Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 552 Volume D: Meeting an old friend, an unexpected surprise

After two days of reconnaissance, we could only grasp a preliminary general situation. The situation of the formation could only be roughly understood through various channels, and we had to adapt to the situation.

The key thing is the power of monks on both sides of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

There are three Zifu real people in the Western Tang Dynasty, one is at the high level of Soul Condensation, one is at the middle level of Purple Soul, and the other one is also at the middle level of Yunmui.

The former two are strong men that can only be taken on by Bijiao Yuanjun, while the latter can be dealt with by Xiong Zhuang.

As for Chen Huaisheng, to be honest, he is still not ranked, and if he does, he will be directly killed.

The situation on the Zhao side in the east is slightly better. The two real people from Zifu, one at the first stage of Zifu's Run Soul and the other at the middle stage of Zifu's Soul Condensation, are slightly inferior to those in the Western Tang Dynasty in terms of average strength.

But again, only Bijiao Yuanjun can deal with these two. Xiong Zhuang's strength can only deal with the Zifu in the Marrow Realm, not the Soul-Condensing and Soul-Condensing Realm.

As for the foundation-building monks, I haven't considered where to come for the time being, but in fact, facing Chen Huaisheng is also a difficult problem.

At this time, Chen Huaisheng deeply realized that his fourth-level foundation-building spell combat power could even reach the seventh-level foundation-building level, but it was still completely inadequate in such a high-end battle situation.

If someone gives you a casual blow, not only will it kill you, it will definitely make you lose your fighting ability. You won't even have the ability to fight back.

Even if you prepare more robes, magic weapons, and magic spells and elixirs, when it comes to fighting for the hard power of a single target, there is no trick at all, and the outcome will be decided in a moment.

In this kind of situation, Chen Huaisheng will not go out of his way to make it big. If it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, it won't work. He has to make it clear.

"According to what you said, this battle is really unwinnable." Xiong Zhuang shook his head, "In addition to Brother Long, who can bear it, even I will be choked. Don't be blocked and surrounded by others as soon as you go up, and you will be humiliated. Abandoning one's armor and running for one's life is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

"Huaisheng, what did you say?" Bijiao Yuanjun was also a little worried.

I came here last year just to have a try, and I had no intention of getting anything in Hualin Garden.

But this time Chen Huaisheng came to seek the blood of red crucian carp, and it was completely different.

Of course, he was injured in Beimang Mountain last time, so he didn't take it seriously in Hualin Garden. It's different now, but the problem is that the two companions are not strong enough.

Not long after Xiong Zhuangcai realized the Tao, he already had the strength of the Purple Mansion Essence Realm. If someone were at the higher Essence Realm, he would still be weak, and Huai Sheng was not worth mentioning.

It is not safe to rely on one's own strength to contain two cultivators in the Purple Mansion's soul-condensing and soul-condensing realm.

Although he is not afraid and can fight, the key point is that if one monk restrains him and the other retreats to chase Xiong Zhuang and Chen Huaisheng, it is possible, but he cannot guarantee that he can definitely stop them.

Once something goes wrong, something will happen.

In addition, there are many foundation-building monks on both sides, which is also a problem. Relying on the magic circle, some high-level foundation-building monks may also exert their combat power to threaten Zifu. Even if they cannot kill themselves, they can block, intercept, and sneak attacks. , these techniques will pose a huge threat to Chen Huaisheng and even Xiong Zhuang.

"Based on the situation we have now, it is true that both the Western Tang and the Great Zhao are in trouble." Chen Huaisheng did not mince words, "Senior Long has no problem trying alone, even without any distractions. There is no problem with Brother Xiong. At worst, he can escape and run away. They can't chase him out. But I'm worried. If I go there, I might not be able to leave. So in the end, we want to get the red crucian carp or even other spiritual treasures. The risk is Too big.”

Bijiao Yuanjun frowned, he also knew that what Chen Huaisheng said was true.

Hualin Garden is no better than when the red crucian carp was stolen in Jinmingchi. In fact, after the theft of Jinmingchi, the officials had already strengthened their precautions. Not to mention that the red crucian carp in Jinmingchi has not yet returned to its original state. Even if it has recovered, it will not Maybe it will be as easy as before.

"Then forget it, come here for nothing?" Bijiao Yuanjun said somewhat bitterly.

He came excitedly, but he didn't expect that Hualin Garden's defense was much stronger than he had expected. If he just relied on strength to break through, he would not be worth the gain and he would not get what he wanted. He would be happy to just fight, but for Chen Huaisheng It's meaningless to them.

"Not necessarily." Chen Huaisheng smiled, "I contacted the local snakes here and learned about the situation. It is said that many people have come to Luoyi City recently, and they all seem to have some intentions. Maybe we can wait. Take a look and see if there are any other opportunities..."

"Huaisheng, are you saying that there are others who are also interested in Hualin Garden?" Xiong Zhuang understood immediately.

