Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 548 Volume D Everything is ready, war is coming

"It's just a matter of time. Yiyang and Langling may encounter catastrophes this winter. No one knows whether they can survive." Chen Huaisheng said calmly: "Mortals may be fine, but those monks and Taoists..."

"Then what are you going to do?" Xuan Chimei frowned.

"Here in Yuanbaozhai, the Chen family is connected with the Baishimen, and the Zhou family in Luobao used to have some connections with the Lingyun Sect, and they still have contact now, but it may have been diluted because of our move north, but we Maybe you can pick it up. As for Heimuya, you are probably close to the Zijin Sect. The situation at Fengtong Ridge is unknown. If you use this opportunity to contact us first, it may come in handy in the future. This part of the mountain is quite rich in spiritual materials and minerals, but it’s just that the Lingyun Sect has never really utilized them.”

Xuan Chimei hesitated for a moment, "Brother Huaisheng, do you really plan to intervene in Liao County? But the sect has no such intention now. At least for a long time, the sect will not invest energy here. Yes, Ji County is their focus."

Of course Chen Huaisheng understood that the sect was not willing to confront the Zijin Sect or the Baishi Sect head-on, and was more willing to use the Spark Sect to confront Qingguang Dao in Jijun to take advantage.

But so far, what he has seen is that after Lingyun Sect withdrew, the Zijin Sect in Yiyang Prefecture still has insufficient control. In remote areas like Liao County, there are actually quite abundant spiritual material resources, but the Zijin Sect still has no Coming in, it's a bit surprising and a bit pity.

Guzhen is one of the four major towns in Liao County, and there are five villages in Guzhen, Yuanbaozhai, Heimuya, Fengtongling, Luohamburger, and Guzhenyi. Maybe except Guzhenyi, which is considered to be included in the Zijin sect, Yuanbaozhai secretly colluded with Baishimen. Heimuya was inclined towards the Zijin sect but didn't seem to be interested. Luo Hamburger was a "remnant" of the Lingyun sect and was actually the foundation of the Chonghua sect. Feng Tongling didn't know for sure, but he estimated that Now we are at the two ends of the head and the rat,

This area is closest to the Yushan Forbidden Area, which means that once the wave of monsters breaks out, the village stations in these places may be the first to be hit.

Chen Huaisheng has been thinking about how to deal with this situation.

He could ignore it, but he couldn't do it in his heart.

Although the Chen family has an estranged relationship with him, they still have blood connections after all. It would be fine if they didn't help him when they knew they might face a crisis this winter. It could be said that they were powerless, but if they didn't even remind them, It’s a bit unreasonable.

Yuanbaozhai is like this, and the Zhou family in Luobao can be regarded as the "remnants" of the Lingyun Sect (Chonghua Sect), and they should provide support, but it is very difficult to do this.

With the current strength of these village stations, not to mention the third-order monsters, even the second-order monsters can only sit back and wait for death. Can they still count on the Zijin Sect or Baishimen to assist them at that time?

Now even if I try to remind everyone, it's hard to believe that these people can't move, so Chen Huaisheng is also in a difficult position.

Perhaps the only thing that can be done is to let these village posts concentrate their strength on the garrison, use all the spiritual materials and magic weapons used in the village posts, and make some preventive preparations in advance, and strive to resist the first-order monsters and second-order monsters. Beast attacks, if it is true that third-level monsters are going to visit their villages, then they can only wish for good luck.

Before that, Chen Huaisheng planned to talk to several families and express his attitude. Well, the Chonghua faction was going to re-enter Yiyang Mansion and asked them to stand in line. If they were willing to obey, then they would do it according to their own wishes. I barely used this reason to convince these people.

It's a bit far-fetched, but there is no other way. Without sufficient reasons and basis, it is difficult to command these people.

"Chi Mei, we are all sure that the monster wave will be quite crazy and dangerous this year, but others may not believe it. How can we make them accept our suggestions and prepare, at least make the most basic preparations, and avoid casualties as much as possible?" Chen Huaisheng spread his hands, "Maybe the monsters really only target monks and Taoists, but who can tell clearly? We can only create such an excuse and then order them to strengthen prevention. I hope they Be able to believe and do what we say.”

Nothing happened all night.

When Chen Huaisheng accompanied Xuan Chimei to Heimu Cliff, as expected, Xuanfu was very excited and satisfied that Xuan Chimei had found Chen Huaisheng, a strong Taoist who was already at the fourth level of Foundation Establishment, as a Taoist companion. He was hesitant to send his youngest son to the Chonghua sect.

In his opinion, the Chonghua sect seems to have declined in Da Zhao, at least in Nansan County, it has little reputation, and now the Zijin sect is the Zhengshuo of Yiyang Mansion, especially the Zijin sect and the Nanchu royal family. support.

After several discussions, the other party still did not relent. Although Xuan Fu was proud of Xuan Chimei's current entry into the country, it could be seen that he still valued his son more. In many words, he hoped that his brother would be able to enter Zijin. After sending, you can give more support in spiritual materials.

