Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 574 Volume D: Recruiting and strengthening the foundation

Chen Huaisheng could not influence Tang Jingtian's thoughts. This possibility always existed, but the only ones he and Zhao Sitian could be invited, or in other words, were the best candidates.

For example, Song Daoyang, although he is happy to cooperate, is at the seventh level of foundation building, and has good strength, but he has his own party and has established his own cave, so it is impossible for him to come to Yunzhong Mountain to join him. When the tide of monsters comes, it is possible to help each other.

For people like Li Minghao, it is even more impossible.

There are also Wang Yao and Xu Tianfeng, as Shang Jiuling's very trusted disciples, they need to be stationed in Longlinyuan and shoulder the heavy responsibility of defense of the entire sect headquarters.

And as Chen Huaisheng's senior brother, the current conditions are not mature for them to come to Yunzhongshan.

Zhao Sitian is the most likely.

Although he was independent, he only built a Taoist temple and did not build a cave.

This guy is still alone, and he only has Ren Wuchen as his disciple.

Although he is now free, as the overall strength of the entire sect has greatly increased after annexing Lingyun Sect and Jiulian Sect, and the number of people building foundations has skyrocketed, his original reputation as Chonghua Tianjiao has quickly dimmed. Not to mention marginalized, but obviously not as popular as before.

Fortunately, this guy's mentality is very good, he is happy and at ease, he concentrates on practicing and teaching disciples, and he is enjoying himself.

Although this guy has come to Yunzhong Mountain several times without showing any other intentions, Chen Huaisheng is still very confident that he can invite him to stay in Yunzhong Mountain. At least this winter should be no problem.

As for after surviving this winter and spring, Chen Huaisheng felt that Zhao Sitian should have realized and observed many things, and it would be easier to accept it.

"Invite me to settle in Yunzhong Mountain?" Zhao Sitian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his tone was teasing: "How long have you been holding on to this? I'm afraid you have already had this intention?"

Chen Huaisheng didn't care, "I've had this intention for a long time, but the time wasn't ripe yet, so I haven't put it into practice..."

"The conditions are ripe now?" Zhao Sitian was quite curious: "It is a logical thing for you to invite Master Wu to join your Yunzhongshan, and you can also bring Master Gou into the group. This is your ability, but I feel that you and Master Gou have something unknown. I'm afraid there's some truth behind the special relationship. If you're not satisfied with the two of them, what's the point of dragging me into your Yunzhongshan?"

"Uncle Gou and Uncle Wu are a bit older, and their entry speed cannot keep up with you and me. I think that if we are together, we may be able to speak more in common, learn from each other, and enter the country faster." Chen Huaisheng stood proudly with his hands behind his hands, but there was a gap between his eyebrows. A bit deep, "But that's not the main thing. More importantly, I think this winter may be difficult, and we have a greater chance of getting through it together."

"Survive it? So dangerous?" Zhao Sitian had also heard Chen Huaisheng's views a long time ago.

This is not a secret within the sect, but most people think it is alarmist.

There are also a few people who feel that the tide of monsters this winter may be more ferocious than in previous years, but it is not to the level described by Chen Huaisheng.

Zhao Sitian prefers the latter view.

"I have expressed my opinion a long time ago. You know, this is what I mean. I want to bring you together to overcome the difficulties." Chen Huaisheng did not beat around the bush, "It's not enough to pull you in. I have to continue to pull people in." , the elders want to guard the mountain gate, so I can only recruit the foundation-building monks..."

"There are many in the mountains, who else are you planning to pull? Tang Jingtian, Song Daoyang, Li Minghao, or Ding Yuangao, Zeng Guolin?" Zhao Sitian couldn't help but ask.

Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Has Zeng Guolin established a foundation?"

He remembered that before he went to Da Zhao, Zeng Guolin had not built a foundation. How long had it been, two months, perhaps, that Zeng Guolin had built a foundation?

"Well, those who built the foundation last month, it turns out that the Lingyun Sect's group is very proud. Chu Yingqi, Teng Dingyuan, Yang Husheng and others are very proud..." Zhao Sitian explained: "Oh, by the way, Cao Renben has finally established his foundation."

"Cao Renben has also established a foundation. Well, after all, it's his turn. How many years has it been? What about Ju Zhenfa?" Chen Huaisheng said in surprise.

Cao Renben was the left governor of the Chuan Gong Institute when Chen Huaisheng entered the Chuan Gong Institute. At that time, Cao Ren was already at the ninth level of Qi Refining. He later advanced to the peak of Qi Refining, but he lingered at the peak of Qi Refining for six or seven years, and finally Break through the peak and build the foundation.

But this is the most normal situation. Even Cao Renben's performance can be considered good, only for six or seven years.

At this moment, Chen Huaisheng remembered the situation when he first entered the sect and went to the Chuan Gong Academy. Deacon You Shaoyou, left governor Cao Renben, and right governor Guo Chongdao. Guo Chongdao was at the seventh level of Qi refining at the beginning, but now he is only at the ninth level. , has not yet reached the peak of Qi refining.

As for the Three Heroes and One Hua in the old Lingyun Sect, Zeng Guolin and Teng Dingyuan are actually slightly inferior to Ju Zhenzhen in terms of qualifications and talents. Ju Zhenzhen is the youngest, but he was the first to reach the peak of Qi refining.

