Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 65 A Volume Polygonum Flowers The Final Battle

"I have two magical talismans in my hand. One is the Ice Thorn Talisman, second grade. I don't know if you can drive it. The other is the Flame Edge Talisman, which is a talisman with both fire and gold properties. First grade,..."

Most talismans are divided into attributes so that they can be used in different types of scenarios, while also focusing on the user's spiritual attributes.

Chen Huaisheng has a neutral spiritual root, so he doesn't have much emphasis on it for the time being, but the Ice Thorn Talisman is a second-grade water-based spiritual talisman, and he may not be able to control it.

The Flame Edge Talisman has dual attributes. It is a relatively advanced talisman, and it is a first-grade one. Generally speaking, it can be used by those with innate Tao seeds, those who have just entered the Tao, and those who have just entered the Tao and the first level of Qi refining. This is quite rare.

Like dual-attribute talismans, the production materials are expensive, the craftsmanship is high, and the difficulty is high. They are very precious. Most of them are high-grade, and few are of the first grade. It is really a waste of natural resources.

Unless the large sect is specially prepared for some characters with lower levels but potential, or characters with special status but low level in the sect.

Only this kind of people will need high-level talismans that can activate their own spiritual power enough to protect themselves during daily travels.

At least this was the first time Chen Huaisheng had heard of a first-grade dual-attribute talisman. This was the real talisman.

Chen Huaisheng estimated that there were not even one or two hundred spirit stones in the market, so there was no chance of getting them, and most of them were still expensive but not marketable.

"Use the Flame Edge Talisman. I may not be able to control the second-grade spiritual talisman."

Chen Huaisheng still wanted stability. In addition, the lethality of a rare talisman such as the Yanfeng Talisman was definitely not weak. Looking at the hesitation in the woman's tone, you knew that she was still reluctant to part with it.

"Forget it." The woman swung her sword casually, shook off the vicious attack of the wolf, and dodged again to avoid the bite of the mountain beast. "Remember, every shot will hit, go all out, we have no chance!"

A young girl actually taught herself how to do things.

Chen Huaisheng didn't have much understanding. He took the magic talisman with his hand and gently held it. The feeling of aura that came from his hand was immediately reflected in his heart.

It is indeed a dual-attribute talisman. The sharpness of gold and the heat of fire are both from the palm of the hand to the heart.

"Then how to cooperate?" Chen Huaisheng tried his best to resist the sneak attack of the other mountain beast wandering on the edge.

The effectiveness of the Strong Shield Talisman is gradually dissipating, and it is estimated that it can last for as long as a stick of incense, and he cannot afford to delay.

"I'll push back the wolf first, then attack the mountain wolf on the left and prepare to kill the mountain wolf. The wolf will definitely think that he has been tricked and come to help. Use your sword to resist the wolf from the front, and use the Flame Edge Talisman to attack from the side..."

"Then there's another mountain beast?"

The girl glanced at Chen Huaisheng and wondered why this man was not upright and clingy. "It depends on fate. Whoever you meet will be unlucky!"

Chen Huaisheng choked and said angrily: "Of course you can withstand your third level Qi refining, but I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand Shan Bong's attack!"

"Didn't you say that there is a strong shield talisman?" The girl glared at Chen Huaisheng and said mercilessly: "It is best to be able to protect the body with a sword. You can't just carry it hard. For such a big man, can't he suffer a life-threatening battle? What can I do if my son is injured? Besides, he may not attack you. As long as he kills the wolf, everything will be easy."

Chen Huaisheng was speechless after being squeezed by the little girl. Chen Huaisheng was so angry that he couldn't have been so miserable if he hadn't been seduced by your clever words.

The girl no longer gave Chen Huaisheng time to think about it. With a scream, she struck out with her two swords in a row, creating waves of blue air that entangled the figure of the wolf.

The wolf was caught off guard and was hit by more than ten swords in a row. It screamed and fell out in a spin. Then the girl suddenly squatted down like a ghost and pounced on the mountain on the right.

When the red-tailed wolf screamed and writhed in the air, he saw the girl attacking the mountain, and realized that he had been tricked. He stood up in the air, his whole hair suddenly glowed, and roared in a flash, trying to relieve the mountain. Danger.

