Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 618 Volume E Ambition, Fangs (First update, please give me a monthly ticket!)

Returning to Da Zhao is the wish of the entire sect, and this direction has been determined and will not change. However, how to properly handle the relationship between Ji County and Hebei is also an issue that Shang Jiuling has to consider.

Shang Jiuling has always been very optimistic about Chen Huaisheng's performance, so he also wanted to hear his opinion.

"Huaisheng, Hebei has always been a bit far away. The hostility between Beirong and Da Zhao will not be completely changed because of a temporary loosening. If we are in Hebei, we will always be under the influence of the Tianhe Sect, Yuelu Sect and Fengyi Sect. The hostility and suppression of these sects, and our foundation in Hebei has always been shallow, inferior to sects such as Yuelu Sect and Tianhe Sect, so we cannot give up the opportunity of Jijun Chongyang Mountain. "

Shang Jiuling's words can be regarded as an explanation.

But Chen Huaisheng didn't agree too much.

"Master, I don't think so." Chen Huaisheng expressed his attitude: "Hebei is not far away, it is just a Yellow River. It is only because it does not belong to Zhao that it makes everyone feel far away in their hearts. It seems to be much farther away. In fact, it has never been The distance from Jijun to Fuyang Road is even closer than the distance from Jijun to Wanjun. As for the hostile attitude between Beirong and Da Zhao, I also think it may change in the future..."

"Oh?" Shang Jiuling was slightly surprised, "What changes will there be?"

"The power of the Beirong people is declining. They no longer have the power of more than two hundred years ago. Now they can only have some influence in Youyun State, and they are still suffering from the Western Tang Dynasty in the west. Under great pressure, in Yongliang, the Western Tang Dynasty and the Beirong people were constantly fighting, and they were completely torn apart. Sooner or later, the war would extend to Jinzhou and Yunzhou, so there is a reason for the Beirong's softening attitude towards Zhao,..."

Chen Huaisheng's words made Shang Jiuling surprised and slightly thoughtful.

"The Beirong people are not qualified to make enemies on all sides, and in their minds, our foreign sects are even more pleasing to the eye than the local sects in Hebei, because they know that once they lose power, the counterattack of these local sects will be even more fierce. After all, It turns out that they have suppressed and enslaved Hebei for so many years, and the local sect families were originally the owners of this land..."

"The four states of Hebei have always been one. The Beirong people temporarily gave up the two states of Yan and Jin due to the situation, but they did not want to and could not let go of the two states of Youyun. The two states of Youyun and the grassland are almost integrated. Once the two states of Youyun become independent, then the two states of Beirong will be independent. The foundation of the Rong people will also be shaken, so most of the Beirong people will continue to suppress the local sects and families, and tend to support foreign sects. This is why the Beirong people would rather hand over the Dragon and Tiger Fate Emperor Banner to Da Zhao , In fact, they want to use the Zhao sect family to develop northward, and then contain the local sect families in Hebei, achieve the balance in their minds, and then buy them time..."

Chen Huaisheng's analysis was accurate and delicate, and Shang Jiuling increasingly felt that Chen Huaisheng was a true genius.

Li Yudai did the right thing in accepting this apprentice for himself. Even though this apprentice was restless and had ambitions that did not match his age, he felt that he could tolerate it, and to a certain extent he was even happy to see Chen Huaisheng. If you can show some performance in this aspect, the next generation will need such talents to gradually grow up.

"So you think our Chonghua faction, based in Hebei, will get greater tolerance or even secret support from the Beirong people?" Shang Jiuling pondered: "Would the Beirong people do this?"

"Master, this can actually be seen from the fact that our development in Yanzhou has been constantly at odds with the Yuelu Sect in Jinzhou, but the stronger Tianhe Sect rarely conflicts with us. The Yuelu Sect is in southern Shanxi. It is almost difficult for the Beirong people to exert influence, but the Tianhe Sect is separated from Youyun by a thin line on Zhangchi Road. The two hundred years of foundation of the Beirong people cannot be eliminated easily. As long as they exert appropriate influence, the Tianhe Sect cannot ignore it. One or two, of course, this has something to do with the Tianhe Sect's unwillingness to allow the Yuelu Sect's influence to penetrate too deeply into Wei Huaidao..., and now that Hebei has encountered such a disaster, whether it is a sect family or a local clan casual cultivator, Our forces have suffered a huge blow, and it is a good time for us to expand and develop in Hebei, which is far better than in Da Zhao and fierce competition with other sects in Ji County..."

Shang Jiuling was a little shaken.

Chen Huaisheng's analysis is very reasonable. All the sects and aristocratic families in Hebei have been attacked by monsters. The Chonghua sect is in difficulty, and other sects and aristocratic families are also in difficulty. It all depends on who is more foresight and decisive.

But it was difficult for Jijun to gain a foothold. Returning to Zhao was the general trend, so how could it be easily reversed?

This is the wish of the entire sect, not the idea of ​​Shang Jiuling alone.

"Also, if we give up on the Hebei side, it will be a big blow to the disciples who have joined our Chonghua Sect in the past few years, as well as the local clans that have attached themselves to us, and will make people alienated. I am afraid we have to consider these things. "

Shang Jiuling sighed.

He understands all these situations.

But the disciples in Hebei are all new to the sect, and most of them are still in the early stages of Qi refining. What right do they have to say?