The main reason why I had a deeper impression on Ju Zhenzhen was because the junior sister Bao Que who was next to Ju Zhenzhen at that time seemed to be a Taoist couple with him. She had a strange appearance and was not an ordinary person.

"Ju Zhenfa? I haven't heard of it. You should still be stuck at the peak of Qi refining and unable to make any further progress, right?" Zhao Sitian shook his head, "This is normal. Who said that you should build a foundation after a few years at the peak? Isn't Teng Dingyuan also at the peak? After struggling for several years, haven’t they been able to build a foundation? Yang Husheng and Chu Yingqi have been at their peak for two or three years, right? Not everyone can build a foundation casually.”

After all, the old Zhonghua Sect and the old Lingyun Sect all came from Yi County, and their relationship with the disciples of the original Jiulian Sect was relatively unfamiliar. For example, Zhao Sitian had more dealings with the old Zhonghua Sect and the old Lingyun Sect.

"Oh, I just think that Ju Zhenzhen seemed to be more high-profile at that time..." Chen Huaisheng shook his head, "Zeng Guolin has established his foundation, and Teng Dingyuan is under greater pressure..."

"But it may be difficult for you to invite Zeng Guolin, and he has also opened a cave and set up a mansion." Zhao Sitian laughed.

"He also opened a cave and set up a mansion?!" Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but stroke his forehead. Why are these people so anxious? "What about Teng Dingyuan, Yang Husheng and Chu Yingqi?"

"They? They are still the same. Do you think that if Zeng Guolin builds his foundation, they will follow him? How is that possible? Zeng Guolin has not shown enough strength to convince them. He just built his foundation a few days earlier than them."

Zhao Sitian glanced at Chen Huaisheng: "In my opinion, you might as well invite Teng Dingyuan and others. They are only one step away from building their foundation. If you can give them conditions to help them build their foundation, I believe they will definitely be excited."

Zhao Sitian's words made Chen Huaisheng's heart beat.

Teng Dingyuan has already reached the peak of foundation building, but has never been able to break through.

This is normal. There are many people who have been at the peak of Qi Refining for 20 to 30 years or even their entire lives and have not been able to break through. Gou Yiwei is the best example.

Even if there is red crucian carp blood or other elixirs, it is just a boost. It does not mean that with this kind of boost, you will definitely be able to build your foundation. It just means that there are more chances.

At the beginning, the group went to Tongtianbo to retrieve the Tongtian Koi. Although the Koi blood is not as effective as the Red Crucian Carp blood, it is also a spiritual object added to the refining of the Yuanzhu Pill.

Now a few years have passed, Zeng Guolin has built his foundation, but Teng Dingyuan is still silent.

Chu Yingqi and Yang Husheng have also been promoted from the ninth level of Qi Refining to the peak of Qi Refining for some time, but there is still no movement.

But look at how smoothly and quickly Chen Huaisheng went from the peak of the ninth level of Qi Refining to the foundation building?

Even Zhao Sitian and Tang Jingtian's foundation building path was relatively smooth, so it is difficult to say about this kind of thing.

Teng Dingyuan and Chen Huaisheng are both from Liaoxian Township, and their relationship has always been good. It's just that Chen Huaisheng has been busy with cultivation and hunting in the past two years, and his mind is on Yunzhong Mountain and Bailu Daoyuan, so the exchanges have been slightly less, but the friendship is still there.

"That's worth considering." Chen Huaisheng accepted the advice, "I'll go talk to Teng Dingyuan and the others when I get down."

Zhao Sitian was shocked and looked Chen Huaisheng up and down: "Do you still have the blood of red crucian carp? Didn't you use it up a long time ago?"

He just said it casually. It's not easy to pull Teng Dingyuan and the others into Yunzhong Mountain. Not to mention Chen Huaisheng, even those elders of Lingyun Sect, except Qi Hongkui, even those Lingyun Sect monks who are at a high level of foundation building, it's difficult to pull them in. After all, Teng Dingyuan and the others are young, less than fifty years old, and it is almost certain that they will build a foundation. Why should they rely on you, who may not be able to enter the Purple Mansion in their lifetime.

But if you can provide them with the conditions to break through the realm, that's another matter.

The blood of red crucian carp that Chen Huaisheng obtained last time was quite popular in the mountain gate, but the quantity was limited. Chen Huaisheng and a few people around him used it up, so everyone was just envious. After all, this kind of thing is hard to come by.

Now, Chen Huaisheng actually dared to agree to what he just said casually, which made Zhao Sitian surprised and suspicious.

"It was used up a long time ago last time." Chen Huaisheng spread his hands and said pretentiously: "It doesn't mean that I can't get it again."

"How is it possible?!" Zhao Sitian did not leave the mountain gate during this period, so he didn't know what happened in Dazhao. He looked incredible, "You really think Jinmingchi is owned by your family. Although I don't know where you got it last time, I also heard that the red crucian carp blood you got must be related to the stolen goods when the official Jinmingchi was stolen last time, but now the official can suffer a second loss?"

"Why do you care where I got it? Anyway, I'm on Wolong Ridge. Who can take it away from me?" Chen Huaisheng didn't explain much: "Anyway, I have the goods. If you want to save a few years, or wander around without a clue, you might as well try your luck here. It's not a loss, right?"

Zhao Sitian stroked his chin, nodded, and looked at Chen Huaisheng seriously, as if to find out the truth: "Are you telling me this? Are you sure?"

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