Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 572 Volume D: Changes in the weather and the situation

"What you get is completely different from what I get by myself." Gou Yiwei shook his head repeatedly, not agreeing with Chen Huaisheng's point of view at all.

Wu Tianen finally understood and said in shock: "Huai Sheng, you, you went to rob the Hualin Garden in Luoyi? The Hualin Garden of the official family and the royal family of the Western Tang Dynasty? How dare you?"

Chen Huaisheng said carelessly: "Why don't we dare? If we don't go, there will be people who go, and there are people who go earlier than us. If we don't show more strength, or if we show our strength, they will have to take advantage of them. We were wiped out directly. Of course, that’s what we thought too. We were all afraid of each other, so we had to cooperate and divide all the Hualin Garden. When we left, we saw another group of people rushing in. The smart people were too smart. There are so many, they all want to take advantage of the situation when everyone’s attention is focused on Beimang Secret Realm,..."

"But if the officials or the royal family of the Western Tang Dynasty find out..." Wu Tianen still couldn't accept it, shook his head repeatedly, and was even a little anxious.

The Chonghua sect is still a lineage of the Great Zhao, and even if it is hiding in Hebei, if this news is leaked, the Western Tang royal family and the Great Zhao officials will investigate, and the Chonghua sect will not be able to escape disaster. Chen Huaisheng is really too bold.

"Uncle, who will leak it? We live in seclusion in Yunzhong Mountain, who will pay attention to us?" Chen Huaisheng smiled coldly and said: "If God doesn't take it, you will suffer the consequences! Why should the land of Luoyi Divine Bell be... The Zhao family is monopolized by the Li family. The Beimang secret realm has collapsed and the world is in chaos. How much time does the Zhao family have to take care of this matter? How much ability does the Li family in the Western Tang Dynasty have to take care of it? Coming from the territory of Great Zhao? The whole Great Zhao is happy to see the Hualin Xiyuan of the Western Tang Dynasty being looted."

Chen Huaisheng's plausive words left Wu Tianen speechless, but he still found it difficult to accept Chen Huaisheng's actions.

When did Chen Huaisheng become so wanton?

Why didn't he notice the changes in Chen Huaisheng?

Is it because of the change in mentality brought about by the increase in spiritual realm strength that he has become so arrogant?

Where has the honest and responsible Chen Huaisheng of the past gone?

Seemingly aware of Wu Tianen's reluctance, Chen Huaisheng calmed down his tone a little and said seriously: "Master, don't worry, no one will know, because when we went there, we all used the illusion technique, and the disciples also basically used it. Didn't take action, well, or it was not the disciple's turn to take action. In addition, the people from Qiaojun or Suijun are more ruthless. They have much more people than us and are more active. If we really want to trace them, they may also fall to them. On the body, yes, there is a group of people following behind, they may not get anything, but the trace may also fall on them,..."

Wu Tianen just shook his head but did not respond to Chen Huaisheng's answer.

Chen Huaisheng also roughly knew that Wu Tianen was touched by another aspect. He paused for a moment and then said: "Uncle, I know you may be a little confused or dissatisfied with my behavior, but I think we may need to use a change. Look at the world from a different perspective.”

"Oh? What do you say?" Wu Tianen watched Chen Huaisheng enter the sect and grow up step by step. It can even be said that he has a half-master friendship, so he was very unwilling to have any estrangement or become unfamiliar with Chen Huaisheng because of this. points, so he hoped to get a reasonable and satisfactory answer from Chen Huaisheng.

"Uncle Master and Uncle Gou are both here. I will also briefly talk about my judgment on the current world and the reasons why I have some different thoughts and practices from the past. Maybe the Master Uncles will not completely agree with me. point of view, but I firmly believe that reality will prove that my judgment is correct.”

Chen Huaisheng calmly sorted out his thoughts before he began to tell his opinions: "I don't know if the two uncles have felt it. In fact, the changes in the world in the past few years have begun to affect the changes in the world. In other words, this is A chain reaction, a cause-and-effect reaction,..."

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei were shocked by just one sentence, and their attention was immediately attracted.

"The disciple didn't pay much attention to it before, but because he is from Liao County, Yi County, the changes in the presence of monsters in Liao County have greatly affected the disciple and even the villagers. At that time, the disciple had just entered the school, and in addition to the death of senior brother Lu Zhaolin, There were also other disciples such as Lingyun Sect, Lu Family and other disciples who were attacked, so they were in contact with each other, so they paid special attention..."

"The disciple has carefully investigated and found that it should be from those few years that the weather began to change from subtle to obvious. The biggest change brought about is that the whereabouts and scale of monsters have become increasingly prominent. This chain reaction It brought about the changes in gains and losses of the so-called Dragon Tiger Qiyun Emperor Banner, and then the sect conflicts intensified..."

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei were still vaguely aware of this.

Although it was not clear at the time, it was later understood that the Chonghua faction was betrayed and came to Hebei. One of the important reasons was that the official family of Da Zhao obtained Hebei's Dragon and Tiger Qiyun Imperial Flag, and they hoped that an advance team would come to work in Hebei, and it happened that the Chonghua faction and Lingyun Sect can be sent to Hebei as dispensable chess pieces to test the waters.

