Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 484: Volume D: No matter how well-planned, there is no perfect plan

Gou Yiwei's explanation is very reasonable.

The two states of Yunjin and Jin are located to the west of Wuxing Mountain. In Yunzhou to the north, the Beirong people still have great influence and control, but Jinzhou over there is much weaker, especially in southern Shanxi.

You can ignore some private actions of the Tang Dynasty and Zhao Dynasty, but it is difficult to tolerate a public slap in the face, which means that the Beirong people will completely lose the influence of the various Taoists in southern Shanxi.

In addition, the two empires of Tang Dynasty and Zhao Dynasty, which are increasingly in conflict, will not allow Tianjing Road, a key place, to fall into the hands of the other side. Therefore, if it is left in the hands of the local sect, Yuelu Sect, everyone can accept it. of.

"Uncle Gou, according to you, whether it is our Da Zhao or the Western Tang Dynasty, the number of spiritual fish purchased at the Donghe Fish Market is quite large every year?" Tang Jingtian couldn't help but ask: "If it is a single sum, it will be three or four One hundred thousand spirit stones, and that's just from the Western Tang Dynasty. Doesn't the Western Tang Dynasty buy millions of spiritual fish from the Donghe Fish Market every year? And if our sects from Da Zhao buy it, don't they? Ten million spiritual stones?”

This number is somewhat astonishing.

For example, the transaction volume of the Chonghua Sect in Longyanfang City was only one million a year. However, in the Donghe Fish Market under the control of the Yuelu Sect, just these large transactions cost tens of millions, and this does not include the usual scattered transactions. , if this adds up, wouldn’t it be tens of millions?

Gou Yiwei nodded seriously: "It's about the same. The outside world estimates that the transaction volume of Donghe Fish Market will be more than 600,000 spiritual sand, which is more than 20 million spiritual stones. However, this is the transaction amount, not the spiritual fish of Yuelu Sect." Even though the income from this large-scale transaction was mainly from the Yuelu Sect's fishing grounds, a considerable part of it was purchased by the Yuelu Sect from other fishing grounds first, and then added in the spiritual fish from their own three fishing grounds to make up the total, and then sold the total to Merchant from Datang."

"And it's not necessarily that Yuelu Zong's fishing grounds can dominate every large-scale transaction. Many times, Yuelu Zong also has to purchase fish from other fishing grounds and combine them for large customers. In this regard, Yuelu Zong is still more sensible. Anyway, You must have the right to trade in large quantities, and you can make a lot of money even if you make a move. Of course, big investors like us are also happy to trade in this way, which is much more convenient. "

Zhao Sitian immediately said: "Even so, it is quite amazing that Yuelu Sect can profit from this kind of transaction. No wonder they were determined to drive Lingyun Sect out of Wei Huaidao. At the very least, they should avoid Wei Huaidao." The southwest side falls under the influence of Lingyun Sect, maybe because they are afraid that the influence of Lingyun Sect will penetrate into Tianjing Road? "

Zhao Sitian's view also won the approval of everyone present.

The shape of the entire patio is like an inverted triangle. Although the south side is surrounded by the big bend of the Yellow River, it still looks like a protruding fist.

The area of ​​Wei Huaidao adjacent to the Yellow River protrudes to the west, close to the southern area of ​​Tianjing Road. Once Wei Huaidao is controlled by the rising Lingyun Sect, it is bound to expand its influence to the narrow area south of Tianjing Road, and to the east. The river fish market, a huge source of income, would be affected, which the Yuelu Sect could not tolerate.

This is probably because the Yuelu Sect wanted to completely destroy the Lingyun Sect's hope of gaining a foothold in Weihuaidao even at the cost of a battle, and they finally succeeded. Although they left a tail, in a short period of time, the Chonghua Sect did not have many I will use my energy to take care of Wei Huaidao's side.

"The topic has gone a bit far, let's get down to business." Chen Huaisheng waved his hand, interrupting everyone's performance.

Although Song Daoyang was stronger in this trip, he still took the lead because it was Chen Huaisheng who was responsible for coordinating and handling the problem of Yuelu Zong Zifu real person. No matter where Chen Huaisheng drew help from, this was the key. If you can't solve the opponent's real Zifu, everything is empty talk.

"According to the plan, the transaction between them is here..." Gou Yiwei pointed, "It is the Yulong Hall where the storage is located at the back of the fish market. Next to it is a pool specially used for storage. The fish bags and net bags are all Place it in the water here and keep it alive. The two parties will trade here. The goods will be inspected by people from the Tang Dynasty, and then the spiritual sand will be delivered. The transaction will be considered successful..."

"When do we start? How do we stick to this time point?" Song Daoyang questioned: "I'm afraid ordinary people can't get close to this place, right?"

"We have people in the fish market who will send us news, so don't worry about this." Gou Yiwei was confident, "When the transaction is completed, they will send the delivered spiritual sand away from here, behind the Yulong Palace, through this There is a road to get here,..."

Gou Yiwei drew a circle on the sand table with his finger, "This is where they will stay on the Fei Cha. The spiritual sand will be boarded on the Fei Cha here and then transported back to the mountain gate of Yue Lu Sect."

"Where should we start? Where is Fei Cha?" Song Daoyang nodded slightly.

