Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 541: Ding Volume: Solid Friendship, Request

Fire ape?

Red scorpion?

There are too many types of third-level monsters, and some are unique to a certain region, while others are found all over the world.

Although there are others in this large category, there are also special categories, so their grades will rise.

Like the fire ape, Chen Huaisheng had only heard of it but never seen it, but it should be found everywhere.

The Fire Ape generally belongs to the third-level mid-level, but if you add special characteristics, it is not necessarily the case. It is also possible for the upper-level or even higher level to transform into the fourth level, because the Fire Ape is extremely intelligent and is not inferior to humans.

Chen Huaisheng had never heard of the Red Ape, and it was probably an ape-like monster, but even if the Zijin Sect didn't know the difference between it and the Fire Ape, it probably wouldn't be much different.

Starting at the third level, it is a huge threat to him. If he encounters him when he returns to his hometown, judging from the signs that these monsters are gradually awakening and realizing that devouring human monks can accelerate their own growth and evolution, it will be very dangerous. .

"Uncle Master said that the monster has entered Huai County. I'm afraid it won't turn around in a short time, right?" Chen Huaisheng smiled and explained: "Besides, the monster is really going to wreak havoc in Huai County. Those sects and aristocratic families in Huai County It’s not a vegetarian, it’s just a third-level monster, it’s not difficult to kill.”

"Haha, Huaisheng, you have just established the foundation, and you are so loud?" Li Yu criticized angrily: "I don't think you are such an arrogant person. How did you change? The fire ape and the red raccoon are not ordinary people. Third-level monsters have great growth potential, similar to us human monks. If there is any chance, or as you said, they benefit from devouring the monks' elixir and evolve, it will be dangerous."

"In addition, it's just this fire ape or red monkey, but is it really the only one? Will other monsters appear?" Li Yu looked serious, "You said that the dire wolf and the blood vulture are here There are groups of Zhai Gudao, is there only one of these monsters? "

Chen Huaisheng was speechless.

Yiyang Mansion seems to be an unlucky place.

When Lingyun Sect was in Yiyang Mansion, they encountered all kinds of troubles. Even when Lu Zhaolin was attacked in Liao County, the truth was not investigated.

Now it seems that Huo Yinzi has taken the lead in Yiyang Mansion again. It is unclear whether monsters have appeared in other prefectures of Yi County, such as Huozhou and Dangguo.

"Huaisheng, it's not that I won't let you return to your hometown. You and Chi Mei have been away from home for many years, so it's appropriate to go back. But if you go back with such a careless attitude, if you encounter danger and fail to react in time, you must Big loss.”

Li Yu's teachings made Chen Huaisheng quickly nod in response.

He has never been underestimated or complacent. He only has one life. The older he gets, the less courageous he becomes.

When he first entered the army, he dared to fight to the death with the red-tailed wolf, and he dared to kill Shan Biao for Yan Zi and his daughter, whom he had never met before. Later, he repeatedly put himself in danger, plundering money from Hanzhou Taoist Temple, besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao at Xia Shiwan, and even Cave Mansion. The fierce battles between Gui Shi and Fan Tai, now that I think about it, every scene was thrilling, and they were on the edge of life and death.

But after building a foundation, I will be much calmer. In the battle at Donghe Fish Market, I must consider every detail carefully; in the battle at Yuntan Valley, I quickly left when I saw that the situation was not right; in the Seven Stars Pit, Xuanming was in the dark. No matter how tempting the eel is, he will never take the risk. He would rather shamelessly ask for the red crucian carp from Bijiao Yuanjun.

This may be his own change. After all, he is a Bensan person, and there is a group around him, a lot of people, Baoqi, Chimei, Qingyu, three women who may have to be entangled with him for the rest of his life. If he gives up easily If their lives are lost, where should they go?

As I said in my previous life when I advised people not to stretch out their hands, you will be finished by then. Others will sleep with your wife and quarrel with your children. What about you? Trapped in jail, he suffered a life of humiliation.

It's the same in any era, you still have to take care of yourself, but you don't even have an heir.

Although Bao Qi had more or less expressed her desire to have an heir before parting, Chen Huai Sheng still refused.

Baoqi's talent would definitely affect his practice if he wanted to have an heir now, which Chen Huaisheng didn't want.

According to Chen Huaisheng's idea, at least Bao Qi should be considered after building a foundation. As for age and physical fitness, that is not a problem at all.

Not to mention foundation building, female cultivators, even at the Qi refining level, have no different physiological conditions at the age of fifty or sixty than ordinary people at twenty. There are also many "old clams grow pearls" in their seventies and eighties, let alone foundation building, that's even more It's a completely new thing.

Chen Huaisheng also reminded Li Yu that Chongyang Mountain should also consider the risk of being attacked by a wave of monsters this winter, and that it should do its best to reserve sufficient supplies and strengthen the mountain protection array.

It can be seen that Li Yu himself should recognize this, but Ding Zongshou has come and Qi Hongkui has not left. As a person who has just been promoted to the Zifu, he also needs to take into account the attitudes of these two people, and he must make choices in how to do it. .

The two planned to stay one night on Chongyang Mountain before leaving.