"We are not the only ones who have noticed the arrival of the tide of monsters. Maybe many casual cultivators and even other sects have also considered this. Hualin Garden is the spiritual center of the entire Yiluo Basin, and everyone gathers in Hualin Garden. In this way A geomantic treasure land was not controlled by any super sect, but was occupied by the royal family of the Western Tang Dynasty and the official family of the Great Zhao Dynasty respectively. This kind of occupation destroyed the defense pattern of the entire Hualin Garden, making it impossible to form an effective mountain protection formation. , I’m afraid it’s not just one person who can see this weakness,…”

"Red crucian carp and Yuan salmon from Xuanwu Pond, Liugang Pond and Tianyuan Pond, as well as Qianye lotus seeds and water shield, as well as moon oranges from Baiguoyuan, Yuan plum from Xihe Ridge, Western Queen Mother Peach from Penglai Mountain, Chang'e The Poria Goddess and Qingzhi on the peak, and the purple jade dates on Jingyang Mountain, which one is not a great spiritual tonic, or a holy product for making elixirs and medicines? "

Chen Huaisheng talked freely, "Speaking of Ye Shao, I met two acquaintances. One didn't have time to talk, and the other just said a few words, but I can feel that they all came for a purpose."

"Oh?" This immediately aroused the thoughts of Bi Jiao Yuanjun and Xiong Zhuang, "You mean they are all targeting Hualin Garden, and have nothing to do with the royal family of Xi Tang and the official family of Da Zhao, just to do business without capital?"

"More or less, maybe they are invited, it's not clear yet." Chen Huaisheng said with certainty: "I plan to find them and ask, maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Chen Huaisheng also regretted it a little. He should have called Gou Yiwei and Wu Tianen earlier, and even Song Daoyang and Li Minghao could have been called.

Anyway, they all come for profit, to fight the local tyrants and share the floating wealth. After the matter is done, everyone will run back to Hebei to survive the disaster. They will talk about other things after surviving this winter of monsters. As for offending the royal family of Xitang or the official family of Dazhao, they will talk about it after surviving this winter.

Until now, Chen Huaisheng is still hesitating whether to only call Li Yu. If it weren't for the impression of Bi Jiao Yuanjun and Xiong Zhuang's identities as different cultivators in Li Yu's mind, Chen Huaisheng really wanted to invite Li Yu.

But considering that Li Yu's strength is probably at the stage of the initial stage of marrow accumulation to the middle stage of marrow accumulation, and even not as good as Xiong Zhuang, if they can't join hands, it's better not to let Li Yu participate.

After all, Li Yu, an old-generation Zifu Zhenren, is a generation behind himself, and unlike Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei, they have basically made up their minds to be with Yun Zhongshan, so many aspects still need to be considered.

Chen Huaisheng felt very surprised. How many years have they been apart?

After they parted in the East China Sea, he never met Yu Fengqian again. Although they still exchanged letters, they were thousands of miles apart, so two or three letters a year was considered close contact.

During his retreat, he received his letter but did not reply, so he lost contact with Yu Fengqian.

Before that, he only knew that Yu Fengqian had broken through the second level of foundation building, but when he met her in Luoyi City today, he found that Yu Fengqian had already reached the fourth level of foundation building.

This progress was also beyond imagination. He thought that the other party was about the third level of foundation building. He did not expect that people's fate and potential were difficult to predict. How many years had it been since she had achieved the Tao in battle? Five years, right? Breaking through the third level in five years, it seems that she is not much behind himself.

There were at least two purple mansions traveling with Yu Fengqian. He recognized Yan Yunxing, and the other one was unknown.

It was okay to meet Yu Fengqian, but Chen Huaisheng even met Yan Zi, who he had almost forgotten.

Except for the first two years of correspondence with Yan Zi, they lost contact directly afterwards. They only met on the Huimin River and resumed correspondence, but then they lost contact again. When he wrote the last letter, he only knew that Yan Zi had reached the fourth level of Qi Refining.

It was another four years since then. Unexpectedly, Yan Zi had advanced two levels in just four years and was about to reach the seventh level of Qi Refining.

If you count myself and Xuan Chimei, plus Yan Zi, Guzhen, a small town in Liao County, has produced so many talents, which is really impressive.

There was also a Purple Mansion True Man beside Yan Zi, who was not her original master. Chen Huaisheng just exchanged glances with her, and Yan Zi told him where they were staying with her lip language.

The East Sea Holy Fire Sect and the South Chu Canghai Sect both appeared in Luoyi City at the same time. If there was no strangeness, Chen Huaisheng would not believe it.

But why did the Chonghua Sect not get the news? In addition, it seemed that the Great Zhao Sect did not see many abnormalities in Luoyi City, which made Chen Huaisheng a little puzzled.

The Canghai Sect where Yan Zi stayed was in an inn in the north of the city.

Although the Canghai Sect was a large sect, it was located in the south of Chu. It might have a special garden in Bianjing City, but it could only stay in an inn in Luoyi City.

However, a large sect still had the style of a large sect. It had booked a separate courtyard. Chen Huaisheng met Yan Zi in a single room in the courtyard.

"Why are you here? Don't you know what happened?" Yan Zi looked incredible, "Then what are you doing here? You are still a sect of Dazhao, oh, you have moved to Hebei now, but you should have your own news in Dazhao, right?"

Chen Huaisheng was puzzled. Did something really happen during the time he returned to his hometown?

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