Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 631 Volume E: Auction, unexpected considerations

To dare to guarantee that everything is safe and secure in Youzhou, it still takes some confidence. Twenty or so Purple Mansions are their support. Of course, this is a general number. It is impossible for all these Purple Mansions to focus on this auction. The interests are also their own.

But no matter what, as long as they pay a little attention, it will be a big challenge for Chen Huaisheng and the other two who want to come to Yuantouwu to make money.

This is why Gou Yiwei said that the trip to Youzhou is not a good place. This business trip is extremely risky, but the benefits may not be satisfactory.

The number of auctions of spiritual treasures is quite considerable. Because the unit price of spiritual treasures is high, the number of spiritual treasures in each batch is not large, perhaps between 10,000 and 100,000 spiritual stones, and basically there is no amount below 10,000 spiritual stones, but when calculated in this way, the value of this auction is also between millions and tens of millions, which is quite shocking.

According to the commission rules of Yuantouwu, 15% will be deducted from each transaction amount, which will be paid to the Twelve Linked Wharf, Changchun Road and Ning Family, who are responsible for security. The buyer and seller will each bear half of the commission, of which 50% will go to the Twelve Linked Wharf, 30% to Changchun Road, and 20% to the Ning Family.

This commission ratio is quite high, but given its uniqueness of ensuring privacy and security regardless of the source, it still attracts many people from other places.

The commission from the auction of the Three Yuan Festival alone can be around 5 million spirit stones in a year. After the profit is shared by several families, the Ning Family can also get a million spirit stones at least. If the monthly regular auction is added, it will be even more impressive.

It can be said that this business is of vital importance to any family, so once something goes wrong, several families will go all out and will never allow anyone to destroy the reputation that has been established with great difficulty.

"Master, it seems that this business is really not easy to do." Chen Huaisheng looked at the guests who began to enter the venue one after another.

The auction methods in various places are similar. The samples are handed over to the auction table at the time of the auction. The auction is carried out in public. At the same time, there are special personnel from the Grand Alliance to identify them. After the auction is successful, both parties have inspected the goods and the witnesses and appraisers confirm that the transaction is completed. At the same time, the spiritual sand transaction must be completed on the spot.

After an auction is over, you can leave immediately, or continue to watch or participate in subsequent auctions.

Chen Huaisheng and his team's idea is to participate in this auction quietly, select a group of suitable targets, and then select the target, and finally consider whether to take action.

This action is different from the past. There is no accurate target, and at the same time, it is impossible to immediately assess the possible risks. This is the most challenging.

Originally, when Gou Yiwei gave Chen Huaisheng advice, Chen Huaisheng was a little hesitant.

Directly looting the spiritual treasures or spiritual sands of traders may not seem very kind, but Youzhou and Yanzhou have always been at odds, especially the Ning family of Youzhou has extended their hands into Yanzhou, even the Fuyang Dao and the Zhaigu Dao, the Ning family has also infiltrated, so from this point of view, if it can cause some trouble to this great alliance, it is not a bad idea.

It is not to say that it is very righteous, but at least it is a legitimate cause. In the previous few attacks on the Hanzhou Daoyuan, it was the Zijin Sect, the enemy; the attack on the Donghe Fishery, the Yuelu Sect, is also an enemy, the earliest attack on Xishi Bay, it was also the Baishi Sect, also an enemy, and now coming to Youzhou, it seems that the Ning family can also be regarded as an enemy.

“Two seedlings of the Posuo sacred tree, starting price is 500 spiritual sands per tree, you can bid individually or in groups, group bids are preferred, each bid will be increased by 50 spiritual sands,…”

“One tree for individual bid, 550 spiritual sands,…”

“One tree for individual bid, 600 spiritual sands!” Chen Huaisheng still couldn’t help it.

He knew that there was no 600 spiritual sands in his bag, but the Posuo sacred tree was too useful. Even if it was a seedling, it would not grow without 20 years. However, he still felt it was worth it. As long as he could take it back to Dahuai Mountain and find a place with abundant spiritual energy and fertile soil to plant it, and then use the Xuanhuang sacred soil to promote it, maybe the Posuo sacred tree would grow in ten years.

The whole body of the Posuo sacred tree is a treasure, and the Posuo secret fruit is a sacred object for nourishing blood and marrow, but these are not the most important things.

The trunk and branches of the Posa tree are spiritual treasures. They can be used to make wood-based magic tools and talismans. When used with wood-based magic, they can make wood-based magic triple in power, just like the magic power has tripled, similar to Chen Huaisheng's magic power being three times higher than the spiritual realm strength.

"Two trees in a row, seven hundred spiritual sands each!" Someone immediately called out a higher price, not giving Chen Huaisheng any chance at all.

Gou Yiwei couldn't help but remind Chen Huaisheng: "Huaisheng, once you bid, you need to pay immediately, and you are not allowed to use other spiritual treasures to offset it. If you have been interested, you should have used the spiritual treasures as collateral first, and exchanged for some spiritual sand."

Chen Huaisheng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I was reckless. It seems that even if I have spiritual sand, I can't afford this thing."

As expected, the auction price of the Posa tree soon exceeded eight hundred spiritual sands per tree, and it was a joint bid, which means that if you want to buy it alone, you need at least eight hundred and fifty spiritual sands per tree, or even higher.

In the end, the two Posuo sacred trees were bought at a price of 900 spiritual sands per tree, which means 1,800 spiritual sands, close to 60,000 spiritual stones. This price was too much for Chen Huaisheng to afford.

It can be seen that the customer who bought the two Posuo sacred tree seedlings should be from a large sect. Not only is he well-off, but he is also determined to get them. He did not give any chance to the opponent who wanted to bid for one tree. He was determined to get both trees.

After a piece of Lei Ming Wu iron was sold at a low price of 400 Lingsha, it was Chen Huaisheng's turn to hand over the first spiritual treasure - Hanquan Stone Core.

At that time, the appraiser gave an estimated price of 9,000 Lingshi, but it took only two rounds of bidding to break through 400 Lingsha, equivalent to 13,000 Lingshi.

The three bidders took turns bidding, and quickly raised the price of such a Hanquan Stone Core to 550 Lingsha, equivalent to more than 17,000 Lingshi, which surprised Chen Huaisheng.

He originally thought that this Hanquan Stone Core could be sold for 12,000 Lingshi, which was a very good price, but he didn't expect it to exceed the price by nearly 50%.

This made him think again, maybe he didn't need to spend too much time planning the robbery, but should consider how to get more of this kind of spiritual treasures in the Seven Star Pit.

He didn't quite understand the many uses of the Cold Spring Stone Core, but seeing that the price was not even at the top, he realized that he might have underestimated the usefulness of this thing to different people, so the price was naturally unusual.


After finishing my work, I will resume normal updates tomorrow. Please support me with monthly tickets!

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