Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 518: Ding Juan: Entering the pit, with some small gains

Wu Tianen, Fang Baoliu and others were also very interested in Wei Peng's words, and they all asked questions.

The valley is at the south end, about sixty miles away from here. The forest is dense and the grass is dense. Ordinary people can't walk in at all, and there are almost no birds and beasts in the valley, which attracted the attention of Wei Peng and others.

Later, after several explorations, they found that any grass and trees can quickly take root and sprout as long as they are planted in this area, and they grow very fast.

They initially thought it was due to the soil, but found that the soil in the valley was no different from that outside the valley. It was exactly the same. After entering the valley, it showed a state of increasing growth, and then with a certain place as the center, about two miles as the center of the circle, so it was inferred that the grass and flower spirit should live in that area.

But that place is full of towering trees, and it is reasonable to say that there should be sparse grass and moss under the big trees, but this principle has become a counter-evidence here. The trees are tall and the forest is dense, but there are lush grass and flowers under the trees. This is the case all year round and is not affected by changes in the weather.

"It is precisely because of this that we judge that there should be at least one plant spirit living in the valley, but we have investigated what it is, and we can only observe from the outside. If we go a little deeper, we will arouse the other party's vigilance, and various attacks will follow. We dare not go any further."

All things have spirits. Birds and beasts can become immortals, and plants can do the same.

But plants are not the five insects. They need more opportunities to become spirits and transform.

And in the process of growth and transformation, the slightest interruption will fail, unlike humans or five insects who can adapt and change themselves to cope with it.

In other words, the adaptability of plants in the process of cultivation is much inferior, and the probability of failure is countless times greater.

But the cultivation of plants also has its advantages, that is, it has a great influence on the surrounding similar ones. For example, if a tree becomes a spirit, it can affect the surrounding plants and even drive it for its own use. Unlike the five insects, which can only improve their individual cultivation and have no effect on the surrounding similar ones.

Chen Huaisheng had never encountered such an experience, and even the cultivators around him rarely encountered such an adventure. Even if the plant spirits had become spirits, they rarely entered the human world. Even if they did, their ability to conceal their own auras was much stronger than that of other cultivators, and it was difficult to be detected.

From Wei Peng's introduction, the plant spirits in this valley should still be in the process of cultivation and growth, and have not yet completely cultivated into spirits, but it is estimated that they should be at a fairly high stage.

"If Junior Brother Chen is interested in going to see it, you can go now." Wei Peng felt that Chen Huaisheng and his group seemed to be very interested in this, so he took the initiative to invite them.

"Well, I would like to go and see it if I have the chance, but since it is in the south, let's go to the north to see the Seven Star Pit first." Chen Huaisheng and Wu Tianen exchanged glances and shook their heads.

I definitely have to go and see it, but not necessarily now, and I don't necessarily need Wei Peng to accompany me.

Unlike the five insects, which almost all attain enlightenment alone, these tree spirits and flower demons may have two or three or more trees that are affected by some opportunity and attain enlightenment together, and grow together, but they may not be able to realize enlightenment together.

Because the quality and attributes of plants are different, even if they grow together and attain enlightenment at the same time, they will show different qualities during the growth and cultivation process, and may even go in opposite directions in the end.

After Wei Peng's introduction, Chen Huaisheng felt that the nature of his group had improved a lot. At first, everyone was not very interested in Yuelun Mountain, and they all came with the idea of ​​making a quick buck, but now just the situation introduced by Wei Peng is worth paying attention to, and even considering the next step of the strategy.

Wei Peng also realized this, and introduced several blessed places and spiritual ze in the western section of Yuelun Mountain, naturally picking up the good ones.

Even if everyone thinks there must be water in it, with the previous two introductions as a foundation, everyone feels more and more that this trip is worth it.

After crossing Yitian Peak, Chen Huaisheng and his party could see a low and undulating depression along the hillside to the northwest.

Looking down from the mountain, there were more blue-gray clouds lingering, with unclear edges and a bit blurry, like a centipede winding to the northwest.

"This is the Qixingkeng, also called the Qixingwa." Wei Peng introduced: "Brother Chen, do you see the depression closest to us? Yes, that is the first pit of the Qixingkeng. There is a small path next to it that can spiral down. After going down, you can see all kinds of spiritual plants everywhere. I just don't know if there are no people from the Dayu Village guarding them, and I don't know if they have harvested and picked them,..."

This is fanning the flames, but Chen Huaisheng and his party don't care.

Otherwise, why would they bring their party here?

"Since we are here, of course we have to take a look, Brother Wei, what about you?" Chen Huaisheng said with a smile.

Wei Peng hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "I won't go over. Brother Chen, please go ahead. I'll wait here. If there's anything, you can notify me through the white bird."

The white bird is a kind of spiritual bird often used by casual cultivators. It can be used to send messages with a little training.

