Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 54 A Volume Polygonum Flowers Friendship

The strong man was a little apprehensive at first, but when Chen Huaisheng asked if he was a foreign cultivator, he was stunned for a moment.

He still doesn't quite understand what this alien cultivator means.

Seeing that the other party still seemed a little confused, Chen Huaisheng smiled and said, "Senior Xiong's predecessor was Zi Lu?"


The strong man was even more confused.

Seeing that this person might really be a bear who had just transformed, Chen Huaisheng could only give up his elegant words and said directly: "Senior Xiong is as majestic as a tiger, is this the origin of his predecessor?"

The strong man blushed. He also felt the kindness of others. He tried several explanations, but he didn't understand. It was really because he was uneducated.

But he understood the word "罴". After all, it was his origin. Humans seemed to use "罴虎" to describe warriors, and it was also an elegant name for their origin.

Nodding slightly, the strong man finally said: "Yes, Xiong has lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, and he just came to live in this ditch in recent years..."

Hearing the strong man struggling to respond with refined words, Chen Huaisheng was also amused in his heart.

However, he also knows that the ultimate way out for such strange cultivators is to travel to the human world and gain insights before they can finally achieve the great path.

Judging from the situation of the person in front of him, it has improved compared to what Brother Nine said a few years ago. He is probably preparing to join the world and travel.

At least his speech and behavior are no longer very similar to those of Mao. At most, he just feels like a rough man with a dull personality.

"Looking at the arrival of seniors, he is probably preparing to travel in the mountains? That is really gratifying." Chen Huaisheng also smiled and congratulated: "There are no armors in the mountains, and it is so cold that you don't know the year. Floating in the world of mortals, you can see thousands of sails far away. "Senior, if you travel around the world, you will definitely gain a lot and benefit a lot."

Hearing the first half of Chen Huai's congratulations, the strong man was a little happy, but after hearing the second half of the poem, the rough man suddenly became a little cautious.

He can basically understand the ordinary vernacular with no problem, but when it comes to those relatively elegant words and sentences in the world, he gets a little confused.

But he also knew that if he wanted to practice cultivation in the human world, these elegant words were indispensable.

Especially in the future, I may have to experience the human state of mind through living in the world, but such elegant words are the easiest to trigger inspiration.

This is also one of the reasons why the foreign cultivators advance very quickly in the early stage, but become slower and slower in the later stages. It is the lack of this special contextual atmosphere.

Even if you spend a long time with humans during your travels, it is difficult to compare with the linguistic context that humans are born with.

However, the rough man still felt the sincerity in Chen Huaisheng's tone, and felt a little at ease.

"Although Xiong is somewhat prepared, to be honest, he still feels uneasy. Well, he has never walked in the mountains and has never been in contact with other practitioners. My little brother is the first..."

The word "little brother" is also a suitable title that the rough man found after searching for a long time.

He is three hundred years old, and the other person is only ten or twenty years old. In terms of age, the other person can't even call him grandpa, but the age of furry animals is not the same as that of humans.

According to my own calculations, I am afraid that the first 180 years of my life are not even considered as my age among humans. Only after I turn 180 can I truly become spiritually enlightened. I can only start learning human language 60 years ago. These sixty years are probably It can only be offset by thirty years among humans, right?

Therefore, it seems that it is acceptable to call a little brother, regardless of whether one is sixty or thirty years old.

"Senior Xiong is so polite, I will take the liberty of calling you Brother Xiong..."

Chen Huaisheng also sensed the inner uneasiness and hesitation of this foreign cultivator. Well, he was an honest person and said directly that he felt uneasy.

"Okay, okay,..." The rough man smiled and nodded, "Well, I, Brother Yu, have been living in the wilderness for so many years. I have rarely interacted with people and have no understanding of the outside world. I really hope that someone can come and talk to me more. , so as to understand the situation outside, so as not to make jokes when going out in the future..."

"Brother Xiong's words are serious. With Brother Xiong's sincerity and stability, as long as he keeps a low profile and acts low-key outside, no one will come to provoke trouble. Moreover, Brother Xiong is very powerful. He really needs to be a dissipated person. There’s no need to be polite, just send it away casually.”

Chen Huaisheng also responded with a smile, "As for Brother Xiong worrying about not being familiar with some of the customs and customs of the outside world, that's simple. I owe my life to Brother Xiong's rescue. I have no chance to repay you. My body is not yet ready. After recovering, I was about to brag about it for a while, but I didn’t know if it was convenient or not, so I just took this opportunity to have a good chat with Brother Xiong..."

"Hey, it's just a little effort, why do you need to repay me?..., let alone bothering you, this place is rough and rough, I'm afraid you won't get used to it,..."

The rough man's speech was a bit stammering at first, but he became much more fluent later on.

After all, he has been practicing human language alone for ten or twenty years, talking to himself and practicing it countless times.

Here, Chen Huaisheng also deliberately slowed down his speaking speed and catered to what the other party wanted to say, so it was just right and complemented each other.

As soon as the chat box was opened, Chen Huaisheng entered into his strong point, he was eloquent and eloquent, even as a rough man.

In his previous life, Chen Huaisheng was originally a teacher and had been a grassroots cadre for many years. He was best at dealing with all kinds of people and was particularly good at language skills.

When I met this rough man, he could put every sentence on his lips, which made the rough man feel elated. For a moment, he felt that his eloquence was really no different from that of an ordinary human being.

This conversation lasted for most of an hour, but the rough man didn't say much about his own situation, he just kept asking about the situation outside the mountain.

Chen Huaisheng naturally understood and did not ask for details.

However, Chen Huaisheng still lamented that the other party had such a "learning" opportunity because he met him. Similarly, it was also because he met this bear that he treated him so honestly and enthusiastically.

If it were other suspicious cultivators like wolves or foxes, it would be difficult to establish trust so easily, although now it can only be regarded as the most basic trust.

In addition to introducing Xiong Zhuang to the world outside the mountains, Chen Huaisheng also asked about the situation in Yefenggou. Xiong Zhuang had no reservations about this.

Yes, the rough guy named himself Xiong Zhuang, which fits the image.

"The Yin Qi in the north of the ditch is too strong. I'm afraid Brother Xian can't bear it. Even Brother Fool can't stay there for too long, but there are indeed many more bees and insects in there than in the south of the ditch..."

"The Taiyin Queen Bees and Dark Night Golden Ring Bees you mentioned are almost all in the north of the ditch..., and the middle section is only three to five miles away. There are six-winged Ice Bees and Purple Red Black Bees, but these bees almost don't produce any eggs. Bee essence and beeswax contain at most some bee pollen and honey..."

When it comes to bee products, Xiong Zhuang knows a lot about them. This is the trade he is most familiar with.

One of the main reasons why he chose to live in a wild bee ditch is that there are abundant bee colonies in this wild bee ditch, which can produce large amounts of honey, bee essence, beeswax, bee pollen and bee pupae, all of which are his favorite foods.

In addition, the ditch is moist and cold, and the cliffs and foothills also produce some moss-like spiritual grasses, which are also his main food.

There are also many unqualified monsters who like to live in ditches, so choosing this place can easily satisfy their hunger needs.

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