Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 554: Volume 1: Fish and Bear's Paw, How to Get Both

No one would sit back and watch such an opportunity disappear. Even Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but be moved.

Although he knew that he was not even close to the calamity, he thought that spiritual treasures such as the Xuanhuang Divine Soil and the Qingmu Divine Root were hidden in it. If he could get a piece of it, it would be worth it.

Especially now that the sects and families inside and outside the Great Zhao and even the independent cultivators are coming one after another, can the four major families in the capital stop them even if they bring Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect?

It's impossible to think about it. Beimang is thousands of miles away. How can you stop them?

The formation collapsed and failed. People can sneak in from anywhere. Even if you stop them, what's the use? If you stop them here, they may sneak in over there.

Just look at the people from Canghai Sect and Yu Fengqian from Shenghuo Sect, and you will know that many people are not in the period of time to enter the country to respond to the calamity, but they still come. It is clear that they are covering for their fellow disciples who need to enter the country to respond to the calamity.

A feint here to contain the enemy, and then take the opportunity to sneak in there, or if you can fish in troubled waters and sneak in, it would be considered a profit, so why not?

Your own magic circle collapsed, and it was not us who broke it, who can you blame?

Everyone has a share of natural treasures, you used to occupy them, and we endured it, but now you suddenly stripped naked and put them in front of everyone, why don’t you pick them up?

However, Chen Huaisheng also knew that the situation must not be that simple. The purple mansion real people of the four major families in the capital added up to at least 20 to 30 people. If Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect reached a deal with the four major families and were willing to go all out to support the four major families, the situation would be hard to say, which means that the number of purple mansion real people on this side of Beimang Mountain may double. Fifty or sixty purple mansion real people gathered here, even if it was thousands of miles away from Beimang, it was still quite amazing, and how many of these cultivators from all over the world were above the purple mansion level?

There must be some purple mansion peak masters inside, but how many?

Two or three at most.

If they really encounter such strong men, as long as the four major families are smart and don't get entangled with them, they can just let them in directly, so what?

Most of them are still those at the peak of foundation building and the ninth level of foundation building. They are the main force who want to sneak into the secret realm and impact the purple mansion.

There are quite a lot of people in this group, and behind them there are a large group of relatives, fellow disciples, and friends who want to cooperate and help them sneak into the secret realm. Many of them are strong men at the purple mansion or enlightenment (different cultivation) level. This is the biggest challenge for the four major families and Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect.

"Yan Zi, so your Canghai Sect also has elders who want to attack the Purple Mansion?" Chen Huaisheng looked at Yan Zi, "Or do you just want to try your luck?"

"Humph, Brother Huaisheng, we came from afar just to try our luck? You underestimate our Canghai Sect." Yan Zi shrugged her nose and said dissatisfiedly: "There are two senior uncles in our sect who are at the peak of foundation building and one at the ninth level of foundation building. If the conditions in Beimang Secret Realm were not too good, our Canghai Sect would not lack secret realms. Why would we travel thousands of miles to make this trip? Just renting the flying raft after entering Dazhao cost us 20,000 spirit stones,..."

Chen Huaisheng was shocked. "How many of you came? How many Purple Mansion True Immortals are there?"

"Nearly 20 people." Yan Zi avoided the question of how many Purple Mansions came, and lowered her voice and said: "All the four major sects of Nanchu and the Xiong, Mi and other aristocratic families have come, no one is left behind. At least 150 to 60 people from the entire Nanchu sect and aristocratic family have come, and this does not include the independent cultivators!"

Yan Zi did not answer how many Purple Mansions came, and Chen Huaisheng did not ask again, but from the scale of nearly 20 people that the other party said, there are at least four or five Purple Mansion True Immortals, plus those at the peak of foundation building and the ninth level, for Canghai Sect, this is also a considerable team.

If you dare to come here from afar, it is impossible if you don't have some strength. As Yan Zi's strength, it is not right to appear in such an occasion.

"Yan Zi, you shouldn't come." Chen Huaisheng said sincerely.

"I shouldn't have come with my strength, and I'm not qualified to enter the secret realm. I came because my master has also reached the ninth level of foundation building, and I want to try my luck. In addition, I am from Dazhao, and it is natural for me to come back to help gather information and run around." Yan Zi said calmly.

"Oh, your master has reached the ninth level of foundation building? Such rapid progress?" Chen Huaisheng recalled the Taoist nun he met on the Huimin River boat five or six years ago. She was in her sixties and now she is only in her seventies. At the beginning, she had the momentum of the seventh level of foundation building. It has only been five or six years, and she has even broken through the second level? Even now she is hoping to impact the purple mansion?

There is no clear boundary between the ninth level and the peak.

To be precise, the ninth level and the peak are the same level, but the peak refers to a state of the ninth level, which means that the best state of Qi refining, foundation building or purple mansion has been reached, and it can break through the realm and ascend at any time, depending on the opportunity.

