Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 506: Ding Juan: Opening the door to see the danger, head-on collision

"Wait a minute." Chen Huaisheng stopped and looked straight ahead. His spiritual sense could not explore that far, but the Supreme Induction Technique was too vague.

He tried his best to use his spiritual power to activate the Supreme Induction Technique and explored forward along the surroundings, hoping to find some clues to make himself feel relieved, but he failed.

The cliffs were thousands of feet high, and the two mountains were opposite each other. Yuntan Creek flowed out from the valley mouth. The west bank of the river was slightly narrow, only more than 30 feet, while the east bank was much wider, about two miles.

The dense forests along the foothills were tall and stretched all the way to the river bank before slowly turning into shrubs and reeds, and the road was almost invisible.

Xuan Chimei also felt something strange and hesitated for a while, "Brother Huaisheng, I feel a little uncomfortable, but I can't say it,..."

"The demonic energy is too strong." Chen Huaisheng said lightly.

This demonic energy is relative to the spiritual energy.

The forbidden land of the absolute domain is also a place where the spiritual energy is too abundant and overflowing. It is a holy place for monsters to survive, but not for humans.

It is difficult for ordinary mortals to survive for too long in a place where the spiritual energy is too rich. As long as they stay a little longer, their blood, roots, bones and tendons will be infiltrated and eroded by the spiritual energy, their bodies will become weak, their lifespans will be shortened, and they may even die.

It is slightly different for cultivators.

Because of the special constitution of the Tao Seed, he can resist the erosion of ordinary spiritual energy, or bathe in it. Even this kind of immersion and bathing can help the cultivation of the Tao Seed and the cultivator. This is why the mountain gates of the cultivation sects are generally chosen in the mountains and forests with rich spiritual energy, especially those spiritual mountains and treasures, caves and blessed places, all of which are places with vast spiritual energy.

But the vast spiritual energy is good for the cultivation of cultivators, but it does not mean that this need is unlimited.

The spiritual energy originates from the core of the earth and soil. When the diffusion of the spiritual energy exceeds a certain degree, it will also cause harm to the cultivators.

Therefore, the most respected sacred mountains and treasures by the clans are often the places with the most appropriate spiritual energy. Most of them are still a certain distance away from the forbidden land. The spiritual energy in the forbidden land is often several times or even dozens of times stronger than that of the sacred mountains and treasures. Not to mention human cultivators, even alien cultivators cannot withstand the erosion of such spiritual energy.

But it is slightly different for monsters.

The survival of monsters is fundamentally derived from the spiritual energy of the soil. The higher the level of monsters, the more they rely on places with strong spiritual energy.

Therefore, high-level monsters almost all live in the depths of the forbidden land, rarely go out, and even if they appear occasionally, they are mostly on the edge of the forbidden land.

Unless they have to, they basically will not run to the place where mortals live with insufficient spiritual energy, which will also harm them.

Of course, monsters of the first and second levels and those without levels are not so dependent on spiritual energy. They will appear from time to time around the settlements of mortals. The sacred mountains and treasures selected by the cultivation sects are the areas where they are most likely to appear.

When the spiritual energy exceeds a certain level, the cultivators are used to calling it demonic energy.

The spiritual energy around Yuntan Valley is much richer than that of Wolong Ridge. It should be on the edge of Hengtian Mountain. It can be called a place soaked in demonic energy. No wonder the golden armored thorn deer live in this area, and there is such a large herd of deer.

But just because the spiritual energy is too strong, it doesn't make Chen Huaisheng care.

We are all cultivators. Generally, if the spiritual power exceeds a certain limit, there will be no impact. However, the feeling of this valley to Chen Huaisheng is not just limited to this. The vague and dark hidden inside is what Chen Huaisheng is a little worried about.

Such a rich spiritual energy, just golden armored thorn deer? Thousands or even tens of thousands of golden armored thorn deer live here. Will there be other higher-level demon beasts?

If it is a second-level demon beast, Chen Huaisheng will naturally not take it seriously, but what about a third-level demon beast?

Hu Delu mentioned earlier that there seems to be a demon bird in the valley that likes to eat monkey brains. It is not clear how threatening this demon bird is, and I have never heard of that demon bird having this preference.

But the world is so big, there are so many kinds of monsters, it is normal not to know them, and Hebei is not like Da Zhao, it is not surprising that these deep mountains and remote areas give birth to some strange monsters.

Seeing Chen Huaisheng hesitated, Xuan Chimei also had doubts, "Brother Huaisheng, do you think there is something strange inside?"

"Well, the demonic energy is very strong, I feel that it is not just the golden armored thorn deer living here, if there are really large-scale golden armored thorn deer living here, it is inevitable that there are higher-level monsters that like to eat this kind of monsters." Chen Huaisheng expressed his concerns.

Ling Fan and Xu Beihuai beside him looked at each other. Although they also felt that the demonic energy in the valley was too strong, they could not see any other clues. Moreover, it took two days to reach the valley entrance. Just because of some uncertain risks, it seemed a bit too conservative not to enter the valley.

But now it is Chen Huaisheng who makes the decision, so they can't say much.

After thinking again and again, Chen Huaisheng decided to go into the valley to explore, but he was afraid that he couldn't go too deep into the valley.

