Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 526: Volume D: Reborn, vigorous new life

Since he had realized the approaching crisis, Chen Huaisheng became resolute and vigorous.

He threw out a lot of spiritual sand and spiritual stones, and bought all kinds of spiritual materials, including going to Baitapu, Youzhou, and Zhaigudao to buy.

Gou Yiwei also began to work non-stop around Yunzhong Mountain, looking for suitable array gates and array eyes, and laying out the structure of spiritual materials and magic tools, so that Yunzhong Mountain can truly have the functions of early warning, blocking, and counterattack.

Chen Huaisheng sent Zhao Liangkui to Gou Yiwei as an assistant to see if he had any talent in the art of array formation. If he could improve in array formation, he could make a name for himself with Gou Yiwei, and he might not be unable to have good fortune.

Not everyone has special talents and good fortune in spiritual realm cultivation. This is a reality that everyone is unwilling to face, but everyone has to admit.

Chen Huaisheng sorted out the people on Yunzhong Mountain now. The only one who can be said to be particularly excellent in both spiritual realm cultivation and magic practice is probably Xuan Chimei.

Fang Baoliu and Ren Wugui are slightly inferior.

Min Qingyu again, Yu Xianxian, Ling Fan, Xu Beihuai, Yun Lei are a little worse, and people like Shu Zidan, Zhang Zhiruo, Hu Delu can only be said to be unqualified, Wei Wuyang, Zhao Liangkui, Sanderling are the worst.

According to the standard he has set now, Chen Huaisheng will not accept anyone below Yu Xianxian's level unless there is a special reason.

Although Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei have already established their foundation, their talent and qualifications are not very good. Chen Huaisheng estimates that they should be slightly lower than Yu Xianxian, but slightly better than Shu Zidan, Zhang Zhiruo and Hu Delu.

Now in the Chonghua Sect, there are the most disciples below Shu Zidan and Hu Delu. It is estimated that among the more than 800 disciples, about 70% to 80% belong to this category. If these disciples do not have special opportunities, it is basically unlikely to establish their foundation.

Only disciples with talents higher than this level, who have the tenacity and persistence to practice hard, and have some opportunities, can talk about building a foundation, such as Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei.

That is to say, even if disciples at the level of Yu Xianxian and Ling Fan have enough talents, they may not be able to build a foundation if they do not practice hard enough or have insufficient opportunities.

Only disciples with qualifications above the level of Yu Xianxian can basically achieve foundation building as long as they can maintain a relatively good state of practice, which is just a matter of time.

That is to say, in Yunzhong Mountain, except for Xuan Chimei, Fang Baoliu, Ren Wugui and Min Qingyu have the highest probability of building a foundation. If there is no accident, they can all build a foundation.

For others, there is a great deal of uncertainty, and even there is almost no possibility of building a foundation.

For people like Zhao Liangkui, Sanderling, Wei Wuyang, and even Shu Zidan, Zhang Zhiruo and Hu Delu, the possibility of building a foundation is very small. Perhaps through special opportunities and efforts, there will be some opportunities, but the uncertainty factor is too great.

In the case of a small possibility of building a foundation, one has to consider some other issues, such as how to survive in the sect or the mountains, or how to survive better.

For example, Gou Yiwei, although he is only at the first level of foundation building, and may not even have many opportunities to go up to the next level, but with his ability to construct formations and make magic tools, his life in Chonghua Sect is no worse than those cultivators in the middle or even high stages of foundation building.

Some elderly cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building have no hope of advancement, but their consumption is not small. They have no other abilities and rely entirely on monthly allowances. If they have a lot of children and disciples, then life will be a bit difficult.

If there is no external income, people like Chen Huaisheng will be stretched to the limit, but people like Gou Yiwei, even if he does not count the income from his connections and intelligence outside, can live a very comfortable life with just the skill of making magic tools. There are too many people in the sect who want to ask him to help make magic tools, and he is overwhelmed. Not only do he have to queue up, but he even has to screen before considering whether to accept the order.

If Zhao Liangkui can learn this skill from Gou Yiwei, even if Zhao Liangkui cannot build a foundation in the future and only has the strength of a middle-high stage of Qi Refining, he can live freely in the sect with his skills in making magic tools and constructing formations.

Because of this, Chen Huaisheng also told Zhao Liangkui about his ideas, and Zhao Liangkui accepted this opinion with satisfaction.

Because learning to make magic tools and construct formations does not conflict with cultivation, 70% of the time is used for cultivation, and 30% of the time is used for learning to make magic tools and construct formations, which is more than enough.

Zhao Liangkui himself is very hardworking in cultivation. His slow progress now is not because he is not working hard enough in cultivating his mind, but because his aptitude limits his breakthrough. If there are some other ways to guide him, he may get extra gains.

Gou Yiwei didn't dislike Zhao Liangkui, but he still felt that Zhao Liangkui's aptitude was not good enough. However, under Chen Huaisheng's persuasion, he still accepted such a form that was similar to a nominal disciple. He would first see Zhao Liangkui's performance. If he was okay, he would follow him. If not, he would not accept it.

There were only a few months left before the beginning of winter. It was very difficult to improve the strength of everyone in the mountain in such a short time, but the crisis in front of him made Chen Huaisheng feel like a thorn in his side.

Even if any one of them could improve one level of spiritual realm or make a breakthrough in magic, it would be beneficial to the entire Yunzhong Mountain.

Sanderling's bone refining and bone nourishing technique to stimulate potential has lasted for half a year, and finally ushered in the time of flowering and fruiting.

The earth and fire attributes of the entire Xuanhuang Divine Soil and the Red Rock Yuanjiang were completely absorbed into his body to impact the spiritual realm.

"How do you feel?" Chen Huaisheng asked with a smile, looking at Sanderling, whose whole body color had changed a little.

"Master, how can I put it? It's hard to explain, or I just can't say it." Sanderling smacked his lips, his face full of respect.

In Yunzhong Mountain, he is the one who is most grateful to Chen Huaisheng and even has a fearful mentality. He knows very well that Chen Huaisheng is changing his fate step by step.

Without Chen Huaisheng, he might stop at the middle stage of Qi Refining in his life. He himself judged that if he could reach the seventh level of Qi Refining, it would be difficult to break through to the high stage of Qi Refining.

But now, everything is different.

Although he is still at the fourth level of Qi Refining, the six-month tempering has made his whole body undergo essential changes. His bones are more solid, and his spiritual roots may not have changed much, but they are more sensitive, more sensitive at the same level.

His whole body is filled with a vigorous impulse, which makes him subconsciously want to go into seclusion immediately to impact the spiritual realm and break through the fifth level of Qi Refining in one go.

He has the confidence, and it won't take long.


Recently, due to some family matters, the updates may be unstable. Please forgive me. Lao Rui will try his best to update.

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