Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 635 Volume E: All the hidden troops and hidden pieces are out

"Hand over the Earth Element Stone Soul, and I'll let you live." Zhang Taiquan looked like a handsome young man, and his tone was relaxed and cheerful, but his words were extremely vicious.

"Zhao people?" The leading Beirong alien cultivator was tall and strong, with slightly yellow beard trembling slightly with the twitching of his cheek muscles. His eyes were full of exploration and curiosity, but there was no fear at all. "This is Hebei, Youzhou. When did the Zhao people become so presumptuous in this land?"

"Haha, didn't you Beirong people hand over the Dragon and Tiger Imperial Flag to the Great Zhao? Isn't this also considered Zhao territory?" Zhang Taiquan's tone became more and more frivolous, "Stop talking nonsense, no matter where it is, I'm going to take the Earth Element Stone Soul."

Zhang Taiquan's attitude was arrogant Zhang, with high spirits, but the three Beirong martial artists were not afraid. The first burly martial artist had a clear look in his eyes, put his thick palms together in front of his chest, and smiled calmly: "If you want to decide, you should offer a higher price at the auction. It's not okay for me to transfer it to you now."

"No, I don't want to give a single spiritual stone. If the three of you want to live, then hand over the Earth Yuan Stone Soul and all the spiritual sand in your bag."

Zhang Taiquan still had that unquestionable tone, and it seemed that he could not hear the teasing and ridicule in the other party's tone at all.

"Oh, then you want to rob it. No problem, as long as you can kill the three of us, won't everything on us be yours?" The burly martial artist smiled calmly: "It should be like this. If you don't want to pay for the spiritual sand, can't you just see who is more capable? If you want to take it, just come on."

Chen Huaisheng and Gou Yiwei also opened their eyes. On both sides, one was more frank than the other, and the main one was frank with each other, and neither of them backed down.

Zhang Taiquan's eyes were slightly cold, and he took a deep breath. Very good, this is more refreshing, he likes it.

The other party is two martial artists with strength roughly equivalent to the level of Purple Mansion Yunsui, one of whom is a martial artist at the high stage of foundation building, or the ninth stage of foundation building. It is just right to kill, and even He Murong does not need to make a move, just sit back and take charge.

That's good, lest this guy underestimates the strength of Baishimen and asks for too high a price after returning to the sect.

This guy has to bargain for so long to enter the sect, isn't he just waiting for the price? It's just right for him to see that although he is in the middle stage of soul condensation, he is not inferior to him.

"You two hold the tall man, it only takes a cup of tea, and the other two will be left to me!" After a simple instruction to the two people beside him, Zhang Taiquan's face showed a warm smile, raised his hand to indicate to He Murong who was hidden in the distance that he didn't need to make a move for the time being, and at the moment when his hand was put down, Zhang Taiquan suddenly jumped up.

This step was to float ten feet in the air, and clouds and winds whistled and lightning sprang up in the entire ten-foot range.

Zhang Taiquan saw a black and white whip as thick as a finger flashing out of his sleeve and attacking the three people.

The long whip drew a beautiful arc in the air, and instantly turned into a thirteen-fold cloud and thunder attack, with thunderbolts and hills collapsing, sweeping all three people in.

Chen Huaisheng, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but change color when he saw it.

He thought he could release magic combat power that was two to three times stronger than the strength of the spiritual realm. Now he could activate the combat power of the eighth level of foundation building at the fifth level of foundation building. This was already a dragon among men, but this was at the foundation building level.

If he advanced and broke through to the level of Deng Zifu, he didn't know if he still had this kind of combat power to break through, but today he opened his eyes. Zhang Taiquan actually activated the combat power of the first level of moistening soul directly from the middle level of soul condensation. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant to kill three people with one.

The thunder force came with a wave of his hand, and the Qionglong Ruyi Whip was even more like a command, almost integrated with his body, and he easily and casually used the thunder force transformed from the spiritual power in his body to the extreme through the Ruyi Whip.

The exploding thunder force hit the three Beirong martial artists in succession.

The burly martial artist had actually started when Zhang Taiquan took a step to climb the cloud. The beast-swallowing ring-headed golden knife on his back just shook it casually, and it turned into a golden tiger knife image, soaring into the sky.

The short and sturdy martial artist on his left also reacted quickly. He lay on the ground, grabbed the ground with both hands, and the mud turned into a pair of stone locks, which were thrown out with a bang, colliding with each other in the air, bursting with a huge sound, and bombarded Zhang Taiquan.

Only the tall martial artist reacted a little slowly, but he also waved the wolf tooth cone at the first time. In the black air, a giant wolf head with bared teeth roared and rushed out.

Facing the counterattack of the three, Zhang Taiquan was fearless and moved his body, but the martial arts spirits and qi released by the three rolled over, whistling like sparks, and expanded several times again at the last moment to swallow and hit.

The fierce magic spirit surrounded Zhang Taiquan, lifted him up, and rolled him ten feet in the air, like a small boat in the waves, but he rode the wind and waves, and added the magic formula in his hand, urging the flickering dragon whip to appear on the ground.

The violent thunder force completely enveloped the three martial artists and tore their martial arts shields. The huge gap in strength, coupled with the underestimation of Zhang Taiquan's sudden burst of magic combat power, made them have no way to deal with it at this moment.

But at this moment, a white flame suddenly rose from the ground and knocked away the Qionglong Ruyi Whip that was emitting wisps of golden arcs of light. The white flame and the golden arcs of light intertwined and bit each other, and the martial arts and magic powers of both sides collided with each other, and finally broke apart.

The three martial artists staggered back, and the two foundation-building cultivators who took advantage of the situation to launch an attack were swallowed up by another black dragon statue just as they had time to release their spells. The two foundation-building cultivators immediately fell into a desperate situation. If they had not continuously activated the spiritual talismans hidden in their sleeves to protect their bodies, they would have been defeated and killed almost immediately.

As the flames burst out, they continuously hit the huge black dragon that was baring its teeth and ready to devour the two of them, causing the black dragon statue to change its color dramatically, but it only took a few breaths for it to completely sink.

The huge gap in strength between the two left them with almost no room to struggle. Even though they had spiritual talismans to protect their bodies, they could only catch their breath for a few breaths.

Fortunately, a gorgeous light directly shattered the black dragon, accompanied by a light sound of "bang!".

King Yi's archery!

Chen Huaisheng was surprised to see a figure leap into the arena, holding nothing in his hands, but just posing a posture of drawing a bow and shooting, pulling the arrow in vain, and there was a sound of arrows!

He actually directly smashed the black dragon magic image sent by the Beirong martial artist!

So powerful!

As expected, he is a purple mansion strongman in the upper realm of soul condensation, and he can send out such a powerful attack without a real bow and arrow.

The hidden hands on both sides have already appeared.

One of the two Beirong martial artists is a purple mansion-level strongman, and the other side is the purple mansion real person that Chen Huaisheng and his friends saw before.

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