Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 588 Volume E: The cold river at the Wanli Pass, the fight between the ape spirits, and the r

The ape spirit endured the burning pain of lightning and fire, and at that moment he thought he would be reduced to ashes.

When he passed through that moment, his entire soul was almost melted into magma and completely dissipated. It was all thanks to his heart that he didn't dissipate at all and he managed to get through it!

He was a demon spirit, and this extremely unfriendly Lihuo Yinlei was almost fatal. If it hadn't digested the Yuandan of the Golden Bearded Ao King in the past few years, it would have collapsed into ashes directly, and the heart lamp would have flown into the sky to see if it could return to the dry well and wait for the opportunity.

But it also knew that since the host had already decided, it had to come, and there was no choice.

Whether it was the tiger spirit or the resentful spirit, it was purely a delusion to want to pass through the blockade of Lihuo Yinlei. The tiger spirit was a pure Yin Yuanling, and the resentful spirit was a lost ghost, so it had to perish on the spot. Only by relying on a pure Yang Yuanling could it have a chance to survive.

So in the end it could only be it.

When Chen Huaisheng used his spiritual sense to inform them hiding in the furnace, the ape spirit knew that it could only be him.

There was no choice, so he had to find a way to maximize the benefits.

The Yuandan of this dire wolf could be a bargaining condition.

It was not so easy to devour the opponent's Yuandan without taking over the body. Even if the host had the internal cultivation technique, it was extremely difficult to choose the timing.

The last time he swallowed the King of Golden Bearded Ao was by chance. It was Chen Huaisheng who got into the opponent's body, giving himself and the tiger spirit the opportunity to go out of the body and directly enter the opponent's spiritual body. The King of Golden Bearded Ao was caught without any defense or resistance.

But this time it was impossible.

Now the dire wolf has fallen into a desperate situation and is struggling frantically for life. Its spiritual body may soon be destroyed, or it may break free and escape.

At this time, its spiritual body is the most active and powerful. He can't get close at all, let alone devour its Danyuan.

But he has to do it, and he has to go.

It has already entered the Thunder Formation and the Fire Circle and has no way to retreat. The only chance is to take advantage of the Dire Wolf's full strength to resist the Thunder and Fire, and find an opportunity to break through the wounds of its spirit body.

The last time it broke through the Golden Bearded Ao King, it was from the inside, so the opponent was completely unprepared, but this time the Dire Wolf encountered the Thunder and Fire, and its spirit body was already covered with wounds.

It can't escape. If it really wants to escape, the only way is to self-destruct the Yuan Dan and fight to the death.

It doesn't mean that self-destructing the Yuan Dan will definitely kill the body and disappear. Self-destructing the Yuan Dan is also divided into several levels. There is only the kind of self-destruction that is completely hopeless and perishes together, then there is no way.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, it can take the form of partial self-destruction, sacrificing its own spirit body Yuan Dan cultivation in exchange for a short burst of release of the skills.

Now the opportunity for the Ape Spirit is to see what method the Dire Wolf will take to escape.

The ape spirit, who was suffering from the lightning and fire, could only curl up in the Leifa square array and use the Yin spirit to resist the baptism of the external lightning and fire.

Fortunately, the dire wolf had endured most of it. The continuous lightning and continuous fire made it unable to withstand it, especially when the Yanyang Talisman released spiritual power to make the Lihuo even worse. It had to use the method of self-destructing Dan Yuan to attack the Leifa square array in order to break through and escape.

In the early stage, it tried to contain the thunder and fire by spraying Dan Qi, but the effect was not good. Now it could only go further and self-destruct Dan Yuan.

When the Dan Qi spewed out quickly and formed a bubble-shaped white mist group, slowly expanding to the surroundings, the Lihuo was suppressed and gradually extinguished, and the lightning continued. But when the white mist rose slowly and resisted the lightning, the hair color of the dire wolf became darker.

Feeling the weakening of the Yuan power on the prey's body, the ape spirit carefully peeked at the wound under the belly of the dire wolf.

The damage caused by the puppet ghost bat to the lower abdomen of the dire wolf is not so easy to heal and subside. Although it is a puppet spiritual product, the damage attribute it brings is the same as that of a real ghost bat. This is the power of the ghost shear secret technique and the Taiyin Huanglu. The mana with cold erosion will make the wound continue to deteriorate. Unless it can be quickly treated with special spells, the wound will continue to disintegrate and erode.

Cleverly drilled into the belly of the dire wolf, and finally chose the right opportunity. When the dire wolf suddenly jumped up and wanted to attack the thunder magic formation, the ape spirit took action.

Suddenly invading from the wound, the pure yang pill power of the ape spirit has a bit of burning. When the dire wolf found something wrong, the ape spirit had already penetrated deep into the body and began to greedily devour the dire wolf's Yuandan.

From the early stage of spewing Danqi, the dire wolf had to self-destruct part of the Danyuan to release spiritual power, intending to break through and escape, but this gave the ape spirit another opportunity.

The crazy loss of Dan power made the body of the dire wolf unable to resist the continuous attack of the thunder method. Even if it relied on Dan Yuan to self-destruct, it felt as if something foreign had invaded its body. The dire wolf was completely unaware of this happening, and didn't know how to deal with it. After all, it was just a slightly intelligent monster, and had not yet reached the level of a different cultivator.

At this time, the dire wolf could only release Dan Yuan frantically in vain, wanting to fight it out.

The surging Dan power burst out, making the dire wolf's body seem to expand a circle, and also made the ape spirit that was sucking and swallowing frantically feel that Dan Yuan was like a storm. It was like a storm, and it couldn't swallow it at all. It could only watch Dan Yuan fill the dire wolf's spirit body and instantly break through the thunder method formation.

The rope of fire was like a shackle tied to every part of the dire wolf's body, and it was tightened into the dire wolf's body one by one, burning and squeaking.

The fire did not hurt the body of the dire wolf, but it went directly into the center of the body, forcing the damage to penetrate into the bone marrow. With the self-explosion of the Dan Yuan, the Dan Qi recoiled and suppressed the fire instantly, but then the swallowing of the ape spirit and the Dan Qi could no longer be controlled and exploded. The whole dire wolf rushed out of the thunder array and shattered into countless pieces in the air.

When the other dire wolf that fought with the winged fire snake and suppressed the winged fire snake found the miserable state of its companion, it could not help but howl to the sky, but then it turned into a phantom, and thousands of ice blades condensed into wind blades and swept over.

In just a moment, the dire wolf disappeared in the wild.

Chen Huaisheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He felt a little exhausted.

Extremely nervous, coupled with all-out continuous casting of thunder magic, just to tie up the dire wolf tightly and create conditions for the ape spirit, and finally did it.

The dire wolf's self-destruction was expected. When it couldn't escape, it had no choice but to do so. Only this gradual self-destruction could give the ape spirit a chance. If it really exploded all at once, both would perish.

Finally won this round.

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