Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 531: Volume 1: Demonic Tree VS Wolf King

Jia Yingquan just had time to roar, and the three-eyed wolf king's claws had already stretched out.

A white afterimage passed by, and the unprepared Qi Refining Level 6 just had time to turn sideways, and the claw tore across his left shoulder. The entire shoulder, including the bones and flesh, was torn off half, and his arm drooped softly, revealing a hideous and terrifying large wound.

The cultivator who was in deep pain could no longer bear it and screamed. Another Qi Refining Level 8 cultivator next to him reacted quickly enough, and three Yanyang Talismans burst out, forming a fire net that instantly surrounded the three-eyed wolf king.

But this was only a moment, and the three-eyed wolf king didn't care and blew out a mouthful of ice mist, which was about to condense into frost and spread. The giant flame net that had just had time to burn was suppressed by this wave of white mist and slowly fell to the ground.

The performance of the wolf king shocked all the Fengyi Sect cultivators present. Jia Yingquan had overestimated the danger of the three-eyed wolf king as much as possible, but now he found that he still underestimated it.

Originally, he thought that even if he could not kill the three-eyed dire wolf, he could at least injure or drive away the wolf king. In this way, as long as Yang Taili and the fourth-level foundation-building cultivator of the Chonghua Sect could arrive in time, coupled with the cooperation of Li Shaoxiong and the help of many high-level Qi-refining disciples, the remaining dire wolves could still be dealt with.

What he was most worried about was that the Chonghua Sect foundation-building expert was unwilling to come, or delayed time, then he, Yang Taili and Li Shaoxiong could only ensure the safe evacuation of the disciples of the sect and wait for the strong men of the sect to come to reinforce.

As for the scattered cultivators in Anding City, he could not take care of them for the time being.

As for mortals, the dire wolves could not eat much even if they were full to death. This was a big city with tens of thousands of people.

But now this idea is a bit unreal. He can't handle the wolf king in front of him alone, even with Li Shaoxiong.

If the Chonghua foundation-building master arrives, he may be able to contain the opponent, but what about the remaining four dire wolves?

Can Yang Taili, Li Shaoxiong and a group of disciples handle four dire wolves?

However, since he has already faced them, Jia Yingquan will not give in. There are eight or nine disciples behind him. If he retreats, these disciples may not be able to escape.

With a twist of the magic formula in his hand, Jia Yingquan's whole body began to transform, turning into a huge tree king. Except for the head hidden in the trunk, which can still be barely discerned, the whole body began to grow branches and vines, and countless branches, vines, and roots were expanding and extending to the surroundings.

Jia Yingquan is a true wood spirit root, and his wood attribute is extremely strong, which also makes him have super ability in wood magic.

If he turns his body into a tree, he will be able to exert the power of a tree king to the extreme.

The three-eyed wolf king also noticed this scene, especially the drastic change in wood spirit power after Jia Yingquan transformed into the tree king, which also caused it to be extremely alert.

But before it could react, Jia Yingquan's incarnation of the tree king had already started.

It was like a big tree swaying in the wind, suddenly with lush branches and leaves, vines climbing, growing wildly around, embracing, the branches, vines, and roots were flying in the air, constantly expanding, trying to wrap up everything they could touch.

The three-eyed wolf king realized the danger, and his snow-white body swept across the air. Facing the professional roots that were rolling in, his thick wolf tail swept across, bringing an unparalleled cold wind, instantly freezing the roots and leaves that had already wrapped around him, and then gently shook them, and the branches and leaves turned into ice chips and fell to the ground.

But the tree king that Jia Yingquan transformed into certainly couldn't be so fragile. A thick black root quietly wrapped around one of its legs, and the tip of the root, like a vampire locust, instantly drilled into the skin of the wolf's leg, ferociously sucking and devouring the wolf king's blood.

The root suddenly turned purple and red, and it was still rapidly expanding. The three-eyed wolf king obviously didn't realize that the human monk he was dealing with had such a strange trick. While it was in pain, it howled and felt its blood and blood flowing out.

The wolf's leg struggled hard, almost wanting to shake off the tree king's root that was attached to its body, but the increasingly thick and strange purple-red root was getting tighter and tighter, and the tip of the root was not only drilling into the wolf's body.

The three-eyed wolf king finally realized the crisis, and suddenly ran out, pulling the thick root straight in the air, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Until the whole wolf body suddenly changed color, showing a gray, gloomy and cold color. The root suddenly seemed to be covered with frost and snow, no, it should be covered with ice beads as big as soybeans, and suddenly froze in the air.

Accompanied by the roar of the three-eyed wolf king, the whole wolf body suddenly exploded, and the root attached to its leg suddenly exploded, turning into countless broken pieces, accompanied by dark red blood plasma.

Jia Yingquan secretly said it was a pity.

The purple vine magic tree that he carefully cultivated was not an ordinary spell. It took ten years to practice it to this level today. It was one of his most powerful magic weapons. I didn't expect that I couldn't succeed.

If this three-eyed wolf king couldn't cut off the explosion so quickly, then in a few more breaths, these roots would be able to completely drill into the meridians and flesh in its wolf legs and merge into one. At that time, it would either have to completely give up this leg, or be completely sucked into a dead body by its own magic tree.

But even so, Jia Yingquan believed that this move of his still caused damage to the opponent, but he didn't know how much impact this damage would have on the three-eyed wolf king.

The three-eyed wolf king also did not expect the ferocity of his opponent. If he was a step later, the muscles and veins on his legs would be completely eroded and devoured by the magic roots. But even so, he still lost a lot of blood and essence. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

But the momentary weakness made the three-eyed wolf king look up to the cultivator in front of him. These human foundation-building cultivators still have some strength. This hand of wood magic is so skillful.

But it is not enough to deal with him with just this one hand.

The three-eyed wolf king glanced at the magic tree that swept over again. At this time, Jia Yingquan could not care about thinking too much. If he could not entangle this guy, Li Shaoxiong and the others would not be able to resist at all. With the cooperation of those dire wolves, this group of people would become food for these dire wolves.

It was seen swimming, lying on the ground and dodging the branches and leaves of the magic tree in a clever way. Its hind legs suddenly bounced up and it leaped in the air swiftly. Before a cultivator could react, the white mist it spewed out covered its head and instantly froze the opponent. Then its wolf fangs had bitten off the opponent's neck, and it held the opponent's body in its mouth to avoid the pursuit of Jia Yingquan's magic tree again.

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