Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 567: Volume 2: Daughter’s Interest, Xia Fei’s Cheeks

Seeing Chen Huaisheng's resolute attitude, Xiong Zhuang shook his head: "If Lao Long wants to go, go quickly. I won't go either. Let's rest here for two days and wait for you."

Bi Jiao Yuanjun hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Since you are not going, then I won't go either. Let's just go back to Bian Jing directly."

Chen Huaisheng hurriedly said: "Brother Long, why bother? I'm here now, I'm really not interested in going. Maybe I'll come after ten or twenty years, but it doesn't make sense for me now."

"No need, the secret realm is still a little far away for me. Maybe I can try it in five or ten years. It's not possible now. I know myself." Bi Jiao Yuanjun sighed: "If I can reach the threshold of touching the great success within ten years, it will be extremely smooth."

Bi Jiao Yuanjun knew very well that he was short of this step, maybe five or ten years, maybe thirty or fifty years, or even a lifetime. Only when he reached the peak state would he be qualified to step into the secret realm and try.

Chen Huaisheng was sure that the two had made up their minds not to go, so he didn't persuade them much.

There are too many people gathered in the Beimang Secret Realm. In this situation, it is almost impossible to get any benefits. Why waste time here?

"In this case, let's leave tomorrow." Chen Huaisheng said straightforwardly: "Taking advantage of the chaos in Luoyi City, it's just right to leave and pretend to go to Beimang, and it won't attract anyone's attention. After leaving the city, we will turn east again."

"By the way, Huaisheng, just leave like this, don't you go to find out whether your Chonghua Sect has gone to the secret realm?" Xiong Zhuang suddenly remembered something and asked.

Chen Huaisheng hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head: "No need, when I left Chongyang Mountain, I didn't get any news about this. I thought that even if the sect got the news, it would probably send one or two people to find out the truth. It would be difficult to organize a large number of people. It would be useless for me to go there, and I couldn't help much, so I won't make trouble."

Bi Jiao Yuanjun and Xiong Zhuang seemed to see Chen Huaisheng's inner entanglement and said no more.

The three of them did not wait until the next day to dawn, but left Luoyi City in the middle of the night.

When they left, they could clearly feel the gazes from all over the city, but in the end no one intervened to stop them.

Chen Huaisheng's heart was not at ease until he turned eastward 30 miles out of the city.

When he arrived in Bianjing City, Bi Jiao Yuanjun finally gave Chen Huaisheng a reply.

He would not go to Hebei for the time being, but when Chen Huaisheng needed his help, he could send a letter for help in time, and he would arrive in the shortest time.

He also suggested that Chen Huaisheng should have a prediction in advance and inform himself in advance, so that he could arrive in time and avoid being late.

If the letter could be delivered to Bi Jiao Yuanjun in time, it would be expected that it would be possible to arrive from Bianjing to Wolongling on Fuyang Road in Yanzhou within five days. In particularly urgent situations, if no effort is spared, it would be possible to arrive within three days.

Chen Huaisheng also understood that Bi Jiao Yuan Jun also had his own unique way of cultivation. He lived in a busy city and honed himself. No one could say whether this kind of worldly cultivation could achieve what he wanted.

Bi Jiao Yuan Jun's promise was enough.

Flying bird signs could not reach such a distance of tens of thousands of miles, so he could only use special spiritual birds to send letters.

But now Chen Huaisheng did not have such spiritual birds. Fortunately, there was no shortage of such spiritual materials and beasts in Bianjing City. As long as he was willing to spend spiritual stones, such spiritual birds were not something that could not be found.

"Master Linghu, Master Duguo and Master Ding have all gone to Luoyi." When Xuan Chimei saw Chen Huaisheng for the first time, her face was full of nervousness and curiosity: "You didn't encounter it, or you didn't go to Beimang Secret Realm?"

"No, but you, you can resist not going?" Chen Huaisheng hugged Xuan Chimei in his arms and asked lovingly: "I have always been worried that you can't help but go to see it out of curiosity, for fear of encountering any accidents."

"Why should I go? With my little strength, what's the point of going, except adding burden." Xuan Chimei smiled and said: "I thought about it, but immediately gave up the idea. The world's strong men are all gathered in Beimang. If I go there without paying attention, if there is any dispute, it will be a disaster."

"You're right, without that strength, it's meaningless to join in the fun." Chen Huaisheng nodded: "So I didn't go either. After finishing my business, I came back directly. At this time, Brother Long and Brother Xiong went back to their respective We are at our residence in Bianjing. We will have a small gathering tomorrow and then we will say goodbye. Brother Xiong will follow us to Hebei, and Brother Long will stay in Bianjing for the time being. If there is anything unusual, I will inform him in advance and ask him to come to Hebei..."

Xuan Chimei pursed her lips and said softly: "You have changed your name from Senior Long to Brother Long?"

"Well, they should all be my elders, but we must treat each other as equals, so I have no choice but to obey." Chen Huaisheng thought of what he had gained from this trip and couldn't help showing his joy: "This harvest is beyond imagination..."

Xuan Chimei was also full of joy, "I can see from Brother Huaisheng's spirit that this trip must have been a great harvest. Did you get the red crucian carp?"

"Not only did we get the red crucian carp." Chen Huaisheng patted the storage bag that slowly floated out of his sleeve, "It's time to count the things."