Of course, there are some other interest games here. For example, the Jiulian Sect betrayed the Lingyun Sect and the Chonghua Sect for their own benefit, but in the end they did not end well. Instead, they exposed their own weakness, which eventually attracted countless tigers and wolves. Coveted and destroyed.

"..., this series of changes are vaguely connected by a thread. The changes in the weather, the rise of monsters, the dragon and tiger imperial flag disappeared for a hundred years and then suddenly appeared, and the people of Beirong suddenly appeared after a hundred years of desolation in Hebei. He is willing to share with the Great Zhao, and even takes the initiative to hand over the two states of Yan and Jin to the Great Zhao. He is not opposed to the Great Zhao entering the Two Prefectures of Youyun. Southern Chu covets Yi County. The disciples cannot explain what weird changes are happening here, just like A mass of fog obscures it, making it impossible to see the whole picture..."

"But this disciple has a feeling that the world is about to change greatly. Various signs are already foreshadowing, such as the collapse of the Beimang secret realm...and, uncle, have you noticed that with the so-called Eight Great Zhao Families Zhongluo... The three major families in Yi have long since declined, and the four major families in the capital are also feeling depressed. This turbulent era has begun. Under the chaos, if we continue to follow the rules, our Chonghua sect will fall behind and will also fall into the trap of chaos. Their footsteps..."

"In fact, when we took a huge risk and went north to Hebei, it was a huge initiative. This was originally an excellent move and an excellent opportunity for us. With the power of Zhao, we can vigorously develop and strengthen ourselves in Hebei, but Now the sect seems to be still wallowing in the old thinking of the past, still hoping to return to Zhao, and even abandoning the foundation that was finally laid in Hebei..."

Wu Tianen frowned: "Huaisheng, when did the sect say it would give up on Hebei?"

"Uncle, why should you deceive yourself?" Chen Huaisheng said calmly: "The status of Chongyang Mountain is getting higher and higher. It can be seen from the situation of Master and other elders staying in Chongyang Mountain. If you don't believe it, look at the number of disciples Jijun will recruit next year. We can get a glimpse of it. Wolong Ridge will become a lower courtyard sooner or later, maybe two or three years later..."

"Even if we return to Zhao, it doesn't mean that the sect will give up on Hebei, right?" Wu Tianen was a little shaken.

After spending several years in Hebei, he has already felt the solid strength of Hebei. Yanzhou Liudao can be regarded as the essence of the four states in Hebei, and it is indeed worthy of taking root and development here.

But after the sect acquired Yuhan Sect and Chongyang Mountain, it has been more attracted to Jijun, and he can see this clearly.

"Uncle, does the sect have the strength to take care of both ends? Jijun is also a large county, bigger and more populous than Yijun, but there is also competition from Qingguang Dao and Xinghuo Sect. If the sect wants to gain a firm foothold in Jijun , it is definitely impossible to focus too much on Hebei anymore." Chen Huaisheng was shocked: "Uncle Linghu, even Uncle Duguo, and even Uncle Ding are all inclined to take root in Ji County..."

"Ding Zongshou also wants to settle down in Ji County. Why? Aren't their Dings always in Yanzhou and Fuyang?" Gou Yiwei couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"The original sect of the Ding family is in Jijun. Uncle Ding's branch moved from Jijun to Fuyang Baitapu in the early years. People are homesick. Who doesn't want to return to their hometown?" Chen Huaisheng sighed, "Master and Uncle Zhu are probably optimistic about Jijun. Only Uncle Li Yu and Uncle Qi are not so clear-cut. Therefore, it is highly likely that the sect will establish a foothold in Jijun. It is just a matter of time."

Five of the seven elders of Chonghua are inclined to take Ji County as the foundation, and the remaining two are not completely opposed to it. Can this result be changed?

Obviously that won't change.

Chen Huaisheng clearly needs to accept this reality.

But he was really not optimistic about the Chonghua faction taking root in Jijun.

Although he also admitted that the Jiulian Sect originally had a good foundation in Jijun, for example, the Yuhan Sect and the Demon Lotus Sect both had their gates in Jijun, but if the Chonghua Sect, which has now taken over the Yuhan Sect, wants to continue to develop in Jijun, it must They will encounter strong hostility from the Huaxi Sword Sect that has annexed the Demon Lotus Sect. The other two sects in Ji County, Qingguang Dao and Xinghuo Sect, are not without backgrounds, and they will also definitely be hostile to the Chonghua Sect who wants to occupy the Magpie Nest. To start a competition, this game is not easy to play.

But it is meaningless to tell these elders now. Chen Huaisheng also vaguely mentioned it, but not surprisingly, he was not recognized.

They all believe that although Huaxi Sword Sect has annexed Demon Lotus Sect, its focus is not on Ji County. Qingguang Dao and Xinghuo Sect are now fighting each other. This is exactly the opportunity for Chonghua Sect, so people always like to see what they want to see. side, and subconsciously ignore the side that is not beneficial to oneself.

For a moment, the three of them fell into silence. Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei were both silently thinking about the future of their sect and the possible impact on their families.

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