Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 604 Volume E: Help in an emergency but not in a distant place

What to do?

Chen Huaisheng made a decision after just a little thought.

Xiangyang Valley is definitely not accessible.

Firstly, the distance is too far. Xiangyang Valley is to the east of Longlinyuan. If you want to go there now, you need to bypass Longlinyuan.

Because there are many monsters around Longlinyuan, if you don't bypass it, you may encounter monsters around.

Secondly, there are dangers all around Yunzhong Mountain, and you can only go to the nearest place to rescue.

The one who asked for help in the northeast direction may have to give up temporarily. If you don't get there, the situation will be similar to the one in front of you. You have to save your life urgently, so you can only choose the most urgent one.

Without any extra nonsense, Chen Huaisheng waved his hand, Xiong Zhuang and Song Daoyang understood what he meant, and the three of them rushed north quickly.

Ten miles is just half a cup of tea, and Chen Huaisheng and his party saw a bloody and tragic scene.

It's the dire wolf again.

Among the three dire wolves, two of them, one head and one tail, blocked a group of people in front of a cliff, while the other dire wolf, which should be the leader, kept wandering back and forth in front of the cliff, and two people were lying in front of it, bloody and dead.

A blood eagle was hovering on a rock protruding from the cliff, its claws were tearing its prey, and its beak was pecking at something. Looking closely, it was a cultivator, and the demon bird was pecking at the cultivator's internal organs.

It seemed that the demon bird was not satisfied, and it seemed that it would hunt a few more targets among the Chonghua Sect cultivators before it was satisfied.

Xiong Zhuang didn't care, but Chen Huaisheng and Song Daoyang were shocked and nauseated, and they took a breath.

If there were only three dire wolves, the three of them could still fight, but the blood eagle was hanging in the air, and it could launch a fatal attack at any time.

This was a third-level demon bird, and it could kill anyone present except Xiong Zhuang with one blow, and there was no chance of resistance.

There were quite a few cultivators in this group, about 20 or so. Chen Huaisheng was not sure about their origins, but they should be disciples of Chonghua Sect. He was not sure until he saw a few of them.

Tang Jingtian, Gu Yunchun, from Guipeng Sect?

And Yan Chixia and Yan Qingxia, the siblings, disciples of Linghu Zui, from Yuhan Sect? !

How could they appear here?

But on second thought, it seemed reasonable.

Chongyang Mountain in Ji County was originally the mountain gate of Yuhan Sect. Now Linghu Zui took a large group of disciples to Chongyang Mountain. Naturally, he had to leave some disciples in Wolong Ridge to make sense, otherwise it would cause unnecessary suspicion. With Linghu Zui's experience, he would definitely arrange it, but he didn't expect that this arrangement would catch up with this disaster.

But how could Tang Jingtian and the others get mixed up with the people of Yuhan Sect and escape here?

Tang Jingtian and another man looked familiar to Chen Huaisheng, who suddenly realized that they were also from the Gui Peng Sect. Jing Zhonghong was the Gui Peng duo who were as famous as Tang Jingtian. They were at the peak of Qi training and were rejected by Yan Qingxia. He had some impression of them.


"Brother Huaisheng!"

Seeing Chen Huaisheng coming, Tang Jingtian and others immediately became agitated and excited.

They had sent several fire letters for help all the way, but there was no news. They had to head towards Yunzhongshan. Unexpectedly, they were really met by Chen Huaisheng and his group.

The arrival of Chen Huaisheng and his group of three immediately changed the strategy of the three dire wolves. The dire wolf that had been wandering around waiting for an opportunity to bite and kill the target from the team began to take the initiative to meet them, and the two dire wolves in front and behind began to take the initiative to seek opportunities to break through, intending to find a suitable target in the crowd.

Chen Huaisheng had to admit that the wisdom of the dire wolf was indeed extraordinary. After discovering the change in the situation, it immediately changed its strategy and was able to adjust it according to the strength of the opponent.

The dire wolf, which looked like the leader of the wolves, rushed forward at once, obviously intending to actively restrain the others, while the other two dire wolves were about to attack.

Chen Huaisheng saw that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted: "Brother Jingtian, be careful, the dire wolf is about to attack!"

Xiong Zhuang also noticed this, and rushed forward, his whole body suddenly changed, expanded and grew, and even the mud within three steps around him rose up, as if it had turned into a mud and stone giant, rushing forward wildly.

The dire wolf made a clever phantom step, and its claws and tail swung continuously, forming countless wind blades that howled and swirled in the air.

Xiong Zhuang did not stop, and still rushed forward, waving his huge palms, rolling up the mud wall in the sky and forcibly advancing.

The wind blades kept passing over the mud wall, cutting it into countless pieces, but soon the mud wall condensed, rolling like a tsunami, and was about to swallow the dire wolf.

The dire wolf did not dodge Xiong Zhuang's embrace, and two huge waves of air collided and exploded.

The giant statue full of earthy smell exploded, and Xiong Zhuang took two steps back slightly, his chest rising and falling sharply, and the cold air passed through his meridians, almost freezing him.

You know, he grew up in the Wild Bee Valley for a long time, and he was not unfamiliar with the cold breath, but feeling this tearing and cold air passing through his body, it seemed that even his breathing was frozen.

