Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 611 Volume E Experience, suffering, and review (sixth update!)

The earth spirit shield released by Wei Wuyang was shattered by Bian Lang's claw, and the wolf's fangs had already entered his body. Wei Wuyang burst out in pain with all his strength. He could still only watch the wolf fangs entering his throat until Chen Huaisheng's thunder method reached the body. Bian Lang was stunned and was lucky enough to escape with his life.

Similarly, the two siblings Ren Wugou and Ren Wuchen also had their robes torn to pieces by Bianlang. Ren Wuchen was hit by Bianlang's Yuanli. Even the Yuanli shield and body protection were still useless. He rolled on the ground and fell unconscious. When he woke up, Ren Wugu's hair was disheveled. He was hit in the back by a wolf's claw, and the bones and tendons in his entire back were shattered. He vomited three liters of blood, and could only lie down on the ground with difficulty and gasp for breath.

If it hadn't been for Chen Huaisheng's timely intervention, the Ren family siblings would have become food for the wolves.

The situation was even worse for Teng Dingyuan. Their group suffered the least pressure, with only four side wolves. But even so, in order to save the Min clan, Teng Dingyuan had to withstand a combined attack from the side wolves, causing him to ’s shoulder was injured, and two people from the Min clan were seriously injured.

It can be said that this interception battle was in chaos from the beginning. It did not follow the planned plan at all. All the things that were imagined before ended up turning into a bad battle.

If Chen Huaisheng hadn't used himself, Jing Zhonghong, and Yang Husheng as a reserve team, this interception battle would have ended in a complete failure or even a devastating loss.

Thanks to the life-saving role of Chen Huaisheng, the three reserves, this interception battle ended with seven serious injuries, thirteen minor injuries, and the killing of fifteen side wolves. There were still as many as eight side wolves fleeing. Day of birth.

But fortunately, no one was killed in this interception battle. This can be said to be the best news since the outbreak of the monster wave. You must know that every major or small battle before this will inevitably result in death. But this time it was finally avoided.

After settling the wounded, Chen Huaisheng breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle was not very satisfactory. There were all kinds of flaws and loopholes. All the previous preparations felt very complete. Only when they entered the battle did they realize that they were not at all as planned.

There is a lack of tacit cooperation, and each one fights independently. It is unclear how powerful the side wolves are. Only after a battle can one know what one is capable of.

"Okay, Huaisheng, don't be discouraged. You have a good idea. Although there are many injuries this time, it can be regarded as an experience. Those with minor injuries will recover in less than two days, and those with serious injuries will also be able to recover." It’s not a big problem, just take it easy and it’ll be fine,” Wu Tianen explained, “They don’t have these opportunities at ordinary times, so one exercise is better than half a year of practice.”

"Master, please don't comfort me. I know it well." Chen Huaisheng also put aside his worries. To be honest, this result is not bad. With experience, he will be much better in the next battle. He has this confidence.

"Not to comfort you, this winter is still very long, and we will inevitably have to fight a protracted war in the future. Can we continue to rely on the magic circle alone? If everyone keeps vigilant all day long, they will definitely relax, so they must take turns to be on duty in the end to avoid If something goes wrong, it will be a big mistake." Wu Tianen shook his head: "This requires several groups of people to be able to withstand ordinary things, such as a third-level monster breaking in, or a group of second-level monsters coming. If you or Xiong Zhuang are responsible for everything, then Yunzhongshan will not be able to last long."

This was on point. Chen Huaisheng didn't expect that Wu Tianen could see it so accurately. He also figured out his own thoughts.

"If they are all second-order monsters, I am not afraid. I am afraid of third-order monsters, especially dire wolves, fire-maned lions, and ghostly beasts. It's okay to say that the blood vulture comes from the sky. The sky crossbow can block a Block, please react quickly. If we are really attacked, there will only be one or two casualties, but if the fire-maned lion and Oniyuan Mangxi break in, we will be in big trouble. "

Chen Huaisheng's worries are also Wu Tianen's worries.

"Huaisheng, I know what you are thinking, but this can only fall on you. Although Song Daoyang is at the seventh level of foundation building, I feel that his condition is not that good. His spell combat power can only stay at this level, and even... Weaker than the seventh level of Foundation Establishment, you are much stronger than him, so you have to step up your practice, not fall behind, and upgrade to the high level of Foundation Establishment as soon as possible. With your spell combat power, you can basically have Zifu level combat power. ”

After rubbing his hands, Chen Huaisheng also knew that what Wu Tianen said was correct. He also realized this, but it took time and a good practice environment, but now there is no such condition. He has to survive this winter.

In fact, after the spiritual root self-destructed, Chen Huaisheng had already felt that his spiritual vine was quickly taking over the role of the spiritual root, and its performance was getting better and better, especially the spiritual objects and tenacity were better than the original spiritual root. I also have more understanding of the art, and I also have many wonderful and creative ideas about the cauldron and even the three spirits in the cauldron. This means that I can have more spiritual breakthroughs in the process of practice, which means that I have an epiphany. The possibilities are much greater.

Of course, the spiritual vine is still in a stage of growth and needs constant nourishment and time to grow strong. This also makes Chen Huaisheng full of expectations for his future spiritual realm cultivation.

He even felt that if he accumulated enough experience in this harsh winter beast wave and gave himself ample time and a good environment to practice, he might not be able to replicate the miracle of breaking through the third level in a row last time.

Of course, now I can’t find a quiet environment for my practice, but I can still put some thought into other aspects.

With more abundant spiritual materials and treasures, we can lay some groundwork in advance in terms of Dao bones, meridians, and blood marrow. We should lay a solid foundation first, and once the time is right, we can concentrate on practicing.

Day 4.

The wolves began to appear around again, and a ghost abyss monster broke into Yunzhong Mountain.

Xiong Zhuang, Chen Huaisheng, and Tang Jingtian led the ghost abyss monster into the magic circle and focused their fire, but the ghost abyss monster still broke through the magic circle. However, the evil beast fled in the wrong direction in panic and rushed into the mountain. Finally, it was locked by the magic circle at the gate square of the Taoist temple. In the end, Wu Tianen, Teng Dingyuan and others also joined in and successfully killed it.

This fierce battle was the most successful one. The joint attack from the middle ring magic circle injured it, and finally locked and strangled it in the last magic circle. Although Guiyuan Mangxu struggled desperately, it did not give the opponent any chance. It can be said that this third-level top monster was killed perfectly, which was a very successful start.

For this reason, Teng Dingyuan also wrote a special note to record the process of killing the third-level monster Guiyuan Mangxu, which was considered to accumulate experience for the future.

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