Since they decided to go and take a look, Chen Huaisheng and his party did not delay. They crossed the ridgeline and headed straight to the Seven Star Pit.

The mountain is not steep. After going down from the ridgeline for more than ten miles, they have reached the edge of the first pit of the Seven Star Pit.

As Wei Peng said, there is a spiral passage like the one in the mine that winds down from the top to the bottom of the pit.

Chen Huaisheng and his party did not go down the pit directly.

Although Wei Peng believed the situation introduced by him, the aura of Yue'an Mountain was very strong, and it was obvious that there would be all kinds of monsters here. Wei Peng and the others had not encountered them before, but it did not mean that this group of people would not encounter them.

The group of people were looking around along the edge of the sinkhole to check the situation. It could be seen that the trees, grass and vines around here were different from those in ordinary places. Under the influence of spiritual energy, the vitality of these plants was even more vigorous, and occasionally they screamed. Birds and beasts are famous for appearing around, and at first glance they are unworthy monsters.

After checking around, no other abnormalities were found, but Wu Tianen still proposed that he and Hu Delu stay up there to wait in case of accidents. Chen Huaisheng took Fang Baoqi, Min Qingyu, and Wei Wuyang down to the tiankeng.

The winding mountain road is extremely humid. Before reaching the bottom of the pit, you can see a lot of moss on the surrounding mud walls.

It's not blue moss or red moss. Chen Huaisheng can't name it, but it's soft and fluffy. It also has aura. It should be a kind of spiritual plant, but its aura is not as good as blue moss and red moss.

But based on this, it can also be seen that the conditions in the Seven Star Pit are really good. Spiritual moss can be produced on the mud walls. Further down, the conditions should be better.

Circling and twisting, the sky is getting darker, and it is difficult for the sun to penetrate the clouds and reach the bottom of the pit. It can only maintain a certain degree of visibility through scattered light.

When they reached the bottom of the pit, Chen Huaisheng and Wei Wuyang had to take out night pearls for lighting.

But even the luminous pearl can only cover a radius of two to three feet, and it cannot be seen clearly from any distance.

Wei Wuyang simply put away the luminous pearl and lit two special flame candles.

This flame candle is made of essential oil extracted from the grease of the fire-maned wild boar and mixed with several flammable minerals. After it is ignited, it will be extremely bright within a radius of more than ten feet, and the flame will not be affected by the wind. Effect of airflow.

The flames of the candles shone brightly. Min Qingyu and Wei Wuyang each held one, pulling away from each other, and immediately expanded the range a lot.

At this time, everyone was able to calm down and look at the situation at the bottom of the pit.

The entire bottom of the pit that can be seen is quite wide. Although there are no trees, shrubs, ferns, and mosses are everywhere.

Several people knew about the planting situation of spiritual fields in Yunzhong Mountain, and were particularly sensitive to these spiritual plants, so they all subconsciously checked them carefully.

In addition to ice mushrooms, indigo moss and red moss, there are also some other rare fern spiritual plants.

"This is the ice-silk staghorn fern." Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but take a breath. He found such a bracken that was only the size of a palm next to a puddle. "This is a very high-quality ice spiritual plant." ”

"There is one more here. This is the pine plum fern. It is a high-quality woody plant. Unfortunately, there are too few. Just this one. Well, there is another one here. The yield is too small..." Fang Baoqi shook his head. He picked these two plants unceremoniously. No matter how small they were, these two plants were still worth a lot of spiritual stones. To say the least, one plant would cost eighty or ninety spiritual stones.

The group was in such high spirits that they had almost forgotten the purpose of coming here. They had such a spiritual plant right next to them, and if you just didn’t pick it, it might wither and rot in a year and a half. You can also make some small gains.

Soon everyone discovered some characteristics, that is, the closer you get to the edge of the cliff, the more ferns there are, and as you go toward the center of the pit, they become increasingly rare. This is probably related to whether they can get sunlight. .

Along the way, Chen Huaisheng and the others found at least ten kinds of spiritual plants, three or four of which were high-grade spiritual plants.

A corridor as narrow as a bottleneck leads to the dark place. According to Wei Peng's introduction, that is the path to the second pit.

None of the people were idle. Even when they reached the entrance of the passage, they didn't pay attention. Instead, they went back and walked around again, trying to pick everything they could. Whether the thief comes or leaves empty-handed, there must be something harvested. .

As I got closer to the corridor, I felt the humidity was heavier. Water dripped everywhere on the cliffs, ridges, and horizontal pillars. The moss was getting thicker and thicker, but it was basically of low quality and no one was interested.

There is no obstacle to passing through the corridor, only the hanging vines dangling in it are a bit scary, like a hanging zombie.

"This is the second pit. Please be careful. I figured if something happens, it should be in this pit." The news from Taishang Sensing Technique made Chen Huaisheng take a breath.

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