It seems that few people in the entire sect know that he is engaged in this business. This alone is enough to prove that he is not simple.

Of course, it doesn't mean that no one in the sect's top management knows about these things.

It's obvious that Shang, Zhu, Li and others are mostly aware of these things, but isn't it natural to take such measures against a hostile sect?

Even if it is exposed, it's no big deal.

Didn't Baishimen continue to take various measures to suppress the Chonghua Sect in the past, and the Chonghua Sect would also fight back in various ways. This situation will not change in Hebei.

Yuelu Sect defeated Lingyun Sect and forced Lingyun Sect to withdraw from almost half of Wei Huaidao's sphere of influence. Now Lingyun Sect has been incorporated into Chonghua Sect, and can only retain a stronghold like Dahuaishan. It is even hesitant to establish a lower house. Considering the reaction of Yuelu Sect, isn't it enough to show the bad relationship between the two sides?

So everyone would be happy to see the Donghe Fishery, one of the sources of income for Yuelu Sect, being hit.

Of course, if something really happens and it is exposed, the sect will also use a very euphemistic statement to distance itself from the relationship. It's just a personal behavior, unless the Chonghua Sect is ready to go to war with Yuelu Sect.

Since he had decided to do this, Chen Huaisheng began to take action and make preparations in all aspects.

Some news does not need to be concealed, and it cannot be concealed, such as in the Taoist temple, such as Fang Baolu and Xuan Chimei.

Hearing that there is such an opportunity for training, Xuan Chimei almost did not hesitate to participate, and Fang Baolu was not reluctant.

Chen Huaisheng finally prepared to bring Xuan Chimei, Ling Fan, Hu Delu, Zhao Liangkui and others.

As Song Daoyang said, sometimes an experience is equivalent to three years of practice.

Especially when you are in a bottleneck state and cannot find a breakthrough opportunity, you may need this kind of opportunity to break the bottle.

An outburst in a state of war can make people inspired and enlightened, and fish leap over the dragon gate.

However, daily training and practice can never enter that real specific state psychologically.

Although Hu Delu and Zhao Liangkui practiced hard, in Chen Huaisheng's opinion, they never reached the state he expected.

To say that he had given them enough guarantee in terms of spiritual materials, and had also calibrated and improved their cultivation techniques, but this steady and gradual progress in cultivation, which lacked the kind of vigorous tension, still lacked some opportunities for explosion, so Chen Huaisheng asked the two to experience it.

Magical instruments and elixirs are indispensable. No matter how well prepared such a war is, it is not too much. However, the White Deer Taoist Academy is quite tight at the moment, and Chen Huaisheng even had to borrow money from Gou Yiwei to replenish various spiritual materials.

On March 23, the group finally went down the mountain.

In addition to the five people from the White Deer Taoist Academy, Tang Jingtian brought his Taoist partner and a junior brother, a group of three people, plus Zhao Sitian and his master and apprentice.

Tang Jingtian's Taoist partner is still Gu Yunchun from the Jinqi Sect, but Chen Huaisheng knows that Tang Jingtian has a younger Taoist partner in the Guipeng Sect. It is said that Gu Yunchun and the young girl are also very close, which makes him have to admire Tang Jingtian's ability.

After five years of separation, Gu Yunchun's appearance has hardly changed, but his spiritual realm strength has been promoted from the sixth level of Qi Refining to the seventh level of Qi Refining, which shows that this person's qualifications are not bad.

Zhao Sitian brought Ren Wuchen with him. Chen Huaisheng originally disagreed, but after Ren Wuchen demonstrated his magic in person, Chen Huaisheng agreed.

Compared with her sister, Ren Wuchen's progress is faster. She has just broken through the fourth level of Qi Refining. This progress is amazing, and it also makes Hu Delu and Zhao Liangkui, who are traveling with her, extremely bitter.

You should know that when they came to Hebei, Ren Wugui and Ren Wuchen were recruited into the sect by Chen Huaisheng from Shi Tangzhuang, but five years later, Ren Wugui has caught up with them, even Ren Wugui has already reached the third level of Qi Refining.

The gap between people is so big, which also strengthened their determination to rely on this experience to break through themselves.

Gou Yiwei went down the mountain three days in advance. He had to go to Tianjing Road first to contact his intelligence informant and finalize the intelligence from all aspects for the last time.

Donghe Fishery is located in Donghe Bay at the southwest end of Tianjing Road. The Yellow River turns here, forming a huge arc-shaped bay. Donghe Village is like a tiger, standing on the top of this strategic mountain that protrudes deeply into the river bay, staring at the Tang Dynasty in the west of the river and the Zhao Dynasty in Henan.

It is no wonder that Yuelu Sect has arranged nearly two Purple Mansion True Immortals to be stationed here. The location here is really too important.

