Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 615 Volume E Day 14: Discussion of Skin and Fur

The fourteenth day.

Longlinyuan suffered the most dangerous attack after the attack by Lihuo Jinmao.

A fire-maned lion, three dire wolves, two ghost abyss wolves, a group of blue-fanged wolves, and a group of white-backed jackals participated in the attack on Longlinyuan.

There may be blood eagles in the sky, but only traces were seen. They have not yet participated in the attack and may be waiting for the best time.

Li Yu dragged his seriously injured body and relied on the magic circle to block it with all his strength. At the same time, he also sent a fire letter and a flying bird sign to Yunzhongshan and Xiangyang Valley for help.

The flying bird sign to Yunzhongshan was sent by Xu Tianfeng.

The day before, Xu Tianfeng took advantage of the break in the war to come to Yunzhongshan and establish a flying bird sign contact.

The flying bird sign is a complicated contact procedure but has limited effect. First of all, it can only be one-on-one. Both parties need to agree on the corresponding spiritual power in advance, set up a spell, and empower the sign. Moreover, the distance can only be within a few dozen miles, and the time is also limited. The spiritual sign used will lose its effectiveness within a certain period of time.

This effect depends on the quality of the material of the spirit stick you use and the spiritual power used, but generally it does not exceed ten days.

For example, the flying bird stick between Chen Huaisheng and Ding Xizhen has expired and they can no longer contact each other. If they want to reestablish contact, they need to meet and re-contract to set up a spell to empower the stick.

Xu Tianfeng came here to investigate the situation on behalf of the mountain gate. He was deeply shocked by the situation in Yunzhongshan and also a little envious.

I didn't expect Yunzhongshan to be able to stand in such an environment, and after listening to the introduction, Xu Tianfeng felt it was incredible.

Fire mane lions, dire wolves, blood eagles, and border wolves attacked in turns, but they could still hold on. However, after learning that Song Daoyang, Teng Dingyuan, Chu Yingqi and others died in the battle and all the others were seriously injured, Xu Tianfeng also felt that this was normal.

Chen Huaisheng did not hide it from Xu Tianfeng. He talked about the foreign aid he had invited, but did not mention the specific situation of the foreign cultivators. Xu Tianfeng was also very tactful and did not ask in depth.

Now it is the most important thing to survive. Let alone the alien cultivators, even if you use monsters, as long as you can ensure that everyone survives, no one will think it is wrong, not to mention that the alien cultivators have long been banned in Dazhao.

Establishing the contact with the flying bird sign is much more convenient than simply using the fire letter to ask for help.

The reason why the flying bird sign contact was not established before was that everyone ignored this point intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Huaisheng did not take the initiative to establish it because Zhu Fengbi had already stated that he could not support the surrounding cave academies and asked everyone to move to Longlinyuan.

Longlinyuan did not establish it because they had never thought of asking for help from these cave academies. In their opinion, if Longlinyuan could not be saved, other cave academies would have been destroyed long ago.

Now the situation has changed. Longlinyuan is now in danger, but Yunzhongshan has barely survived. It is necessary to establish contact.

After Xu Tianfeng came, Chen Huaisheng knew how much loss Longlinyuan had suffered in the previous rounds of battles.

In addition to Zhu Fengbi's death, among the acquaintances, Wang Yao was seriously injured and has not recovered yet, Liu Chun, who was also Chen Huaisheng's senior brother, died in battle, You Shaoyou died in battle, Liu Zhengfeng died in battle, ...

Han Huang was still quite strong and only suffered minor injuries.

In Xiangyang Valley, Li Minghao died in battle, Ding Yuangao was seriously injured and could not get up, and now Xiangyang Valley is also in a dilemma.

It is definitely impossible to persist, but if you want to move to Longlinyuan, the distance is still a few miles, but such a large-scale migration will definitely attract attacks from surrounding monsters, and it is likely to be another bloody massacre.

But if you don't move, you will just wait for death. Xiangyang Valley has no ability to resist another round of attacks. Now the monsters' attention is all on Longlinyuan, and they don't have much energy to visit Xiangyang Valley for the time being.

The more serious situation is that Longlinyuan is also besieged now. You can't escape to Longlinyuan, and it is also unknown whether Longlinyuan can persist.

Xu Tianfeng was half joking when he left. He would rather stay in Yunzhong Mountain, where the chance of survival would be much greater.

Now the only hope is that the rescue from Ji County will arrive in time, and it should arrive within a day or two.

"What should we do?" Chen Huaisheng took the flying bird sign, sighed, and asked everyone.

Xu Tianfeng did not hide anything in the flying bird sign. If there is no external help, Longlinyuan may collapse completely, and may not even last until noon. The magic circle cannot withstand the siege of so many third-level monsters. Now, apart from the seriously injured Li Yu, only Han Huang can hold up the banner.

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei both hesitated to speak.

Zhao Sitian had fully recovered. He didn't have as many taboos as Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei. He said directly: "Huaisheng, what do you think? If it is according to what Senior Brother Xu said in the bird sign, unless we ask Senior Long to take action, it will be useless even if we all go. Brother Xiong may not be enough. Everyone going is just to die."

Bi Jiao Yuanjun was alone in the mountains and had almost no contact with other people. Except for coming to Chen Huaisheng, he only talked to Xiong Zhuang occasionally.

