Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 7 Volume A: Polygonum Flowers in Bloom, Life’s Adversity Journey

Only Chen Huaisheng remained in the left side hall.

Chen Huaisheng unconsciously fiddled with the bright red coals in the campfire.

The coals crackled, sending up a shower of sparks.

Xuan Chimei's introduction was of great help to me.

Perhaps Xuan Chimei himself may not know that this is equivalent to opening a door to the Tao for himself, allowing him to clearly understand what is the Tao and how to avoid taking detours and doing useless work on this road.

Now I am not sure whether the mysterious feeling I had for a while is really the Tao, but Chen Huaisheng is sure that he should at least touch the threshold of Tao.

Perhaps it was caused by a variety of factors, including the Qi-Shunming Pill, the bizarre experience the night before, the quiet environment on a rainy night, and the reaction to the harmony of body and mind.

He wasn't sure which one played a more important role, maybe both.

There seemed to be some deep meaning in Xuan Chimei's words, but he couldn't hear it for a while.

But no matter what, Chen Huaisheng knew that he should accept the reality of the world rationally.

The immortal world and the secular world coexist, but the former dominates the latter, and I seem to be in a strange critical threshold state.

Traveling through the past dynasties, knowledge of historical trends can be an advantage, but what is the value of such a world that seems ancient but not ancient?

In my previous life, I was a small-time bureaucrat. I graduated from college and worked hard at the grassroots level. Step by step, I reached the top of the deputy county magistrate, and basically reached the top. How did I get through this time?

Should you read "Youyang Zazu" or "Xuanguailu", or "Taiping Guangji"? It doesn't seem to be the case. It's like I found a fragment of an ancient book and fell asleep on the book because of it?

What book is here? "Stories of Mountains and Rivers", yes, this book was written by an unknown person, and I don't know which dynasty it was from.

At that time, looking at its style, I still felt that it had some flavor of the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, but it was more like a fiction, perhaps because of my own misfortune.

There is no golden finger of historical trend, and there is no system for so long. It seems that we really have to rely on ourselves.

But Chen Huaisheng knew very well that he had no special abilities in his previous life. He was not particularly smart and his reading skills were average.

In the mid-1990s, I repeated my studies for two years and was admitted to a normal college. If I had to find one strength, it would be tenacity.

This word is a bit elegant to describe, but in reality it means being able to endure hardships and endure hardships.

After graduation, I taught school for several years, and finally found an opportunity to be transferred to the township government, where I worked step by step and did everything.

Family Planning Specialist, Director of the Social Affairs Office, Minister of Armed Forces, Deputy Town Mayor, Deputy Secretary, and Town Mayor, they have almost done it all. Senior officials of the township party have been working in this position for six years, and they have experienced the ups and downs.

He struggled with illness and became the deputy county magistrate, which was regarded as a blessing for his ancestors. Unexpectedly, he traveled through time at the highlight moment. What the hell is this?

However, Chen Huaisheng feels that one of his other strengths is that he can quickly identify the situation and accept the reality, and he can tolerate the unbearable.

Back then, the deputy secretary wanted to mention the town mayor. After all the talk, he almost invited a guest to celebrate. However, a transfer student was parachuted in from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to take a temporary job for training. He was surprised to have to wait for one more year.

Who knows what will change in this year?

I didn't sleep all night, and when I woke up, there were dozens of silver threads on my temples, but I still helped others do all kinds of work beautifully in the next year.

When I returned home, I was the deputy director of the Political Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee. In the past few years, I had been promoted step by step. Now I am a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. I appointed the deputy county magistrate, and others also helped me speak.

Now I have been transported to this world of ghosts and ghosts in the blink of an eye, and I don’t have any golden fingers. What should I do? Cold!

Instead of sizing up the situation and striving for the upper reaches, can we still just wait to die like salted fish?

This world is crueler and more realistic than the original world. The Xuanhuo Sect was wiped out, dozens of disciples died, and even the leader in the middle stage of foundation building was beheaded. Who cares?