"What should I do?" Xuan Chimei was also at a loss what to do. Faced with her father's stubbornness, she couldn't think of a better way.

The Zijin Sect is indeed one of the four major sects in Southern Chu, with a more famous name than the Chonghua Sect, and now it has a geographical advantage. His biological mother, Xuan Chimei's aunt, actually has a connection to the Zijin Sect, although it may not be that big. It was strong, but it was enough for the introduction of Yan, so naturally he refused to go to the Chonghua sect.

"Wait a minute and take a look. But since your aunt thinks that your brother can go to the Zijin Sect, let her contact the Zijin Sect as soon as possible and send your brother to the Zijin Sect. At least in the Zijin Sect, this winter you My brother will not be in danger." Chen Huaisheng muttered: "Otherwise, you will take my brother back to Hebei. He is an innate Taoist with full aura and no ability to deal with it. If he is targeted by a monster, he will have no chance of escaping. In addition, it’s best to avoid people like your parents and go to Dingling.”

Chen Huaisheng became more and more worried about the evolutionary changes of monster beasts. They had begun to evolve to be more interested in Taoist species and monks, and ordinary mortals were no longer the prey of the monster beasts that had received some stimulation and enlightenment in the tide of monster beasts. .

If the idea that I guessed turns out to be true, then the Zijin Sect, Baishimen and even the small and medium-sized sects in Yi County will not have an easy time this winter, but being able to hide in the Zijin Sect will definitely be safer than being in Yuanbao Village many.

Xuan Chimei could only sigh: "That's all I have, I'm afraid my father, mother and aunt won't agree."

"It's a matter of life and death. We can't help them. You can find a reason, or send him to the Dingling Purple Gold Sect. Since your brother is young and needs to be temporarily taken care of and familiar with, let them live in Dingling City for a while until this winter."

After several days of running around, Chen Huaisheng visited Heimuya, Luohamburger and Fengtongling. He met with the principals of several forts and expressed his attitude openly or covertly.

It should be said that these people are quite interested in the return of the Chonghua Sect to Yiyang Mansion. The indifferent attitude of the Zijin Sect has disappointed them, so if the Chonghua Sect returns to Yiyang Mansion, then for these border forts For me, this is undoubtedly great news. At least there is another way out for the children of Baozhai.

However, these people did not take Chen Huaisheng's suggestion to strengthen the defense of the fortress, especially to set up some small magic circles to prevent accidents.

Whether it was Fengtong Ridge or Heimuya, they reluctantly agreed verbally, but it was difficult to put it into practice.

Luo Hamburg, on the other hand, has always regarded himself as the "direct descendant" of the Lingyun Sect. Now the Lingyun Sect has been merged into the Chonghua Sect, and Chen Huaisheng's attitude is also very serious. Coupled with the deterrent power of the fourth level of foundation building, Luo Hamburg The Zhou family reluctantly accepted this suggestion.

Moreover, Luo Hamburger is also the strongest among the several fortresses in Guzhen. At least the Zhou family has an old monk at the third level of Qi refining. Although he is a little older, he has been outside for many years and knows some ways to deal with it. Policy.

If you can consciously set up some small magic circles, plus some magic weapons and spiritual talismans to deal with it, you can barely deal with some first-order monsters, but it is almost impossible to contend with second-order monsters.

Chen Huaisheng also found this situation quite difficult.

And he also thought that in Hebei, there are so many casual cultivators and Taoist cultivators in these villages and towns. If a wave of monsters comes, what will these people do?

Just like Min Qingyu and his family, the Sun family over at Baitapu, and even the lower courtyard of Baita, all retreated to Wolong Ridge in a swarm?

Or take precautions on the spot?

Unable to determine to what extent the tide of monsters in Yinan would reach, Chen Huaisheng was unable to make a reasonable decision.

If third-level monsters appear frequently like in Hebei, and second-order monsters are as numerous as dogs, then it would be best for all the Taoist cultivators and monks in each village to evacuate to Dingling City, Fuzhou, or at least to Liao County. Go to the county seat.

If the Zijin Sect does not want to completely abandon Yiyang Mansion, then at least one Zifu Immortal Master should be stationed in several of their counties.

"So your advice to them is to monitor changes in the situation at any time and evacuate to Tatexian County immediately if there are any signs of abnormality?"

Chen Huaisheng met Xiong Zhuang, who was pampered and well-off, and his face seemed to have gained weight in Yefenggou. It was obvious that he was living quite leisurely here.

"Are you so sure something big is going to happen?"

"It's certain, otherwise I wouldn't come to you to come back to Hebei with me. Yun Zhongshan is really not strong enough. Without your help, I don't feel at ease." Chen Huaisheng was not polite, "It's not just you, I'm also looking for someone else." I met someone, you know, and I also want you to meet him..."

Xiong Zhuang was thoughtful for a while before saying, "Do you think it's appropriate for me and him to meet now? I remember you said that this old Jiao has a weird personality, and I don't want to see his face."


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