In comparison, Xiong Zhuang was much better. At least Zhao Sitian and Tang Jingtian could still chat with him.

Everyone only knew that the strength of this alien cultivator should be the top among the real people of Zifu. At least he should be at the high level of Runpo, or even the peak of Zifu. However, the quality of alien cultivators and human cultivators cannot be completely equal. There can only be a rough comparison, so no one can judge how strong this person's combat power is.

But a monk with a high level of Zifu Runpo, even if placed in the world of human cultivation in Da Zhao, apart from the founders of the Golden Pill, can definitely be ranked in the top fifteen. He is only one step away from the great success of the Golden Pill. Even if it is this It’s a step that many people will never take.

There are six third-level beasts, not counting the blood vultures. The fire-maned lion and the ghostly beast are both top-level third-level beasts, and the dire wolf is not weak either.

One-on-one, without the support of a magic circle, no one here can compete with any one of them. Xiong Zhuang may be able to deal with a dire wolf, but the Ghost Yuan Mangxi is enough for him, and the fire-maned lion will have to be killed. Consider how to save your life.

Side wolves and jackals can be ignored.

The problem is that everyone can see that Senior Long doesn't have much interest in or closeness to the Chonghua Sect or even Yun Zhongshan. He came to help purely because of Chen Huaisheng's personal factors, and now you want him to save Long. Linyuan, why?

Besides, the opponent's strength is superior, but the fire-maned lion and the ghostly beast are also ferocious beasts that are close to the strength of the fourth-level monsters. If they are attacked by several beasts, they are also quite risky.

The key is that this Senior Long has a somewhat withdrawn personality and is not very gregarious. If he rashly asks someone for such a favor, what if he offends the other person and they won't even protect Yun Zhongshan?

It’s not that everyone is selfish, but everyone realizes that Yun Zhongshan’s relationship with Longlinyuan seems to be becoming more and more independent. For so many days, Longlinyuan doesn’t seem to have given Yun Zhongshan any help. If it weren’t for good luck, , plus some other factors, everyone in Yunzhongshan should have turned into monsters.

It’s okay to help, but you have to do it in a way that ensures your own safety.

No one here would be willing to sacrifice themselves to fulfill the needs of others.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to talk to Senior Long, right?" Tang Jingtian also hesitated.

Seeing this situation, Wu Tianen was also a little anxious. If no one was willing to support, Longlinyuan would definitely be doomed, and the entire Chonghua Sect's foundation in Hebei would completely collapse.

If there is no skin left, how can the hair be attached? Then people like Yun Zhongshan are not even a small sect. How can they persist without the support of the Chonghua Sect?

"I think we should save it." Wu Tianen said solemnly: "With so many third-level monsters attacking, Longlinyuan will definitely not be able to withstand it now. Once the magic circle collapses, how can Longlinyuan with so many people be able to withstand so many people?" When it comes to monster killing, the most lethal ones will be the side wolves and jackals at that time. Even if we can't deal with those third-level monsters, we should at least consider killing all the side wolves and jackals to avoid them. …”

What Wu Tianen said was true. After the Dragon Scale Plain was truly breached, the third-level monsters were targeting high-level monks, such as Zifu, Foundation Establishment and high-level Foundation Establishment monks. These were their most delicious meals. The number of this group of people is only fifty or sixty, which is enough for them to eat and drink, but the larger number of junior and middle-level foundation-builders and Taoists, who have hundreds of people, will only become the prey of the two groups of wolves and jackals.

Even if it is to save those monks who are in the middle stage of qi training, then they should go.

"But Uncle Master, even if we rescue these people, can they still be brought to our Yunzhong Mountain? Not only will they not be able to accommodate them, but will they also lead those monsters to our Yunzhong Mountain? Can we handle it?" The siege of monsters?"

Jing Zhonghong's questions were more incisive and the most likely danger.

Wu Tianen couldn't answer this question for a while. If he really wanted to bring the monks from Dragon Scale Plains to Yunzhong Mountain, he would undoubtedly attract many monsters. Wouldn't this mean that Yunzhong Mountain would become the next Dragon Scale Plains?

Gou Yiwei's expression was not very good, "Then we just watch helplessly so many of our fellow sects in Longlin Plain become targets to help us attract the attention of monsters and remain indifferent?"

Jing Zhonghong secretly screamed in his heart, no one could stop him. He quickly said: "I agree with the rescue, but you have to consider whether you can save it and how to deal with it after you save it..."

"When we think about it clearly, it will be over three years ago. It's too late." Zhao Sitian shook his head: "Huaisheng, it's up to you to decide. Even if you want to save him, you still have to talk to Senior Long, and we can't talk to each other. , Without Senior Long, we have no chance, we will just die."

"Rescue, we must go." Chen Huaisheng sighed: "But we can't bring it to Yunzhong Mountain. We still have to rely on the Dragon Linyuan Mountain Protection Formation. But how to do it depends on what we can do after we save it." Know."

After the decision was settled, Chen Huaisheng acted vigorously and resolutely. In addition to Bijiao Yuanjun who went to make peace with him, Wu Tianen, Zhao Sitian, and Tang Jingtian also participated, but Xiong Zhuang was left in charge to avoid worrying about one thing and losing another.


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