And the pure ninth level often needs to accumulate or polish for a period of time before it can enter the peak state.

This stage can be long or short, three to five years, or ten to twenty years, but there are also cases where one can directly enter the stage of breaking through the realm and ascending, such as Chen Huaisheng and Yu Fengqian, who both broke through the realm and ascended in a very short time.

Yan Zi's master should have entered the ninth level of foundation building not long ago, so he wanted to try in the Beimang Secret Realm, a secret realm with particularly superior conditions. Maybe in an ordinary secret realm, it may not be possible to break through in three to five years or even ten to eight years, but in the Beimang Secret Realm, he can jump through it?

"Haha, Brother Huaisheng, what you said is a bit ridiculous. What level of Qi refining were you at five years ago? A sixth level of Qi refining would have driven you away, but what about you now?" Yan Zi rolled her eyes. , "My master has only broken through the second level, how come he has become so fast in your eyes? What about you?"

These words made Chen Huaisheng speechless. He only said this subconsciously, but compared to himself, he did feel that he was a bit of a double standard.

"Then when do you plan to enter the mountain?" Chen Huaisheng asked, changing the subject.

"It depends on the decision of the masters and uncles. Now the great Zhao sect family has swarmed in, and the sect families from outside the region are also arriving one after another. The four families, the Tianyun Sect and the Huaxi Sword Sect are working together to stop them, and In order to deter these people, they may also be looking for various ways to divide and disintegrate these people, so the situation is still a bit chaotic and complicated, and it is unclear what will happen.”

Yan Zi's words made Chen Huaisheng nod, "The obstruction is definitely unstoppable, but if the division breaks down, I promise to recruit a group, and then threaten a group, or even kill a few leaders to scare the monkeys, maybe it can be stopped, but this It also depends on the strength of these sects. If the desire is strong and the strength is strong, and they are unwilling to accept it, it will be quite embarrassing, especially if someone has already broken through first, then it may be difficult to stop the latecomers. Why? Do you want to listen to me? Stop them all if you can."

"That's right. If they want to win over, they will definitely only win over a few super sects within Da Zhao. They will definitely not agree to our sects in places like Nanchu, Wuyue or Beirong, so the elders are also contacting other sects. ,..." Yan Zi bit her lip: "I will definitely not give up, there will be a conflict sooner or later."

"You said you want to win over super sects, but that's not necessarily true." Chen Huaisheng shook his head, "Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect have a close relationship with them and can be tolerated, but what about Taihua Tao and Wanxiang Sect? There are also several other large sects such as How can they win over Dacheng Sect, Yunlong Sect, and Baishi Sect? They originally wanted to suppress these sects. Neither Tianyun Sect nor Huaxi Sword Sect would agree. If they all win over, how can they just let it go? Why pay so much?”

The dissensions and conflicts among the sects within the Great Zhao are far more intense and dangerous than those seen outside. It is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is on the same level. However, when no one is sure of victory, no one is willing to take the initiative to start a war. In order to prevent the snipe and the clam from fighting each other, the fisherman will benefit.

The current situation is that Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect are getting closer and closer, while Taihua Tao and Wanxiang Sect were not on good terms with each other originally, but now Tianyun Sect and Huaxi Sword Sect are getting closer, and it is also because the four major families in the capital are connected. Under the circumstances, he had to hold on tightly and began to win over sects and aristocratic families such as the Dacheng Sect and the Mi family in Luoyi to fight against each other.

"So Brother Huaisheng means they can't stop them?" Yan Zi was also a little happy.

"It's difficult. If you're smart, you can choose key secret realms to protect them. But no one can withstand such a long-term protection, and you have to rebuild the magic circle, so it's too complicated and involves too much. Interests are not so difficult to generalize, and the pressure from the outside world is so fierce, how can they be allowed to sit down and discuss it carefully?" Chen Huaisheng finally said with certainty: "So in the end, it will probably be a dog-eating dog, and the world will be a mess. It’s chaos, and no one can tell what the outcome will be.”

"That's a good thing for us." Yan Zi laughed, "For us, the more chaotic the better, it's best to have a big fight. Whoever has the opportunity and luck can break into the secret realm and ascend in the tribulation. That’s good luck.”

"That's right. The Eight Immortals are crossing the sea. Let each of them show their magical powers. If you seize the opportunity and break in, you will win."

Chen Huaisheng was also happy. It seemed that the Canghaizong side was determined to fight this time. It is estimated that they should have contacted Nanchu, Wuyue, Bashu and even Beirong, just to fight this time.

What about yourself?

With Bijiao Yuanjun and Xiong Zhuang as his backers, he seemed to be qualified to participate in this "grand event".

But for me, although the things in the secret realm are good, they are still far away. The things in Hualin Garden are the most realistic.

Chen Huaisheng thought about it in his mind and made up his mind.

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