Although Jinzhou is still nominally controlled by the Beirong people, in fact, the influence of the Beirong people is unlikely to penetrate into the southern area of ​​Jinzhou. It is still more the local sects that are in charge, and the owner of Jinnan Tianjingdao can only be Yuelu Sect.

Donghe Fishery is nominally a fishery, but in fact it is a large river bay.

The water is turbulent near the west bank and the south bank of the river, and there are cliffs everywhere, making it impossible to fish and raise fish. However, near Hebei and Hedong, the water is gentle, especially because the banks of the east and north rivers are rugged and tortuous, forming many backwater river bays of different sizes, which are excellent natural fishing grounds.

Whether it is fishermen from the Tang Dynasty or the Zhao Dynasty, they have to cross the river center line to go to the waters belonging to Jinzhou Tianjingdao, which is naturally under the jurisdiction of Yuelu Sect.

It is not so simple to cross the river from Hexi and Henan to Hebei and Hedong.

The Yellow River is a dragon vein river, more than 20 miles wide. The air conditions on the river are completely different from north to south and east to west. The closer to the center of the river, the stronger the air flow changes. If you are more than 30 feet away from the river surface, there will be cyclones flying around, and flying rafts cannot cross.

The Yellow River is thousands of miles long, but there are only 20 or 30 places that are really suitable for crossing the river, such as Tianwang Ferry and Baima Ferry, which form the most important post road ferry crossings. Roads within a radius of hundreds of miles must be concentrated at this ferry crossing to cross the river.

There are also several ferry crossings in Tianjingdao. The ones close to Donghezhai are naturally Dongmen Ferry downstream and Pukou Ferry upstream.

Dongmen Ferry is downstream of Donghezhai, about 30 miles to the east, and Pukou Ferry is more than 20 miles upstream of the curved water bay of Donghezhai.

The river suddenly narrows at these two places, forming a gorge, but this gorge is only more than 20 miles long and opens again, and the slightly higher terraces on both sides become the most suitable ferry crossings.

These two ferry crossings also became the natural strategic ferry crossings connecting Datang and Hebei, and Dazhao and Hebei.

Chen Huaisheng and his party went south to the southwest all the way to the bank of the Yellow River, then turned west, crossed the entire Weihuai Road, and entered the territory of Tianjing Road from the west of Weihuai Road.

When they arrived at Puzhou City, less than a hundred miles away from Donghe Village, Chen Huaisheng went south alone and crossed the river from the east gate to Henan.

Song Daoyang, Tang Jingtian, Zhao Sitian and others will stay here temporarily, while Chen Huaisheng will go to Bianjing City to contact Bijiao Yuanjun or Xiong Zhuang.

After crossing the river, Chen Huaisheng rode the wind, and the speed of one person was much faster, and it took only one day to reach hundreds of miles.

After entering Bianjing City, Chen Huaisheng first went to the tower under Duobao Temple and looked at the mark agreed by both parties.

Sure enough, Xiong Zhuang had left several marks. According to the agreement, it was once every half a month. If the two parties did not meet, they would come again after half a month.

The last time was nine days ago, which means there are still six days before Xiong Zhuang will come to meet under the tower of Duobao Temple.

There are still six days, Chen Huaisheng is not in a hurry. Gou Yiwei needs a few days to collect information and prepare. Now he can contact Bi Jiao Yuanjun and test Bi Jiao Yuanjun's attitude to see if the other party is interested.

It's not about whether he is interested in this matter, but it depends on Bi Jiao Yuanjun's current taste.

The location of Donghe Fishery is the best section of the middle reaches of the Yellow River Dragon Vein. Many kinds of spiritual fish produced by the river gather here. The large bay with a length of hundreds of miles is also the place with the richest spiritual fish. Chen Huaisheng doesn't believe that Bi Jiao Yuanjun will not want to enjoy a feast.

Red crucian carp may not be easy to come across, but under the water of the Yellow River, there are precious spiritual fish such as golden naked carp, black king turtle, blue head snow bream, sky-piercing loach, silver fire black sturgeon, etc. These fish are not seen in other rivers, and even in the upper and lower reaches of the river. They can only be caught by fishermen in this big river bay.

For this reason, Chen Huaisheng has already selected several special fish dishes in the "Three Courtyard Imperial Food Recipe" to whet the appetite of Bi Jiao Yuanjun in this matter, so as to let the other party fall into the trap.

However, Chen Huaisheng still has to think about this matter carefully. He has not thought about whether to explain the whole story directly or to save the country in a roundabout way and find an opportunity to talk.

Chen Huaisheng also thought that although Bi Jiao Yuanjun doesn't like to deal with humans, he is not ignorant of worldly affairs. If it is a long-term plan, it is better to tell it frankly, which can also leave a good impression, and the other party will not care about it.

He had a good impression of me, and it would be a pity if I ruined that impression.

After thinking it over, Chen Huaisheng felt that it would be better to be frank.

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