"Be careful, the wolf has released its elixir power!" The girl screamed, but her toes did not stop. Before Chen Huaisheng could react, he was hooked by the girl's toes, and his body moved towards the wolf: "Use the talisman !”

At this time, Chen Huaisheng didn't know that he had been tricked by this girl, but it was already too late.

His body involuntarily faced the attacking wolf. Looking at the giant mouth and fangs that were spitting out alchemy energy, Chen Huaisheng almost felt like he was about to collapse.

Damn it, it’s this scene again!

Moreover, this wolf's elixir energy is still intact, so this bite can't bite off half of his shoulder?

Without any time to think, he roared angrily, and the Immortal's guiding sword thrust forward, spitting out sword energy, but the wolf shook his head and knocked away the sharp blow.

Although the sword blade pierced the wolf's head, it was unable to pierce its extremely hard skull and only made it howl in pain.

With this touch, the wolf's mouth was directly in front of him, the fishy smell hit his face, and his claws had torn Chen Huaisheng's coat and dug deep into the bones and flesh of Chen Huaisheng's shoulders.

Life and death take a moment.

Under the severe pain, Chen Huaisheng roared, and used the same trick of the Flame Edge Talisman in his hand, inserting it hard into the chest of the wolf.

The majestic golden sharp energy broke through the body-protecting elixir of the wolf in one fell swoop. As the golden sharp energy penetrated, the fire-based mana was suddenly released along the golden sharp energy, immediately burning the entire body of the wolf's body. force.

The wolf was in extreme pain, and the vigor mixed with blood foam and pill power in his mouth gushed out wildly along the white canine fangs, spraying Chen Huaisheng's face fiercely.

Without any time to react, Chen Huaisheng subconsciously hugged the wolf's neck tightly, buried his head downward, pressed against the side of the wolf's neck, pressed against the other's head, and passed out.

The powerful impact of the elixir was so severe that Chen Huaisheng's entire meridians boiled.

Two groups of spirit chakras in the alchemy sea burst out at the same time, moving up and down along the meridians, running rapidly one after another, meeting the impact of the elixir breath, and devouring it crazily...

The girl's flash strike hit the vital point in Shan Hao's throat with great accuracy.

Shan Hao screamed wildly, writhed and struggled on the ground, and soon became silent.

The girl also flew back in the air and landed next to Chen Huaisheng. She waved her hand and struck out with her sword, hitting the other mountain monkey that was jumping in front of her. However, the mountain monkey just roared and rolled over, hanging down. The lame leg was wounded and fled into the forest.

At this time, Chen Huaisheng was already hugging the wolf, but the wolf twisted its body strangely and kept struggling, but it slowly lost its breath.

The girl didn't know what was going on for a while. She wanted to kill the wolf, but when she saw that the wolf's fur had lost its luster, she spared the sword and raised her hand to hold the wrist of Chen Huaisheng, who had fallen into a coma. I breathed a sigh of relief after taking my pulse.

He just passed out and felt the spiritual energy in the opponent's meridians surge and violently violent, as if he was struck by the power of a strange wolf's elixir.

However, the entire meridians were able to withstand it, which surprised the girl.

Ordinary Taoists, even those who have entered the Tao, cannot withstand the impact when the Secret Wolf Dan Breath explodes, and the meridians and bones will definitely be severely damaged.

But this guy's bones and meridians are quite thick. Although there are cracks and wounds, they are not broken and can withstand such an impact.

What surprised her even more was that there seemed to be some special technique in the opponent's body, which could quickly eliminate the impact of the strange wolf's breath. It was simply incredible.

After confirming that Chen Huaisheng was fine, the girl thought for a moment and took out a jade bottle from her arms, poured out a pill, crushed it, stuffed it into Chen Huaisheng's bloody mouth, and gently used her spiritual power to deliver it. , then it got under Chen Huaisheng's tongue.

Chen Huaisheng had fallen into an endless dream at this time.

Two vague spiritual wheels were running back and forth within the body, meeting and intertwining with the incoming external elixir energy, devouring and dissolving the chaotic and violent aura.

Eventually, it turns into two streams of air, which circulate along the meridians and acupuncture points in reverse order.

Chen Huaisheng didn't even know what the strange fragrance was that came into his mouth. It was warm and soft, slowly injecting into the meridians, and along the meridians, it closed the wounds in the meridians and bones.

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