"No, Fei Cha's location is just within sight of Donghe Village. If there is any movement, he will be immediately discovered by the observation post on Donghe Village, and Qian Baichuan may arrive quickly..." Gou Yi Wei paused for a moment, "Although we have the back-up to deal with Qian Baichuan, it can save some time. If we can solve the problem in the shortest time, that would be the best, so we will go to Yulong Palace in Lingsha It needs to be started when transporting away from behind. It is best to solve the problem on this section of the road..."

"I'm afraid it's difficult, right?" Song Daoyang objected, "With such a short distance, where can we ambush? If we enter the fish market, it will be easy to be detected, but if we don't enter the fish market, we will be outside even if we notify the news in time, it will be too late. If there is a slight mistake, people will transport it to Feicha. Once it is on Feicha, it will be difficult to control it. I think it is better to target Feicha. This is safer. As for being discovered, I think it will only happen sooner or later. We can't get around this."

Song Daoyang's point of view won the approval of Tang Jingtian and Zhao Sitian, and even Xuan Chimei agreed with this opinion. The Zifu master who always wanted to avoid the other party made him timid and timid, and the result was counterproductive.

Chen Huaisheng knew what Gou Yiwei was worried about.

He was worried that if Qian Baichuan found something abnormal in Donghe Village, he would not come to check the situation first, but directly warn Xiao Yiyun on Feiyun Mountain. Although Xiao Yiyun entered seclusion, the warning from Qian Baichuan would not lead him to leave the seclusion directly. Come here, when the two Zifus merge, the problem will become big.

So what Gou Yiwei thought was to take down the foundation building and Qi refining monks escorting the spirit stones on the road without disturbing Qian Baichuan in Donghe Village as much as possible. It would be best if he could not disturb Qian Baichuan.

Take ten thousand steps back. Even if Qian Baichuan finally realizes that he has arrived, he will immediately retreat and let Chen Huaisheng's friends block Qian Baichuan's pursuit. After a while, everyone can escape. Chen Huaisheng, his friend, can do it again. Get rid of it, that would be pretty perfect.

But if Qian Baichuan had been alarmed from the beginning, if Qian Baichuan had noticed that something was wrong and alerted Xiao Yiyun, and the two Zifus had joined forces, Chen Huaisheng's friends might not even have had the chance to restrain him for a while.

Gou Yiwei pondered for a long time. Song Daoyang seemed to see Gou Yiwei's hesitation and asked: "Uncle Gou, do you have anything else to worry about? You might as well say it. What else can you hide at this time?"

Gou Yiwei finally said: "Although we are convinced that Xiao Yiyun will not come out of seclusion under normal circumstances, we cannot completely rule out that Qian Baichuan was too vigilant and directly issued a warning, while Xiao Yiyun came out of seclusion quickly. If this is the case, he must Let’s see if we can seize Lingsha and escape in the shortest time. We have a fast boat ready at Pukou Ferry. Once we reach the ferry, we can quickly cross the river to Xitang. As long as we cross the river, we are basically safe, but in case of an emergency We didn't succeed as we hoped, and there were some other accidents..."

At this time, everyone understood why Gou Yiwei hoped to ambush him on the road once the deal was over.

There are about two miles from Yulong Palace to Fei Cha's parking place. In addition, there are 400,000 spiritual stones of spiritual sand, which means more than 10,000 spiritual sands, which can be contained in a big bag, but the weight is definitely not much. light.

Under normal circumstances, transporting this section of the road might only take a stick of incense.

The location of our ambush is outside the fence of the fish market, which is not far from this section of the road. It is more than a mile away. If you get the news and pounce directly, no matter whether the escort is building a foundation or refining Qi, you should be within a few breaths. It can be solved completely and then evacuated quickly.

Even if the people on Donghe Fort notice something unusual and notify Qian Baichuan, and Qian Baichuan comes back, the time difference will be enough for everyone to escape.

It's just that it might be safer to ask the friend mentioned by Chen Huaisheng to stop him.

I believe that since Chen Huaisheng dares to boast that his friends in Haikou can deal with the real Zifu, then intercepting and blocking him should not be a problem, and he can escape smoothly. You must know that Zifu versus Zifu, killing is difficult, but escaping is very simple.

But it was much more dangerous at the Feicha station, because the terrain there was higher, there was no obstruction around, and it was directly under the sight of the Donghe Fort police sentry. If there was any abnormality, a warning could be issued directly.

What Gou Yiwei is worried about is the worst result, that is, if his attack goes slightly wrong, and Qian Baichuan is too vigilant and directly summons Xiao Yiyun to join forces, the two Zifus will rush out before everyone can evacuate. If it comes up, it will be a big trouble.

Even if Chen Huaisheng's friends can block one of Qian Baichuan or Xiao Yiyun, the other Zifu is enough to cause devastating damage to others.

How to weigh the pros and cons of this, everyone's eyes are on Chen Huaisheng. He organized this game, so the decision will naturally be made by him.

Chen Huaisheng nodded calmly: "That's it. I'll follow Uncle Gou's advice, but everyone doesn't have to worry. Whether it's Qian Baichuan or Xiao Yiyun, of course we are going in the direction that saves trouble, but if we really encounter it, we will not Don’t be afraid, I have a perfect plan.”

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