Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 629 Volume E Journey to Youzhou, gathering of spiritual treasures

Yuantouwu among the twelve connected docks.

Chen Huaisheng and the others went northward from Zhaigu Road to enter Duliu Road.

There are five roads in Youzhou, Wubo Road, Jicheng Road, Hezhong Road, Duliu Road and Dushan Road.

To the south are Jicheng Road and Duliu Road, which run across Hengtian Mountain on the Yanzhou side. To travel from south to north, you either have to pass through the junction of northeast Fuyang and Zhaigu, or you have to detour to the northwest of Zhangchi Road to enter Yunzhou. Then it goes eastward and enters Youzhou, so most trade routes take the northeastern route.

Yuantouwu is located 212 miles northwest of Linglong Village, where the Hu River flows into Dalu Ze.

This is also the junction area of ​​Duliu Road, Hezhong Road, and Jicheng Road. Daluze is right in the middle of the three roads, and Yuantouwu is in this choke point. Business is prosperous and there are many business travelers. Even Beirong merchants in the north like to choose it. Make a deal here.

The few people who came here were actually trying their luck, and even Gou Yiwei didn't care about it.

"Dalu Ze is the largest lake and swamp in the entire Youzhou. It can be divided into several areas. Among them, the two areas in Duliu Road and Hezhong Road are rich in spiritual fish. Their scale is no less than the output of the Donghe fishery... "

Gou Yiwei introduced the situation, "But the most famous thing here is not Lingyu. Although the scale of Lingyu trading is also very large, the most famous auction house in Yuantowu and the largest auction house in the four states of Hebei is here. There is only one transaction every month, which is the first day of each month. It lasts for about two days. The first day is for the auction of various magical instruments, talismans, scriptures, and elixirs, and the second day is for the auction of various spiritual materials. Including Lingbao,..."

"Uncle Gou, do you mean we can also auction spiritual treasures here?" Chen Huaisheng stood in front of the window, looking down at the bustling crowd outside the window.

"If Huai Sheng intends to sell it, he will definitely be able to get a good price at the auction here."

Gou Yiwei also knew that Chen Huaisheng had many spiritual treasures in his hands. Although they had not been made public, Chen Huaisheng had not been stingy for so long, and many people in Dahuaishan had benefited from them.

"If you can collect the required spiritual stones by auctioning some spiritual treasures, then I can consider it." Chen Huaisheng said with a smile: "I think the risk is too great for something that even Master Gou is not sure about."

"It depends on how many spiritual treasures you have and how many you are willing to sell." Gou Yiwei did not ask Chen Huaisheng what spiritual treasures he had and how many they could sell. They came here for the auction.

Yuantouwu auctions once a month, and the amount is about two million spirit stones. However, there are also special auctions held every year during the Shangyuan, Zhongyuan, and Xiayuan festivals. The main auctions are for spirit treasures. The auction values ​​vary. Tens of millions of spirit stones are auctioned, and as few as three or four million spirit stones are auctioned, three times a year, the scale is the most grand.

This time, Gou Yiwei led the two of them to the Xiayuan Festival special shoot.

Because Chen Huaisheng had a spiritual treasure in hand, he could participate. Otherwise, he would need to have a certificate of three thousand spiritual sands to qualify for the auction.

The types and quantities of spiritual treasures in Chen Huaisheng's hands are not small, but to Chen Huaisheng, these things are not for sale. They will be of great use to everyone in Dahuaishan in the future. Spiritual treasures themselves are rare, especially It's something that has no foundation like them, and even more so, Chen Huaisheng has no intention of selling it.

But now if you want to enter the auction house, if you don't have enough spiritual stones, you can only take out some spiritual treasures. Only if they are recognized by the auction house as worth more than 50,000 spiritual stones can you enter the venue.

One Hanquan stone core was valued at 10,000 spiritual stones, one Qianye lotus seed was valued at 100 spiritual stones, Chen Huaisheng showed five of them, each purple jade date was valued at 120 spiritual stones, Chen Huaisheng showed eight, which is considered to be Collected together spiritual treasures worth fifty thousand spiritual stones.

Completely different from the auction in Fantai, the auction in Yuantouwu seemed much more formal.

Once you enter the auction house as a seller, you must hand over the auction items to the auction house for auction. However, there are loopholes to exploit here, that is, you do not have to auction all the spiritual treasures. You can set the price to If it is high enough, it will naturally become a genre. For example, Chen Huaisheng is only willing to hand over the cold spring stone core to the auction house for auction.

Hanquan stone cores can be sold, as long as they can be sold for a good price. There are still them in Qixingkeng. Although they are also very precious, for Chen Huaisheng, the usefulness of this thing to him can be put aside for the time being.

But Chen Huaisheng did not intend to take action on Ziyu Zao and Qianye Molian Seeds.

The auction house is very large, with separate stands on three sides, and they are all decorated with a special water spirit illusion.

When the auctioneer enters the water spirit illusion on the platform, the outside world cannot see your true image, and the sound you make will be changed by the water spirit illusion, and the original sound cannot be heard.

Upon entering the venue in the morning, the spiritual treasures to be auctioned were listed in categories and a booklet was made.

In the afternoon, these books were quickly distributed to everyone. You can see the types and quantities of spiritual treasures to be auctioned in this auction, as well as the starting price.

Chen Huaisheng saw his Lingbao auction number on the book, No. 21 Hanquan Stone Core, with a starting price of 9,000 Lingshi, No. 58, eight purple jade dates, each worth 120 Lingshi. It can be shot together or separately, but it must be approved by the owner of the spiritual treasure. Five thousand leaf ink lotus seeds No. 66, with a starting price of ninety spiritual sands each.

After a rough browse, Chen Huaisheng was both shocked and excited. The total auction numbers reached three hundred and twenty, and the types of Lingbao were even more complex and varied.

I was a little nervous when I took out the things. After all, the Purple Jade Dates and Thousand Leaf Ink Lotus Seeds were both obtained from Hualin Garden. Will anyone notice the clues?

But soon he saw that Qingzhi and Roushu were also listed on the auction list of spiritual treasures, which made him feel relieved.

This means that although these spiritual treasures are precious, they are not really only available in Hualin Garden.

As far as he knows, the only thing that is really unique to Hualin Garden is probably the Queen Mother of the West Peach, but the Queen Mother of the West Peach is said to be found in Kunlun Mountain, but it is too rare, and he has never heard of anyone picking it in Kunlun Mountain.

But the purple jade date is indeed very rare. Chen Huaisheng saw that the purple jade date was marked with a special key recommendation symbol in the auction book, indicating that the purple jade date is particularly rare and is a highlight of this auction.

There are more than 20 spiritual treasures like the purple jade date that are marked with key recommendation symbols. Chen Huaisheng also looked at them one by one, which was really refreshing.

Chen Huaisheng even saw the Qingyun Jade Lotus Root that he had once had and later gave it to Zhao Sitian, and he had never seen it before, and another Shenyuan Lotus Stem, which also made him a little tempted.


I have something to do these two days, so I will post less frequently. I will continue to ask for monthly tickets and try my best to make up for it.

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