While Chen Huaisheng was meeting Li Yu, Xuan Chimei went to meet Yao Wenzhong.

In the evening, the three of them had a drink together.

There was almost no change in Yao Wenzhong's appearance. At least in Chen Huaisheng's impression, Yao Wenzhong looked the same that night in the small temple. When he saw himself, except for being a little more embarrassed, there were not many other abnormalities.

Along the way, the original relatives, friends, and contacts with classmates seem to be increasing, but they are also decreasing.

Some come into your life gradually, while others fade out.

One night in the small temple, several people were lucky enough not to lose their lives in the wave of the Nine Lotus Rebellion. They all survived, which is considered an anomaly. Most of them gathered in Yunzhong Mountain. Chen Huaisheng also understood Xuan Chimei's thoughts. , just want to help Yao Wenzhong, if the other party is willing.

However, not everyone is willing to accept others, especially since it turns out that there is such a connection, even Ling Fan and Xu Beihuai still went through some psychological twists and turns before entering Yunzhong Mountain.

Chen Huaisheng has no intention of interfering with anyone's fate. If Yao Wenzhong is willing, he will certainly not refuse, but if he is not willing, he will not force it.

Until Yao Wenzhong left, he did not express his attitude.

In fact, this is an attitude.

From Jijun to Bianjing, Chen Huaisheng had been observing the situation along the way, and even took the initiative to go deep into the mountains on both sides of the post road in order to discover some changes.

But the situation in Da Zhao seems to be much better than that north of the river. At least so far, Chen Huaisheng has not noticed any big differences.

Worries can only be suppressed in the bottom of my heart, and some things are not based on my own will.

The purpose of coming to Da Zhao this time is twofold.

The first is to see if they can get more red crucian carp blood through Lord Bijiao Yuan, so that after returning, they can help the people in the mountain break through the realm and advance to the next level as quickly as possible to deal with the possible incoming tide of beasts.

Of course, it would be best if Bijiao Yuanjun could be invited to Hebei by the way, but it would be more difficult.

The second is to go back to his hometown in Liao County to visit Yefenggou and bring Xiong Zhuang back to Hebei.

This is more certain. Wherever Xiong Zhuang is easy to talk, he stays silent everywhere.

The other thing is to buy some magical objects.

Originally, Chen Huaisheng didn't pay much attention to this aspect, and even felt that being able to withstand various impacts during the experience would be more beneficial to his own spiritual realm, but this time it was different.

It is unclear how long the beast tide will last, and how strong it will be. In the end, everyone may have to go through a baptism, and then all the items such as magic weapons and talismans need to be prepared.

In addition, trivial things such as robes, armor, and dharma ornaments must also be considered. Sometimes these things may be able to play a role and save someone's life at a critical moment.

"This is...?" Of course Bijiao Yuanjun would not fail to recognize what this is.

As the king of the water, things like shrimps, crabs, fish and eels are very familiar to him, but this does not mean that he has tasted the most delicious things made from these things. It can even be said that just because he has seen too many of these river delicacies, On the contrary, it tastes a bit boring.

But it is precisely these most common river fresh food, if you can use unusual methods to make the most delicious taste, this is your skill.

"Crab." Chen Huaisheng smiled slightly. There were pieces of crystal clear crab meat on the plate in his hand, "Senior Long, does he know what kind of crab this is?"

Bijiao Yuanjun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I know the eight beauties of river crabs, but I can't recognize your crab meat after all the shells have been removed."

"Senior Long also knows the eight beauties of river crabs?" Chen Huaisheng nodded with satisfaction, "These are two of them. The translucent crab meat here with a bit of cheese shape is the curved crab from Xiangfu Pengze. Its limbs are Twisted like the roots of an old tree, the crab leg meat is especially plump; the white and yellow crab meat here is ocher crab produced in the water of Junyi. The crab roe is sweet and mellow, and the whole body is nourished by eating it..."

"But these are not the most important things. The key lies in this game..."

Chen Huaisheng raised the small plate in his hand, but saw that the water in the plate was rich and fragrant.

Bijiao Yuanjun felt that his saliva was gushing out from the corner of his mouth, and he subconsciously wanted to wipe it away. Then he remembered that he was in front of others and had to show his composure, so he coughed dryly: "I know, this is eating crabs." It’s about the ingredients. If there’s not enough ingredients, the crab won’t be eaten.”

"Senior is really a master, he hit the mark." Chen Huaisheng mixed the sauce and juice in the bowl, then poured it into the plate, while introducing: "Soak with sesame oil, pound the grass fruit, fennel, and Amomum villosum into powder. , Ruzhou garlic, Xuzhou onion, squeezed alternately into juice, vinegar, Bashu Baoning vinegar, salt, Huamachi large grain green salt, and more importantly, plum juice is added to add sweetness,..."

These seductive words immediately broke Bijiao Yuanjun's guard.

He also knew that the more things like this, the more exquisite they taste. Only with enough patience can you get the most delicious enjoyment, but this heart-wrenching taste is too uncomfortable.

Until Chen Huaisheng finished his mellow words, he raised his hand slightly, and saw the pieces of crab meat falling into the plate like a goddess scattering flowers upside down...

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