He set a bottom line for himself: if he didn't get anything within ten miles, he would retreat immediately.

If he got something, he would never go beyond the ten-mile limit, and he would be on high alert and ready to retreat at any time.

This time, he didn't have Bi Jiao Yuan Jun or Xiong Zhuang to act as his trump card. The strength of these people was not good enough, but he had to act as their trump card, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

The not-so-good feeling made him subconsciously nervous. He was now hoping that if he could find a herd of golden-armored thorn deer at the mouth of the valley and kill or capture ten or eight of them, then even if this trip was not in vain, everyone would also I can take this opportunity to practice some hunting.

"Let's go, everyone, be careful. The evil spirit here is too strong, I'm afraid there will be danger." Chen Huaisheng took a deep breath, "Prepare all the magic weapons and talismans. Don't be stingy if you feel anything. First, ensure your own safety. "

Chen Huaisheng's words made everyone a little nervous. Chen Huaisheng also realized this: "But don't be too panicked. We are looking for golden-armored thorn deer near the mouth of the valley. Don't go too deep into the valley. Chi Mei, you are responsible for the front-end warning. You can move forward appropriately, put on Jin Ruoli,..."

The Golden Ruo Li is a female magic weapon, which is suitable for this hunting trip. In case of an accident, it can also help withstand one or two attacks.

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng was speaking cautiously, Xuan Chimei was not polite and put the golden Ruo Li on his head, like the spiritual belt, slightly boosted his Qi, a stream of spiritual power poured into the Jin Ruo Li from the Jade Pillow Point, and his whole body suddenly felt a sense of excitement. It created a special spiritual power barrier, which was much stronger than the spiritual power shield activated solely by spiritual power.

"We enter the valley from the east bank. Senior Sister Yu is responsible for the security along the river. I am responsible for the security along the mountain and the overall security. Xu Beihuai is responsible for the rear..."

A group of seven people, according to Chen Huaisheng's arrangement, formed a diamond formation and marched toward the valley along the river bank shrub belt and reed grass area.

Although the shrubs and reeds were dense, everyone had activated their spiritual senses, and no movement within a few feet could escape their eyes and ears. Especially Chen Huaisheng, who had never activated his spiritual senses to detect anything within thirty feet, with an unobstructed view.

The group of people entered the valley at a constant speed, and then they discovered that although the mouth of the valley was small, the inside of the valley was extremely open, and everyone felt a little relieved.

The entire valley seems to be in the shape of a small mouth with a big belly. Once you enter the valley entrance, although the mountains are slightly undulating, they are generally relatively gentle. The east bank of Yuntan River is a gentle slope for several miles, and it does not start to become steeper until the foothills.

"Senior Brother Chen, this should be the area where the golden-armored thorn deer lives. Look, this is the yellow wattle reed, this is the purple grass, they are all the spiritual herbs that the golden-armored thorn deer likes to eat most, and this Tarot Bare pine, the bark that has been chewed off piece by piece, should be eaten by the golden-armored deer. The bark of the bare pine tree has special uses. After eating, it can help the golden-armored deer to shed its old antlers and grow new ones. New antlers and antlers,..."

The bare Tarot pine trees that Ling Fan mentioned were scattered scattered on the open grassy slopes. Indeed, the bark of many pine trees had been eaten away, even at heights more than one foot high.

"Can a golden-armored thorn deer jump so high?" Shu Zidan couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"The golden-armored thorn deer itself is about eight feet tall, and although its jumping ability is not as good as that of the Jinshan leaping sheep, it is still one or two feet tall..." Ling Fan explained: "Well, this is the golden-armored thorn. Deer excrement is still very fresh and should have been excreted within two or three hours..."

It seemed that Ling Fan had made sufficient preparations for this hunt. Even Chen Huaisheng felt that this guy was worthy of training. This careful and meticulous style alone would be compared to many people.

Looking at the trampled grass surrounding about a dozen bare Tarot pines in this circle, Chen Huaisheng asked: "Ling Fan, how many golden-armored thorn deer do you think there are in this group?"

"At least around thirty. Generally, golden-armored thorn deer are mostly in groups of twenty or thirty. There will be no more than fifty at most, and there may be more than a dozen at least. And it can be seen that the individuals of this group of golden-armored thorn deer are They are all very big, each weighing more than three hundred kilograms..."

As he was talking, Chen Huaisheng suddenly felt something. He quickly looked towards the foothills to the east. The dark and gloomy mountain forest extended upwards from the foothills. The vegetation near the foothills was extremely dense. You could not see the movement in the forest with your eyes alone. , can only be sensed by spiritual consciousness.

Xuan Chimei, who was walking at the front, also noticed the abnormality and immediately jumped up, "Be careful, there is a monster!"

Before anyone could react, dozens of golden-armored deer galloped out of the forest at the foot of the mountain half a mile away, rushing madly to the stream and running along the bank.

Such a coincidence?

Just come over here?

No one expected that it would go so smoothly. As soon as they entered the valley less than three miles away, they encountered a herd of deer?

But before everyone could be happy, they saw two four-legged crawling giant beasts with red tongues crawling out of the forest. Their crawling speed was not much slower than the golden-armored thorn deer.

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