But the dire wolf was not in a good situation either. The violent earth-type magic power hit it like a stone wall, making it impossible for it to dodge at all. It was knocked several feet away and had to roll continuously on the ground.

It realized that this guy with a human-like image, but definitely not a human cultivator, was not easy to mess with. At least it was unrealistic to bite him to death easily, and the two people behind this guy also had the cultivation to hurt his body.

After Xiong Zhuang made his move, Chen Huaisheng and Song Daoyang also launched their attacks immediately. However, the fight between the two did not allow them to intervene. However, they did not intend to focus on this dire wolf, but went to the dire wolf at the front.

Seeing that Chen Huaisheng and Song Daoyang suddenly launched their attacks at the same time, Tang Jingtian naturally understood their intentions.

The strength of the three dire wolves was no longer something they could deal with, and the same was true for Chen Huaisheng and his men. At most, they had a few more chances to escape.

Killing them was unrealistic, especially since there was a blood eagle on top that could fly down and hunt at any time. The best way to get away was to minimize the loss.

Tang Jingtian and Jing Zhonghong also attacked at the same time. One of them had a majestic sword energy, like thunder rolling over the ground, and the other used a wood-based magic. Thousands of vines rose from the ground and completely bound the dire wolf in front.

Yan Chixia and Yan Qingxia also launched their attacks at the same time, but their goal was to intercept and contain the dire wolf behind them, and they never expected to succeed.

But they didn't even have a chance to block it. The rushing wolf just swept its tail, and the huge air wave directly swept away Yan Chixia and Yan Qingxia, along with the three middle-stage Qi-refining cultivators behind them.

Of course, Yan Chixia, who was already at the ninth level of Qi-refining, still broke through the wolf's air wave when he used all his strength to launch the sword energy of his finger, which surprised the wolf. It obviously didn't realize that such a human cultivator who was much weaker than itself could break through its fierce attack.

The Yitian Sword flew out, bursting with a white light band, and flashed in. At the same time, Chen Huaisheng's thunder method was launched again. The change brought by the spiritual vine replacing the spiritual root was that his startup speed was faster, almost as if the intention was to start the method, and the series of rolling thunders roared, giving the wolf no chance to dodge at all.

The magical effect of the spiritual vine not only makes the spiritual comprehension ability stronger, but also greatly improves the reaction speed. It directly eliminates the need to silently recite the formula when launching the thunder method, and activate the mind to activate the spiritual root comprehension. In other words, this link is directly transmitted to the spiritual vine through the mind to start. The time saved directly gives Chen Huaisheng other benefits.

The fire wheel thorn shot out.

The Yinming ghost arrow had no effect. The law nature was the same, and it was not very effective when hitting the dire wolf. Chen Huaisheng directly abandoned it and sent out three spiritual talismans.

One Flame Front Talisman and two Flame Sun Talismans.

The only regret is that the quality of these two types of spiritual talismans is too low.

This was obtained by Chen Huaisheng at the Qi Refining level.

The power of the spiritual talisman depends on several factors.

One is the power of the spiritual talisman itself, that is, the quality of the spiritual talisman, and the quality depends on the material, infusion of spiritual power and production process of the spiritual talisman.

Needless to say, the higher the quality of the spiritual talisman, the rarer and more precious the spiritual materials used.

The stronger the spiritual material's ability to absorb spiritual power and magic power, including main materials and auxiliary materials.

The main material is generally the material used for the talisman itself, including special spiritual wood and special iron, and the auxiliary materials are some auxiliary materials used during processing, such as ink for carving and painting, and stone for inlay, which are the biggest sources of expenses.

Infusing spiritual power is also very important. You need to find a Taoist priest to cast a spell to inject the magic power into it, and it needs to be targeted. For example, if you are a fire talisman, you need to use a meaningful fire spell to infuse it, and it needs a certain level. If you are proficient in this kind of spell, it is naturally the best, but if not, you have to ask someone to do it.

Then there is the production process.

Completing the first two items is not the end of the matter. This is just a rough draft. It also needs to be solidified and a mechanism to activate the spiritual power needs to be set up. Otherwise, it cannot be preserved, or it will explode at any time, which will become waste or even a disaster.

Chen Huaisheng didn't like to use the talisman very much. In the early stage, when he was still quite weak, the talisman was a must-have life-saving item, but after entering the high stage of Qi Refining, the talisman gradually became useless.

Because the talisman has another characteristic. If you want to use the talisman, you can't just throw it out, but you need to activate the talisman. Generally speaking, the spiritual power to activate the talisman does not require attribute requirements, but there are requirements for the level, generally requiring the same mana as the release of the spell.

For Chen Huaisheng, he already has the power to activate the spell that exceeds the strength of the spiritual realm by two to three levels. Does he still need such a talisman?

So the talisman combat power in his hand is now limited to the peak stage of Qi Refining. Activating it is equivalent to a spell at the peak level of foundation building, which is usually like a chicken rib.

But at this time, especially when facing a water-cold monster like the Dire Wolf, when a more targeted fire spell is needed, the Flame Front Talisman and the Flame Sun Talisman can be used reluctantly.

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