Sharing the spoils with your lover is undoubtedly the happiest and most beautiful time, and Chen Huaisheng is no exception.

"Forty-seven purple jade dates. I was originally planning to exchange ten with them, but then the two sides fell out and the exchange didn't happen."

Chen Huaisheng took out the purple jade dates in a bamboo basket specially woven from beautiful bamboo.

This kind of bamboo cage made of beautiful bamboo comes from Bashu. It is specially designed for these precious spiritual plants. It is expensive and can preserve the freshness and effectiveness of spiritual plants and spiritual fruits to the maximum extent.

Chen Huaisheng did not dare to buy in Luoyi, but went to Bianjing to buy a few.

"Well, Purple Jade Date is a God-given spiritual thing. It can be eaten raw or taken with other spiritual things. Long-term use has the effect of thinning roots and channeling spirits. It is especially effective for the fetus in pregnant women..."

Chen Huaisheng was also impressed by Xuan Chimei's words. He didn't know that it had such a special effect. He couldn't help but look sideways. Xuan Chimei's face turned red and he said angrily: "Why are you looking at me like this? Me too. I heard it from my master, who is from Luoyi. She said that she often passed by Hualin Garden when she was a child. She was extremely envious of the garden, which was filled with spiritual power and the fruity fragrance was alluring, but she never had the opportunity to enter... …”

"Chi Mei, what do you mean when you say it has miraculous effects on the fetus in the belly of pregnant women?" Chen Huaisheng asked.

"If you start taking this purple jade date from the moment you are pregnant, the fetus will be able to channel the spirit and loosen its roots before the Tao body is completed. In other words, the possibility of it being conceived as a Tao body will be much greater. Similarly, a woman will be pregnant before she is conceived. If you start taking Ziyu Zao, the possibility of the fetus being conceived during that period will be much greater. Otherwise, Brother Huaisheng, you wouldn’t think that the so-called second and third generations in this aristocratic family are really God-given opportunities, and almost all of them are Taoist fetuses. Seed? In addition to the fact that both his parents are innate Taoist seed, using such spiritual creatures to nourish Yunbu from the beginning also has a considerable effect..."

Xuan Chimei's words made Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but sigh. How can a poor kid working as a topic writer in a small town compare with those kids from aristocratic families who were born in Rome?

When you are just a seed in your belly, or even before you become an adult, you have already begun to enjoy spiritual things that you rarely see in your life for nourishment. How can you compare?

Perhaps this is also the motivation for disciples from poor families to work hard to change their destiny and achieve a class jump, right? Are you one of them?

I wonder if one or two of the jujube trees in Hualin Garden can be transplanted to Yunzhong Mountain?

Chen Huaisheng felt that he was a little obsessed and had such an idea.

The spiritual power required by the purple jade jujube tree is not enough in Yun Zhongshan, and even Wolong Ridge is probably enough. It still needs a unique spiritual land.

"Brother Huaisheng, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Chen Huaisheng seemed to be distracted, Xuan Chimei asked in surprise.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about when we can plant purple jade jujube trees in Yunzhong Mountain." Chen Huaisheng said casually.

"Yunzhongshan's spiritual power is insufficient, even if there is black and yellow sacred soil, it will not work. If you carefully select the locations on Wolong Ridge and then use the spirit-gathering magic circle to gather spiritual power, you may be able to select one or two places for cultivation, but it is estimated that At most, we can only plant one or two trees, and the effect will definitely not be as good as Hualin Garden.”

Xuan Chimei thought about it carefully before saying.

This is the difference. Whether it is Jingyang Mountain or Xihe Ridge, or Penglai Mountain and Chang'e Peak, they are not high and the area is small, but they are located in the Luoyi Basin, and they have accumulated thousands of years of King Qi. , with abundant spiritual power, and gathered in this place, it is better than Wolong Ridge and Yunzhong Mountain, which are tens of miles or hundreds of miles away, and is more suitable for the growth of spiritual plants.

"Then can this purple jade jujube core induce germination on Wolong Ridge?" Chen Huaisheng asked again.

"Probably not." Xuan Chimei shook his head hesitantly: "I have never heard that the purple jade jujube core can also grow hair. Otherwise, wouldn't purple jade jujube trees be cultivated in places with strong spiritual power? I don't understand. There is a doorway here, but I think it may be difficult. The world has not heard of the purple jade jujube trees in Chuhua Forest Garden and Bianjing Imperial Garden."

Chen Huaisheng also thought that it might not be that simple. Jujube pits are theoretically seeds, but they may not be able to produce hair. There must be some special method or reason here, so you can come down and ask.

But considering that the Tianyun Sect's Qingmu Sect and other sects that specialize in spiritual plant cultivation have not been able to cultivate them, it shows how difficult it is.

"It's a pity that the number of purple jade dates is still too small. If there are more, we can keep them in the future..." Chen Huaisheng subconsciously glanced at Xuan Chimei's lower abdomen. Stomping his feet: "Brother Huaisheng, I have never thought about having children. Didn't you also say that you should at least wait until my little sister builds a foundation before you think about it?"

"Yeah, I didn't say I wanted to do it now." Chen Huaisheng joked: "But don't we have to do some things first to prepare ourselves? What if it happens?"

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