Maybe I accidentally offended a disciple of any sect or family who was in the second level of Qi training or the first level of foundation building. With a punch or a flying sword, I would be dead.

It's okay to be able to travel back in time after death. What if instead of traveling back in time, you directly game over, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

The clearer he is about his current situation, the calmer Chen Huaisheng becomes.

In the previous life, I was able to become a deputy county magistrate from a normal college student. What did I rely on? Just grit.

In the 1990s, the normal college students were pretty good, at least they were one of the best college students in a thousand. In this way, it is somewhat similar to my current situation in this world.

There is a certain foundation, but it is not very good. You still have to work hard and work hard.

Being stubborn can be a gesture, be humble when you need to be humble, and give in when you need to give in, but you can't be stubborn when you want to make progress, and you have to be willing to give up when necessary.

In Gou's previous life, he was just a teacher, so how could he be a deputy county magistrate?

If you live in this life, you may just live in Yuanbao Village and wait until you die.

God has given me the status of an innate Taoist species, so no matter what, I have to strive to become a Taoist before I can do it again, right?

Clarifying your thoughts will help you plan for the next step, tap into all available resources, and try to change your current situation as much as possible. This is what you want to do now.

It's getting light.

When the white fish belly on the horizon came into view, Chen Huaisheng had already stimulated the energy and blood in his body to circulate for a week and regained his energy.

The broken ribs will take time to heal, but the meridians are open and there is no serious problem.

On the right side of the hall, Yu Xianxian and Xuan Chimei took turns leading two disciples on the night watch. They were all awake now and were busy taking out the dry food from their bags for breakfast.

This is also a common practice for large sects when they go out. Not only must they have formations to guard them, but they must also have manpower to guard them.

Chen Huaisheng just sorted out his baggage at this time.

In addition to two changes of clothes, there are also some necessary items for monks to go out.

Three portions of Shunqi Powder is the most basic medicinal powder for promoting qi. Chen Huaisheng took it with him when he left Xuanhuo Sect.

A peach wood talisman, two evil-warming pots, half a Qi-moving pill, and most of the "Tai Shang's Commentary on Sensing Techniques".

There is also a Qingfeng sword.

Twenty-two spiritual stones, a large piece of mithril, and a small lump of elixir gold.

The spirit stone looks similar to a Go piece, and feels similar when held in the hand. It has a somewhat aura of agility, so it is called a spirit stone, also called a cloud stone or a cloud child.

As long as there are veins of spiritual minerals in the mountains, and with certain prospecting skills, they can be found and then mined. This is also the most basic job in major sects and aristocratic families, just like planting spiritual fields.

The main purpose of this thing is to transform spiritual fields and promote the growth of spiritual plants, and it has very good effects.

After the marble is ground into powder, it is blended with spiritual springs and applied to the spiritual fields. It can increase the yield of the spiritual fields and gives Chen Huaisheng the feeling that it is a kind of fertilizer that can be used repeatedly for a long time.

In addition, sect families also use a large amount of marble-containing building materials in their buildings. This can make the spiritual power more stable, which is more beneficial in terms of maintaining the regional aura and setting up formations.

At the same time, marble can also be added as a stabilizer in the production of some magical instruments and talismans.

However, because of its versatility, reliability and convenience, it quickly evolved into a currency for the sale and exchange of materials, similar to silver and gold in later generations.

Mithril is a metal that is mainly used to increase spiritual power, and is especially suitable for the creation of magic weapons and weapons.

Adding varying amounts of mithril to the crafting process can greatly extend the spiritual energy carrying capacity of the magical artifacts and weapons, allowing the creation of magical artifacts and weapons to withstand greater spiritual energy infusion.

This piece of mithril and alchemy was obtained privately from a disciple in charge of mining by Chen Huaisheng when he was working as a hunter at Qiyunmen.

Alchemy is similar to mithril, but it is more widely used, carries stronger spiritual power, and is more valuable.

But these were never put to use.

After a few years of wandering around, that's all that's left.

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