The relationship between local clans does need to be considered, but this will not have any influence on the overall situation. You can consider continuing to accept disciples from Hebei to practice in Chongyang Mountain to appease them.

Especially the disaster that Wolong Ridge encountered this time has strengthened the sect's idea of ​​giving up Hebei. More than a hundred disciples died. Isn't this kind of crisis not enough for the sect to consider a safer place as the foundation for development? Where is it?

"Huaisheng, this matter is serious and the sect has not made a decision yet. Moreover, even if the sect will be based on Ji County in the future, Hebei cannot give up easily." Shang Jiuling shook his head slightly: " This is my personal opinion. We have been operating Wolong Ridge for so many years. Even though we have suffered this time, as long as we persist through this winter, things will get better next spring..."

"Wolong Ridge will become the Lower Court in the future?" Chen Huaisheng hoped to get accurate information.

Shang Jiuling hesitated, but finally shook his head. He didn't want to lie in front of his disciple. Being a member of the House of Commons was his original consideration, but now he may have to be downgraded.

"The specifications of the House of Commons may only be maintained for two or three years, or at most five years, and eventually it will become a branch house."

Shang Jiuling's frank answer made Chen Huaisheng understand that it was inevitable for the Chonghua faction to abandon Hebei.

This means that the manpower in Wolong Ridge will be greatly reduced next spring, and most of them will have to go to Chongyang Mountain. However, I am afraid that only a small number of people can stay here in Longlinyuan. Most of them will have to arrange for Li Yu, who has recovered from injury, to stay temporarily for a transition. After two or three years it will become dispensable.

Of course, it may not be possible. If the branch can show sufficient value, it is possible to continue to maintain a certain scale, but it will never return to its former glory.

The problem is that the Chonghua Sect has set such a direction, but what about myself and Yun Zhongshan?

Follow to Chongyang Mountain?

Chongyang Mountain is much smaller than Wolong Ridge, and all the best places are concentrated on the main mountain of Chongyang Mountain. With my current strength, it is impossible to establish a cave on my own.

Even if you enter Dengzi Mansion in the future, every inch of land on the main mountain is precious, and the scale of this Cave Mansion Taoist Temple is much smaller, and it is impossible to be as free as Yunzhongshan.

It is impossible for him to go to Chongyang Mountain.

Shang Jiuling also thought of this. Now Chen Huaisheng is not alone. There are a group of people around him, including old people like Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei, as well as talents "of the same age" as him like Zhao Sitian. They definitely want to go to Chongyang Mountain. In the end, he is absolutely unwilling to go to Chongyang Mountain. How to deal with this?

This is another reason why Shang Jiuling summoned Chen Huaisheng today.

He wanted to find out Chen Huaisheng's background.

After all, Chen Huaisheng was surrounded by mostly disciples of Lao Chonghua. Wu Tianen, Gou Yiwei, and Zhao Sitian were all the elites of Lao Chonghua. Now that the sect suffered heavy losses, he also needed the support of these people.

"The branching,..." Chen Huaisheng repeated meaningfully, "The branching means that Yanzhou may fall into the hands of others. The Ning family of Youzhou has long been eyeing Fuyang Road, and the Fengyi Sect I also want to go north. Needless to say, Wei Huaidao, the Yuelu Sect definitely wants to dominate. Even the Beirong people have no excuse for suppressing the Tianhe Sect. They may even support the Tianhe Sect and the Yuelu Sect in Wei Huaidao. We start a war to fight for it, but in the end it has nothing to do with our Chonghua sect, but the great rivers and mountains can no longer be owned by us. "

The influence and control of the branch is far from comparable to that of the Lower House. There may only be a dozen or twenty people, similar to how Ma Daochun led a dozen or so people to garrison the Lingyun Sect's original mountain gate, Dashi Mountain. Withdrew, and basically have no ability to expand and grow.

Shang Jiuling was also sad, but this was an inevitable choice.

"Huai Sheng, what about you? What are your and Yun Zhongshan's plans? I think Tian En and Lao Gou seem to be following your lead now. You definitely don't plan to go to Chongyang Mountain, right?" Shang Jiuling asked.

"Well, I haven't considered going to Chongyang Mountain. It's too crowded. Originally, Chongyang Mountain is already crowded enough. Now that hundreds of people in Wolong Ridge are gone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stay. I'd better stay in Hebei." Chen Huaisheng. He said calmly: "Master is planning to let Uncle Li Yu temporarily station at Wolong Ridge?"

"We have this plan to let Li Yu stay and assist Han Huang and Ding Yuangao..." Shang Jiuling nodded: "You guys will also continue to stay in Yunzhong Mountain?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but Yunzhongshan has many shortcomings. I want to go to Dalu Mountain." Chen Huaisheng expressed his thoughts calmly.

"Dahuaishan?!" Shang Jiuling was shocked.

Even though he knew that his disciple was arrogant and ambitious, he didn't expect that the other party would actually want to go to Dahuaishan.

What else is there in Dahuaishan now? Lingyun Sect has left a lot of ruins, and it is so big. How many people do you have? What to do in Dahuaishan?

Moreover, Dahuaishan is not only facing attacks by monsters, but people from the Yuelu Sect and Tianhe Sect will not sit back and watch. Well, unless they are just hanging around there quietly like Ma Daochun, but Chen Huaisheng is like this Human?

If so, he would not choose to go to Dahuaishan.

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